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Turn World Peace's Long Post Into Audio
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Can Save the World

If saving the world was as easy as all the superheroes make it - a woman screams for help and the hero swoops down for the rescue, World Peace would have happened by now.

There is another factor keeping us from obtaining peace on all levels of society that superheroes can only dream of solving.
Heroes use their flight and power to save a young woman falling from a building, take out the bad guys or stop a train from hitting a little boy.  Then, the hero goes home, or goes to work and tries to blend into the rest of society merely by wearing a pair of glasses. 

One might wonder, why do we need a SUPERhero for those kinds of situations?  I mean we have the military, we have EMTs, firemen and the police?  Do these professionals do a great job of protecting the city like Spiderman and Superman everyday?

If you had a Will Smith superhero character with all of the power his character enjoyed in Hancock, I wouldn't waste it on such superfluous goals such as to find a mate for just one night or stop cocaine runners.  We already have heroes in society to saves us from those realities.  Humanity wants a TRUEhero, one who can rescue us beyond our own human powers. 

Maybe it is too high of an expectation.  I mean these characters originated from comic books meant for just pasttime, for our enjoyment.  Plus these macho rich, characters live in a fictional world where the only problems people encounter are external ones - robots taking over, insane people holding people hostage, terrorist blowing up a building - heroes serve their purpose in their own small world.  In our world, we have more conflicts, more problems, and in order to bring us into a World of Peace, it will take an even greater hero. 

The World in Search of a Savior

One that can save us beyond the physical salvation of a burning building.  The world needs a hero that saves us from the spiritual pain we inherited at birth.  A hero that can save us from the suffering inflicted within every human being. 

For the religious this may be Jesus, Buddha, Confucius and Muhammad.  They brought truth to the suffering of people of their time. These four teachers of the four main religions were able to teach their followers how to take control over their bodies. 

Yet, there is still a self-contradiction within even the most faithful.  Even though Jesus died for our sins, while on earth, our bodies are still afflicted with the results of sin.  Poverty, Sadness, depression, anxiety, disease, etc.  Many people believe this is part of the creation and that sin will forever remain with humanity on the earth. 

But the Messiah came to completely remove sin.  Then you say he did. 

That is correct, the Savior has taken our sin and gave us spiritual salvation where we can live eternally with God after death.  On the other hand, can we deny that sin is even in the most devout Christian who follows Jesus's teaching and pass it on to their children?

If you look at Jesus's life, he opened a way for us to reach Paradise, but even he himself his own body was tortured, his flesh was torn from the body and he lost his life. 

Yes, the crucifixion was necessary as God's second choice to save us from our sin through sacrifice at the demand of His enemy, but one must think about it - human sin destroyed even Jesus's body.  Who denies that because of sin, Jesus's own flesh had to leave this earth?This is why even though through his flesh we have been forgiven of sin, Satan can still attack us, our flesh, our bodies physically.  Jesus asked, how can one person surpass his own teacher?

This is why the faithful still have disease, cancer, untimely deaths and the such.  You can see it everyday with our bodies open to diseases, horrible pain and physical attacks. 

Yes, the devout are protected by the Holy Spirit and God from tragedies, but sin was not completely removed from the earth even after Jesus's accomplishment.  Is it because God made evil part of creation and it will be a constant struggle in our lives for ever?

Any god that creates a world where his children must fight sin for eternity - that type of god is not the Creator that Jesus followed, but another god that has taken God's position and masked his identity for thousands of years. 

The fact that God gave us Jesus is a Testament that God wants sin eradicated.  The Messiah came by God's mandate to bring an end to sin - One Man came - an individual to bring World Peace.

So, why does sin still exist?


Sin is Not Part of God's Plan

The world needs a superhero to return and save us from the results that sin bears on our physical bodies once and for all. 

Which equals to no more disease, no more hurt, sadness suffering etc. on earth as well as heaven.  This would be a World of Peace or the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Superhero movies, no matter how bad the script is,  continue to break box office records.  If humans wish for a hero and love superheroes so much, from whom or what do we humans want to be saved?  Why do we Americans wish to be rescued?  We are not starving, we have all that we need, therefore, why do we need someone to rescue us?  Rescue America from what?

If we are born into sin, which bores action that takes us away from God, that means we are continuously born in a way that needs to be corrected.  How can we eliminate this?  Do we continue to believe that the all mighty God cannot save His pitiful children except halfway through the death of His only son? 

How can we eliminate the dirty lineage we are born into? 

Should we stubbornly stick to the ideal that we are completely free from sin when we still give birth to children who have to be saved from sin?  From the beginning when man chose to eat and disobey the commandment, that impurity connected us to a dirty lineage.

To think that we are in God's direct lineage is not right, for a god to bear children of sin is not God the Creator but another god - the lowly god Satan. 

In other words, when our ancestors chose to believe Satan's words we chose Satan's word, do eat for it will open your eyes and you will become great, we chose Satan's lineage, Satan's will for the world and that is why we live in a world of hell right at this moment.  You are currently living in a world chosen by the little god Satan - his ideal world is the opposite of God's world to keep us from God - to destroy yours and my life.  Why do we deny this when we look around at the world situation today?  Does this world perpetuate a world of God's ideal or Satan's ideal? 

God absolutely intends that one day His children will be born within His realm of protection, and without the need for religion.

Heroes Sacrifice For World Peace

So you and I want to be heroes or at least see a superhero movie at the local theater.  Do Superheroes have a easy life? If you rewatch any hero series or read their comics, you will see that at one point they always suffer some great lose due to having such a public mission.  They lose loves, their family is affected and it is a very lonely position.

If we truly understood what it takes to be a hero we wouldn't volunteer for the position even though great power comes attached as part of the package.  It entails a life of sacrifice. It will not be an easy life to save the world. 

We all want to live in an Utopian world, a World of Peace.  Where do we have to go to achieve this?  We have to go through the realm of an original family of love.  World Peace starts from a True Family. 

How will this happen? 

That's where the Truehero comes in.  He must connect us back to God's direct lineage.  Then we say we are in God's lineage, God is within us, we are crafted from His image.

Then we must ask, if God made Jesus His Son, then what are we?  Jesus is God's True Son and through Jesus we are adopted sons and daughter, not True.

This hero will do this no matter what the circumstances.  If a vast ocean stands before him, he must swim across it.  If a high mountain blocks his path, he has to climb the Himalayas with his bare feet.  Who is willing to give up their luxurious life to follow this path through tons of people spitting at their feet like Martin Luther King, Jr.? 

A Truehero will have to go where the lowest, saddest and most stricken person in hell exist, and win victory over the strongest satans that oppose him.  In this way, the Truehero cuts a path of suffering that allows even the lowest person to follow toward a life of God.  This describes thousands of saints and religious leaders who seemingly were defeated in the end.  They are our heroes who laid a foundation for us to follow and bring humanity back to God.

In other words, in order to get rid of Satan's lineage - you have to go where Satan refuses to follow you.  Could Satan follow Jesus and tempt him away from God? 


Jesus and hundreds of other saints had cut a clear path of suffering for the purpose of separating themselves from Satan. 

Jesus suffered so much that he endured pain more than any person in history up until that time period, then he won victory over all of his enemies.  This way opens the path for you and me and every human to follow toward spiritual liberation from sin. 

In order for us to save the world from sin completely and dominate Satan back to his original position of servant, when this Truehero returns, we will have to follow the path that satan cannot follow, then satan leaves him.  Then this Great Teacher will give us the tools to follow this path and we will be able to completely eradicate Satan individually, and for the first time on earth we will have the power to eradicate sin from our earthly lives and bore children without the accusation of the original sin by following God's true path.

We have to go where satan refuses to follow us and torture us, we must shed blood, sweat and tears based on a heart of true love.  Evil can not love, evil can not be humble or love its enemy, therefore, when you practice this way evil will leave you  - this is an ironclad prinicple.  The reason why evil dominates us in this world is because we follow it, we give and take with evil ways.

When we conquer evil within ourselves using the tools of the Returned Messiah, then we become heroes when we spread this into our families which spreads to the nation and whole world.

Qualification of a Hero

Every faith can attest that Jesus was a hero and a savoir of the people.  The reason why he was only able to give spiritual salvatio and not physical, which a world without sin - heaven on earth, was because the people could not follow Jesus.

His disciples scattered and so did his teachings and that is why he Returns as a Messiah in our time to complete his teachings.  The people of his day did not have all of the scientific knowledge, the foundation of religions of suffering to stand on.  We can now receive in totally The Second Coming teachings that will bring us to a world, on earth, without suffering and sin. 

Is this going to happen automatically - poof, heaven on earth?

How can we rid ourselves of sin if we do it in a comfortable position, without being higher than those who are connected to satan?

You must be willing to love even your worst enemy more than you love your own children and save him.  Do we bless our enemies or curse them?  This standard of heart is what it will take to save the world.  

You must not live just for yourself, or your family, you must live every action for your nation and the world.  Then you must pick up your cross and follow the returned hero - the returned Messiah. 
In the physical reality everything is owned by satan. 

In Satan's world, you are forced to pay a tax on money you earn then on everything you buy, then your house, car etc are taxed again, annually for as long as you "own" it.  You do not truly own anything it is an illusion.  Who pays for something they own? 

In God's world, taxes will be voluntary and paid freely and used for the purpose of the whole and does not cause us to lose our freedoms.

Since human beings brought Satan to earth, it has been turned into hell. We must bring God here. We must do this through True Love.

This sad reality is because humans brought Satan to earth by choosing to follow him.  We must bring God to be leader over this earth.  We can only do that through the high standard of loving the enemy more than our loved ones, our own spouse and friends.

This is how you save your family, your children, the world - by releasing satan from you on an individual level, then your family level all the way to the nation.  Only then will you be connected to the coming World of Peace.

Return for tomorrow's post: The United Nations and World Peace

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


The text today was taken from one of 8 textbooks taught in the Unification Theological Seminary attended by high scholars, missionaries and ministers of all faiths.  The teachings follows The Principle of Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 

To learn more about the Unification Movement and the Freedom Society campaign, take a look at the fastest growing worldwide community at www.familyfed.org.

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