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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Modern Disease - Spiritual Root

If parents understood that the rise in autism has a spiritual root, that modern science hasn't researched yet, they may be relieved that there is a way to reverse that problem. Albeit not easy, as we all have problems rooted to the sins of our ancestors that we pay for, including our own.

Religions often explain differences in people’s fortunes and native endowments as the consequence of an inheritance from the past. It is conceived in two ways, either as karma from past lives or as the sins of the fathers visited upon their descendants. These doctrines encourage people to accept their lot in life and suffer it patiently, in order to expiate past deeds and earn merit for the benefit of future generations.

 In Hinduism and Buddhism, religions that hold to a belief in reincarnation, it is taught that people are bound to reap the fruit of their actions in another lifetime. However, these religions part company over whether a person’s situation is fated by karma. For Hinduism, indeed it is. Karma determines one’s present circumstances. Hence, inequalities of wealth, race, gender or caste are only apparent; in fact the universe is absolutely just and fair.

We are burdened with sins inherited from our ancestors even though we personally did not commit them, and we are also responsible for collective sins that were committed by the nation or race of people to which we belong. In a word, being a fallen person means being the result of six thousand years of fallen human history—a mixture of good and evil. We inherit good and evil characteristics from our ancestors, but since they lived in the world where there was more evil than good, we mostly inherit evil.

It is no surprise that we end up adding to that evil, trapped in a vicious cycle. There is a story behind every sin, and someone was its cause. Maybe an ancestor of yours, while living on earth, gave much difficulty and pain to someone, and that person died carrying resentment.

Now this resentful spirit comes down to you, a descendant of that ancestor, to get revenge. He could have gone to any of a number of descendants, but he alights on you. He influences you, driving you to the edge, until you commit the sin.

Resentful spirits can also afflict you with sickness and pain. All modern diseases have spiritual causes connected to the sins of ancestors. By looking at the sicknesses and difficulties of descendants, we can infer about the life of their ancestors. If the ancestors stole from others, or misused public things or money, their descendants may suffer from stomach problems.
If they committed sins of lust and fornication, their descendants may suffer from genital diseases, or be unable to bear children, or have difficulty being faithful, or get divorced.
Ancestors who did not see things about others correctly and hurt them, or who misjudged others based on bad rumors, and violated their hearts, will have descendants born blind, mute or deaf. In other words, according to the way the pain was given—to a certain part of the body—the descendants suffer with the same kind of troubles. The heavier the ancestors’ sins, the more difficult it is to heal the resulting sickness; it may even be incurable.
If people on the earth do not clear up these sins through paying the required indemnity, the suffering is passed down to their children. Later, when those people come to the spirit world and watch their children suffer they regret that they did not clear things up for them. They lament, “If only I had borne my suffering on earth, my children would not need to suffer now.” Therefore, unless you clear up all the sins passed down from your ancestors, as well as your personal sins, your children cannot escape from sickness and pain.

Jesus paid for the ultimate sin which gave us life and opened up Paradise.  His mission was incomplete which was to include physical salvation and open the way for Heaven on Earth.  This is why The Lord of the Second Advent has returned and gives the Completed Testament which Jesus tried to convey to his disciples, but they had no understanding. 
Today all the people of the world have the responsibility to take down the walls of grudges and resentments their ancestors built up; we take this on as our responsibility.
Original sin, personal sin, collective sin, and hereditary sin inherited from our ancestral line—we should cleanse all sin before we pass on to the spirit world. It doesn’t matter that you have become a follower of the Lord; an indemnity course remains for each individual. None of you has the same course. Some suffer a great deal; some even die on the way; while others have an easier time. Why Everyone’s indemnity course differs.

Your ancestors committed a great many sins. On top of it, how much more sin did you commit? If you truly knew the weight of it all, you would despair. Surely you should do your best to indemnify those sins and leave a clean slate for your descendants.

If you cannot cleanse them completely, you should be willing to devote your life as a sacrificial offering. For example, your handsome ancestors probably omen badly.  You might marry an ugly woman and determine to make your life together with her better than the most handsome couple in the world.   This is just a small example of indemnity. 

Imagine if the whole world turned around their dark pasts in this way.  You would clearly see the world change overnight and see weapons turned into plowshares for rebuilding our world into a peaceful world.

Return for tomorrow's post: Why Arranged Marriages Work

This text is taken from the World Scripture Volume II, from the section "Inherited Sin and Karma"

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Homosexuality Root: Incest, Free Sex

We summarized in yesterday's post that the reason why religion views two men and two women as not a valid couple in front of God is because it doesn't have qualities of God's purpose for creating humanity. God endowed humans with the gift to inherit the three blessings: to be a True Olive tree like Jesus that bears good fruit; multiply with a True family not multiplying evil through children as we do now; and be co-creators with God in the creation.  No one has done that, and all marriages are conditional in front of God because we all are born with sin and can not have a True Marriage because we are not True Man or Women.  We even connect to God through a Messiah who is a True Man.

There are billions of people and billions more that have existed, and not one of them comes from the result of two men's bodies becoming a union or two women's bodies coming into union.  Furthermore, if this is the case, what is the purpose of people of the same sex having sexual relations in the first place if it does not result in the higher purpose God intended?  Is this union for the higher purpose of multiplying God's children or for selfish purposes?

Having established this, when the religious want to speak about homosexuality and lesbianism as wrong, their point is IGNORANT unless they make sure they do not leave out the fact that all relations outside the sight of God is a sin.  In fact the fall multiplies evil through the acts being inherited through the production of children, where homosexual acts do not produce children, and this sin can be eradicated through one generation, where other sins are perpetuated and passed on to each generation thereafter.

There are two methods to receive homosexuality.

All people receive odd and bad merit from their ancestors. Our ancestors have little choice whether or not merit is transferred to their descendants. When a person with a homosexual history dies, someone within seven generations of descendants will receive that desire and will either overcome the temptation or, if not, add more strength to the temptation.

The other method is when a person doesn't necessarily have any homosexuality in the ancestry, but becomes involved in it. Then it is something like a contagious disease, influencing the spirit world. It is this "spirit world" that makes it common for people with the homosexual orientation to recognize each other almost instantly. In some cases where people are fighting homosexual tendencies, the spiritual influence becomes more intense because of Satan's work through the spirit world.

Angels and Homosexuality

The angels did not have homosexual relationships originally, but since Lucifer and one third of the angelic realm fell under him, the result of the fall was the multiplication of evil and all kinds of perversions of the ideal. Fallen nature became so uncontrollable that it tried to multiply itself in every direction: incest, sex with animals, homosexuality, etc.

Do not make love in a manner shameful to God, humankind, or this earth. Until now, those groups advocating free sex who call themselves hippies or yippies all have such past experiences and have done everything imaginable, but was that for the self? Is that what love is? We must know that this is what destroys humanity, disgraces God's name and spits the blood of love on planet Earth. That is the same as spreading the original blood of human beings on the earth.

Since Satan knows that, in the Last Days, God will form His kingdom on earth, bring humankind to order, and cause them to enter His kingdom in heaven, the devil insists on behavior that is opposed to God. As a representative example, he completely crushed the one and only first love through free sex. First love was meant to be eternal, yet he turned it into a love between mutts and bitches. Heaven and earth became a world of such worthless love. This is the story of the human lifespan of seventy years.

Origin of Homosexuality

The fallen angel was not created by God as a fallen angel. Lucifer was created good (see Ezekiel 28:12-19). Lucifer originally had a status and a position of goodness. In that position he was to fulfill a role to guide or protect Adam and Eve in their growth to perfection (he is referred to as a covering cherub in Ezekiel 28:12-19). When the angel fell and tempted Eve, he was in fact also falling away from his God-ordained role, not unlike when a preacher called by and inspired by God, turns from that calling and misuses his position to further his own self-centered purpose.

Process to Bring Ruin
American youth have no ties to the world, their country, family or parents. Based on free sex, they accept homosexuals and lesbians, and deny masculinity and femininity. If this continues, humanity will all disappear within a century. How unspeakably pained must God's heart be as He looks upon this miserable state of humanity caught in the devil's spell! (208-265, 1990.11.20)

We must know that the hippie movement and the current problems of immorality and drugs are things that have all appeared as one aspect of the global communist strategy. Things such as free sex and the homosexual-lesbian movement are one form of behavior that destroys human rights and dignity. Viewed thus, the current destruction of the family, society and church has already reached its zenith, reaching a stage at which no individual, no theologian nor any state power can prevail against it. (128-33, 1983.6.1)

                      Timothy Kurek, straight Christian pretends to be gay for one year

I know America well. Americans talk about sexual freedom, this and that, have one-night stands and then say good-bye. Everything is based on individualism and self-vindication, and they don't like it if the self is not at the center. Greetings are diplomatic; they may look you in the eye, but the mind may be elsewhere. Emotions and lifestyle are based on expediency.

What kind of weapons did Satan use? He used an airborne weapon: that is smoking. Next, the liquid weapon is liquor; and then the solid weapon is drugs. Through these means, everything including your spirit is made to rot. He makes everything rot -- your body and spirit, and everything from the nostrils to the lungs. So those of faith who want to rid themselves of Satanic influence do not drink liquor or smoke cigarettes. These are the weapons Satan uses to destroy human beings.

These three things, which are elements that prevent one's spirit from communicating with God, are the enemy's best weapons. What comes next? Free sex that destroys the order of love. All these things the Lord of the Second Advent must put in good order single-handedly.

Free sex, homosexuality and lesbianism -- these things should not exist. In the Last Days, things that did not obviously exist in history have come to appear in the world in broad daylight. Things that could not possibly exist in this universe have come to appear openly. The order of love is now completely destroyed. We must know that is why America has now become the bottom of hell. The order of love is totally destroyed, and through using drugs, the physiological order of man and woman is totally destroyed. What that means is that young people will be ruined. Moral principles and order will be destroyed.

Immorality in America

The problems of the world today are serious. If you go to a place like America, you will see many gays among whom men are marrying each other and women are doing the same. Really, where can we find such laws? Physiologically, they are not made to be that way. After one generation their lineage will die out. Everything will be gone. Heavenly fortune will drive them out, and it is not as if their hearts will be happy. They will accept suffering as such, and more complicated problems will arise. Thus, subject and object partners will always coexist in a living environment. You must know this as you lead your life in society.

Free sex is indeed the wicked trend that we must completely eradicate from this planet. The elements that are related to free sex such as drugs, violence, homosexuality, and AIDS are driving humanity toward destruction.

Today, those that are gay appear and deny their parents; husbands do everything imaginable and wives likewise.

As true love is most precious, violating it is a universal crime. Immorality, juvenile promiscuity, family breakdown, incest, homosexuality, indescribable sex crimes, and so on are the reality of today. These cause God grief. The ideal of creation lies in the fulfillment of the family ideal which is based on sublime and eternal love, but why did it result in today's miserable way? We can say that in the Last Days the result of the Fall of the first ancestors is bearing fruit in displays of decadence, just like the seeds that were sown.
Americans do not understand that there is no foundation of true love in their nation. Ultimately, things will go to ruin because of false love. Couples, siblings and parent-child relations break up. Incest spreads and sweeps people into hell, destroying everything. Having come completely to the zero point, American society must be built anew.

Chicago and Los Angeles are the same as New York. All of America's big cities are the same. Satan thinks that if he can totally ruin the family, which is central to Christianity, by corrupting sexual morals through sexual liberation, then the foundation that has been established globally until now will collapse. So he injects everyone with free sex, and in that way people all become little satans.

If we ask whether Adam and Eve gave birth to sons and daughters before or after the Fall, nobody would say they gave birth before the Fall. Who took responsibility for their marriage for the sake of those sons and daughters? God cannot take responsibility for people whom He drove out. There is no doubt the marriage was conducted by Satan the devil.

Thus, Satan occupied the place, where God would have entered Adam's mind and where Adam and Eve would have fulfilled conjugally, and planted his fallen lineage there. Didn't they conceal their sexual parts after the Fall? If they had "eaten" with their mouths, they would have concealed their mouths and hands, but they did not do so. Those sexual parts became the basis of lineal resentment. Even the phrase "he ate her" has the same sexual meaning as it did in the Garden. Does this shock you?

Restoration of Adam and Eve

The two tablets inside the Ark of the Covenant refer to Adam and Eve -- they symbolize them. The most holy place refers to the sexual parts, which are inviolable. Didn't those who tried to touch it perish? The most holy place is that very place. Next came Aaron's staff with sprouts!

What is the staff?

It refers to eternal life. As new buds sprout from a dead staff, it means one will never die. Centering on what? Original love. You would die without love. Thus, new buds sprouted forth from Aaron's staff. Since there was such significance, it was laid and attended to in the sanctuary. The tabernacle symbolized God's body. The body is the sanctuary and the most holy place refers to the sexual organs.

Restoration of Sexual Organs

You must guard your sexual organs. We must launch a movement to guard the original organs. God created organs of pure love. You all must protect them. They are absolute organs. They are absolutely unidirectional. You must eternally follow the way of love connected to that absolute one direction. They are the organs God originally desired. People must know that they are the palaces of love, life, lineage, and conscience, where four palaces have gathered in one place. They are the most holy place. You must preserve their purity eternally.

The question is: how do we bequeath a tradition of absolute purity?

The people of Israel used to stone the offenders to death if this was defiled, but not today. It is more frightening than that. We cannot think even in our dreams of falling again before the heart of God who had to expel His only son and only daughter, Adam and Eve. Thus, the boundary must be declared. Those who are left behind on the day when that is declared are all the evil firstborn among all the firstborn left behind on Satan's side.

Where is the center of the universe?

It is in the family. Where is the base in which true love can settle? It is the family that you are living in. Therefore, the original family holds sway over universal love, experiencing the aspects of universal protection and expanding the realm of universal love; it must transcend itself to go the way of patriots loving their nation and then proceed to transcend the race and the nation by loving the world. Those who truly love their families are called devoted sons and daughters, and if those who love their nation devotedly are called patriots, then what are people who love humanity sacrificially called? They can only be called saints.

Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have established an ideal family and tribe, and their descendants would have formed a race and nation within the realm of God's direct love without the need of a Messiah, and these would have expanded and accomplished an ideal world in which Adam's ideals would also be realized. Just as the root, trunk, and leaves of a tree are connected as one living body, human beings centering on love, attending God as their Father above, and attending each other as siblings below, making them into one living body, turn themselves into beings of love and establish an eternal and ideal God-centered world. This was indeed the worldview of God's will.

People living in such a world do not require salvation or the Messiah because they are God's good sons and daughters.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Modern Disease - Spiritual Root

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

The information above came from a compilation of speeches from the Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Eleven Chapter 3  "The Results of the Fall" religious textbook from Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church Spiritual Medium Dae Mo Nim of Question and Answers about homosexuality. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Why God Can't Marry Two Men

Two men having relations like a man and woman may be wrong, but so is the promiscuous lifestyle and love of a man and woman who have not placed their relationship in front of God as a monogamous union.  This is why we will never be able to conquer the ground of people who do not want to be homosexual and bring them to the light until we see that sin is sin and we should be helping our brothers and sisters struggling with pain as religious people instead of just condemning them and trying to change them.  We all need to change, in essence excuse my french, but every single human is fu*ked up in front of God and needs salvation. 
Every single human!  It is Lucifer who accuses humans before God for their acts to get Him to stop loving us, we should not be like the servant by accusing others of sin.  We should pray for one another to overcome our sins.  Period.

Don't worry, I'm not going to throw into your face the old theology of Adam and Steve bit.  That worked for hundred years, but we live in the Last Days, the days where all hidden truths of the bible are flowing out. I didn't start this blog to bring the same old excuses for my hatred of homosexuality or promiscuous sex, but to bring the hidden truth that liberates even me and my family once and for all from our own sins. 

First, we must start with the beginning.

Let's face reality, even scientist will attest that what they call nature and we call God, contemplated how the world was going to be set.  There were many types of humans and sets, scientist even believe one tribe of women centered around one man in the beginning before God decided to place His breath of life into one couple. 

He tried several types of relationships as well before settling on a certain set.  There was the larger tribe that could survive, the set with one male and several females and the male and female by themselves. What if he had even tried a sets of a tribe of only men and a tribes of only women.  How did those tribes end after one hundred years that never intermingled?  All of these tribes ended except one couple. 

Even though there were several sorts of beings of humans, God chose Adam and Eve as the first to place His own breath into their bodies.  This explains why all other types of humans disappeared from the earth.

What is a hidden truth?  In essence, after humans did not inherit God's true lineage because we did not follow and believe His words in the beginning, man was placed in a lower position than the animals and kicked out of the garden.

God never blessed a True Marriage Before Lord Returned - Period

How can God marry two people born, even a man and woman, of sin when He himself is perfect?

The truth is, God never blessed Adam and Eve or any human after the fall into His True Marriage.  This means that every marriage God only gave a conditional blessing of marriage for it.  In other words, no man born of woman  has had a marriage in which God could rejoice fully until the Lord of the Second Advent's return. 

Then, does this mean that no man or woman will have a True Marriage in front of God, and will we continue to suffer as fallen children with marriages that struggle to follow God's way? 

Just look in history and you will see God has tried to remedy this situation.

A True Marriage would require a marriage between a True Man and a True Woman.  Jesus was the first True Man on earth, and in order to leave his tradition behind he needed to marry a True Woman who they together could bare True Children who would bring God's True Lineage on earth.

Does this sound like people of any point in history?  God can only approve a True Man and True Woman with His character and blood lineage; this is what He intended to do with Jesus, but no one could accept and completely follow him and he had to go another route for salvation.  Death of his body leaving no trace of God's seed or lineage on earth. This explains why Jesus cried out to God to give his disciples a second chance before Judas's betrayal, not out of weakness.  He knew his death meant God would have to wait thousands of years for His children's physical salvation -not just spiritual- and those who followed Jesus thereafter would suffer against the Romans to keep his teachings on the earth.  A marriage and children would have kept Jesus physically on the earth.

Bigamy in the Bible and Three Great Blessings

Marriage between a man and a woman is only conditional and not always recognized by God.  In the time of the Old Testament you see thousands of religious marrying more than one woman, yet they were allowed to carry out God's providence.  Why would God work through men of bigamy when this was not of His laws as well?

In order for God to bring about the providence of restoring man back to the highest position, He must work through a fallen man who is closest to him - not perfect.  The people God worked through had to make conditions which the bible states as offerings.  You see burnt offerings, and fasting and time periods of 40 days for this reason: to separate sin(Satan) from them temporarily in order for God to do a mission through them.  (Moses's 40 days fasting condition before receiving God's word)

Which leads to the third point why God can't sanctify two men into a True Marriage even if there are two True Men.  God wanted us to have three great blessings.  To be fruitful is likened to a tree that has matured, to multiply through children and be co-creators with God over the earth.

No human has attained this until the Last Days.  We are like 'wild olive trees' that did not bear God's true root so we all link to a Messiah that is the true olive tree.

Why did God create man and woman as separate beings? He wanted them to achieve perfection as individuals and to receive God's love as a son and as a daughter. Then, when united, they would resemble God and together stand in the object position to Him. He as subject, and man and woman as object, could then have an eternal give and take action with each other. What was to be the binding force between man and woman? Love. What was to be the binding force between God and united man and woman? Love. Without love, nothing can be truly united into one. The essence of the ideal is love. The essence of unity is love. By love we are united with God and then inherit His creative ability and lordship over creation. It is from this that man and woman can create children, as He created them.

Two Men's Love Not Complete

Two men can fall in love just like a man and a woman. Because we as humans never inherited God's complete pure nature, love is hard to distinguish from false love since no one fully has obtained the stature of a True Man or Woman who has obtained God's True Love within himself.  We are all only conditionally connected to God through a mediator and our religions.  Our original position was to be connected completely to God through marriage.  This is why the Messiah returns in our time to fulfill the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" through his marriage to a True Woman, which was to be fulfilled in Jesus's time.

Anyway, the reason why the love of two men is so complicated is because it is real love and they can have sexual relations, yet they can not have children and multiply, which is the purpose God created humans.  This is why the phenom of homosexuality is fought to the death, because it is real.

He loves us as his sons and daughters. We are God's ADOPTED sons and daughters as Jesus and our faith connects us to Him indirectly.  As sons and daughters, we have the power to create children as the fruit of our love. And all of this is united in the one love of God. That love has three aspects: parental love, the love of husband and wife, and children's love. Man is meant to experience these loves in his life on earth. This is the fundamental principle for attaining happiness. It is according to man's nature to have parents, a husband or wife, and children. If a man and woman establish this foundation through the family according to God's ideal, God must dwell with them. Here God and man become one and this family can be the foundation for God to establish His ideal world.

Since the fall, Lucifer has corrupted True Love of God between humanity to be lower than the animals.  A man and woman coupled together out of the guise of marriage is just as forbidden as two men. 

So, why does religion forgive promiscuity more than homosexuality?  Because it has a deep deep root that the religious do not either pinpoint in their very bible or just want to point fingers at the lifestyle without offering alternatives to Christian homosexuals who do not want the lifestyle and see no alternatives but to just go with feelings of a spirit.  We can delve into this in tomorrow's post: Homosexuality Root: Incest, Free Sex

Homosexuality Future

The bottom line, the bible speaks a little about it, but the accounts of homosexuality in the bible between angels, and between angels and humans was blatantly taken out in the book of Enoch.

Where does this leave people who love the same sex in the Last Days, but they want to follow God?  Religions have looked at it in three ways, pacify and invite them into their congregations, force them to become heterosexual, or shun them out of the pews.

In these Last Days, God wants even people who he can not acknowledge to have a way to come back to His bosom.  That is all His children.  No one is worthy of God's forgiveness, not even Billy Graham.  A person who does not want to love the same sex battles spiritually that there may never be a way for them to conquer the urges of those feelings they do not want.

The teachings of the Divine Principle which this blog is based upon, does not recognize such behavior or even people who have sex outside of marriage period and wants them the change in order for them to start the process of restoration.

I understand why this is so because God does not recognize what is not a part of His creation and closes His eyes to evil even if it is between a man and woman. I also know that people who truly struggle with the love of the same sex, yet truly want to go God's true way are left out in hell and I dont' think this is God's way either.  He has made a way for homosexuality to go the opposite path back to His original foundation.

After three years of making conditions of faith and fighting the urges, it is possible one can overcome homosexuality and not pass on the traits to their descendants.  I as a straight female had to do so with the love of a man who was not my husband and would not be as a test to get rid of fallen sexual tendencies.  After daily fighting thoughts of him for three years, the Divine Principle proved itself that now I can think of him as my brother and be happy for his union.  It works for everyone, but it takes constant practice, devotions, prayer conditions and effort to rid all of Satanic influences from our bodies. 

It is possible that sin will leave the earth, do you believe it?  In our time we will witness the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth - but it is up to us to change toward this ideal.

Homosexuality End

Love is Love, but just because a woman loves a married man does not mean they should be together. We were meant to have the capacity to love all humanity, only we became confused and only love who we choose so when this fiery love comes of that person who "gets me when no one else understands me", we will defy our own moral codes to possess that love.

No habit or inherited merit can easily be overcome. It is important to avoid making a base or opportunity for a relationship to happen, such as going to homosexual places, looking at women in desirous ways, or sexual videos, eye contact on the street, etc. It takes only a small base for temptation to become too great to be overcome.

Because we all have fallen nature, we must not "test" our weak points. In my viewpoint, homosexuality is not equal to the fall because the fall is transferred to children directly, whereas a homosexual relationship does not have children as a product of the relationship. However, there are elements transferred between the two individuals involved in a homosexual relationship. In homosexual relations, the problem is a less-direct evil but still children can inherit elements. Homosexuality will not be transferred to the children if a person can totally dis-involve himself from homosexuality. But a person must deal with the problem through- out his or her lifetime and resist the temptation over a period of time, blocking Satan's ability to influence, like building up a muscle against that vulnerability.

There must be an attitude of determination to overcome accompanied by actual effort. If a person can fight for a period of three years, doing conditions and making a commitment to their ancestors, it is possible to overcome so that one's children can be free from this influence. Within the Principle, everything can be overcome. Because the ability to deal with the situation depends on a person's faith.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Homosexuality Root: Incest, Free Sex

A few points were taken from the speech, One God, One Religion 1972, given in San Franscico.  The points that are about homosexuality - let's be clear about the author of the Divine Principle, Rev. Moon speaks plainly that this lifestyle is lower than horse dung and lower than the animal.  But one should know that he says all humanity is in this position until we begin to follow God's true path and partake in the marriage blessing in the Last Days of the Messiah to engraft onto God's True Lineage.  Because two men can not be blessed into marriage, they remain in the fallen state.  So does anyone who does not make a 180 degree change that God demands of humanity in order to go toward the original path He wanted from the beginning. 
The parts about how to remedy homosexual came from the spiritualist who goes by the name of "Dae mo Nim".

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Only Belief in Jesus Not Enough

This could be argued a had said he needed us to have belief that he was the son of God.  That's it...for that instruction.  Jesus also said to pick up your cross and follow him.  Follow his instruction, work on your problems and become perfect like your Father in heaven was perfect.
If only the mere belief in Jesus caused a Christian, Catholic or Jew the ability to become perfect, please bring those sisters and brothers forward to give their testimony to the world.  I have friends and clergymen who believe that Satan will always be the dominator on earth and that humanity will never have the capacity to become perfect. 
My response is, that will be true in your life as long as you hold onto that notion.  Satan will always dominant such a person's to some extent and that person will stop working on themselves to a certain extent.
Why have we made God so small!!!!

He had the expectation for Adam and Eve to reach perfection and never gave up that dream after they fell.  He also gave us power over the angel and even though int he beginning we followed him instead, does not mean we can not dominate Lucifer, a servant, back to his position.

If there were no tools or God's words in existence that gave us the ability to do either one, would I be so bold to announce it without fear of his attack?  No, I have not reached perfection, but I do have tools that have bound Satan from interfering in mine and my families life and have been given the chance through the Lord of the Second Advent's words, to liberate thousands of years of pain caused by my ancestors which you and I repeat generation after generation.

We can go beyond the 2,000 year doctrine of just follow to being owners alongside Jesus in the battle to win the world back to God's side.

Paradise Is Not The Kingdom of Heaven

If at the beginning of creation, a family could have been realized in which God and man could have united in a relationship of True Love, today we would not have to worry about Hell or Heaven because we would have automatically entered the Kingdom of God.  The problem here is that God's true love and true man's love did not begin at a common point, united as a subjective and objective love. God's love and man's love began in two different directions with two different goals. Therefore, it has been impossible to realize the ideal world which God and man long for. God's ideal of beginning in a common point was completely frustrated.

What does the conscience do to win the true love God? Even if a person has money, knowledge or power, and she loses the love of her life, none of those things have any meaning. If you unburden and liberate your mind completely, your conscience will automatically connect with the True Love of God. If we compare the conscience's size to love's size, we will see that the size of love is greater. We can know this due to the fact that the conscience begins from love.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the place where we go to live in unity with God's True Love and a free conscience. It is the place we go after having lived centered on love and after preparing ourselves to be the lineage of God's love. Without winning this love, we can never enter the Kingdom of God. We will have to wait thousands of years until that day comes. Due to the fall, there will not be a connection with the Kingdom of Heaven so long as man is not illuminated by God's true thought and sustained by God's True Love.

The person who lives in unity, with a true conscience and true love, will automatically enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No matter how much a person believes in Jesus, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven if he is not linked to the love of God. The fact that our mind and body are struggling prevents us from entering the Kingdom. The person who inherited Satan's lineage cannot enter the Kingdom.

The religions which have the mission of opening the way are struggling amongst themselves and will have a sad ending in the Last Days. God cannot be found where there is conflict. Religion is a movement to subjugate the body and liberate the conscience. It is not a key to open the doors to salvation. We have to know that the key which opens that door will not be received if we fail to inherit the love, the life and the true lineage of God.

By believing in religion, we will not receive salvation. In reality, religion exists to discipline the body. When our conscience is liberated, its ambition can be raised up to God. How does this seem to you? Think first about what you are doing. Will you try to find out more about this? Who will know first what someone is doing? Who will know first? The conscience or God?

The conscience will know first. Man is a distinct person from God because he occupies the object position. In the same sense, husband and wife are different. The characteristics of each are clearly different. If we were to conclude that God could know everything prior to it happening, we could say that we are a part of God, as if we are a single body. But in such a case, we could not be God's objects of love. An ideal cannot be perfected when it is alone.

After Adam and Eve sinned, God asked, "Adam, where are you?" Adam hid himself behind a fig tree and answered, "I am here." God understood and said, "You hid yourself because you have sinned." Man comes from God's love and returns to God. We must return to God. Ladies and gentlemen, when sons and daughters age and when parents reach the age of 100 and their children reach the age of 80, the relationship of father and son also becomes a relationship of friends. Friends!

We cannot compare the physical strength of a woman with that of a man. She can never defeat him. But through love, wife and husband are attracted to one another and follow each other. If Adam and Eve had been the objects of God's love, would that have been pleasing to Him or not? God created the universe before Adam and Eve would have perfected themselves as His objects of love. God had the ambitious hope that in the future they would be His ideal object.

If, after having perfected themselves as the object of God's love, they had asked God to create something greater than what He had already created, do you think He could have done so or not? As infinite as the ambition of our conscience is, we should know that God can create everything that we desire. God created us with the value of True Love objects. Because this value was lost, it must be restored.

This restoration is the purpose of human life and history. God established religions and promised that some day each of the founders of those religions would return. Christianity has taught that Jesus will return. In Buddhism they speak of the return of Buddha. Confucianism alludes to a new Confucius. Likewise in Islam, believers await the return of Muhammad. What would be the reason that God established the different religions?

Restore Us to God's Ideal
We need to understand that the will of God is accomplished centered on His beloved children, children who are like God's flesh and blood. With that type of son and daughter, God wants to form families, tribes, races, and nations. We need to understand what kind of person the Messiah is. In his Second Coming, the Lord is the person who perfects the ideal which has been longed for by all the religions, coming to the earth for the first time in the eternal love of God.

He will become a TRUE FATHER and centered on that lost True Love, He will work to establish an ideal family on earth on the foundation of true life and true lineage. That is the purpose of the providence of salvation. Due to the fall, God lost the true Mother as well as the children of Adam's family. This means that God could not have true children. There was no family which was connected to the pure blood lineage which was to come from God's love. Instead we linked to Satan's fallen lineage perpetuating sin throughout humanity.

The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration which God has been leading to restore His lost sons and daughters and restore the unity of mind and body, the absolute unity of husband and wife, and the absolute unity of parents and children in the True Love of God. This true family which is qualified to live eternally with God should be connected to Christianity which is in the position of bride to the Lord.

By establishing such a blood relationship with God, we can realize united families, tribes, races, nations and united nations which would thus conform to the united world which is the culmination of the providence of salvation. Distinguished leaders of this nation, is it not true that this nation would like to receive God's blessing? To do so, you must become a people whose mind and body are united in God's true Love.

You must also unite as absolute husbands and wives. When the number of families in any nation which can unite as absolute children of God grows, then God will come to live in that nation. If this happens, then automatically that nation will become the central nation of the world. Human beings have this kind of nature. If his beloved one lives in the countryside, in poverty, he wants to live there with her. In the same way, if there is a place where God's beloved sons and daughters dwell, that place, if poor, will be the Kingdom of Heaven. If rich, it will be the Kingdom of Heaven as well.

Today the Founder of the Unification Church is here speaking to you. If you ask me, "What is the mission of the Unification Church?" I will say that it is a place where God's True Love is present. It is the place where we want our mind and body to unite in true love. It is the place where we want to form ideal marriages with absolute unity between husband and wife. By means of an ideology which can make all people into inseparable brothers and sisters, we are carrying out the mission which God has given us.

With the love of the True God and the love of the True Parents, we are cleaning everything that was dirtied by false love, false life and false lineage. The Lord of the Second Advent has achieved the True Parents position. The mass international marriage ceremonies are the ceremonies to sow the seed of true love, true life and true lineage which results from the unity of God's love and man's love.

The blessing marriage is a ceremony to restore families formed in false marriage which, due to the fall, received the seed of false love, false life, and false lineage. Having families participate in these mass marriage ceremonies from around the world will connect them to God's great blessing. It is my fervent desire that all people receive that great blessing and become families and a people which can establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

World Peace Through God's Marriage

The Lord of the Second Advent initiated through God the Mass Wedding movement bringing people of different races, religions, cultures, and enemies, together in Holy Marriage which links them directly to God's lineage.

The following is the how Father Moon expresses his desires to those who are learning about the movement to open their eyes to the truth to the foundation he laid for all humanity, not to just those who are members of the Unification Church.  In the beginning, Father Moon never wanted to be a minister or open a church, just as Jesus did not wish the same.  it was only through the many failures of the higher leadership to recognize that Jesus was Lord that Jesus had to savage lowly men who did not know to the deep extent the teaching Jesus was trying to portray in his time.  The same misery was afford to Father Moon who was rejected and persecuted by the Korean Christian leadership, so he had to go the hard way through making his foundation from scratch which the established leadership should have followed the Lord of the Second Advent.

The following may sound blasphemous to those who do not have the ears to hear or are awakened to the time they are living, but so was the same when Jesus was telling people that no one could enter heaven without going through him, to drink of his blood and that they should love him more than husband, wife and mother.   One should read the bold statements which Father Moon has declared himself rewritten in the third person for the purpose of this blog:

The purpose of the Unification Church is to succeed through this means to establish relationships of brotherhood which transcend nations. Through this means we want to realize the ideal of one great universal family centered on God and thus proclaim the ideal of True Parents. True spouses, and True brothers and sisters. In this way we will begin the world heart culture.

From earth to Heaven, we will be liberated to fulfill the world of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Since the end of the Second World War and during the past eighty years, Reverend Moon has been persecuted and criticized by the entire world. The time has come that you should know that such persecution was not because he committed any crime. Instead it was to save you. And unlike in the past people now think that I am the most admirable man.

By the hand of Reverend Moon, communism collapsed. It was Reverend Moon who awakened Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung. To save the United States which is going towards a collapse, he established a foundation which leads Americans to feel that Reverend Moon is the hope. Also behind the difficult political context of North and South Korea, Reverend Moon is involved. The same is true for the Middle East.

You need to know that after 40 years, the Republican party triumphed in the United States, thanks to the influence of Reverend Moon. Perhaps you are unaware of these facts. But you should know that if any nation precedes the United States in receiving and absolutely embracing Reverend Moon, that nation will become the first nation in the world. Everything which Reverend Moon has said has been fulfilled.

The entire world did everything it could to put an end to Father Moon yet he did not die while laying the foundation, and he firmly stands on the top of the world.

Because Father Moon spoke to out loud these statements, it is because God loves him and is on his side. You need to know that if I survived, it is because God absolutely protected me. For that reason, I believe that you should seriously study about his teachings through the Divine Principle. You have met Father Moon this day of deep significance.

God asks that to follow the proper path, you make a determination based on this new awakening to bring God's blessing to your families and your nation. In that way, ideal families will begin to appear on this earth. As you probably know, Reverend Moon and his spouse are known throughout the world as the True Parents.

If it is true that as True Parents we are connected to God in True Love, True Life and True Lineage, I would like you to remember that beginning from a true family and from you a realm of liberation, liberty, unification and happiness will begin. It will allow the hope of peace to sprout upon the earth. Thank you very much.

Please Return to Tomorrow's Post:

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Love Your Enemy = Nations Loving Nation

We all heard of the idea to love our enemy from many saints, religious leaders and prophets. Why did God make efforts to teach us that loving our enemy is important? Satan says to God, "In order for You to be God, You must always maintain the standard of ideal, eternal love."

 God replies, "Yes, that is true." Then Satan says, "God, when You made me the archangel, did You do so just in order to love me temporarily, or to love me forever?" And God says, "Forever." If God loved only temporarily, then He would be like Satan. By the same token, if one has no standard of loving forever, he cannot show God's dignity to Satan. In order for God to be God, He must love Satan no matter how much Satan is opposed to Him.

Satan says, "I fell and became evil, but You who are good can never change, and You can never do the things I do. I enjoy attacking and fighting, but You hate fighting. You must be silent even if You are beaten." Hence, God cannot forcibly resist Satan's aggression. Why? God cannot crush Satan just like that. He must love him unchangingly so that Satan will finally come to say, "Oh, indeed You are God. I surrender to You."

Centered on True Love

No matter how much suffering you may have to experience, you have to love the archangel and even your worst enemy who attacks you daily until the ideal of heaven is completely established in this world. God's hands are tied by that demand. As you go on your way to the Heavenly Kingdom, Satan will test you. Just as God must love Satan and let Satan surrender to Him in that way, so should God's children love the archangel if they want to go to the Heavenly Kingdom.

How much love would that take?

Jesus demonstrated this exact act through his words and finally through his actions when he was spat upon, kicked, tortured on his way to the cross.  Jesus did not have one moment of revengeful thought or hate as he went on his wretched walk to the cross.  He then was ridiculed to the end as he told God to forgive the lost for they did not have any way to overcome being dominated by Satan and I give my body in place of their way to be freed from him.

Even though you are persecuted by all of this world, which is the realm of the enemy, you must love the evildoer with your whole heart. That is the condition you have to fulfill.

God is most concerned about that condition.  Those people who are striving to be God's children should also be most concerned about it. This standard of loving might appear simple, but it is the very boundary line between God and Satan. No one has fully understood this before. In order to go beyond this boundary, God cannot even regard His enemy as an enemy, and He must not take revenge.

The conclusion for us is to love our enemy. When Jesus prayed for those people who were killing him, it was the greatest victory. If he had hated his enemies when he was about to die, then the providence of God would not have been successful.

But as Jesus overcame his difficulties through love, Satan began surrendering, thus Jesus obtained the qualification of God's perfected child. You have to come to the point where you are able to say, "Satan, don't you agree that I am a child of God?" and have Satan concede, "Yes, that's true."

You must be able to say confidently, "I'm following God's direction, expanding His sphere of love from the individual level through the family, clan and nation, to the worldwide level. You have no objection to that. Right, Satan?" And Satan must say, "I have to agree with you because it's the Principle."

In this way the individual spreads this type of altruistic love to the family and children, then to the society and to the nation.  Nations with citizens who love like this will love other nations as they global brothers and sisters.

This is the way God has proceeded with His dispensation, centering upon Christianity. It has been the path of sacrifice and martyrdom and, through its bloody history, Christianity has been a movement to expand God's love to the family level, the societal level, the national level, all the way to the worldwide level. Through the standard of Christian love, which loves the enemy, enemy nations can be conquered; the enemy is won over.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Only Belief in Jesus Not Enough

Today's post is taken from the teachings of Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon studied and taught the bible for over 80 years.  He also wrote the Divine Principle which breaks down the bible from God's point of view of bring His children back to his heavenly ideal on earth.

Friday, October 26, 2012

World Problems Began w/ Families

If a wife, as she lives supporting her husband, gains deep insights into the truth, and is continuously moved and inspired by his life and character, this is an occurrence which should be revealed to the world.


Because the fundamental reason for this world becoming an evil world full of rampant sexual freedoms, criminal activity, conflicts and corruption is the breakdown and disharmony in the basic relationship between husband, wife which is then multiplied through the children.

At present, there are almost 7 billion people living on the earth, but if we look at it in another way, only two people are living here. We could say that a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, only two people, are living on earth. Countless numbers of people are living together and there are all kinds of relationships and problems, but at the core of all of those problems are the problems and relationships between two people, a man and a woman.

When we look at things in this light, it becomes important for us to investigate the way of heaven that man and woman were to go when God created the first ancestors. In Genesis, it is recorded that after God had created the heavens and the earth, He created the ancestors of humankind: a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve. This happened at the same time that He endowed them the three great blessings, and He gave them a portion of responsibility.

The three great blessings were: "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing...." But to the man and woman He also gave the responsibility: ". . . but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat. . ." This teaches us the purpose for which God created the universe and humanity, and also shows us the basis for life.

The blessing to be fruitful means that all people born on the earth must grow to be people of perfected character. The second blessing of life, to multiply, means that, as a man and a woman with a perfected character, they must establish the bond of perfected husband and perfected wife, give birth to True children, and raise them. This means that we have not inherited truly the first blessing.

What happened instead was that humanity began from two people who were not perfected, and multiplied their mistake in the Garden through the production of children who are born with a spirit that is immature.  This is exampled through all humanity being born in sin.  Sin was spread through an illicit relationship outside of the realm of God, and between one man, and one woman.

This is the beginning of humanity's misery, thus multiplied through their children, Cain and Abel through the first physical murder on earth.

God's Purpose of Creating Humanity

God's purpose of creation is, as a husband and wife fulfilling their duty as father and mother leading a family, they should construct a far more comfortable, prosperous world and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

This purpose of creation was to be realized if the first ancestors had obeyed God's commandment, ". . . but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat...." But before the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, were perfect, while they were still immature, they did not keep God's commandment; because of Satan, they fell, and all humanity became the recipients of an evil blood lineage.

Due to the Immoral Fall of the Original Human Ancestors, Humankind Has Lost the Purpose of Creation

Ladies! What is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God told the original ancestors, Adam and Eve, not to eat? It is not the real fruit of a forest tree. It is a way of expressing the husband and wife love relationship that the first ancestors were to have in the future after their maturity.

Due to the temptation of a third being, while still in an imperfect state, the first man and woman entered into an immoral sexual relationship. Actually, in the Garden of Eden, the third party besides Adam and Eve was the archangel. In the Bible, it is revealed that Lucifer was the archangel who tempted Eve and committed an immoral sexual sin. This was the fall of man, the original sin which planted the root of sin in the world.

Man committed the sexual sin before his Father God, the Lord and Master of heaven and earth, and the first ancestors had children out of this immoral love; and the world of evil was realized. In other words, they married centered on Satan and by planting false love, false life and a false lineage they became ancestors of evil.

As human society expanded from the individual, family, tribe, race, and nation to the world level, due to this immoral relationship between man and woman, the root of the evil blood lineage was established everywhere, at all times, and this world became hell on earth: it became a false world filled with sin, war and fear. The fallen ancestors, Adam and Eve, should have established the position of True Parents as the eternal good ancestors of humanity, but they fell to become false parents leaving a blood lineage of evil.

This is the first cause of all the tragedy and misery of humankind. What could be more tragic or cause greater indignation than becoming the descendants of false parents and all humankind losing their True Parents?

And how great must be the suffering and sorrow of God, the Father of humanity, whose purpose of creation, to establish the true ancestors of humankind and to multiply people of goodness, was stolen by the blood lineage of sin through the immoral fall of the first human ancestors. Just as the cause of a disease must be discovered and treated in order to save a person suffering from it, in order to liberate human society from the suffering of such sin and misery, the fundamental cause of this sin and misery must be revealed and corrected.

The fundamental cause is the fall of the human ancestors, the original sin. Accordingly, unless the cause of the disease called original sin is eliminated, we cannot pull up the root of misery and sin from the world. No matter how many great men, heroes, scholars, politicians or philosophers appear and try to straighten out the world through the reform of the laws and systems or through the education of moral principles, unless the original sin and the content of the fall is clarified, it will be impossible. All remedies will prove useless. That is because the original root of sin and misery is still alive, and it will continue to sprout buds.

The Role of Religion:
The Salvation of Humankind from Evil

Religion teaches the fact that man fell, it reveals the contents of the fall, and directly and indirectly shows God's providence through which He seeks to save man completely from sin. Therefore all religions are the most active prescriptions for saving the sinful world. Religion is the foundation of all education or teachings.

The teachings of the four great saints Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad and the teachings of the founders of other religions transcended their ages and locations, and have preserved the conscience and morals of humanity.  They have been the generative powers of cultural development. Accordingly, all religions seeking to liquidate the world of evil and to establish the ideal world which God and people desire are co-workers and collaborators.

Among them, the scriptures through which God most directly revealed His providence of salvation is the Bible. Through the Bible we can know that the ancestors of humanity, Adam and Eve, committed the original sin and became false parents, and that God's work in the providence of salvation is to restore the lost purpose of creation.

The main point of the message of the Bible is that in order to give rebirth to all, the Messiah or the True Parents must come in place of Adam and Eve who became false parents. Adam should have become the true father, and Eve should have become the true mother; that was the purpose of the original creation. In order to restore the purpose of creation back to its original state, God cannot help but carry out the providence for the recreation of Adam.

That is the main point of the providence of preparing the chosen nation of Israel and having Jesus born there. From the time Adam and Eve fell and humanity multiplied with its blood lineage centered on Satan, God immediately began working to separate the blood lineages of goodness and evil. From Adam's family, God separated the second son, Abel, who was in a position to relate to God, and the first son, Cain, was in a position to relate to Satan. God sought to restore the order of the creation to its original state by having Cain yield to Abel of his own accord. Just as Lucifer the servant was to yield to Adam even though he was the eldest before them. 

Instead, Lucifer reversed dominion and dominated Adam and Eve, and Cain repeated this mistake through the murder of his younger brother.

Through Cain's murder of Abel, the history of struggle to separate good and evil was extended all the way to the time of the Second Advent.

Finally, we must endeavor to learn and practice the duty of the True Parents, the true spouse and the true child. Through the organization of the Family Federation for World Peace, we must make sure that immorality and corruption will not be able to set foot anywhere in this world. In this way, humankind must cleanse the evil blood lineage and suffering which was caused by the original sin of fornication committed in the Garden of Eden. This has lasted until this era, and humanity must quickly prepare to meet the new world.

Until now everyone has been helpless to stop the wantonness and immorality which has been destroying humankind. But now a new truth which can completely solve these problems has appeared in Korea in the very age in which we are living. The truth which was revealed by the True Parents will be the light which will bring about the unification of North and South Korea, and build a world of peace and happiness.

Let us learn this new truth given through the Divine Principle and rise up and become women soldiers who will end this world of sin, which has caused us to suffer since the beginning of history. Let us build a unified world overflowing with freedom, peace and happiness. Let us go the way of the True Mother. Let us go the way of the true wife. Let us go the way of the true daughter.

Tomorrow's Post: Love Your Enemy = Nation Loving Nation

Thursday, October 25, 2012

God's Prayer

Do you think God prays sometimes? Sometimes without thinking a parent murmurs to himself or herself, "Oh, I wish my son would do this, or be that way." That is God's prayer also. God is murmuring about you, about me and about the  Church because this is an emergency and He is engrossed in His concern. That is God's prayer.

You don't even have to sit down to pray; you can just talk to yourself as you go, whispering and murmuring your concern. That's prayer. In our case praying and doing is our life. Praying and waiting is not our life. If you pray unconsciously in everyday life then undoubtedly you are becoming sons and daughters of prayer.

If you give your last ounce of energy but it is not enough, then ask God for assistance and your prayer will be answered. If that were not the case, how could we ever subjugate Satan? Satan has given unending anguish and heartbreak to God for 6,000 years and if there were no way we could finally subjugate him then there would be no end to it. There must be a way.


"Test your own power of prayer; take one person and pray for him fervently, constantly, without telling him. Pray tearfully for his well-being and then that person will feel a magnetic attraction to you."

The power of prayer works wonders, but prayer must be serious and done with one united heart, not a divided heart. When the moment of engagement comes, it is a most serious moment for both men and women, but in the Unification Church it is different because you leave it to Father Moon.  In that moment you become dead serious, but prayer is even more serious than that. If you pray with that attitude then it will be answered.

If your parents are on their deathbed it is a serious moment, and the words you speak then are urgent. There is no way you could doze at that time. Your prayer to God is more serious than that. Prayer is like a covenant between you and God, a promise. Once you make a contract, you follow through and then it will undoubtedly be fulfilled. That is the attitude I am talking about.

You must not be disappointed when prayer is not answered immediately. Some answers come late. At other times you should not be overjoyed when prayer is answered quickly. That is not necessarily the best thing. Because you are surrounded by the world there are many stages to go through horizontally and vertically.

The answer to prayer does not come from you but down from heaven and it takes time to reach you. There have been many foolish people who received answers to their prayers up to a point but who didn't go the final inch, and when they weren't satisfied they betrayed God. When you pray for the world you may not see things changing immediately around you, but far away the communist world starts to crumble. The impact of prayer can be felt in a far-away place.

If you are in the Abel position, the answer comes from Cain and takes time to reach you. You must think that your prayer today may not be fulfilled until thousands of years from now. I pray such prayers. I am not praying just for this world today; I am praying for 1,000 and 2,000 years from now. If that prayer makes a bridge between that time and now then the Unification Church will continue to flourish even a long time after I am gone from the earth.

That kind of prayer is needed. If many of you pray that kind of eternal prayer, the world will start to shake and the impact will be far-reaching. The root of that prayer is your tears, sweat and blood, and out of it beautiful flowers will blossom. When Jesus prayed on Gethsemane he was deadly serious, shedding tears, sweat and blood. All day long you must be in a prayer mood, not just one hour, but 24 hours.

What prayer position do you prefer? The best is to kneel and lower your head. You have to restrict your body's freedom, as though it were bound. You will feel pain, but overcome it because you must be serious. Then God will know your attitude. That is a necessity for prayer. Without prayer Jesus and the saints could not have done the great things that had an impact on the world.

When you resort to the power of prayer you can have hope because you never know when the fulfillment will come. My prayer is centered on the culmination of the third seven-year course. You may think I relax when I am alone, but there is no moment of relaxation because my mind is always concentrated on the completion of the third seven-year course.

You must understand the importance of prayer and have conviction that prayer will be answered. Through prayer you can receive power. Through prayer you can receive visions into the future and guide yourself accordingly. You will know what kind of difficulty is coming and how to divert it and overcome. If you know how to steer yourself then you can do big things, and prayer alone can pioneer such a path. It is more important than eating. I go out to nature because it gives me a better environment for prayer, and I love nature for that reason.

I love the quiet of midnight. I don't say much about the visions I receive, but if you receive them then don't you think I do too? That kind of new world can only be reached through prayer. In that position you can taste love. This world is desert-like, but the world created through prayer has a climate where love can thrive. You must learn how to generate your own power.

You cannot expect that I will always pull you and push you out. You must make yourself self-propelling. In order to do that, prayer must be the diet of your life. Whether people recognize your efforts or not, you must do your duty enthusiastically because you have a covenant with God. Day and night you move on; there is no pause. That is a living testimony.


"God will concern Himself with my well-being because I am concerned with God's. If I only paid attention to my family instead of to the world and God, my family would get sick."

Every several years Father Moon's topic of prayer changes, which shows progress to a new era. In a prayerful mind he knows precisely what time it is in God's timetable. That kind of preparation is necessary for self-perfection, and we must learn it through the power of prayer. Do you pray in this way, for His kingdom and righteousness? Pray that this country can become a center of God's righteousness.

Your country has seen many fervent patriots, but you must pray with more fervor than any of them. If your concern for this country is greater than God's then this country will survive, but otherwise it will crumble. What is our goal and destination in the Unification Church? I am leading you where God desires for you to be. It doesn't make any difference whether it is difficult or easy because whether there are many obstacles in front of us is irrelevant.

The important thing is not just getting there, but getting there in the shortest possible time. If we go quickly then there is less danger, but when the process is stretched out there are many opportunities for disaster and we must not allow that. This is a transitional period; we are entering into a new era, a new plateau and history of faith.
Therefore, this is a critical moment for you and God. Last night I spoke to the department heads about the true meaning of home church (witnessing 360 homes in your area). Home church is the greatest gift God and True Parents (True Adam and True Eve) can give mankind. It has never existed before and will not again in the future. When you make this gift yours by fulfilling it, you will definitely become a son and daughter of God. Father Moon has repared this precious gift for us for his entire life of 92 years and now I freely give it to you. You can make it yours in six months.

This is an incredible opportunity. Home church should be the subject of your prayer. Pray with a parental heart for your home church people as your children who are struggling in hell. Your heart as a parent must be grieved and desiring to save them. If you don't have that feeling then you are in a dire emergency; you must open your heart to parental feeling of love toward your people. If you don't have real love for them, then push yourself until you do.

No one has to teach a parent to love his children. If you feel like a parent to your home church, then your love will be the same and no one will have to teach you. Just finishing elementary school takes six years of daily attendance. Do you think home church is comparable even to elementary school? It is the school for becoming a messiah.

Think of how important it is. Even though you might attend it your entire life, you must give your heart and soul because you could not have any better school. Even though you have only 360 homes, God will treat your efforts there as though you had given them for the entire universe. In America there are about 70 million homes, and if each person had 360 homes we would need 200,000 members to cover all America.

If the entire Christian population accepted Divine Principle, the Complete Testament, and wanted to do home church, what would happen?  There is nothing more important for you than this. Test your own power of prayer; take one person and pray for him fervently, constantly, without telling him. Pray tearfully for his well-being and then that person will feel a magnetic attraction to you.

He won't know why he feels drawn to you. If you receive in your prayer that you will meet a person at such and such a time, when you go there then that person will come. If you are dead serious then these things will happen. Hypnosis can transfer a person into another state of consciousness, but how much more can prayer change lives. There is no distance or limit to its influence because the power of thought travels everywhere throughout the universe.

You can mobilize the entire spirit world by the power of prayer. You have experienced that the Messiah will work through your prayers and tell you certain things. There is no limit to the power of prayer. When you have the right attitude in prayer then miracle after miracle will happen. The most important part of a launching pad is the foundation. At take-off it must not break under the heat and pressure. Your prayer is like a missile firing and you need a solid foundation.

You must not pray from greed for yourself. That prayer would be harmful to you. Public prayer as a public person will cleanse you and elevate you higher and higher. If you live with this high sensitivity to spirit world, you will sense what is forthcoming. Your perception will be keen and you can prepare for the future. You should know that you are like two people in one. Your inner man (spirit) is like a mirror, clean and bright.

When the inner and external men are not synchronized you feel anguish, but when they are perfectly aligned you feel joy and power. This is happening every day within you. When you see a person for the first time, your inner man can tell you what kind of person he is, and if you hear a person's report, a sixth sense will tell you how truthful it is.

When someone walks into a room, I can see whether he is bringing good news or bad. Don't neglect this inner man but consult him all the time. When you are higher spiritually you are always there, always speaking with this inner man. You have a spirit man and he wants to talk to your physical man.

You may not have any intention of saying anything yet suddenly you find your mouth moving. That is not you but your inner partner speaking. Even the rats of a ship can sense when a ship is in trouble and run away, but how much more should man, the supreme creation of God, know when life or death is coming?

Shouldn't you be alerted when a certain destiny is forthcoming? For your inner and outer man to become one you need the power of prayer. I have a family but I seldom pray for them. My prayer is anguish for the nation and world and cosmos. God will concern Himself with my well-being because I am concerned with God's. If I only paid attention to my family instead of to the world and God, my family would get sick.

I don't concern myself with my family's well-being; I concern myself with the Church and God's work and I know God will take care of them in the meantime. This is the principle of give and take. Those who want to do more for others will receive more; those who want to go down will be lifted up. Don't pray empty prayers. Now you know the power of prayer. Everyone needs to experience these things spiritually.

You must know whether the things you do will succeed or fail. You know that certain things will succeed because you feel pulled in that direction and are eager to go ahead. Your body is like the receiver of a radio. Free yourself from self-centered thinking, and then mighty things will happen to you. You must open that valve.

You are entitled to ask for God's power, but only for the sake of His righteousness and Kingdom. Then He will come down. Pray and act; you will feel different from yesterday and you will know the power of prayer is in action. Today is just the beginning; pray to tell God that you are just beginning and need His help. Make a showdown with God every day. It shall become second nature, and without being conscious of it you can live that life all the time.

Let's do it then. Let us pray.