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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Messiah is Dr. ...

        There was a previous blog a month ago that introduced the idea of the Messiah on the earth, but left it up to the reader to seek him for themselves. This time I reveal. Please first read a short intro.  Before one should jump to the point that shows the chosen One in our era, they should see history from God's point-of-view or they, just like the Israelites of Jesus's time, might reject him. 

In truth, every religion has a Messiah, a prophet that brings the word of God to their followers.  Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Moses and others were the only ones in their time that God gave the ultimate message to save His children. 

What separates Jesus from the other prophets? 

The fact that he directly carried God's blood lineage.  From the women in his lineage who made conditions to cleanse the original sin of the garden of Eden.  What does that make the rest of humanity?  Adopted children; which is the reason we need a Messiah: to connect us to His blood lineage.  Fallen humanity's blood was tainted once Adam and Eve chose Lucifer's words over God's, and we have been repeating this mistake ever since. The following is a speech given by the founder of the Unification Theology, and the very Divine Prinicple upon which every Achieve World Peace post is based.   This address was given on July 6, 1992 at the rally for leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace, Seoul, Korea.

  The Messiah Is. . . 

Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon & Rev. Hak Ja Han Moon

If you have been a regular on this blog,  you will know the meaning of True Parents - and the fact that God's first choice was for the True Man Jesus to plant God's seed on this earth through a marriage, the biblical reference of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, a Holy Blessing to a restored True Woman and the lineage of their True Children.  This is the significance of the Messiah returning, to leave God's lineage on the earth and God's adopted children of humanity engraft onto that lineage through the Holy Blessing of marriage approved directly by God. 

Current marriages only have a conditional approval of God and does not cleanse the fallen blood lineage which every human inherited from a fallen Adam and Eve.  Marriages now do not connect couples or their children directly into God's pure lineage.  If this was so, there would be no more humans born into sin.  For more understanding, there are several posts on Achieve World Peace dedicated to understanding God's final stance to erase the fall of man completely from this earth.
When research is done, those who have the ears to hear and those who have the eyes to see will see all of the negative articles and information and stories about Father Moon, but will know that he and his wife Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon have fulfilled their mission with Father Moon's last earthly prayer and proceeding death last month.  I pray for your understanding and that you and your ancestors can begin the process of being liberated completely from Satan by picking up your heavy crosses and following the truth revealed.

(This address gives more insight about his activities toward bringing world peace, his organizations... to get more understandings about Father Moon, the blog is taken from his teachings or visit www.familyfed.org)

Words first from his wife D. Hak Ja Han Moon:

 "Members and women co-workers! How can we straighten out this society in which all kinds of sexual sin, immorality and corruption are destroying our families? It will bring a destruction like Sodom and Gomorrah's upon itself. The fire of judgment has already begun to fall. The frightening disease, AIDS, is a warning from heaven against the chaos of sexual immorality.

Jesus said he would come again in the Last Days of this evil world. The returning Jesus will come as True Father of humankind. He will show the way of the True Children, the True Couple, and the way of the True Parents which all men and women must go. Only in this way can the problem of sexual corruption, the original sin, be fundamentally solved. This will be the true gospel which will save humankind from the world of sin. The mission of the Messiah, the Savior, is to teach the way to end the tangled history of sin created when humanity lost the way of the True Parents, the True Couple and the True Children.
Today, in this place, I proclaim to the whole world that my husband, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, has devoted his entire life to pioneering this path of the Messiah, the True Parents. As you well know, my husband Reverend Moon has revealed the purpose of the creation of God, and through examining the original sin committed by the first ancestors he has pioneered the future of humanity despite the brutal opposition and persecution of this evil world.

   According to the Divine Principle, the teaching of my husband, each major religion is awaiting the return of its founder in some form: the Maitreya, the True Man, the new Confucius and the return of Jesus will be fulfilled by the return of one Messiah, the return of the True Parent of humankind.  All religions will be united into one. That Messiah, the True Parent who comes, will not be the same Jesus who died 2000 years ago, as some Christians believe, nor will he come on the clouds in the air; rather, a new person who has inherited the mission of Jesus is to be born on the earth. The country in which that person is born is the nation of Korea; however surprising it may be, the fact is that the Messiah, who is the True Parent of humankind, comes as a Korean.

Unification is the Key to World Peace

When will the Messiah who is coming in this way appear? According to the Divine Principle, the Last Days are the time when this evil world comes to an end, and the Messiah is to return. Briefly, the Last Days are from the end of the first World War to the year 2000 -- a period of about eighty years. During this period the Lord of the Second Advent, who is the True Parent of humankind, is to be born in our land of Korea. This is the worldwide historical age of transition when the Lord of the Second Advent is building the ideal out of the world filled with sin, war and struggle.
Therefore, this era is an age of great chaos with the confrontation and struggle between goodness and evil occurring in the mutual relationships of all parts of the world: the individual, family, tribe, race, nation and the world.

The Realization of World Peace Through the Power of Women

Women leaders! What I am telling you today is not only for the Unification Church members who are following my husband. Now leaders from every level of society, in more than 160 nations, and many thousands of young people, are following this teaching and shedding sweat to build a new unified world overflowing with freedom and peace. Already Korea is being looked to by many people from all over the world as the country to which the True Parents of humankind have come, and the number of foreigners who are visiting Korea to learn the Korean language, culture and manners is rapidly increasing.
Our Women's Federation for World Peace has the fundamental remedy to save our families which are threatened by the present day reality of the degeneration of sexual morality, the proliferation of drugs and all sorts of wantonness and sexual corruption. This is a worldwide women's organization which was founded last April 10, in Seoul Olympic Stadium with 150,000 Korean women, including representatives from 72 countries. We cannot wait any longer to save the society of tomorrow, which is rotting with all kinds of immorality and corruption, and the fallen social climate where men have oppressed women.

Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon in his own words:

Just as each individual has his own fortune, the family and the nation also have a family fortune and a national fortune, and beyond this there is the fortune of the world, and there is heaven's fortune for all of heaven and earth. Even though a person may have been born with a lot of fortune, when his family fortune declines he must endure hardship. For a person who has both good individual fortune and family fortune, when the national fortune declines, he cannot help but be ruined. Going beyond this, the national fortune and the direction of the world is decided according to the direction and the progress of heaven's fortune which is above everything and includes everything. Establishing the way of heaven in the world means making the way the individual or nation is going correspond to the fortune of heaven.

Today, let us think about the evils of Korea and the problems of the world: economic depression, environmental pollution, political irregularity, racial and religious strife, the decay of ethics and morality, the collapse of the sense of values. Is there anyone who can fundamentally solve these many evils and problems? It has not been possible through human wisdom or effort. We have not been able to find a solution to these problems by mobilizing economic power or governmental power; rather, the evils of humankind are gradually becoming worse.

Now humanity has to humbly listen to the voice of heaven and find the road of resolution directed by God. This country and its people must accept my teachings. This is not because I am trying to raise myself up, but because it is the will of God.

God has revealed the principles of heaven through me, and He has given me the answers to the fundamental problems of humankind. My life has been truly difficult. I have been beaten, persecuted and unfairly imprisoned by successive governments, and due to the prejudice and malicious opposition of some Christian leaders, all types of rumors have been spread about me. But, thanks to the protection of God, I have laid a miraculous and victorious worldwide foundation. Such a foundation has been without precedent since the dawn of history.

(Pictured: Rev. Moon founded the Washington Times The Times broke key news stories on Soviet bloc operations, and sometimes brought to the front pages vital Cold War issues which newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post chose to bury on back pages. )

In America, which is a prepared nation representing world Christianity, I have a record breaking foundation that no other non- white person has been able to achieve.

Of course, I had to suffer from racial discrimination and religious prejudice; I even had to surmount unfair imprisonment. Nevertheless, I rebuilt the Christian foundation, which was shaking at the roots; I educated and trained the youth who were suffering from drugs and immorality, and I gave hope to America. Neither the government of America nor the people can ignore my foundation.

(Ronald Reagan holding a copy of the The News World, Rev. Moons newspaper, which predicted Reagan's landslide victory on Election Day morning, November 4, 1980)

The same is true for Japan and Europe. Already there are Unification missions in 160 countries which are developing every day. Each of these missions has become the symbol of each kind of religious activity and the symbol of the movement to rebuild ethics and morality

Unification by Giving True Love to Others

 From the early 1980s I ordered world-level academic meetings to be held with the theme of the collapse of the Soviet empire. In 1985 an academic journal published an article, which has now become world famous, prophesying for the first time the collapse of the communist Soviet empire.
On the basis of such a foundation, I visited the Soviet Union and I met Mikhail Gorbachev. Now in three of the fifteen republics of the former Soviet Union, there is a movement to make Unificationism the national religion. Already tens of thousands of university students have studied my teaching, and the Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle(CARP), which is the Unification Church university student organization, has been organized in over 700 universities.

This year, tens of thousands of high school teachers and students will attend Divine Principle training workshops. Do you think this kind of activity is the result of human power alone? It is real proof that the living God is working together with us. Miracles are taking place as confirmed atheists change their views of life and the universe to one centered on God, after five days of Divine Principle lectures. I have established a huge foundation in China.

Actual Divine Principle students

(Pictured: One couple out of millions who have attended the inter-cultural Mass Blessing Ceremony to bring peach through international families coming together)

I prepared important projects like the construction of the Panda industrial city many years ago, and many underground missionaries have been working hard until this day. Only God knows how much I have done to bring about the unification of North and South Korea. The unification of North and South Korea is not merely a visible and external unification; it is a providential unification centered on God. It cannot be established without going through my foundation. The unification required by God's providence is not for unification in itself; it is so that on the foundation of unification, eternal freedom, peace and happiness can blossom.


It cannot be unification by force or where one side is miserable. It must be a unification by true love in which each lives for the other and gives and gives again. Therefore, the unification of the fatherland cannot be exploited for the benefit of any individual, political party or government. When all of our hearts and actions, colored with love, reach out to the hearts of our fellow countrymen in the north, then true unification will come.

          In Order for World Peace to Come

Women leaders! Centered on God's true love, I have expanded supra- denominational and supra-religious movements of reconciliation to the worldwide level. Without reconciliation and interchange between the divided religions, how can world peace be realized? Isn't it true that today there is still appalling religious strife in the Middle East, in Ireland, in the Balkans and in other areas?
Last year on August 27, I gathered together all the highest religious leaders of the world and established the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. We joined together in order to realize world peace through the unity and cooperation of religious people. It is truly a precious organization. There may be important differences among religions, but there are just as many common points and all have the purpose to seek for the Absolute Being.

It is an important fact that God established all religions with a providential purpose for the whole. Therefore, they must unite together. Just as President Han mentioned in her address, Christianity teaches that man ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; this means that our human ancestors committed the sin of disbelief and fell. If our human ancestors had not fallen, as God's precious son and daughter -- namely, God's prince and princess -- they would have inherited God's blood lineage; they would have inherited their Father God's possessions -- namely, the creation.

They should have grown to perfection and become the ideal husband and wife of love. However, through the fall, they changed from God's blood lineage, they were robbed of God's possessions and they lost God's heart. God's providence of salvation as the providence of restoration for complete recovery must take responsibility for the mission to restore the blood lineage, to restore the realm of ownership and to change the realm of the human heart.

As a result of the fall, Adam and Eve came to be one with Satan and they followed him to hell. The eldest son Cain followed Eve and the second son Abel followed behind him. God's providence of restoration has been carried out in such a way that the condition to separate from Satan is established through the second son, who starts later and represents the side of goodness, subjugating the eldest son, who starts first and represents the side of evil.
The basis of the providence of restoration is to send the restored Adam namely, the Messiah -- who will change the blood lineage (through Holy Marriage performed by messiah), ownership and heart. However, the heartistic position of the original son cannot be restored at once. The providence must be accomplished gradually, starting from the position of the servant of servants. In this world which is held under the power of Satan, Abel who is on the side of good should complete the mission of the servant of servants by living for Cain with true love.

Then Satan cannot accuse him, but instead cannot help but praise and recognize him. After that, the missions of the servant, the adopted son, the illegitimate son and the direct son are restored following the order of love and affection. Restoration can only take place on each level when the Abel side lives for Cain's side through true love, so that Satan cannot accuse him.

If Abel in the position of the true son and daughter makes Cain surrender and they become one, the mother Eve can stand on that foundation, and when Eve fulfills her responsibility, Adam can stand on that foundation. Then for the first time God can come to dwell on that foundation and the eight necessary stages of the vertical course of the providence of restoration can be completed. If we look at the stages of the providence of restoration horizontally, there are also eight stages: they are the individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, cosmos and God. Jesus came as the second Adam, the Messiah, but unfortunately the chosen people of Israel did not know who he was. Will today's Christians be able to recognize the Lord when he returns?

The Lord of the Second Advent will not literally return in the air on the clouds. There are people who believe and are proclaiming that on October 28 of this year, they will be taken up to heaven on the clouds, but it will not happen like this. Please believe me, this kind of event will never happen. The Lord who went through the cross will return through the cross. When Jesus died on the cross, there were three types of people connected with Jesus' crucifixion. There was the first type, the thief on Jesus' right who repented of his sins and testified to Jesus; there was the second type, the thief on Jesus' left, who was a sinner who did not repent and who vilified Jesus.

The third type was Barabbas, a criminal who surely should have been crucified, was saved when Jesus was crucified instead. At the time of the Second Advent, these three types are realized on the world level. Western Christianity is the first type in the position of the thief on Jesus' right. Although they still have original sin, they believe in the Lord and they are in the position of good. The materialistic, atheistic communist bloc is the second type and is in the position of the thief on the left. Islam in the Middle East is the third type and is in the position of Barabbas. Because Jesus died instead of him and because Israel caused Jesus to die on the cross, Islam came to occupy the land of the Middle East which had been divided between the twelve tribes of Israel.

The Lord of the Second Advent, who is in the position of the reborn Jesus, has to straighten out the worldwide achievements of these three types which came about through Jesus' death. In order to straighten out the Western world of Christianity, he has to bring about a new movement of religious reformation, overcome the atheistic ideology of communism and bring all the communist world back to God's side. The ideology which can overcome the left wing and right-wing ideologies and bring about a unified harmony between them is my proposed Headwing ideology of Godism.

I Have Fulfilled my Mission as the Lord of the
Second Advent, the Savior and the True Parent

As I have mentioned before, the left-wing and right-wing worlds are already being straightened out through the Headwing ideology. Also the religion of Islam has started to promote reconciliation and cooperation. A miracle took place last April when representatives from eight Middle East countries took part in a mass holy wedding of the Unification Church. I conducted the blessing ceremony through which fallen people can be cleansed of sin. I solved the historical conflict and settled the tension between the left and the right; furthermore, I established the miracle of bringing about reconciliation with the world of Islam.

These kinds of works cannot be performed through the ability or planning of an individual alone. God chose me to be the Messiah and during this time He has been performing His work of salvation. I have fulfilled my mission as the Lord of the Second Advent, Savior and the True Parent. I am proclaiming this in this place because the time has come to do so. Those who accept this will be blessed. If this race listens to me, how good that would be for this country. How good it would be if the statesmen listen to me.

Whether a person listens to me or not is his individual responsibility; however, the time is coming when all people of the world will want to listen to me. People generally believe that the Messiah is thought only to be the Lord of Glory and have the authority of judgment, but they are wrong. God does not want to look at this sinful world.

He has thought about judging the world and wiping it out in an instant. However, the God of true love always worries about the eternal life of humankind. You have to know God's heart which has endured for so long, trying through true love to make humanity comply of its own free will. From the point of view of fallen man, the Messiah is the Savior, but from God's point of view he is the True Parent, the True Son who will realize the ideal of creation of true love, which was lost at the beginning.

(Father Moon had his homecoming last year at the age of 92 and ended his last pray hours before with "Everything is finished")
The Messiah is the person who has pioneered the way of sacrifice, dedicating his life to liberate God from His grievous sorrow that was caused by the fall. He is not a person who stands only in a glorious position. He always weeps together with God's heart, and he is concerned about how to make Satan surrender. He is deeply concerned and anxious about realizing God's purpose of creation. He knows better than anyone else the heart of God. Who is like a servant of servants, wandering and shedding endless tears in the satanic world in search of His lost children, and unless he completely liberates God from His sorrow, he cannot receive glory.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Second Advent Mission

Textbook for World Peace, Selected Speechesby Reverend Sun Myung Moon & President Hak Ja Han Moon
Chapter 6
The Reappearance of the True Parents and the Ideal Family
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
President, Federation for World Peace

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