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Monday, August 12, 2013

America Must Change Directions

America feels that the direction that it is going is the best direction just because they have always been successful.

Americans don't even want to accept the suggestion that they have to move in another direction.  Americans insist that they are the greatest and refuse to believe that any other nation can be great enough or worth understanding and learning from.

According to the Principle viewpoint, this will never work.

Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon

If you were to observe the country decade by decade, you would undoubtedly see the multitude of changes such as the break-up of the family units, school shootings, rise in atheism and so on and so forth.

These may seem like natural occurrences, but it is a true sign that we as a nation have headed in the wrong direction.  Others may shrug it off and say, "This is human nature.  We are animals, there is nothing to stop it".

What is the true desire of our original God-given nature without any trace of sin?

When you say 'nature' most people, automatically think it conveys something we see or that is manifested.

The word 'nature' refers to the result instead of the cause.  But 'original nature' refers to more to the cause than the result.

We generally understand that there is a background or cause to a person's nature.  There is something that formed everyone's nature.  The result's destiny and direction is determined according to its cause.  People receive certain surnames from their parents such as Smith or Jones.

Each individual comes from a different cause which takes him to a certain destination and direction.
  We see that some people like a certain thing and some people don't like it at all.

We as individuals are within the universe which is a big sphere.

All spherical shapes have a central point from which a line is drawn out going in all directions.  As individuals, we each have a certain point within this sphere and form our own sphere, centering on the central core.

From that point, we proceed in a certain direction according to what we inherited from our ancestors.  Even though another person may be at the same point within the larger sphere, he might take the opposite direction depending on what he inherits.

You, as well, occupy a certain position.  Some of you go toward the north, others will go west and so forth.

When the person who is going west has reached the limits of the west, he has to do on of two things:  either he stops there, and cease to move, or he can change directions and keep moving.  Everything in motion wants to perpetrate itself without exception.  Everything wants to keep on moving and continue forever.

The person who has reached the limit of the direction of the west can turn to the north and then turn back toward the east.  This person can think, "I have been going west and it is very meaningful to me, but I can go east because I am flexible."  Then that person keeps moving forward.

If that person however does not have flexibility in the direction he is going, when he has reached the limit of the west then he will be in trouble.  Then instead of willingly going forward, the nature of the sphere will force him to change his direction maybe pushed to go toward the south.

He can do one of two things: He can be absorbed by the environment of the south, or he himself can digest the environment of the new direction. The person may think that heading east he will never once deviate from that direction, but unless he can willingly move to a new direction, once he reaches the limits of that direction, he cannot continue to progress.

Why is it necessary to change directions?  Why can't he just continue to move east?

It is the will of the universe, which is in the shape of a sphere, to maintain that spherical nature. 

Therefore, changes of direction are necessary.

Here I am, Reverend Moon, an Oriental man. People wonder, "Why doesn't he stay in the Orient? Why did he come to the west and face all this criticism?" Externally, there are many barriers for people to understand this, but internally I am well understood and able to communicate. Your original nature, your true nature, can estimate your own value, the value of Reverend Moon, and the value of the relationship you can have by uniting with me. Although I came from the east, it is also important for me to move toward the west.

Once you enter another person's property you have to ask person for permission to go any further.  Once you are allowed to enter, you may tell them that you will obey the rules of the territory.  The same thing applies to the existence of men and women.

Women today who say that they are sufficient with being by themselves forever and why do they need a man, does not understand her need to move in a different direction.

Or on the other hand, a woman who has seriously been searching and finally finds a man, but she instructs him that he has to do everything the way she wants.  Certainly men do not want such a woman.

Her movement toward another direction towards a man only came to a certain point.  She actually cannot truly enter the territory of a man if she has such an attitude.

By the same token, a man who has been in search of a woman must be willing to accept her and behave in a way that pleases her. Otherwise, he too stops right there and does not actually enter into the territory of a woman. He does not actually change his direction.

Why should men and women live according to the desire of the other instead of continuing to just live in the way they desire?

By living for the other, men and women make a spherical movement, not a linear one.  Living in this manner, there will be no end to their movement, and they will continue forever.

As they move in this spherical manner, they are headed in a certain direction, or along a certain path..

When a man and woman are truly living in perfect harmony with one another, they are able to go any  place in the world and adapt, no matter where or how difficult it is.

A couple may be headed east and say that they do not want to go west, but once they get all the way in that direction, there is nowhere else for them to go.  Then they cease to develop.

Why do we need to change our direction?  Why is the going in the opposite direction necessary?

It is because in order to keep moving in a spherical motion requires that we embrace the opposite direction.

All living things move like a spiral which is small in the center and is large on the outside.

Just like we all breathe in and breathe out, all living things go through the motion of shrinking and expanding.

Through this phenomenon, it ensures that the central point will eventually move to the outside and the outer point will eventually move to the inside.

When we exercise our muscles, our bodies naturally go through the normal shrinking and expanding.

Have you noticed people breathe in different ways?

Some people breath in a deep long breath, but exhale in short puffs.  Others may take in a short, strong breath which takes a long time to exhale.

Also, the earth expands and shrinks.

We must be connected to the rest of the universe and have a relationship with it.  Would you only want to be recognized by people in your school, or by everyone in the United States or even in the whole world?

The biggest trend these days is reality shows that showcase everyday people.  There are different scenarios that one can imagine even wife swapping.  It seems that everyone wants as many people to know who they are as much as popular.  Everyone wants their 15 minutes in the limelight.

Why do we want to be recognized on the largest scale possible?

We want to be recognized by the largest scale so we can be connected with it and move out to the largest level of value.

Another way to express your desire to be recognized by the world is by saying that it is natural to want to relate with the cause of your being.

It is good to go back to our cause in order to participate in the value of the whole universe.

Your value as an individual can be involved in the value of the universe.

If someone was to pluck a hair from someone's head, to whom would that hair belong?  The hair was attached to the body, but the whole body contributed to the elements of the hair.

All beings are perpetually in a spiral, spherical motion, coming back to their cause.

In a circle, we can draw a spiral that begins at the outer rim and goes to the inner point of the circle, but we can also draw a straight line that leads from the outer point directly to that inner point.

You may wonder why we just don't go in a line which is the shortest distance, but the universe does not work that way.  Only in a drawing, in two dimensions can we move in such a straight line, not in the realm of the ideal.

Where should I go after having been here in the west? I will go to South America and Africa, then to the north and such countries as Russia. There is work that needs to be done in the southern and northern countries. 

A person has two options when they go to another country:  either be absorbed by that country or digest everything there.  Traditionally, the United States is a place where other cultures are absorbed, but Father has tried to influence America to become a better place.

If a nation comes to the end of the direction they are heading and refuse to go in another direction, it simply will perish if it is not willing to change.  This is the law of the universe.

This is why Westerners are taught in the church that they must change directions.

If Americans were to go to the the southern countries, where the people are predominantly dark-skinned, with an attitude that their way is superior and "black" people should bow down to them, this is not good.

This is the same attitude of the woman or man who refuses to harmonize with their spouse.  Of course the spouse will not accept such a person and he will be isolated.

If Westerners refuse to recognize the value of any other direction just because they have been going in one direction, then they will be isolated with no place to go.

We can see that all over the world this type of non-changing attitude has caused strong anti-American sentiment.  Some nations are bitter toward America.

Americans may not know this fact until they are exposed to such feelings.  Someone has to point out to them that, yes, they have been successful so far, but they must recognize they have come to the end of this direction and must turn around and go another way.

Someone from the east teaches this important lesson because America was started from a certain cause and has come to a certain result.

Now, the spiral must begin to turn inward toward the original cause.

Maybe someone is happy that they found God, but they still want to continue to expand himself.  However, it is more natural to go inward toward the cause which means that one must become smaller.

A spiral motion goes inward only by shrinking, not expanding, therefore, modesty has been traditionally considered a virtue.

By becoming smaller, a person can return to that cause in the center.  But a selfish person is not normally modest or humble.

Sometimes, humble people are criticized or treated poorly.  They may be told that they should be more expressive and reach out to the world and give themselves more.

Once this person has gone to the inside of the spiral, then they move out again to the outer part toward the result level.

In other words, once he has gone all the way down to the smallest point, there is no other way to go but up and out.  If he stays around and doesn't want to go out, someone will come and push him.

Why must there be constant motion?

The purpose of all movement is eternal motion, this is the nature of eternity.  

The effect has become one with each other in perfect harmony.

Then they can move in any direction, just like an harmonized couple that is welcomed anywhere in the world.

You have within yourself a mind which is the cause and a body which is the result of your mind.

They want to be in motion, this is natural.  The mind wants to express itself and go beyond itself through the use of the body.  The body, also, wants to go inside the mind.

Which is the subject and which is the object?

The one who takes the initiative is the subject.

Thus, the mind is in the subject position over the body.  But we find that the body sometimes refuses to respond to the good mind.  This is the general nature of Satan.   Satan resists ever becoming smaller.  Once he does go up, he never wants to go down.

The true, original nature of man is in accordance to the principle of perpetual motion from inside to outside, from up to down. Constant motion.

Then do Western people need Eastern people?

Yes, because both directions are required within the sphere of the earth.  The one who gets the closest to the center is the one who is adaptable and willing to go in all four directions no matter how difficult it may be.

That kind of person is qualified to be closest to the center.

There may be a humble woman who is close to that central point, but because people just judge her by her outward appearance, they many not see how good of a person she is.  However, she has a quality that is the most beautiful and adaptable to all four directions.

She is harmonious within all four directions able to digest everything never making demands for herself.

Even is she does not realize it, as she continues to move, she will eventually end up at that central position.

Who do you need more: yourself or your neighbor?

If you are from the west, whom do you learn from more, another Westerner, a Northerner or anyone from another direction?

Because of this principle, we can conclude that all people must live for the sake of others.

When you ask a college student why does he study, he may answer because he wants a better position in life or want to marry a better person.

This answer is not universal.

The better answer would be that he goes to school in order to have more to offer in service of his nation and the world.   This actually makes more sense.

If a person continues to go up the ladder of success step by step and becomes a rich man of influence, eventually he has to return those accomplishments back to his cause which are his parents.

Even though the whole world may willingly bow down before a man of greatness and influence, he will stay humble before his parents like the day he was born not demanding them to bow to him.  This is more natural than one who tries to remain in a lofty position never wanting to go back to his origins.

In Korea, parents say to their children, "Go out and come back quickly," wishing their child well.  In the English language there is no simple word to express such an idea.

Within this wish is such a knowledge that unless you are welcomed by the world, you cannot go out and come back quickly.  So, you want the world to welcome your child.

It is a natural desire for parents to send their children out to become successful, then come back.  Also, we want to go to the level of true family because the original mind needs to reach that level before it can move up to all the other levels.

This is the standard way and no one can change it.

You may have many people tell you that you have beautiful eyes, but do the cells of your eyes feel isolated from the cells of the rest of the body?

Even the eye wants to be harmonious with the rest of the body even though it is a small part of the whole.

Some people might want to stay in the same position and not move up to other levels because they are satisfied being by themselves.

They don't even want to go to the family level.  If somebody wants to stay in such a position, he will eventually be miserable.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Our Original Nature, Not Animal-like

This post rewritten from the speech The Deep Desire of Our Original Nature

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