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Friday, September 14, 2012

No Freedom Without Responsibility

Yesterday's post focused on the fact that God gave us a choice through free will to choose his world of peace or to go a separate way.  Through choosing God's way, we can save the world and bring it back to God's original purpose.

To do this takes power to go where God's enemy dare not follow you, and with that power, comes responsibility.

We also discussed why communism and democracy will always fall short in the pursuit of world peace because both ideologies center around the limits of human judgement and biases.

Another Ideology Centered on God Bring Peace

It is clear that neither democracy nor communism provides the means to cure the ailments of any society. Originally, both democracy and communism developed out of the desire to solve humanity's common problems.

Yes, even communism had a central idea of world peace, but without the guidance of God's ideals.

Yet, not only has democracy been unsuccessful at this task, but it has also proven itself unable to resist and overcome the destructiveness of communism.  Communism, on the other hand, also is completely unable to solve the world's problems, and ironically, it creates even more problems for the human race than it claims to solve.

Thus the world is at an crossroads.

Why, then, are Democracy and Communism not the answer? Both systems show that neither has truth as its core. Democracy is the basis for a political system, but it has only a national-level view and does not have a world view.

Communism does have a systematic world view, but it is based on false assumptions and distorted facts. How will this be solved? There is a third choice, a new understanding of truth should emerge. One which presents a new vision of a World Society. We have the left wing, the right wing a new head wing should come which will be Godism.

First of all, communists do not realize that God is alive and works behind the scenes. Secondly, they do not understand religion and that people's original mind is only satisfied by God's truth and True Love. Every law that is created to force peace further degrades the people. Only God's laws govern the spiritual world and the physical universe. These laws do not work in accordance with the ideal of materialism. This is the idea that matter is more important, and that the spirit does not exist.

When someone is a slave, they still have character and emotion, sooner or later people of a slave society will revolt. But, when one becomes a robot, such as in a communistic society, there is no humanity and no will to revolt. Communism wishes to take the humanity out of men and achieve robotization of men.

No Freedom Outside of Natural Law

There is no freedom outside of God's law. Looking at it this way, every movement and work of the universe is free because they move in accordance to God's law.

The greatest freedom is that the earth revolves on its axis once a day and the moon revolves around the earth once a month, and the earth revolves around the sun.

What if the earth said, "I don't want to do that no more"? It would then lose the value of the whole. Every being exists in this way.

Well, then, do I have freedom?

It is the same for you and me. Pursuing freedom in a world that has abandoned its principles, the laws of God, is doomed to failure.

Also, there is responsibility in freedom.


You should certainly not act in a position of responsibility for something bad. You must act from a position of taking responsibility for something good. On seeing how much you have been able to take responsibility for your actions, all creation should be able to respect you based on this. Teens might say, "I'm not going to let my parents tell me what to do! I'm going to do whatever I want."

This is not freedom.

Even nature follows the natural law of order. Does a twig on a tree claim it will not associate with the branch. Without the branch, the twig is left unprotected. Can a twig be without the branch? Can anything manage alone? Therefore, there cannot be freedom outside of God's law and there cannot be freedom without responsibility.

No Freedom Outside Principle

When fathers and mothers give birth to sons and daughters, those sons and daughters cannot deny the principle of being born as children of their parents, can they?

If it is true that those are their father and mother, they have to accept that reality. In order to do so, they must be in harmony with their father and mother. They have to care for each other.

They cannot care only for themselves. To be good to your mother, your father, and yourself -- that is freedom, isn't it? "Only what I want is important!" This is Satan's easy-going way of freedom. It is a free action based on a lie that will lead to failure because it is outside the Principle of God's law.

Without Free Will We Are Robots

Why did God give us Free Will and not just make us automatically perfect?

If we were to look at Free Will in percentage, we can say that maybe God has a huge portion of responsibility when it comes to creation. Man has no doubt that the rising sun, the air, the organization of living things acts in accordance to God's law.

We must look back when God was creating. Here you have an absolute, eternal, all encompassing being. How would his object partners be? Would He make them inferior to Him?

God gave us free will in order for us to mature and GROW to a position as Himself. This solves a great mystery. Plainly, God has 95% responsibility, and He gave us 5% responsibility to perfect our character and truly become like Him. That means you must push forward in order to over come Satan and the satanic world.

If God had 100% responsibility, whenever man makes a mistake He can use His authority and stop it. Instead He gave us a portion of responsibility over ourselves and creation in order to share in the process of His creation with us.

In other words, God gave us freedom to choose how to carry out His Will so he can have an object partner of love that once they grow to perfection we will be His equal partner in true dominion over the earth.

Yet, humanity chose a different way away from God's direct direction.

This sounds blasphemous to the religious, but why else would an all mighty being give his objects a choice? All He had to do was to create us 100% to follow Him in every way and World Peace would have happened from the get go.

This is a glorious matter. Right away we must be grateful to God that He gave us that choice. The other choice is to have an eternal being that was a dictator over us for eternity without choices. Many people have been raised to believe that is what God is - an almighty dictator ruling over the earth practicing His almighty power.

This is absolutely not true. God, a spiritual being, in creating human beings wanted an physical object to experience love through. One can not experience love without an object, and God is no different. In creating man, He decided to give him a part of the world through having the means to be co-creators of the physical world.

What happened?

Instead, we chose another pathway with our 5% and still choose a path that is far from God. Why doesn't He just create World Peace and make us unite and stop fighting as global brothers and sisters?

Because He gave us choice - He gave us freedom. With that Freedom we chose Satan's way over His. Don't despair, God is in the background giving all His energy to open up ways for His children throughout history. Bringing us Jesus and a multitude of saints is proof of His work to restore the world to His original idea which is a World of Peace

God risked His own ideal and Will by giving us a choice instead of making us robots. This should attest to the awesomeness of God's love for us and His great work to give us equal work in bringing the human world back to an ideal world experienced in the Garden of Eden.

Return for tomorrow's post: Can Religion Bring World Peace?

Photos Courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Today's blog came from the teachings of Dr. Sun Myung Moon who studied 30 to 50 years in order to write the contents of each of his 8 textbooks.  To learn more about his mission and his community, please visit www.familyfed.org.

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