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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why Communism Can't Bring World Peace

If you watch "Superman" you will see that even Lex Luther, his nemesis, had a grandeur desire to free the world through technology.  How about agents in the Matrix trilogy? The machine's goal in the beginning was a peaceful world created through the Matrix as well. 

Actually, all nemesis have their ideal of how to make the world better.  They don't set out to destroy the world, they just centered the ideal world on themselves which is imperfect and not centered on God.  So, enemies try to get rid of the heroes that are trying to stop their "ideal", which is self-centered and evil, from taking root.

These are superhero movies, but it is also reality.  If you watch any gangster movie you see how they kill the bad guys, correct? 

Then the tough guys go home and you see how they treat their family, their blood with such affections.  They feel they are doing the streets justice.  They are getting rid of the scum and taking the streets back for their people and their family. 

They feel they are justified in their killing of evil.  But, we in our sane thinking see them as the bad guy, as the very evil in which they try to rid.  Why is this?  Why is it bad to kill evil?

Because in essence, how do you judge evil, and from which standpoint?  From our point-of-view, drug dealers and criminals are evil because they break the rules.  This is a worldy standard.  Let's look at a higher standard of the world.  From God's standard, you and I are evil as no one on earth ever fully follows God's law.

Gangsters and criminals don't see themselves as evil, you and I don't either.  No one who does wrong does.  In order to judge a person and sentence them to death, would take such a standard bearer who could judge people's hearts and minds.  Who has that absolute lifestyle to judge another human to death.  So, gangsters no matter how noble their intentions, in fact, become the very people they judge.

Let's look more on a global scale.

Hitler and Stalin Anti-Christ

Do you think that Hitler, Stalin or any other dictator believed they were evil? 

Of course not.  They believed they were getting rid of evil Jews and the Slavic people who were oppressing the world from having global peace. That blond hair, blue eyes symbolized purity, and all others were impure.

Here is an excerpt from Hitler's Mein Kampf.  This was an account after he gave a speech before a group of over two-thousand people:

"...I had before me a hall full of people, united in a new conviction, a new faith, a new will. A fire had been kindled from the glow of which the sword was to emerge destined to restore freedom to the Germanic Siegfried and life to the German nation."

Hitler used the words "faith", "will", "freedom" the way God's saints and people taught.  The difference is saints centered on God's will, faith in God, and giving freedom through God's words.  Dictators do the same, yet all centered on themselves, not God.

There are still communist today who believe that if Hitler didn't go so far as to exterminate a population, that his prophecy would have been fulfilled, and he would have been able to unify the earth.

In a page of commentary written in the American version of Mein Kampf it said

"Hitler is the Messiah, whose faith is that which alone can save the world, in so far as the German people are concerned. Wilhelm Kube and Robert Ley, both prominent officials, have likened him to Christ."

Hitler wrote that God had given him the commission to eradicate the Jews, and raise up a new race of men, "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator by defending against the Jew; I am fighting for the Lord."

He was correct.  He was listening to a lord, the false lord who had destroyed God's idea, stole His children, and took God's position acting as God. Of course, the lord Hitler was speaking of is Satan who rules and stolen this earth.

Since Hitler had total confidence in himself and centered on Satan, then this makes him the satanic christ.

Hitler promised that once evil people were taken out of society leaving good people on earth, then the whole world would be free. 

But based on whom?  How did Hitler judge who was evil? 

How could he look into people's heart to judge how one person was more evil than the other?  We are all born into sin.  Did he consult the Creator who is the measuring point of good?

No, Hitler judged from his own point of view.

You might be surprised when you study the communist theology of Mein Kampf or Communist Party theology.  It is very smart or else how could it still enrapture people to still fight for it to this day?  It tries to bring about global peace just like people of faith, but this ideology failed in certain points.

The reason Communism is still being accepted by its citizens is number one it's forced, and number two because it dreams to have a society that also has the idea that it would free its citizens and unite the world.

But why didn't it work?  Why can't communism spread and conquer the whole earth and bring about unity?

Because this ideology is always centered on man, and leaves God completely out of the equation.  Therefore, communism will never be able to bring absolute unity without fundamentally having God as every man's center of life.

Why Communism Fails its Citizens

When Communism is introduced into a struggling society, it promises to free the people from their enslaved circumstances and lift them up to a higher position in the world.  Although, to accomplish this, the people give up several of their God-given freedoms. 

Looking on the outside, there is order. People relinquish all of their possessions and individual desires and serve the government.  They give up their life for the benefit of the government.  To this day, those who follow the communist viewpoint hold tenaciously to it ideology because of the belief that it brings unity among its people.  Communism does bring unity to the people, through force.  On the other hand, through this, it takes away the human freedoms that God endowed and gave to every man upon creation.

Why does Communism profess the World Peace, ideal of unity and a better society when it takes away that very freedom to achieve it?

Lucifer surely knew from the beginning when he tempted humanity away from God, that God's ideal was World Peace from the beginning of creation.

Because Lucifer knew God's will he always tries to copy God's Will yet centers it on himself.  God's love, life and lineage fell to Lucifer who began the false lineage of false love, false life that has infested the earth. 

This is the reason Heaven on earth has been transformed into hell.  Our world is far from God's presence.  Many people have this truth hidden from them.  They believe that Lucifer's world and lineage is the lifeline of survival.  The hidden truth about how Lucifer stole God's ideal, His children and turned the world into a hell on earth is being revealed in the Last Days.

Does this situation make God sit up on His throne peacefully, or have a heart full of pain as would any human parent?

Lucifer, a being God created for the purpose of love, became Satan, the enemy of love.  Satan became the owner of the human lineage and God is like a father who worked all His life to create assets for His children only to have it all stolen by a thief in the middle of the night and take His children from their warm beds as well.  God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan.

The same has happened to the Messiah who has returned in our lifetime.  He has suffered inexpressible persecution and multiple imprisonment.  The Messiah's mission is to reverse all the failures of the First Adam, Jesus's incomplete mission of bringing salvation to our bodies not just our spirit, and bring our world back to God's original ideal - a peaceful World of Peace.

There is only one way to recover the realm of lineage, the right of the elder son and the right of ownership. This is the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.

What is True Love?

Then what is true love?

Its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully.

We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, such as that of a devoted son who finds his greatest satisfaction in dedicating himself with all of his body and mind to helping his parents.

When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually rejoicing in each other’s company.

The power of attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us.

Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissolve the barriers fallen people have created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.

The main attributes of God’s true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Whoever practices true love will live with God, share His happiness, and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute precondition for entering the kingdom of heaven and Heaven on Earth. 

Even if Heaven on Earth appeared, if humans do not have the qualities of God, and do not live for the sake of others, they will not be able to enjoy the fruits of the history of restoration.

In other words, this world of hell will soon be transitioned from the New Testament to the Completed Testament age into a World of Peace.
Return for tomorrow's post: The Messiah Returns to be Our Parent
Photo courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net
Today's message was taken from Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Peace Message 3, "God's ideal family and the Kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world." to learn more about the Unification Movement, please visit, www.unificationnews.org.

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