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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

United Nations and World Peace

Video below: Sit in on what it looks like to solve
issues on a global level.

Okay.  Have you ever seen those futuristic or fantasy epic movies that are in distant lands?  They always have some kind of council where you see all of the worlds, nations gather together to talk about the war or how to solve a nation's issues?

These movies always have some council that convenes to reconcile some global situation.  Looks familiar?  With their little name cards in front of each of them.  They emulate non other than the United Nations.

Even our imaginary worlds need some kind of worldwide laws that includes the elves, the humans - coming together to convene over who was going to retrieve the ring and destroy it.

I am sure over 70 years ago when we all thought about bringing World Peace to earth we would have surely thought by the year 2000 it would have been achieved.  We have every representative of every nation convening together to reconcile their differences.

Why  has the United Nations have not been able to solve the world's problems?

The United Nations and it's members have a dream of World Peace just as you and I do.  Actually we have arrived in the time of history which is a turning point.  Humanity has a decision. Will we plant the root of World Peace or are we doomed to repeat the failures of the 20th century? A world of darkness, oppression and conflicted deep in war.

In order for many countries and people to gain independence in the last century, it was a period of endless struggles with the First and Second Wars, the Korean War and the Cold War. Then the United Nations, founded after the Second World War, had great hopes as the institution that would uphold God's will for bringing about the peaceful, ideal world.

Why UN Can't Bring World Peace

Yes, the United Nations has made important contributions for peaceful talks, but almost at 70th anniversary the UN has not yet found a way to fulfill its founding purpose. 

The member states consist of about 200 offices and all they do is represent their culture's idea and even insist upon their own interest not truly working together.  For this reason, the UN is unable to bring us a way to resolve the world conflicts and achieve peace.

To see where the worldwide conflict began we can look again at our ancestral family.

Human conflict began within the first family recorded in history, Adam and Eve.  Eve was warned what would happen if she did not follow God's word.  Instead she did not listen to God and then she spread this sin to Adam. 

This is where the history of struggle of war on many levels began.  Starting with the war within every human's individual self which has grown into wars between nations and on to the global conflict between war of materialism and Godism.

Everyone says that children are the hope of the future.  But our children are slaves to promiscuous sex, drugs and living outside parent's and God's laws.  Then there is the fact that we believe that having material possession is more important than life and family itself. 

We as humans recognize our own interest and we ignore the suffering of tens of thousands who agonize and starve everyday.  This extreme, selfish me-complex threatens our way toward prosperity and brings misery.

Can the United Nations untie the strong knot created in the first family?  Of the first brothers Cain and Abel which is repeated within our own lives and between the nations?   Can the UN solve the problem?  All humanity originated from a family that had this conflict.

 As long as the Cain-Abel relationship remains within us, peace among nations will never come.  What makes up the world?  Nations and people and families make up each nation.  As long as people fight the war between their own individual body and their own individual mind peace can not exist.

We all fight our Cain-like body in order to follow our more Abel-like mind.  We do things we wish not to do and follow an unrighteous path no matter how hard we try to go the right way.  This is repeated on the global level. 

So we are living in a time when a more Abel-type of United Nation will set our path according to God's will.

Abel-type United Nations

The Abel-type UN will accomplish on a world level restoration of the relationship of the brother (nation against nation) which failed when Cain killed his brother instead of working with him to restore Adam and Eve. 

The Abel-type UN will work alongside the Cain-type United Nations representing a new sovereignty of world peace.  This relationship of a UN going toward God's ideal world that he had at the time of Creation will build the ideal world where God can settle and rule over humanity once again.

Why the UN can not accomplish World Peace

Take a look at the hitory of the United Nation, in some conflicts it would withdraw its forces before the mission was completed.  The best example is the Korean War.  The Abel-UN will create a peace police force and peace military that will keep peace and order in the coming World of Peace.  Now, humanity is still trapped beneath division, our own little interest and concerns and remnants from past conflicts and hates.

The Abel UN will be developed as a new international peace organization.  At the same time the United Nations will be reformed.  This reformation will include a peace council, a legislative organization which consist of global religious leaders that carry the same rank as members of the current UN Security Council.  This Peace Council will not speak for just one particular nation's ideal, but it will turly work for the welfare and peace of humanity from an inter-religious and world-wide perspective. 

Peace Through God's Instituion

God has longed for an institution and a person who wold resolve these tragedies, but no person appeared on earth. 

What organization can give hope now for eternal world peace?

Okay, imagine two enemy families that has battled together all through history repeating this war through their descendants.  These families cursed each other bitterly and would never dream of crossing paths. 

What happens if these families were joined together through their children intermarrying?  If a son from one family, and the daughter of the enemy family were to marry and share a happy home with their blessed children woud the members from each clan curse the children? In time, the two lineages once soaked with hate and hostility for past wrongs would reconcile.

The method of cross-cultural marriage will empower Whites and Black, Jews and Muslims, Orientals and Westerners and all enemy nations to live as one human family.  The organization of marriage was created by God. 

The ideal family is where we live and learn to become one through love.  With a foundation of love and respect betwen husband, wife and between siblings will establish a peaceful tradition of ideal families.  This type of way will bind the world together as one village.  It will tear down the man-made walls of race, culture religion and country and turn into the kingdom of a peaceful, ideal world that has been God's desire since He created His children.

The United States and Russia can become as one. The European Union, China, India, Japan, Brazil, and all nations, and also the world's religions, can combine their resources to make this project succeed.

With people and families living in this way, it will be a way where people no longer make war on each other.  You might not think this is possible, but where there is God's Will, there is a way.

Our Mission

So, living this way is a choice and knowing this information is a warning.  Will humanity join the Returned Messiah who erases these walls and leads us back to God, or will we fatefully choose to repeat history of conflict and continue to hate our global brothers and sisters? 

Humanity is held captive behind the walls of religion, the walls of nationality, race and culture.  These walls don't exist, borders don't exist, they are just a trick of Satan's ideal. 

Are we going to continue to spend our time on earth living in agony and regret repeating our ancestor's failures or will we take responsibility and set this evil world straight and establish a new heaven, a new earth a new culture and a peaceful ideal world.

I hope that we will put on new "true-love armor" in this new age, and be wise and brave activists in the Univeral Peace Kingdom Corps, for the sake of humanity's future.

Return for tomorrow's Post: Free Will and the World of Peace

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


Today's text was taken from a Peace Message of Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon.  To learn more about the Unification Movement and the Freedom Society campaign, please visit www.familyfed.org

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