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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

World Peace Through Family

Scan any television station and you are sure to run into a reality show giving us a fly-on-the-wall view of a celebrity or non-celebrity's everyday interactions. 

The fad is so great that we can't stop watching non-celebrities with their multiple children and such.  If we completely followed how these families lived, would it bring a world of peace? 

Unfortunately, not to judge, but many of the lives we follow, real or fictional on television, are not the best example to realize a world of peace.  Our family example as well.  Teen mothers, angry housewives, bored celebrity kids may be cool to emanate, but the results they yield their followers is a life different than the ideal life God had imagined during creation. 

I don't know many children who wish they live without their parents, or any wife that wishes she could lose her husband to another woman.  I also don't know of any family that wishes for problems arising every time they communicate.  It is not in our nature.  Humans were created for one purpose - true love.  If we don't experience this with everyone in our lives - TRUE love - then how can we hope to see it on a global scale?

God's Only Institution

God created one institution as a way humans can learn to love, and learn how to relate to others based on this love - The Family.  The family is supposed to be the school of love.

Religion as its basis is God's primary means of education by which to instruct and love humankind.  We were supposed to be mature and raised up in God's true love and become parents that teach children what the world and God likes.

The family is the workshop based upon which one meets the qualifications to graduate from primary and secondary school, on to university -- even to earn a doctorate. Furthermore, the family expands into the world.

When the world was in the planning stage God had planned for the world to be a kingdom of love.  This is His will.  The family was set up as an instituion of this love on different levels equivalent to primary school on to the university and obtaining a doctorate.  Then this family that has graduated into a higher love interacting through four positions: Sibiling to Sibling, Parent to Child, Parent to God, Child to God.

This family then would expand from clan to nation to a worldwide family.

 If there was a family that was absolute or true it would be a place where the husband loves and serves his wife as he would his own mother and sister and his wife serves and loves the husbad as she would her father and brother.  They would love and respect one another as they would respect God Himself.

If we have a true family such as this all over he earth then World Peace happens automatically.  This type of world would be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

In this this type of family we can find happiness not depression.  However happiness will not arise in an family with many emotional difficulties or in a family that does not have love. 

Where does misfortune come about in a family?

It begins when love disappears. Parents serve as a protective fence around the house as they attend God obeying heavenly laws as husband and wife and pass this on through their children.

A family such as this, a true family does not just sprout from anywhere.  A family starts with a couple, and a couple begin with two separate individuals each working to perfect their character. 

Majority of us stop growing our spiritual self along the way onto a path toward God and start a family before we are mature.  Then our children inherit the parent's immature spirit, mess and all.

What is this path that God leads us?  The path is the standard of absolute sexual purity. 

The first stage is to maintain absolute sexual purity before getting married.  We grow through different stages of our lives from childhood to adolescence.  Adolescence signals a start of a new dynamic life on a new level relating to others around us and things of creation.

Adolescence is the time where we begin to travel the path to becoming an absolute human being -internally.  In our time and all through history no one or any law has required us to become our absolute true self, but it is absolutely a requirement that every human should fulfill no matter what position - how high or low a level they live in society, we should fulfill this standard. 

We see in our current situations of family how living away from the standard of God has led to a society of broken families.

God gave to us a responsibility of maintaining purity in order to fulfill His ideal of creation.  This is the model of absolute sexual morality for us as humans.   This path leads us toward perfecting the model of absoluteness in conjugal love - love between husband and wife. 

Remember the warning God gave the first ancestors from which we were born?  He said, do not eat for in the day you eat, you will die.  He gave them the responsibility to maintain absolute sexual purity until God's approval of marriage. 

Our first family on earth failed in so many ways because it started otuside of God's realm.  It was intended to be a marriage approved by God, instead started outside of God's realm.  The first family on earth - the model we followed - was a family begun outside of God's ideal and multiplied now millions of families later.  This is why today we experience families that are far from the true ideal family.

What would have happened if Adam and Eve followed God's direction?  What if they chose to follow the commandment instead of being tempted away by satan?

They would have perfected their character and stood together with God as His equal, then their marriage would have been blessed by God.  Then they would bore True Children and this is a True Family. 
Secondly, we would see how can we preserve our purity before marriage and keep from following the wrong path.

Right now our American lives are leading a life toward self-destruction because we are children of the first family that follows the path outside of God.  Purity is the greatest blessing of Heaven given to humanity and without maintaining purity, our path toward a perfected individual or spiritual maturity is closed.  So, when Adam and Eve had eaten it was pertaining to wait to have sexual relations once they had matured in God's love.  Instead, our historical parents had lost their purity and left direct relationship with God.

This truth in God's commandment for Adam and Eve has lain hidden throughout human history, but this is what God truly told Adam and Eve - to keep their purity.  If they had obtained purity and conjugal relations they would have attained complete oneness with Him and then had children of goodness.

Can we say that we follow the path of God so completely and have children of goodness?  All of the world's problems stems from the hidden fact in history.  Humanity started from a family outside of God's protective realm.

One Global Family of Peace

Here is a word we probably never seen - True Families, True Children.

We think it is not possible with the climate of marriage these days.  No matter how far humanity strays from the ideal it is still God's mandate to experience a True Family.

Family members means there must be a family.  Then if there is a family then there are brothers and sisters and siblings means there are parents.
In religion, we call others "members" or "believers".  But when have religious members called each other on the global level "family member"? 

When we talk about world peace we also may say Global Family.  A great family will require parents - a father and mother for this great family.  This parent is none other than the one to come who opens the gateway to World Peace - the returned Messiah.  Even though there will be many brothers and sisters there will be only one set of parents or one head of the family.

How will one who is a "family member" in this heavenly family look?

This is the question.  

These True Parents will not be self-centered or have anything to do with evil.  They will be the center of this family and these parents will have God as their center.

So, a true family will be realized only when the Savior, Messiah becomes one with God as our parent on earth.  Then those who join with the Returned Messiah they will become true Children and true brothers and sisters.

You will become brothers and sisters to those you are not related and follow parents who are not your physical parents.  A world of peace will be able to go past the emotions and affections of the flesh and blood, transcend race, and nation creating a new culture based on heart.

How will this come about?  How will it be possible for unrelated people to love one another as their own flesh and blood?  By force?  Through law?  It is only possible through God's love.

Return for tomorrow's post: You Can Save the World

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


These words are taken from a combination of 8 textbooks and speeches taught by Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon and rewritten in a conversational tone. 

To find out more about the Freedom Society and Unification Movement - the fastest growing global community please visit www.familyfed.org

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