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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Messiah Superhero Returns To Save Earth

Every hero came out of their shell when it came time to defend the earth against evil.  Many comic book creators say that they created their characters based on their wish fulfillment.  Many times this wish was to end the wars that were occurring, Rambo was a wish fulfillment to end the war with Vietnam and other conflicts.

Comic book creators of the past came from a background where their money situation was less than desirable.  The creators of comic book heroes were comic book geeks before there were comics.

These superheroes in their bright happy colors, with godly powers, were the hopes of all of their creators to save them from their own situations.

They created characters that were bigger than they were and strong against the bullies in their schools, bigger than the enemy of their nation. 

Comic book creators wished to be just as handsome and wealthy as Tony Stark and Batman.  Sorry, comic guys, for saying you are not as beautiful as your characters, but they know why their characters still exist over a half century awing audiences with their creations all the way into the millennium.  We all have this dream to have The One appear to stop evil, to pummel whoever is trying to end our freedom. 

We each either want our own superhero, or we want to be a hero.

Why is this so steeped into humanity?  It is even seen in our human history, the need for a hero.

4, 000 years ago, the Israelites were given a promise by God that they would receive a Messiah that would bring Peace on Earth and conquer their Rome.  How did the Israelites feel looking up in the sky for the return of Elijah only to see John the Baptist as the witness to Jesus? 

Even the Israelites dreamed of a superhero. So how did the Israelites feel when a meek man, in a poorer condition then they were, proclaims that he was the Son of God? The One that they sought to save them for 2,000 years. 

What Are the Messiah's Weapon?

Look in the bible again, Jesus was met with many disbelievers.  Even John the Baptist sent one of his followers to Jesus when John was in prison and asked him, "Are you the one to come, or should we look for another."

Even John the Baptist asked Jesus before he was beheaded if Jesus was truly Israel's hero.

Today, we watch these Superhero movies like crazy, they seem to come out every week, and we can't get enough.  Is this connected somehow to the fact that humanity wants to be save from their world of depression, divorce, sadness, starvation, war and fear?

What is the number one phrase spray painted and plastered in every city: Jesus Saves!  Jesus Saves!

Save what or whom?  Earth? Animals?

The Messiah saves God's lost sons and daughters from the life of sin.   Superheroes are popular and carry symbols of their liberty through their outlandish costumes and such.  What would be Jesus's trademark for salvation? 

What weapon did Jesus use to conquer  his foes?

Jesus was the only human who was God's True Son.  The winds and the waves listened to his commands.  He was the true embodiment of a human being.  The one we aspire to be.

Jesus went one step further than any superhero.  He not only saved many people physically on earth by feeding thousands, healing the sick and raising the dead, Jesus was the first to heal even the human heart.  Based on Moses's strong faith, God could separate the seas yet Moses and his people's hearts would fall into faithlessness and would never see the dream of the land of milk and honey.

Jesus from beginning to end gave up his life way before the cross.  He gave hope to the poor and hope to his disciples about the coming of Heaven on Earth.  He sacrificed his life to teach others about the life giving Word of God.

This is a Truehero. 

Jesus Conquered Rome

Have you ever seen an account where Jesus took up arms?  Where does it show that any saint conquered their foes using force?  Well he did, and so did the saints. 

Time and time again, during Romans rule of the earth, followers of Jesus stood before massive beast of men.  They faced lions, and until death they sung songs of glory praising God and Jesus.

As we know through the study of history, Jesus's followers conquered Rome.  How could this be?  What force did the first Christians use to conquer such a powerful civilization such as Rome?

This force is the strongest force on earth.  Stronger than Superman's power.  You might be surprised.  Let's see.  The atomic bomb didn't exist back then.  I don't remember any followers carrying swords or held riots.  How do people of faith keep winning in the end?

The bible proclaims that Jesus had a sword, a shield and carried a body of armor.  This of course was in symbol only, so what was his power?

This force is God's True Love. 

Perfect love is so powerful that it can melt the heart of the enemy. No matter how intense two people hate each other, their rift will be healed once true love comes between them. 

The basis for the emergence of good and bad is the motivation to obtain love.  We usually like someone because they understand us.  On the other hand, it is hard to love someone who hates us.  This is why it is so hard to unite.  Perfect love is so powerful, it can unite enemies.  If you were to ask a strong communist if love could unite or absolute power unites, he would not say love unites. 

The idea that love has power does not even exist in the communist ideology.  Regardless, even if they deny love's power, they know in their hearts that love is more precious than material.

Communist Deny God

The communist ideology places material in the center of their ideology.  This view conflicts with the basics of human nature because  God created us for the purpose of love.  Then there must be an error with the Marxist ideology. 

If the communists really want to build an ideal world, then they must proclaim love as the supreme power in creation; otherwise they are lying to their own hearts.

The Returning Messiah's weapon is found in Revelations.  It will be fire.  Yet this is not a literal fire for he comes to save the earth not end it.  This weapon is the truth revealed in the Completion of the New Testament.  This word will make the communist ideology submit voluntarily.

Communism's ideology has an ending point no matter how powerful it may try to appear. God is infinitely large.  He does not fit into human logic.  How can the large force of love which is the greatest force in the universe be contained in a smaller container.  Since a small container cannot become bigger then this means that communism can never conquer the world or bring a World of Peace.

What will be able to unite the different races and cultures?  In order for the racial problem to be eradicated, Christianity should be practiced in the highest sense.  This will happen upon the revival of Christianity that will be able to unify the religions and the world.

If God planned for the Messiah to end the earth upon his return, He would have not prepared his people for thousands of years; He would have ended the world when Jesus first came to earth.  Why look for a superhero who comes to save only you, and burn the rest of the world and God's children.

Jesus said that he came with fire.  Fire is the word and he will save us upon his return with the power of love and God's word.  With this emerging hidden word renewed, we have the power to conquer Satan completely in our own lives and in our lineage.

This is the hope of all humanity.  You are living in the time of the Completion Age, and you should have no fear of our hero's return for he plans to bring us back to God's direct love.

Return for tomorrow's post: Back to the Future: Messiah Restoring Family

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


These writings are a compilation from one of Reverend Moon's speech "Happy Unification Church Members" and other speeches based on the bible.  To learn more about the Unification Movement, please visit: www.familyfed.org.

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