Whether they are loud, or if they softly give the teachings of their faith, street preachers have a determination to share the word of God. They have a dream that the Word will give strength and life to the people they run across in their daily lives.
Why is religion needed anyway?
We as human beings must resolve God's grief that was caused due to the violation of the heavenly law thousands of years ago. We as humans pass this problem on generation after generation.
But sometimes those sharing the word do not know this fact and just spew out scripture without knowing the ultimate reason behind our ancestor's actions had on humankind.
Christianity Teaches Through Historical Accounts
Those who take the bible only literally must pray for 21 days to find out if this fact is false.
Humans, you and I, were not born into a normal lineage - we are said to be born into sin. This is why religions emphasized a celibate life - as having children was seen to be connected to sin.
God abhors lewdness. We as human beings must resolve God's grief that was caused due to the violation of the heavenly law thousands of years ago. We as humans pass this problem on generation after generation.
But sometimes those sharing the word do not know this fact and just spew out scripture without knowing the ultimate reason behind our ancestor's actions had on humankind.
Christianity Teaches Through Historical Accounts
The bible is not made up of just mere stories, there is a richer meaning, and God's work behind each. For example the Garden of Eden and the Fall were not just about the first human couple eating of the physical fruit of good and evil. It has a deeper hidden truth that until it is solved, our world will never see the ideal world of peace that God sought at the time of Creation.
Those who take the bible only literally must pray for 21 days to find out if this fact is false.
Humans, you and I, were not born into a normal lineage - we are said to be born into sin. This is why religions emphasized a celibate life - as having children was seen to be connected to sin.
Because humans beings engaged in illicit love in the beginning instead of centering on God's love and turned heaven and earth upside down - this is symbol of the fruit - Adam and Eve's love. And ever since then, generation after generation is born with evil blood. Therefore, the religious world advocates celibacy.
Whenever a man enters a state of returning toward God, he always encounters the appearance of the opposite sex which tempts the person away from God. This inevitably occurs blocking the person's path back to God.
Why does this happen?
Every family should have a True Brother, True Sister, True Husband, True Wife, and True Parents who have relations with one another centered on God, and then mature to become incarnations of God.
In order to be a True Husband and a True Wife, you must first be a True Brother and True Sister, right? And in order to be True Parents there must first appear a True Husband and True Wife. After this is acquired, then True Children appear. True Children become one with their parent's philosophy through true love.
Only love is the force that can bring harmony into the world. All elements and species of creatures, all objects wish for love. Every object is attracted towards cells that are directly connected with God's love which is Human Beings.
Which Religion or Ideology Brings Reconciliation?
This is the universal law: when one invests one's self for another, entities at a lower level wish to invest themselves in service to this higher level. So Darwin's theory of evolution is not true to this extent.
The Darwin Theory states that domination or survival of the strongest wins in the end - larger eats and dominates the smaller through strength. This theory is what Marx basedd his communist ideology upon. The stronger seeks to get rid of the weaker class or use them for their own power.
When seen from God's point-of-view of love, the smaller animal is absorbed by the larger and in essence becomes greater. It is not pure domination that rules the land for eternity - it is love. So, entities of lower levels want to be part of a higher level and do so by allowing the survival of the higher being through consumption of the lower being. It is necessary in the animal kingdom - this does not perpetuate struggle.
Through love, a tiny creature serves the higher purpose by being absorbed as an element to sustain the life of an higher order thus increasing the smaller animals value. If a lion does not eat antelope, the lion will not survive a week in the Sahara.
Thus this makes the value of the antelope just as great as the lion's value. When we look at humans, the way of Darwin's Theory or ideology it devalues the 'lower' entity by ignoring the motivation of lower being consumed by the higher. That motivation is love.
What kind of religion will bring everlasting peace?
It is the religion of the True Parents. A True Parent religion must be declared, a servant-level religion. It is a religion that serves the purpose of the whole world of people - not an individualistic view of "save only me".
This perfect religion begins with self-denial. This religion begins with the complete denial of the fallen world. That is why we deny the world, deny our nation, tribe, family, wife and husband, deny being a man or woman and deny our own mind and body. Religions have taught us denial in order to be subject over the fallen ideal of these positions and be reborn connecting these relationships to directly back to God.
Why Religion Was Born
To put it simply, the world has been overtaken by Satan's will and in order to go the opposite way God taught us how to become subject over our bodies in order to go back to his Will. Religion trains us how to subjugate Satan through the creation of an ideal person - a person who does not give and take with Satan's ideals. A world of individuals that subjugate their evil ways will automatically bring World Peace.
Is there any religion now that can teach us fully how to become individuals who can subdue Satan, or teach us how to completely get rid of sin, and stop passing it to our children?
If God tried to remove this evil blood tied to Satan's lineage all at once, He would have to exterminate the entire human race. If the blood we inherited from Satan were to be extracted, human beings would disappear. Even Adam and Eve would disappear. Humankind would have to be totally crushed.
Why didn't God just annihilate Adam and Eve and have more children?
God gave all of HIS being to create humanity, and this action can not be repeated. Also, love is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end and therefore cannot God cannot strike human beings as the object partners of that love. This must be clearly understood.
There is a religion that arises that gives humanity hope to turn around the tragic situation of God. This religion changes the blood lineage from satan back to God's pure lineage. There should be a religion that shows the importance of lineage as a tool to purify the satanic lineage that passes sin to each generation. The changing of the blood lineage should be the very core of this religion.
This religion teaches people on earth how to become God's True Sons and True Daughters. True Children naturally become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and enjoy World Peace the way God had planned from the beginning.
Current Religions Have Not Brought Peace
This is the reason religions have not been able to bring World Peace, because they have not been able to properly teach followers this fact that they as fallen individual must change their lineage.
All religions teach mainly that we are all brothers and sisters.
Christianity says that we are God's children, but needs to differentiate between adopted sons and True Sons. A True Son is born into the direct lineage of the Father and inhabits all of the Father's bloodline and absoluteness.
Are we humans currently, perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect?
Then that means we are not in the direct lineage of God. Christianity even says that Jesus was God's True Son. If Jesus was God's son then who are we? In order to go to God we must engraft onto Jesus's lineage so we are not God's True Sons and Daughters. In a way God adopts us from Satan's lineage, we are adopted sons.
In other words, being children born into sin we have not been born of God's direct lineage and bloodline, and we need a mediator to connect to God. Sadly, we are God's adopted sons and daughter. Just as we connected to the false parent satan's blood, God adopts us through the blood of Jesus.
But God did not intend for us to be adopted sons and daughters forever, He dreams of the day that we can be a True Son and Daughter and become grafted onto His lineage directly without any attachments to Satan's lineage.
Then we will share in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as True Sons and daughters living centered completely on God's love.
Since Christianity teaches this principle, it is one religion that can bring us closer to the ideal world - so why hasn't it done so?
Yes, free will is another factor, but why hasn't religion been able to eradicate our fallen blood?
During the Old Testament, the Israelites never dreamed that there would be a new truth added to the bible, this is the main reason many people did not believe Jesus was the Messiah to bring the new truth; they thought the Messiah came repeat Moses' Old Testament.
This new truth is the New Testament. And just like today, many Christians never dreamed that there would be a new truth outside the New Testament, they think the Messiah returns to repeat the New Testament. Illogical.
Christianity must receive the new truth in order to completely accomplish God's will. This new truth will be the Completed Testament. These three stages equal God's process of restoration: Old Testament (servant age), New Testament (adopted son age), Completed Testament (True Son Age).
Once a religion can teach absolutely how we can engraft to God's lineage, completely place Satan back into the servant's position, then religion will complete it's purpose: a world of peace full of True Sons and True Daughters.
Return for Tomorrow's post : Importance of Lineage to World Peace
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