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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Why Women Had to Fight Equality Throughout History

Many problems in the world can be traced back to the Garden of Eden.  Even in jest there are thousands of jokes that "the devil made me do it" or "all the problems in the world began with a woman."  Good jokes always have a little truth at its root somewhere hidden in it.

God does not sit idly by on His throne watching His children suffer on earth as He merely rules the earth with all mighty power.  Any ruler such as this that would place His own dominion and position over love would be a false god.

That false god would be the one who has perpetuated this lie in the first place, and has stood in God's place pretending to be Him.  This god would be the one Jesus said was the ruler of this earth and the true father of the people who disobeyed him.

 The fall was initiated by the archangel Lucifer, and followed by Eve, which has pained God's heart.  In order for God to return His children to the state before the Fall, the mistake has to be indemnified and reversed.  To indemnify is to pay back for a wrong done.

God told Adam and Eve if they chose His words, "do not eat" that they would receive the three great blessings, on the other hand, if they followed Lucifer's teachings "do eat for you will not die" they would receive curses. 

Since God's children chose Lucifer's words, they all received curses.  Lucifer was thrown down to earth, Adam would have to work to gather food after the ground was cursed, Eve was to have Adam (men) as her master for all her days, and childbirth was going to be painful. 

Even though it was the archangel who defied God and tricked Eve, who did God give the responsibility to follow the commandment? 

Herein lies where the pain of women began in all facets of life.  Our first ancestors endowed with God's spirit were given the responsibility to choose to follow God's word in order to become mature and share in God's authority over the earth and receive the three great blessings.       

Lucifer was a servant, and was angered that God loved His children more, on the other hand, he was never given the commandment.  Lucifer was only told to return to his position as a servant.  It was up to Adam and Eve to trust God's command, follow and become subject to Lucifer.

Eve instead followed Lucifer, and then tempted Adam to do the same by following her.  Eve chose curses, therefore as Eve's descendants, all women thereafter would inherit her fallen characteristics.

God introduced religion to break us free from these curses, but this was not to last forever, there will be a point in history when all people will no longer need a Messiah to connect directly to Him.  That will be the Last Days.

Does God plan to keep these curses over His children forever?  God never placed these curses on us, we chose them.  Ever since the fall, God has been working hard to bring us back toward blessings and on His path.  If you look throughout history at women's course you see that women have gone from being shunned, having men as their masters, to burning bras and demanding equality and getting it in these Last Days.  This did not happen with human power alone, this is the mighty works that God is behind the scenes to bring all facets of life destroyed in the garden back toward His ideal.

A woman is for sure to live for her husband, but the man is to live for the woman as well.  The man is to be subject over his household, but does not mean master.  A true household is where a husband lives for the wife and wife for the husband. This has to be restored.  Instead, in the Garden of Eden, Eve chose to live for her own desire and she reversed the roles and dominated Adam to follow her fallen ways.  The situation in marriages where women absolutely follow their husbands must change toward this direction of husband and wife living for the other's sake, thus they live for the family.

We can see such types of marriages in the 1800s.  Women's roles were suppressed yes and not ideal to modern women who rather stay single, but this is closer to God's ideal for the family than today's marriages of wife swapping, single motherhood and other alternative lifestyles.  Men only became the master to women after the fall. 

Women are the central point for the love, peace and spirit of service which protects our families. It is the healthy family that must be the starting point in our work to build world peace. The establishment of God-centered family ethics and the education of our children lie at the innermost core of the Divine Principle teachings that is expressed on this blog. The family is the holy sanctuary that must cleanse this defiled world.

We must establish not only a true concept of manhood, but also the true concept of what it means to be a mother, a wife and a daughter, in the context of a new society, nation and world. People must become forerunners in inheriting the tradition of the True Parents and harvesting the victory. Adam and Eve were to follow God's direction and become True Parents. 

Women have the mission to give proper guidance to men who lead lives of moral decadence and disorder so that the tragedy of the destruction of Adam and Eve may be resolved within the context of history.

In the age of women that is now dawning, women must embrace their husbands and properly educate their children so that they may be a model movement for practicing true love throughout the world.  Women must gain the active cooperation of husbands and children.  This women's movement is not for women alone. First, a movement of true love for husbands and children must bear fruit in ideal families.

The ideal families formed in this manner will come together to form ideal nations and an ideal world.  For the sake of world peace, women must take the lead in government, finance, culture and society. The basic values women should uphold in this federation of women are found in Headwing, no longer the left or the right wing, philosophy can bring world peace,  but Godism.

These values are what unite left and right, and overcome atheistic materialism. They are certain to be the guiding ideas of the world of the 21st century. As women, remember our forbearers, Rebecca, Tamar and Mary, who fulfilled major responsibilities in the history of God's salvation process to bring forth the lineage of Jesus. Let us inherit the strength of will by which these historic women overcame life threatening dangers and difficulties to fulfill their missions.

Let us establish our families as homes for true parents, true husbands and wives and true children, so that we may join in the holy cause of changing this world of evil into a heavenly world. Let us march forward toward a world of peace centered on the True Parents, who are the center of true love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Defense From Satan

Today's topic was derived from the Textbook for World Peace, Chapter 2, "The Way to World Peace" given by the wife of Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon.  Father Moon had researched the bible for 9 years intensively before sharing The Divine Principle with the world.

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