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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Every Human Born Into Satan's Lineage

We already know this statement to be true, even if in theory.  We know every human is born with sin, has elements of the fall and have to be linked to a Messiah to be saved.  With elements of sin, we are not born into God's pure lineage.  Whose lineage are we born into?  Mary's?

As human beings, you and I were endowed to have dominion even over the angels. That blessing that God had given us has always been our possession.  Satan has tried for millions of years to hide the secrets to open this truth - but with the Messiah's victory, we can begin the process of restoring humanity back to the position before the occurence of the fall.

I suppose this is why we love movies such as this that show the power of man so often that is hidden through super hero movie and countless fantasies.

With the tools of religion and the truth of the Returned Messiah, we can faithfully march forward to rid ourselves of Satan's influence individually and on a family level.

Is this going to be an easy task? Satan has been trying to cover up his true crime since the Garden of Eden. If what happened in the Garden was a literal fruit, then it would be impossible for God to reverse a sin that we as human would inherit for eternity.

The fruit was not literal and we have been attached to Satan's fallen lineage through the blood line. How do you attach through the blood line?

If this already seems heretical, then maybe it is too much for now. I have been studying these 1,000 volume text daily and faithfully for over 7 years because I want to get rid of satan substantially not just conditionally. As a faithful christian, I found just praying and keeping myself sexually pure wasn't enough against the forces of darkness in which you, I and the world are attacked.

Do you think if I only mildly had the truth I would proclaim such a large message about Satan? Everyday, God reveals more truth about the world we live in and I'm coming to see that we barely have been taught less than one percent of the truth.

It would be impossible for anyone to live in this current world completely attached to God's word for they would never be able to see people, watch television, or look at another human. Simple habits we encounter daily  keep us attached to Satan's dominion over us without us even knowing it.

We are fortunate to live in the Last Days where the war between God and Satan will ultimately be won by God through the blood, sweat and tears of his faithful soldiers - you and me.

Responsibility comes with this knowledge and I have witnessed the Divine Principle to my family, friends and everyone I come in contact with and now I am passing this to you my brother and sister.

We must first begin with God's ideal. The current world that we live is not God's ideal of creation, but if we look at God's point-of-view of history, we can see His mighty works to restore humanity back to its original position.

God's Original Plan

The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is a restored world in which Satan can no longer instigate any activity. To realize this world, it is necessary for all humanity to eliminate their common base with Satan and not engage in give and take action with him. This pertains to the prophecy that in the Last Days God will confine Satan in a bottomless pit signifies that Satan will be utterly incapable of any activity, since there will no longer be any counterparts with whom Satan can relate.

That means that you and I have completely eradicated our ties to Satan and humanity no longer is influenced by his works.   

We as a religious community must be honest to the fact that even if we follow God's laws, have daily devotions, are saved, and devout to God's word, you are still surrounded daily by Satan's dominion and influences throughout your walk of life. There will be a day where we will battle with Satan as a united front on God's side and these influences will no longer be our burden.

What a great day this will be for God and humanity!

God is the owner, and we human beings are His sons and daughters. Angels, on the other hand, were created as God’s servants; hence they are also the servants of His children. This was not indefinite. There was a growing period for angels as well as humans. They were to grow to a higher level as they taught humans about the creation. Then they would receive God's love through perfected humans.  Instead we know the outcome. Among all the angels, the archangel Lucifer was the closest to God as well as to Adam and Eve.

Satan knew all the stories behind the scenes. During the process of creating the universe, prior to the creation of Adam and Eve, God would discuss things with the archangel and send him to do his errands. In other words, the archangel was like a servant of a wealthy lord. He was also in the position of a servant to his master’s children, no matter how young or immature they were.

God created the angelic world and assigned Lucifer (Isa. 14.12) to the position of archangel. Lucifer was the channel of God’s love to the angelic world, just as Abraham was the channel of God’s blessing to the Israelites. In this position, he virtually monopolized the love of God.

However, after God created human beings as His children, He loved them many times more than He had ever loved Lucifer, whom He had created as His servant. In truth, God’s love toward Lucifer did not change; it was the same before and after the creation of human beings. Yet when Lucifer saw that God loved His children more than he, Lucifer felt as if there had been a decrease in the love he received from God. This situation is similar to that in the biblical parable of the laborers in the vineyard.

(Matt. 20.1-15) Although the laborers who had worked since morning received a fair wage, when they saw that those who came later and worked less received just as much, they felt underpaid. Lucifer, feeling as though he were receiving less love than he deserved, wanted to grasp the same central position in human society as he enjoyed in the angelic world, as the channel of God’s love.

This was why he seduced Eve, and this was the motivation of the spiritual fall.

Satan's Curse

God cursed the fallen angel, saying, “Upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.” (Gen. 3.14) “Upon your belly you shall go” means that the angel would become a miserable being, unable to function properly or to perform its original service. To “eat dust” means that ever since the angel was thrown down from heaven (Isa. 14.12, Rev. 12.9), he has been deprived of life elements from God.

Instead, he has had to subsist on evil elements gleaned from the sinful world.
Evil started from Satan, who infused into Eve the attitude, “I am the subject; I am the center.” It started with the mentality to boast of oneself, which is evil. God’s original Principle of Creation is, “Live for the sake of others.”

Satanic fallen human nature is, “Live for myself.” You must know the origin of good and evil clearly. Evil people expect others to live for them; God wants to tear down this nature. Jesus also wants to tear it down; that is why he taught: Do not be arrogant, live for others and serve others.

The Fall means that human beings fail to connect with God’s vertical true love and cannot fulfill horizontal true love in their relationships with others. This is because the archangel Lucifer invaded human horizontal love.
As the result of the Fall, God lost His children, and we were born into a dysfunctional life, suffering from conflict between mind and body. On this condition, the Devil can inappropriately subjugate human beings as our false father.
Due to the Fall, human beings could not become temples of God; instead, they united with Satan and became his dwelling places to use as he pleased. By being united with Satan, they failed to cultivate the divine nature; instead, they acquired an evil nature. People with evil nature have propagated evil through their children, constituting evil families, evil societies and an evil world.

This is the hell on earth in which we have been living. In this hell, we cannot properly form cooperative horizontal relationships with one another because our vertical relationships with God have been severed. We perform deeds harmful to others because we cannot feel the pain and suffering of our neighbors as our own.

Since humans are living in hell on earth, after shedding their physical body, they naturally enter hell in the spirit world. We have not built the Kingdom of God, but instead established the sovereignty of Satan. For this reason, Satan is called the “ruler of this world” (John 12.31) and the "god of this world" 2 Cor. 4.4

That is why God had sent hundreds of saints and prophets in a desperate effort to give His children weapons against Satan through His word.  That is why He has brought the Messiah to our time so we may unite with him and completely eradicate and sever all ties to Satan and finally fulfill the promise of the three great blessings and bring this world of peace into reality.    This is God's one dream.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: God's Prayer

This text comes from World Scripture II, the section is called "Evil Sin and the Human Fall". This book took 30 years of research to write. It coordinates verses and sayings of philosophers, religious text to show how they all have the same purpose - to bring the higher truth of God for His children to practice to align themselves with Him and be released from Satan.

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