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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Importance of Lineage to World Peace

Jesus's Lineage

Many people do not consider how Jesus, who was born of a woman like you and me, became a True Son of God.  The shortcut answer is through lineage.  Through a family who made sacrifices and conditions for God to bring His first son.

Remember those 1800's movies that had aristocrats proclaiming that they were the heir to this empire, they were this person's son, or born of this or that family name and they made it such a big deal? 

Lineage was very important to our ancestors.  The bloodline also was important toward ones station in society which was almost ironclad. Those born to a wealthy lineage all enjoyed its luxuries, and those that were born to the lower class stayed there indefinitely. 

The same goes for the biblical history.  It was very important where one originated.  You were almost nothing separated from your family or name.  It mattered more who your family's history and position was.

Jesus was no different.  Throughout history, God meticulously had certain women throughout Jesus's lineage who follow His orders to restore what had happened through the fall.  In the Garden of Eden, a woman went against God's commandment then tricked her husband into doing the same.  And throughout Jesus's lineage you can see the same instances.  But God was reversing the history of the fall leading to purifying the bloodline of Jesus.

Women did seemingly odd things in the bible in order to reverse Eve's mistake. This explains the story of Judah and Tamar.  The story of a woman who pretended to be a prostitute in order to have a son from his lineage. 

She had alreamarried two of his sons that had died before she could bare their children.  Judah was the last hope for her to bare children from his lineage, yet he refused to marry her or let her marry his last living son for fear he would die like his other two sons who were with her.

This is the reason she disguised herself as a prostitute to be with him and asked for his staff for payment.  When the village people wanted to stone her for being pregnant without a husband, she showed them Judah's staff.  People wonder how this was a positive, and how such a woman was important to Jesus's lineage. 

Through a woman deceiving her husband upons Satan's lie, all of man has been born into sin.  Through God's providence, Tamar was one process of reversing the bloodline of Jesus, and thus purifying it.

This is one story of how Jesus was able to be born without the original sin.

If Jesus's lineage was cleansed through woman on earth, don't you think that God has that same dream and responsibility for you and me, or are we forever doomed to be born into sin?

We already know if there were a world full of Jesus's, families of love, societies and nations that had Jesus as a President, World Peace would be established. Thus, the cleansing of your lineage and mine will lead to World Peace.

So we learn that Jesus did this by dying on the cross so we can inherit his blood.  So why are we still born into sin if Jesus died for our sin?  No one could completely answer this except with a lukewarm answer that when the faithful die, God takes away the sin and they go to heaven.  This is unsatisfactory as it still does not explain why humans still have sin while walking the earth and bore children of sin.

We still suffer from sin even though we are devout followers of religion, even if you beat yourself to keep from doing awful things, you still are inflicted with desires you don't want.  Hasn't anyone wondered why this is so?

This is why the Messiah returns.  He will separate us once and for all from sin and Satan.  He will return to graft us into his unfallen lineage and connect us to God's lineage - period.  We will finally be able to cleanse our blood lineage while on earth just as Jesus had done.

Importance of Family Lineage

Lineage is more important than life, and is eternal; life is less than 100 years.  Lineage is not established as long as there is no life and no love.  So, among the three, which is more important - love, life or lineage? 

Lineage is the fruit of the ancestor's life and actions.  God's own lineage contains the seeds of true love.  God's lineage embodies the environment that leads to a true life.

Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage.

To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God's lineage is it possible to create God's homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are linked to God's lineage is it possible to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.

The importance of lineage should be inscribed in every human's heart, but somewhere along the way, family name and importance of bloodline fell away.  The relationship between parent and child is the only way to obtain God's lineage.  This is because the parent-child relationship is the highest and the most important of all relationships.

Instead, we inherited false love, false life, false lineage which has infested the whole world.  Heaven and earth were choked and transformed into hell on earth.  Our world is far from God's presence and is a wretched place.  Yet many people either deny this or are not aware of this.

We believe that we need this false lineage of the enemy and hold tenaciously to its way.  The horrible truth about each of us is that we descended from "The Fall".  God looks at humanity like any parent would - with a heart full of pain.

God is like a father that sweat all of this life to gather assets for his children to live comfortably with for generations and eternity.  Then a thief came and stole the land, his children all in one night.  Who has ever consoled God's sorrowful heart or felt pain for God's situation? 

Satan stole God's lineage, God's children. God was sadly forced to hand over the ownership and his dream of World Peace to Satan. There is only way to save the lineage of God.  It is through the right of ownership.  It is the path of Satan voluntarily surrendering his domination and giving it back to God.  

What is the secret to accomplishing this?

It is only possible through the power of (God-centered) true love.  A power so strong that only comes about when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.

Return for tomorrow's post: World Peace Through Perfected Individuals

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


Today's text was taken from one of 8 textbooks based on the teaching and speeches of Reverend Sun Myung Moon.  Rewritten in conversation form learn the philosophy of Unification Thought. 

To learn more about the Unification Movement and the Freedom Society campaign please visit www.familyfed.org

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