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Monday, September 17, 2012

World Peace Through Perfected Individuals

What does perfection mean to you?  I used to believe it was someone who was top notched at their universities, had the perfect husband raised their children right and were tal with beautiful bodies. 

Others think it was a person who was able to reach the top of their profession and skills.  If this is all it took to become perfect, I would hope higher education was free around the world and we could obtain perfect beings and finally live in a peaceful world.

It is not this simple.  We only look at the standard from our own situations and thoughts.  Unfortuanately, this is barely half the standard in which it takes to become a being of a perfect individual.  Whose standard do we want to look from?  Tom Cruise?  The bully down the street?  Our preacher?

Perfected Individual

Yesterday's post was about how God's lineage is the only way that we can become perfect and the only way we are going to obtain a peaceful world.  It looks complicated when we just start with this high standard, because not one human born of woman has been born directly into God's lineage except God's True Son.

Jesus spoke about this with the analogy of the wild olive tree.  You and I are wild olive trees and Jesus was the representative of God's family tree. 

This has confused us for thousands of years that as the faithful of religions try tenaciously to get rid of this attachment we have to a false lineage through ardent prayer, religious pratices, and by way of life, we are still suffering from the disease of sin.

This is a very complicated matter and one that Satan is grateful that he has been able to cover up for millions of years since Adam and Eve.  I am glad to be finally living in a day and age when God could "reveal plainly of the Father."

We always believed that events of the bible went according as plan.  That Jesus was followed absolutely and he went back to the Father and all is well.  Satan wants us to believe that so we can stay blindly in our faith still attached to a fallen lineage. If we live in this way we can forever forget the idea of world peace brought about through God's people.

Fortunately, God has been working behind the scenes to remedy our condition, but we need to open our eyes to the truth.

Why Do Faithful Still Bore Sinful Children?

The reason we still bore sinful children even though we ar connected to God's lineage through faith is because - like a step son - we are only attached to God's lineage through our faith and not blood lineage like Jesus was.

Why is that?

Because when Jesus came he was not fully followed as the Messiah even if people had the faith they did not follow Jesus completely to the end and he had to go through the second choice to bring salvation to God.  The first choice has was for Jesus and his followers to conquer Rome and Jesus be king and his way would have led us to a world of peace.  This would have been possible if his disciples, jewish leaders and John the Baptist truly listened and followed Jesus's way. 

Instead, Jesus's life in the bible is full of him trying to prove to people he was the messiah through miracles and works.  What a sad situation.  And a situation that makes Satan all the more happy that he has been able to keep the faithful blind to this truth even as they read it! 

Having Jesus just become king would not eradicate the fallen lineage of satan from us.  How do you change a blood lineage?  Through marriage. If Jesus had completed his mission, don't we realize that he would have had a family of perfect individuals to pass down this linegeage and his followers could do the same.  This was his mission.  This is the secret in revelations that Jesus had to die with this knowledge that his mission was incomplete.

We can argue this point to kingdom come. Yes, Jesus had to be sacrificed after God had no other way to save His children.   But who can argue the point that even though you and I stay in faith, our bodies are still tortured through sin!  Does this sound complete?  Can we obtain perfection in this situation?  This is why the Messiah has returned to our time.  And yet the people are blind to the time of their visitation.

Messiah Returns to Bring God's Lineage to Earth

We should yearn to be grafted onto God's lineage and end our sorrowful history.

A wild olive-tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive-trees. Where can we find the path to escape this horrible cycle?

As the Messiah returns, he brings God's true lineage to earth. We graft onto his lineage. How will we do this? When the Messiah returns he will take a bride and they join through the Marriage Blessing. We graft to the Messiah's lineage through the parent, child lineage - through God's Holy Blessing of Marriage. Once you change your lineage to God's lineage, your offspring will naturally belong to God's lineage.

While we are on earth, we should meet the standard of the physical world and the spiritual world.

 In other words, God gave us the responsibility to perfect our spirit while we have a physical body.  Once we enter the spirit world, we live according to how we lived on earth and growth only happens while we are on earth. 

Perfection of the spirit body does not happen automatically. In order to become perfected individuals, we must have complete unity between our mind and body during our earthly life. Through expressing true love through action, our spirit self fully matures while on earth.

When a fruit ripens, it is stored away. First, it must pass through a growing process of spring and summer as it takes in nutrients from nature.

The same is true for a baby that is growing in the womb, it grows in stages and takes in nutrients from the mother. Our bodies and spirit grow in the same way.

But if an ignorant farmer does not properly nourish the seeds and protect it, it will be afflicted with disease and affected by bad weather.  Rotten fruit will eventually fall from the tree before it is ripe. Even though it is still a fruit, it will cease to grow to maturity and will not be able to be used for its purpose which is to be sold and eaten.

Similarly, only when the spirit of a person has reached perfection during his life in the physical world, like the tree, the spirit automatically enters the spirit realm of the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven. An individual qualifies for the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven after fully maturing his spirit in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

We Choose Heaven or Hell

Why is it important to mature our spirit on earth?

While living on earth, your every action and movement is recorded on your spirit-self, without exception, with the public laws of heaven as the standard. Accordingly, you will enter the spirit world in the form of your spirit-self. This has recorded your life on earth with 100-percent accuracy.

Your spirit will show plainly whether you have led a ripe life of goodness, or a wormy, rotten life of sinfulness.

What this means is that God will not judge you; you will be your own judge. If I am aware of this rule from Heaven, I would not spend the remaining days of my life on earth living in selfishness and immorality, succumbing to all the temptations of Satan, and in pursuit of nothing but earthly pleasure.

I will abstain from injuring and scarring your spirit bodies, even at the risk of my earthly life.

This truth should stay with you: Your thoughts, your words, and your actions that you choose in each moment determines whether you are bound for heaven or bound for hell. 

In other words, God does not send His children to hell; the choices of free will outside of God's realm leads us to a world outside of God's realm which is hell.

Our outer self and inner self are in a constant battle and struggle with one another. Our mind wants to follow the laws of God and our body wants to follow the laws of sin and Satan.

How much longer will you allow this internal fighting to continue? -- Ten years? -- A hundred years?

In contrast, there is undeniably a proper order for all forms of existence in the universe. This indicates that God did not create human beings in this state of conflict. You become aware of your duty and responsibility as a human being which is to dispel all temptations directed at your outer self -- your physical body -- and achieve victory in life by following the way of your inner self also known as your conscience. Then you will attain spiritual perfection.

We make effort in this way through a life of fait, but this is not enough, we need to change our blood lineage.

Countless ancestors of yours devoted their efforts again and again until they could bring you to this place. Innumerable people perished and died when goodness was trampled upon. But the connections between these countless people turned around and around and reached heaven, rising like a high mountain where the sun rises. You can be the ones who have followed the sunlight and gathered there.

When the conditions for true love, true life and true lineage emerge in human history, it will be for the first time. There is no other time when the sovereignty of the nations and world can be acknowledged to have a higher value.

We are living in a time where we start a new history. The starting of point of all the blessings to come and the source of eternal life starts now. We are living in the Era of Hope for a world of peace. Because you live in such a time, you should deeply learn the heart of this era and thereby save the world. It is that kind of time.

Return for tomorrow's post: The Messiah and World Peace

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


Today's text was taken from one of 8 textbooks based on the teaching and speeches of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Rewritten in conversation form learn the philosophy of Unification Thought.

To learn more about the Unification Movement and the Freedom Society campaign please visit www.familyfed.org

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