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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Free Will and World Peace

Today's post is not a repost.  I wasn't prepared for this subject a month ago, and had to do more research reading the Divine Principle to be able to accurately write today's topic.
The Bruce Willis movie "The Fifth Element" comes the closest to visualizing the concept of a perfect human being, and introduces the ideology that humanity was meant to be perfect - not just Jesus. 

Even though the movie only showed only an outwardly projection of perfection, the clone was beautiful and had superhuman strength and intelligence, the film still had a sense that humans all wish to obtain this perfection.
Mostly movies show humans obtaining perfection through mutations, cloning, using the highest technology and attaching ourselves to it.  Or worse, through humanity serving robots like in the Matrix or Terminator.  

In reality, the latest robot technology brings scientist closer to the dream of a better world.  Yet not as we imagined in the movies.

With Perfection, Technology Becomes Asset

Why do we love robot movies so much or movies that portray humans at their highest level?  Because humans were created to be in a higher position than we are now.  Whenever we here that a futuristic movie is showing up, our original good mind that connects us to God is peaked - we know this is where we should be. 

Do you know if Adam and Eve had followed God's word in the beginning, by the time of Noah, they would be able to relate to God on a higher level and already drive cars and by Jesus's time we would be exploring outside our solar system.

When we study religious history we mostly focus on what happened and forget how our world would be if mistakes did not occur.  If humans were to go and follow God's word and not satan's word, our world would never had been a world of hell and we would have enjoyed peace from the very beginning.

If Adam and Eve were never kicked out of the Garden of Eden, you and I would be celebrating as one family under God on a different solar system.

Fortunately or unfortunately, our true Creator did not make us talk, or act to His  specific detail how He wanted.  He gave us freedom.  Free Will is a gift to humanity from God.  Can you imagine we were all born perfect already without choices, and our personality and thoughts were downloaded 100% from God? 

Luckily and miraculously, we serve an Almighty God that wanted to have a partner who would grow and mature to a standard of perfection so we could share in His creation.  This is the meaning of the three great blessings.  God is not a dictator and we merely servants, we were to mature and grow to perfection and we would be able to share in the fruit of God's creation. 

God did have a large portion in creation, 95 % is His responsibility; he gave us 5% of responsibility. 

This 5% is our free will.  Thank you, God.

This also explains the age old question, why wouldn't God stop the Fall, why doesn't God end war and save us automatically?

Simply put, God can make plans for us individual carve a path that we can each fulfill, but we mainly choose to go the opposite of God's way and then we leave our path incomplete for later generations to fulfill.  This is the answer to why does history repeat itself.

For instance, we can dig into a biblical story about Noah.  God told Noah build an Ark.  Based on Noah's faith God, brought the rain and  is the one who cleansed the earth, God is the one who brought the animals.  That was God's 95 percent responsibility.  Noah had 5 percent to build a boat where there was not a lick of water.  This took absolute faith.

This means that even though we have a small portion in comparison to God's portion, it actually takes 100 percent of our effort to complete.  For this reason, God could bring the rain and start the world over once more. 

On the other hand, Abraham had the mission of making a sacrifice in order to rid the land of Satan's dominion.  Well, he was able to cut the two sacrifices but he was so tired he left a small amount, the small doves uncut and fell asleep.  This is a failure of Abraham's 5 percent responsibility. 

This explains why God cursed Abraham's descendants into slavery for 400 years.  Our portion of responsibility is necessary in order to understand Free Will.

Just like Spiderman's aunt told him, with great power comes responsibility - and punishment for not following through.  This punishment came in the form of slavery.

God Trusted Us With Free Will

God at the beginning of the planning stage, he could have made it where we were all robots - poof, Russell is going to have this talent and be exactly like this and only like this kind of art - and Yumiko is going to only like this and want that type of art.  Because of our 5% responsibility, God can enjoy His creation through us as physical beings.

Every parent raises their child in hopes that they do a well enough job that the child will be able to live a sufficient life on their own and get married and start a family.  God gave us a choice what to do with all of His gifts.

In essence - God gave you the free will to choose to follow His way of World Peace or follow another way outside of His ideal and His direct path.  He sacrificed His absolute Way and allowed His children to have a choice - have a piece of responsibility with all of creation.

Would a dictator do that?

This is extraordinary thinking.  God gave you free will to choose or not choose Him.  This sounds more like the God I had envisioned as a child, and not the monstrous dictator god that is taught by some people of faith.

Humans try with their own strength to create a peaceful world through forcing Peace - forcing people to unite.  This does the exact opposite by taking away the very gift, free will, and striping humanity of freedom when even God gives everyone a choice how to behave. 

Know which ideology that wants perfection through servitude the same as a robot civilization?

Communism Is Dehumanizing

Communism is an ideology that believes freedom causes destruction and takes freedoms away from its citizens through forcing laws of equality that in turn take away freedom turning people into robots to obtain order. 

For example, everything belongs to the government in order to bring equality to the people.  Does this bring unity?  Yes, unity in serving the government - unity in being a slave to giving up freedom.

The clip above gives an example of how this ideology is just an illusion.  The robot creator must constantly update the robot to make it say and do what the creator wills. In other words the robot just mimics what the creator wants.

Who wants that other than the one who is controlling the power?

This is a perfection in the fact that the one in control's will is complete, because they set out to have a person do exactly what they want.  This is great if the one in control is perfect and has True Love as their motivation for each direction, but we know that this is not the case in our world.

Communism depends on a leader that controls based and centered on their own prejudices, thoughts and ideals - not God's ideals.  Communism denies God as a whole and imprisions those who study a philosophy outside the government.

Serve the government, not God.

In this sense, democracy is headed in this direction sooner or later with socialism as a stepping stone.  History proves this time and again.  Because it is all centered on human thinking, judgements and philosophy without True Love centered on God.  Centered on God, politicians will be serving the people's and have the whole as their concern, and solving human issues without taking away freedom to do so will bring us closer to an ideal world of peace.

Return for tomorrow's post: No Freedom Without Responsibility (new)


These notes are taken from one of 8 textbooks and speeches from Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon who dug deep through the bible, science and other religious text to bring us a new truth. 

To know more about the Unification Movement and the Freedom Society campaign, you can visit the wold's fastest growing global community at www.familyfed.org.

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