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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Fall of Humans Isn't a Literal Fruit

Here are three clues to what God was telling Adam and Eve to not partake in or else they would die. 

1. Adam and Eve were naked and unafraid to be naked until they 'ate of the fruit'.   I thought you cover your transgressions, why cover your private parts for the first time after eating fruit?  2. God told Adam and Eve that they would die.  Is God a liar?  God does not lie, Adam and Eve did die ... spiritual death happens when we are separated from God.  Let the dead bury the dead.  This is just the start to let us stop telling satan's lie about the fruit being just an edible fruit.
The third one, satan throws right in front of our faces everyday because he is so confident that you and I are so blind to the truth.  Just look up Adam and Eve on the Internet and you will be inundated with so much adult material and even adult stores named after the pair.  Right in our face, Satan not only uses our bodies as his playground but flat out dances in front of our faces how he was able to do it.

How many argue that the reason why all of humanity fell below the level of humans and angels was all because of a simple fruit?  Mostly all.  How many are willing to accept that the fruit was not literal and it stands for something else and this something else is being perpetuated in our society keeping us under the dominion of Satan.  Only a few.

Is free sex in America and throughout the world the expression of God’s philosophy of the Kingdom or the devil’s philosophy of hell? It is the philosophy of hell run rampant, creating hell both on earth and in heaven. Everyone who follows this trend is doomed

Why do we stick tenaciously to false facts when we see that our religious practices is no closer to saving our lost brothers and sisters?  We have to dig deeper.  Christianity is one religion that has changed since its founding.  The New Testament did not exist during the Old Testament just as the Completed Testament in our time was unheard of during Jesus' time.  Unfortunately, this is slightly true.  Jesus knew more, wanted to share more but the people of his time were unwilling to change and he was limited to the New Testament.  This is why he comes again in our time to deliver the break news.  Do we hear him?

World Peace: Solve Problem in Garden of Eden First

In order to begin the mission of bringing world peace, we first must tackle where humanity all went wrong.  It is a secret that has been hidden and even if anyone fell upon it, would not even begin to know how to uncover a way to restore humanity.  Jesus knew. 

But he was met with so much opposition that people didn't even let him begin "how can I tell you about things of heaven if you don't accept the earthly things." Jesus had so much in his heart that he knew and wanted to teach humanity, but the people of his time could not understand or would not listen.  These secrets never left the earth. 

As Revelations tells, these secrets would be uncovered in the Last Days and God's people would be told plainly of the Father.  That is today.  Still, people refuse to listen and accept the truth.  It is a hard truth and reality. 

To accept, would mean we as humans would have to deny the way we have been taught all our lives and would have to reject our very environment because it is against Godly mandate. 

This is also the situation of the Israelites when Jesus told them to pick up their cross and follow them and to love him more than their own father and mother.  That never went away.  In order to even begin to talk about world peace, the leaders of that foundation, have to have this small requirement as that base.

Another reason we haven't seen peace through religion, because what is required of one individual would be the same as cutting off the very life in which we breathe.  The requirements to follow God go beyond any religion that is set forth on earth at this moment. 

To follow the standard that God needs to go back to His original plan of creation would mean one would have to surpass the standard of the sages and saints and religious leaders who have passed before.  It would take sacrifice and the heart to live for others.  It would take a 180 degree turn from the direction we are headed.  Satan has hidden the truth of the fall so we as humans could continue making this mistake and we can stay connected to him through our mistakes.  Without knowing the facts of the Fall, you and I and our children are doomed to repeat these mistakes that take us further away from God when we are tempted by them.

Hidden Truth Revealed

What is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God told the original ancestors, Adam and Eve, not to eat? It is not the real fruit of a tree. It is a way of expressing the husband and wife love relationship that the first ancestors were to have in the future. Due to the temptation of a third being, while still in an imperfect state, the first man and woman entered into an immoral sexual relationship. Actually, in the Garden of Eden, the third party besides Adam and Eve was the archangel. In the Bible it is revealed that Lucifer was the archangel who tempted Eve and committed an immoral sexual sin. This was the fall of man, the original sin which planted the root of sin in the world.
 Man committed the sexual sin before his Father God, the Lord and Master of heaven and earth, and the first ancestors had children out of this immoral love; and the world of evil was realized. In other words, they married centered on Satan and by planting false love, false life and a false lineage they became ancestors of evil. As human society expanded from the individual, family, tribe, race, and nation to the world level, due to this immoral relationship between man and woman, the root of the evil blood lineage was established everywhere, at all times, and this world became hell on earth: it became a false world filled with sin, war and fear. The fallen ancestors, Adam and Eve, should have established the position of True Parents as the eternal good ancestors of humanity, but they fell to become false parents leaving a blood lineage of evil. This is the first cause of all the tragedy and misery of humankind. What could be more tragic or cause greater indignation than becoming the descendants of false parents and all humankind losing their True Parents? And how great must be the suffering and sorrow of God, the Father of humanity, whose purpose of creation, to establish the true ancestors of humankind and to multiply people of goodness, was stolen by the blood lineage of sin through the immoral fall of the first human ancestors.

The requirement is controversial, if not impossible by today's standard.  It requires Absolute Sex.  A standard of no sex before marriage and only with ones spouse within the marriage.

How is it that impure ungodly sex brought down a civilization?  Easy to see when you look on the individual level.  How many religious men and politicians have lost everything when they have an affair or have sex with prostitutes? Multiply this by family and nation and world and it is just a simple glimpse of how illicit sex outside of God's dominon has corrupted the earth.

What Did the Fruit Symbolize?

Satan skates all over our society by keeping this hidden.  Even Christians who know that we should abstain from explicit relationships, we can fall for the same thing Adam and Eve fell for.

You and I at one time have fallen for the tricks of Satan.  Those who say they do not sin are said in the bible to be liars.  I am a sinner.  I have fallen for the traps that satan has laid out for each and every person living on this earth.  Now teens are inundated with images that free sex is fine, experimentation is celebrated and chastity is scorned. 

First Eve fell for this trap, then Adam, and then their descendants thereafter which leads to you, me and our children.  How tragic a situation.

So, what is the fruit?

I used to believe that the fruit was such a delicious fruit found nowhere else.  But we know that God wouldn't plant something that could cause his children death and test them by telling them to stay away from it.  Same for Adam and Eve. I know this now as I have matured.  Why create a fruit that His children could never delight - ever?  God created this "fruit" for His children to enjoy once they were mature.  That makes more sense than a god who testing His children for their loyalty to Him. 

Our first ancestors were teenagers.  God gave them a commandment.  They were naked and unashamed before the fall, and the first thing they covered after the fall was their body parts.  Children caught in a cookie jar cover their mouths, not their lower parts.  Why have we ardently stuck to hiding this truth allowing Satan to cover up what he perpetuated in the Garden? 

Simple.  This is the easiest way to keep us from God is to keep the deeper truth hidden.  To keep the faithful feeling everything is okay if they just read the bible and save a few homeless people and keep their faith.

There is a way to restore the world.  Arm ourselves with the truth the Second Coming has armed us with and spread the truth, as the disciples did after Jesus' death.

What was the forbidden fruit? What sort of fruit could cause countless generations of humanity to groan in misery? Why would God create a fruit that could cause misery, destruction and war? The Divine Principle's Teaching teaching is logical: the fruit is a symbol for love. So many evils spring from love. From love can spring either good or evil fruit, therefore it is called “the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

B,ut we started from a family where love never matured and we had fallen immoral relations outside of God's ideal marriage and have perpetuated this since the beginning of the first family.

Adam and Eve had been living in joy in the Garden of Eden and conversing with God. The only possible sin that they would be tempted to commit at the risk of their lives was a sin involving
love which is more powerful than any law.
The consummation of human ancestors’ first love was also to be God’s own completion.

Therefore, it naturally should have been the moment of joy and jubilation for God, Adam and Eve, and all creation. They were to have rejoiced together in continuous festivities of love and blessing.  On that joyous occasion, God’s love, life and lineage was to be firmly settled in the first human ancestors.

Accordingly, from the viewpoint of God’s purpose of creation, love should be the most precious and sacred act. But because the sexual act was the very cause of the Fall, people often regard it with shame and even contempt. In conclusion, human beings fell through an act of illicit sexual intercourse.

The more one receives love, the more beautiful one appears to others. When the angel, created as God’s servant, beheld Eve, the daughter of God, it was only natural that she looked beautiful in his eyes. Moreover, when Lucifer saw that Eve was responding to his temptation, the angel felt the stimulation of her love to be deliciously enticing. At this point, Lucifer was seducing Eve with the mind to have her, regardless of the consequences.

Lucifer, who left his proper position due to his excessive desire, and Eve, who wanted to open her eyes and become like God before the time was ripe, formed a common base and began give and take action. The power of the unprincipled love generated by their give and take led them to consummate an illicit sexual relationship on the spiritual plane.

All beings are created based on the principle that when they become one in love, they exchange elements with each other. Accordingly, when Eve became one with Lucifer through love, she received certain elements from him. First, she received feelings of dread arising from the pangs of  guilty conscience, stemming from her violation of the purpose of creation. Second, she received from Lucifer the wisdom which enabled her to discern that her originally intended spouse was to be Adam, not the angel.

The power of the unprincipled love generated in their relationship induced Adam to abandon his original position and brought them together in an illicit physical relationship of sexual love.
Once Eve had united with the Archangel through their illicit sexual relationship, she stood in the position of the Archangel with respect to Adam. Thus, Adam, who was still receiving God’s love, appeared very attractive to her. Seeing Adam as her only hope of returning to God, Eve turned to Adam and tempted him, playing the same role as the Archangel had played when he had tempted her. Adam responded and formed a common base with Eve, and they began give and take action.

When Adam united in oneness with Eve, he inherited all the elements Eve had received from the Archangel. These elements in turn have been passed down to all subsequent generations without interruption… and humanity has multiplied in sin to the present day, perpetuating the lineage of Satan.

Love is supposed to bring human beings to perfection. However, when something goes wrong with love, even God steps back. Then it becomes a serious problem. In this respect, we discover that something went wrong with love. Nothing else could become such a serious problem for God, for humankind and for history. The failure of love was the greatest catastrophe in the whole universe.

How do we turn this sad history around?

The Fall Caused Chaos to This Day

Up to the moment when God joined Adam and Eve, they were not prepared to experience the electricity of love. They would have felt clumsy around each other; their physical touch would have come as a shock. But once their minds and bodies would be totally united in God’s love, once the three—God, Adam and Eve—would be united as one, they would have experienced love like a flash of lightning. At that moment, they would have become the nucleus of the universe. They would have orbited about each other in love, formin the nucleus for governing all things by love.

Had Adam and Eve become the nucleus, God would have nestled them in His bosom. He would have been with them always. Even if His body tried to leave, His feet would have stayed with them.

The couple would have been inseparable, ever embracing each other. Their sons and daughters would have been connected to them by cords of love, and wherever they went they would come together to be established from that nucleus.

As descendants of a man and woman in complete oneness, they too would have embraced one another in true love as they built their own families, tribes, peoples, nations and world. What wonderful world it would be! Everything would be marvelous. It would be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Don’t you think so?
Am I a dreamer, or do I speak truth? My elucidation of the Human Fall as the reason for the corruption of love is logical and correct, based upon a proper assessment of history. Knowing it, we can resolve all human problems. Even so, it is not an easy task.
Because the nucleus of love was not established, and instead the Fall occurred, the whole world became contrary to God’s ideal, its unity shattered into pieces. Stemming from that initial disorder, all human beings became separated from one another. We cannot deny that the world today is beset by divisions. That is to say, we are all fallen. It is only appropriate to conclude that we are living in the world that resulted from the Fall.

Restoring Fallen Men

Religion holds adultery to be the cardinal sin. Is free sex in America and throughout the world the expression of God’s philosophy of the Kingdom or the devil’s philosophy of hell? It is the philosophy of hell run rampant, creating hell both on earth and in heaven. Everyone who follows this trend is doomed.

How can God’s love be linked to this world? True love coming down from above brings unity by the most direct and shortest path, making a 90-degree angle. Once that direct connection is made with the vertical God, the love of human beings can correspond to it—true love traveling by the most direct and shortest path. Induced by that vertical love, a man and a woman move on the horizontal plane toward the vertical line, creating a right angle: this is love’s final destination. What was the Human Fall? It bent this right angle.
Sexual promiscuity is a principal cause of the downfall of numerous heroes, patriots and nations.
ven in the most outstanding people, the root of sin—illicit sexual desire—is constantly active within their souls, sometimes without their conscious awareness.

We  may be able to eradicate all other evils by establishing moral codes through religion, by thoroughly implementing various educational programs, and by reforming the socio-economic systems that foster crime. But no one can prevent the plague of sexual promiscuity, which has become increasingly prevalent as the progress of civilization makes lifestyles more comfortable and indolent.

Therefore, the hope of an ideal world is an empty dream as long as this root of all evils has not been eradicated at its source. Christ at his Second Advent must be able to solve this problem once and for all.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Why Woman Had to Fight Equality Throughout History

Today's text was taken from World Scripture Volume II, "Evil, Sin and the Human Fall"

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