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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Messiah Returns to be Our Parent

 Get ready for another superhero analogy and more to come throughout the article.  What a great way to end the last week of the month by talking about the Messiah who has already returned to the earth.

The reason why the Messiah's coming is not glorified, is one, it is hard to accept, two, we were all looking up in the sky, three, the Messiah requires for us to make a 180 degree turn from the direction we are headed including absolute sex (sex only in marriage, only with spouse), completely subdue our body, and follow God.

The most important reason why many people do not care about the Messiah's return, is they don't understand the importance to their own situation.

Every person walking the earth is affected by the mistakes our Adam and Eve's, our forefathers, nations, and ancestors made in the past. 

We wonder why some families prosper and other families spend their time in jail.  The Messiah brings God's truth in order for us to conquer this lineage we inherited full of sin and completely become owners of True Love.  If everyone was able to follow their good mind absolutely, and center their life on God, Heaven on Earth and World Peace happens automatically.

Many may wonder what does a Messiah have to do with bringing World Peace to the earth?  Without looking into specifics of his mission, it is hard to understand. 

When we look at Superman, Batman, and the updated Ironman of Stark's industries we see that these men claim to save the earth. In the second installation of Ironman, Stark claimed to have solved the earth's problems through his Ironman suit being able to end conflict.

The reason why these action figures a half century later still blow up our movie theaters with their charisma is because it taps into the reality of earth's situation - yours and my situation. 

Our original mind that is connected to God feels uplifted and reawakened when we see these characters because we ourselves seek salvation from earth's painful experiences and conflicts. 


Because our original nature endowed to you and me at the time of creation knows this current world is not God's original ideal.  Superheroes are just an icon that demonstrates our hope that one man can return our world to the original ideal which is World Peace.

One Person Can Bring World Peace

Tony Stark in Ironman part 2 claimed to "Privatized World Peace" through rescuing people with his powerful suit, and by intervening in world conflicts and stopping wars.  The UN and all is at rest.  Even though it is impossible to end wars without first conquering the main cause of war.

War is not the cause of human conflict, but is a symptom.  Wars begin within each person who has the conflict of their original, good mind and their evil mind fighting to be our center.

This battle is within each of us, even the most devote Christian, Muslim, and it was in every saint and prophet of God except for Jesus and the returned Messiah.

This is the reason Tony Stark can realistically not end conflicts, because he himself had internal conflicts a battle to be good himself.  Reverend Sun Myung Moon's famous quote is, "Before you can begin to conquer the world and it's problem, you must first conquer the division within yourself."

Therefore, this is the reason why Jesus could bring World Peace, because he had found peace and was connected directly to God, His lineage and His ideal without a middle man.  We are not directly linked to God, we need a savior to link to God, so does Tony Stark, this is the difference.

Jesus Returns Spiritually to Restore Through A Living Messiah

Jesus as perfected man, as a man who restored Adam's mistake in the Garden of Eden, was able to bring the ideal of heaven.  But He was not able to finish his mission, because of the failure of the people to believe in their time and follow Jesus as the true Messiah.  God then had to bring only spiritual salvation.

What about physical salvation, meaning save us from physical pains?  The bible says that the end will be no more tears and pain, this is because the Messiah bring physical salvation this second time, not just spiritual.  How are we going to bring Heaven on Earth?  That was Jesus's mission from the beginning and this is the only reason why he returns.  Not to destroy the earth, but to bring the ideal of Heaven on Earth.  This means World Peace, an Utopia of eternal peace while we walk the earth.

What was incomplete at Jesus's crucifixion?

We know we were not able to obtain Heaven on Earth, so he returns for this, but there was another mission Jesus left unfinished.  Jesus was meant to be married to a woman who had become a True Woman before God, and they would be the first True Couple on earth married in a Blessing Ceremony approved by God. 

Yes, we all perform marriage before God, but this is only a conditional signature, it is not officially approved by God and connected to God's lineage. Otherwise, we would bore children without sin if we are parents blessed truly before God.  How can we as people born in sin be officially blessed and approved by a perfect God?  Our first ancestors were kicked out of God's realm before they were blessed in marriage.  Does it not make sense then, that their children were born outside of God's realm leading to you and me?

So, Jesus in spirit aids the living Messiah who God officiated to bring about the completed restoration of the failures of the past.  The living Messiah has taken a bride and together they are called True Parents.

Today, the returning Lord, the True Parent, suffers here to bring God as ruler to this earth. Since human beings brought Satan to earth by believing in his words "to eat" and disobeyed God's words "not to eat", it has been made into hell. We must bring God back. 

We should bring God back into the center of our homes, our schools and neighborhoods.  America is following the wrong path of selfishness and serving only the nation's own interest when before it used to fight for world causes.  America can only be saved with a God revolution.

If you want to find a Utopian world, where do you have to go?

How We Find Peace on Earth

We spoke how Jesus was supposed to take on a bride who herself had become a True Woman and they were to marry.  If Jesus was God's true son, wouldn't God need a true daughter as well, to reverse Eve's mistake in the garden?

This marriage engrafts them to God's true lineage and we were to link to that lineage.  Now the Messiah has returned and has completed that mission and through giving the Holy Blessing to us in marriage we engraft to God's lineage through having children.

Without going through the realm of original family love, you have no place else to go. I connected the realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion by means of God's and True Parents' love.

Accordingly, the way opened to go back and forth between the spiritual and physical worlds is over a
bridge of love. As the textbook the Divine Principle explains, the realms of direct dominion and indirect dominion are distinct realms, as God originally created them.  They were meant to freely interact, yet right now, the spiritual world uses people on earth for their own evil purposes.

Then how can we make the physical and spiritual realms one centered on God?

This is possible only through true love. The only time they become one is when human beings, Adam and Eve -- reach maturity. At that time, true horizontal love automatically appears. When they embrace each other at that point, saying, "Oh, you are my partner," true love appears at the center of that couple.

When positively(subject) charged love appears in perfection, negatively(object) charged, like a positive magnet and negative charged magnet love is bound to appear immediately. When positively charged love comes down to negatively charged love and they engage, they determine the standard of true love. Then it is complete.

When true love appears, everything follows automatically. Only true love works for everything. This way, the world is converted into a Utopian sphere.

We Can Embody Absolute True Love

Where does true love start and begin?

Through Parents.

In the original idea of creation God planned for humans to learn and practice love by relating and interacting with the family.  By relating in true love with brothers and sisters, they would know how to treat their brothers and sisters of the earth the same way. 

Also, through the love of their parents they would learn the true parent-child love.  As we were to become perfected individuals, we would fully mature in God's love and then He would bless our marriage where we would no longer bore children of sin and have children of God's goodness.  Then we would learn God's position through our parent-child relation to our children.

A true husband and wife should interact with true love and not provide a basis for Satan's accusation. The children in a true family cannot be the sons and daughters of a true family if they leave behind some condition to be accused by the satanic world.

This is the problem. For countless generations, instead of receiving God's lineage, humankind received Satan's lineage. So how can we eliminate this satanic lineage?  I am asking you how can we eliminate the dirty lineage Adam and Eve inherited from the Fall?

True Parents are the ones who have come with the true love, true life and true lineage of God in order to eliminate satan's dominion over you and me and God's creation. The True Parents have been restoring lives using Satan's lineage as fertilizer.

When we see God's position, we can understand why we have so much chaos in the world, and how far we are disconnected from the ideal.  It is possible for us to go this way, as it is God's plan that he will realize even if it takes thousands years more.

It is truly amazing. Even Jesus did not know it; or even if he did know it, he could not say what was in his heart because the people of his time could not understand his teachings about earthly matters. Also, no religious leaders have been aware of this hidden secret of the universe.

The Messiah has come in front of the world to reveal the secrets of the universe for the first time in history. From now on, we should turn our direction from the individual foundation to the national foundation. If the leader of a nation repents of his past and turns around, God forgives him. This is part of God's new tradition and signals a new lineage. Otherwise, we cannot separate from Satan.

Are you ready to leave behind satan's ideal of the world and usher in the long awaited World of Peace?

Beginning Point of History

What should be our focus?  God's love, God's life and God's lineage -- these three roots are the standard.

In this world of peace, Utopia or Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, we will value the creation and each person as a true brother and true sister even if we never met before.  This means strangers at the grocery store and on the sidewalks will welcome your embrace and the comfort of sitting together for lunch as brothers and sisters of humanity.

We will be able to relate to strangers as long lost brothers we have found.  We will have true relations as true husband and true wives working hard to establish a strong family centered on God's ideals.

You are living in the age of restoration of humanity where the body grows based on God's love, life, and lineage and uses true love as fertilizer. One side disappears and the other prospers. From that point, God is present with you and Satan is separated away forever.

Jesus came to bring salvation to separate and protect those who believe.  He returns as the Messiah to the Complete Testament age, after the New Testament age, to finish his mission to completely eradicate satan from the earth and from dominating my body and yours.

No one knows the pain that is in God's heart. We know this only because God appeared in history to save us through religion, and through the Messiah who has already returned as the True Parent of humankind. He reveals this profound mission, and like Revelation prophesied, he unlocks the secrets that Jesus could not reveal and gives us these words in the Completed Testament age.

Return for tomorrow's post: World Peace Waits as Long as Hunger Exists

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Today's words have been taken from a compilation of speeches and textbooks based on Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon's teachings.  To learn about the community that studies this teaching please visit: www.familyfed.org

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