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Monday, November 11, 2013

Why We Should Live Eternally

Do you believe that we will live for eternity after we shed our bodies on earth? Many movies about vampires is appealing to those who have the desire to live eternally on earth.

But who wants such restrictions of a non-living body that can only come out at night and feed off of the blood of others?

For those who are religious, it is commonly accepted that there is a life after this one, and has a much better ideal than a night creature tale.

What kind of creature did God create human beings?

He created us as the objects of His love who is able to posses His absolute and unique value.  This is an amazing fact, unfortunately, how much value is placed on a person these days?  We have practically been reduced to a worth of a few pennies.

Originally, God's children were to have much more worth.  Their value was so precious that life could not be exchanged even for the entire universe.

People are born from, live in, and die in love. However, they do not just disappear.

Since God as the subject being is eternal, thus, human beings who are his objects of love who stand in front of Him should also live eternally.  From this point, the theory of life after death, or eternal life originated; it did not begin with life.

What kind of person is a true person?

A true person receives love completely in the position of God's child by becoming one with Him inside and out.

We can say that the way of life of people in step with God is the way of a true life.

All people desire the best, no matter what position they have.

When  you are able to reach the highest position, God belongs to you, and you belong to Him.  Then you become God's child and you become God Himself, thus, even the universe belongs to you.

If there is something that God loves and treasure most, would God have made it where it was easily thrown away after 100 years or spent just a day with it?  God invested all of Himself in humanity because we were to live with Him eternally.

We are the object partners of God who can feel joy from us in absolute love.  If God were to have such a liking for them for one or two days, or hundred years and throw them away thereafter never to think of them again, this is not true love.

The more you love someone, the more you want to be with that person.

Is there a man who will remain single for life after his wife died.  He would carry her handkerchief in remembrance.  Nehru of India had lost his wife when she was young. He wore a rose the rest of his life because his wife loved roses.

Since God did not create such complex beings to be cast away out of existence, there must be a basic principle that human beings live eternally.

We must stand on the foundation of an action where a stronger power can , in order to live eternally emitted.

The more love is given as the days pass, the more love that is given back and received, rather than depleting.  The power of love becomes stronger and greater.

Life will not end only in happiness but can expand to an unlimited happiness.

This world is the nation that we have come to idealize where God dwells.

Do you want eternal life?

Perhaps you only mildly wish for eternal life.  If you have something precious, you will bring it with you when you seek refuge.  You would not stop being proud of it after a day or two.

When it is time for you to pass onto the next world, you will want to leave this precious treasure to your descendants for eternity.  That is the same for God.

Since God is an absolute, eternal being, then His object partner He can love should also live eternally.  That is why people have longed for eternal life since time cannot remember.  Therefore, the Absolute Being cannot help, but look for a loving son and daughter who possess the value of eternal life.  We humans resemble God as His masterpiece.

Since God is eternal and we also have an eternal nature, our heart does not become old.  Have you ever thought about your heart aging or not?

Therefore, human beings should live eternally. Only when they can live eternally, can they have the value of existence as that masterpiece.

Therefore, human beings are the lords of creation.  Spirit comes from this place.  Human beings should live eternally, therefore, we cannot just think of our existence ends after 100 years.

Living for the sake of eternal life

People live however they want in their own way centered on their own thinking, not God's

Living means your everyday life.

Lifetime means your entire life.  Furthermore, religious people use the same word 'eternal life'.  Eternal life means not a lifetime but a life that continues eternally.

Eternal life means a life that continues eternally.  Then it is important how you connect on your life course with eternal life.  Doing so is your life responsibility.  A lifetime determines through linking each day to the next.  Your entire life is the sum of continuous days in your life.

What content determines if your whole entire life was determined to be value?  It is not determined after you have gone through all your life well?  This means we purposely live the days which represent the entire course of your life.  If you say you have lived life well today, it means that it was memorable day in your life, that you can be proud of.  When you say that you lived well, tat day would surely be the most valuable day in your entire life course.  If you were to see a day that you could live with value, it would be an unforgettable day in your life as well.

What is the theory of eternal life?

God is wise.  If God did not create the ideology for love, He would be alone and depressed for eternity; He would be a god who could not feel joy, anger, sorrow or happiness.

God, who has lost this absolute love through the fall has stood in a serious, appalling and absolutely miserable position that no one has ever experienced throughout history.  No one was there to comfort Him the moment that all of His creation and children were taken from Him.

God is not satisfied with just recreating an ideal shape and form of His dreams and then resurrecting His original son and daughter whom He desires.  He should be able to decorate the ideal more brilliantly and express it beautifully as He travels great distances while embracing that ideal.  That is how He created the entire universe.

When the atmosphere falls into an absolute low pressure area, then a high pressure area is automatically created which brings about a circulatory movement. God is the King of wisdom, and greatest scientist.

The theory of eternal life is an logically foundation, because the eternal circulation beings through that principle of automatic circulation.  When you invest, invest, and invest some more, the theory of eternal life will begin.

Those who live for the sake of others will not perish.

God's eternal object partner we allude to the ancient saying, "Among all creation, human beings are the most precious."  This brings about the longing for the partner of love who unites with the Creator's eternal love where He lives forever.

Eternal life is the natural product of this theory.  Eternal life begins from this point.  Based on the relationship of love, how to establish a theory of eternal life is the problem which sets up an precious debate in religion.
Eternal life cannot be found in either the man or the woman.  Eternal life is not even found in God, but it is only found in love.

The most important issue of eternal life

Modern Christianity states that if you just believe in Jesus, then you automatically attain eternal life.

In order for one to be able to live for eternity, one must carry on with a continuous action.  In order to walk the path of life eternally, the circulation system such as the veins and arteries of the heart should function normally.

Also, all of the nervous system and all the actions of the cerebrum should also function normally.  This requires a tremendous amount of consumption to keep this in working order.

When it is time for you to go to bed after you take off your shoes, are you confident that you will be there to put them back on again in the morning?  No matter how busy you say you are, there is nothing in this world that is more important than the issue of eternal life.

Only, we have been inundated throughout our entire lives with unnecessary trivial happenings that we  do not place much importance on the life hereafter.

Either way, there is not quest in this material world that is more serious than to resolve the problem of eternal life.

Ultimately, human beings must return to eternal life

We each has the responsibility to dissolve the problems of the Fall by establishing the way of True Parents' love who have laid a strong foundation based on Jesus' path, who have reversed the mistakes of the Fall and passing it on to humanity.

Only after we establish a family of true love over which God can reign, can you go straight to heaven.  When we see the reality of the path of restoration, we do not spend our life on earth wasted on trivial matters.

The rails of God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven must all be the same.  A train can run only when the rails are the same.  In the same way, in the heavenly world, there must be the path which connects God's Kingdom on earth with His kingdom in heave; this is the path of true love.

Consequently, the path of an individual takes, and then the path of a family takes.  These two should be connected and then their direction be consistent with each other.

Therefore, everything we do in our lifetime, becomes a permanent fastened to his rear end as a record of how well we have performed for the sake of true love.  Thus, when a person passes to the spirit world, he comes to dwell at the same level which corresponds to the achievements he left behind in his lifetime.

Faith and the issue of eternal life

How does one live for eternity?

You can only be saved through love.  Only a true woman can be God's partner in love.  Therefore, if someone has true love, he must be able to live for eternity.  Once you enter the realm of that love, whether you are in the spirit world or on earth, you must come to know where you should live.

Even rats of a ship know to escape to dry land.  Even though they are small creatures, they can distinguish which is the right way to take and go in that direction when faced with matter of life and death.

Why have humans who were created to become the lords of all creation, come to be as corrupt as they are?  It was because of the Fall.

How are you going to remove this mask of the Fall or free yourself from the devil's love, life and lineage?

To free yourself means to break free from something holding you back from life.

We need to completely break free from and stand in the position to have no relations or common base with Satan.

A mother in her nineties will tell her seventy year old son to be careful of the cars, and be safe.  She can say this until she reaches the ripe age of ninety.  She will not get tired of saying it even if she were to continue for eternity.

What is the motivating power behind a mother's careful warnings?  It is love. If parental  love is like that between fallen people, what would our life be like if we were able to belong to God's true highest love in His original world?

When we are able to reach the state, then the realm belonging to the true object of God can be established for the first time.  When we come to know that God's love is eternal and unchanging, we can validate the theory of eternal life centering on our human love.  We live eternally centering on love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: How to Breakthrough Hell

This post was derived from the book Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Five, Chapter One The Existence of Human Beings, Section 5

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