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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mankind's Godly Responsibility

This speech was given in 1992 in Seoul, Korea by Reverend Sun Myung Moon's wife:

Distinguished guests, representatives of the Women's Federation for World Peace from seventy countries, women leaders and members of the Women's Federation for Peace in Asia:
By your presence, you bring many blessings to our Federation's future, and inspire us to multiply our determination to achieve world peace.  

This may be the first time that women have taken the initiative by bringing so many women together in one place.

I am certain that from this day forward, women around the world will come to understand their noble role which has been ordained by God, and that a road will be opened for us to build an ideal world filled with peace, happiness and freedom.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

The following declaration is based upon the heart of God that transcends the past, present and future.

These words are a declaration before heaven and earth, with history as a witness.  The following words may seem unfamiliar to some, but they deal with the secrets of heaven that all women today need to understand in order to usher in the new era of peace, not only for their own family, but for the world.

History Began in a Diseased State

We have come to live in a diseased world whose destruction of its evil is inevitable.

This is the true meaning of 'The Last Days'.

Every day we hear the ugly sounds of its final death rattle.

We can trace the origin of this disease to the original ancestors who had the responsibility to lay a tradition in paradise that would lead the rest of their descendants directly to Heaven on earth.

Instead of following God's Words, they followed another.

Our original ancestors thus contracted a serious disease.  In religious terms, this even is referred to as the human fall.

This disease caused by Satan, who told our ancestors to follow his word instead of God's, has been the focus of human history in restoring the world back to its original position of heaven on earth.

The tragedy of human history was that it originated with Satan's will.

The lord of evil stole the central position to God's ideal of creation.

Adam and Eve's union resulted in children of evil, instead of children of goodness bearing God's original pure blood lineage.

We inherited Satan's love, Satan's life and Satan's lineage.  Our reproductive organs were intended to join together in virtue, to be the temples of true love, true life and true lineage.

Love was supposed to be experienced betwen a husband and wife in a virtuous union to procreate children who carry on the pure lineage.   The center of life is love.  The human lineage is transmitted by means of the love and life of a husband and wife.

The connecting line of love, life and blood lineage is what continues throughout history.  We have been held as prisoners by satanic love, satanic life and satanic lineage bearing any link to God's pure love, life and lineage.  Adam and Eve were in their youth when they sowed the seeds of this false love, false life and false lineage.  

Therefore, in these Last Days, we see a decline in morality among the young people around the globe.  

Satan uses his fallen love as a way to create a den of sin where a blow struck against God's ideal of true love.    

Standards were relaxed concerning sexual behavior, the plague of drug addiction and the decline of the family structure and traditional values have turned this world into an earthly hell.

It is impossible to find a true man, true woman, true brothers and sister, true husband and wife or true parents anywhere.

Before this age, there was no hope of creating a true society, true nation or a true world.

Mankind Must Engraft Onto God and True Parents

Adam and Eve formed a trinity of evil.

It is up to us to restore Adam and Eve that is in accordance with the ideal of creation.

In order to resolve this historical disease, someone has to testify to the fact that Satan committed sin and be able to explain the fundamental truths concerning the sin which our original human ancestors committed.

Satan and God have known the details of the fall which has been hidden from humanity and repeated to this day.

Adam was still young and did not understand many things about his environment.

In the Last Days, when Adam and Eve will finally reach perfection and discover this information and share it with the world is the biblical account of Revelations to how God will surely reveal all secrets in the Last Days.

Thus the exact crime which Satan created throughout history will be revealed.

Then it will be possible to expel Satan from the world.

For the first time, humanity will be able to make a fundamental change in direction toward hope, peace, happiness and freedom.

For us to be able to break free form false love, false life and false lineage we inherited from Satan, it is necessary that we leave behind our wild olive roots and engraft onto the true olive tree of the Messiah.

This will make it possible for our blood lineage to return to God's unstained, pure blood lineage and rebuild a heaven on earth and in spiritual world.

This is God's final purpose of God's providence of salvation, restoration and recreation.  Therefore, this is the era where the True Parents come to earth to reverse the mistake of the first parents.  

This is of the greatest historical importance.  The True Parents, who reverse the fall of our first parents, represent the final fruit of human history.

True Parents embody the completed form of human cultural history.

They signify the victory of religious efforts and philosophy within history.  Before True Parents could come, there was a period of indemnity and restoration through sacrifice, suffering and blood.

God's Providential History of Restoration

I would like to speak for a while about this historical period, based on the biblical record, to illustrate the difficulties. By understanding this, we can understand how important it is that we fulfill our responsibility today.

In the Old Testament, history worked through indemnity such as an eye for eye, tooth for tooth and life for life.  This responsibility of the fall passed from Eve to Adam.

Satan was at the center of that union.  From Eve's standpoint, after she had received the seed of false life and love from Satan, the fall occurred where Satan took over God's position.

Satan became Eve's father.  Eve placed the archangel in the position of father and Adam in the position of her son.  

Women who stand in the position of Eve in the course of restoring the world through indemnity, they have had to risk their lives in order to assure God's will would pass to the next generation.

When we look at the historical record in the Bible, we see a number of events that seem to defy explanation.

God's original intention in His creation was that Eve would become one with God.

Because Eve followed Satan's command, she became one with him.

Immediately after the Fall, God began the work through the family of Adam in order to undo the wrong course of history by going through the reverse course.

God worked through Adam's family because by them not linking to God, the fall deprived members of this family of eternity which they were given this privilege at their creation.

This is the process God used to bring about restoration of the first parents:

Cain was the very first fruit of love linked to Satan who took Eve which was on the side of evil.  Abel who was the second fruit of love, was placed to resemble the side of heaven.

This was the beginning of the history of struggle between good and evil which was aimed at the fundamental restoration through indemnity.

Cain and Abel made offerings to God at the same time, but God received only the offering from Abel, the second son, who represented God's side.

Cain represented Satan's side and God refused his offering.

The reason for this was that the second son should restore the birthright of the first son who represented Satan who was the first 'son' in relation to Adam.

Cain was to make his offering through Abel.  This is the orderly path of restoring the mistake of their parents.  This would have restored their mistake.

But because Cain could not humble to Abel and killed his brother, heaven thus worked through Seth who worked on behalf of Abel.  This providence was extended to his descendants.

Because of their failure to restore the Fall, while outside of their mother's womb, God had to accomplish His dispensation beginning within the womb.

Once we know this simple fact, we understand when Rebecca asked God why Esau and Jacob fought within her womb, God said, "Two nations are in your womb..the elder shall serve the younger." Genesis 25:23

After she understood the providence of God's will to return the mistake of Cain and Abel, she came to take greater care of the second son, Jacob.

Jacob had the responsibility to restore through indemnity the birthright of his brother Esau, emulating Adam and Abel to take back the birthright of God from Satan and Cain and bringing it back to the correct position.

That leaves one position left for this to be successful.  Rebecca needed to fulfill her responsibility in the position of Eve.

Now, we can understand the biblical account of why the firstborn was struck in Egypt during the course of Israelites' exodus and Jacob's switching of his hands over Manasseh and Ephraim at the time of their blessing.

These all contained the hidden will of heaven in order to bring about the reversal of the mistake of the first and second sons.

God's Providence to Send the Messiah

Eve deceived, God, her Father and Adam, in her fall.  To restore this, Rebecca stood on heaven's side and deceived the father Isaac and her son Esau so that Jacob could receive the blessing.

Jacob bought the birthright of the first born and initiated the lineage of Israelites on this victory which was won with the cooperation of a mother and her son.

However, when Jacob was successful in fulfilling God's will of taking full control of the birthright of the firstborn, he was already forty years old.

Therefore those who were forty and older were in the realm of victory over Satan.

But those under forty did not have a condition that gave them victory over the control of Satan on that level.

Therefore, a new dispensation was carried out for the purpose of gaining victory within the womb.  Tarmar and her twins Zerah and Perez.  Perez was the younger brother, but he pushed Zerah aside in order to become be the first born.  In fact, the word "Perez" is derived from this event.

At the beginning of history, Satan's lineage was planted within the mother's womb.

How was this possible when humanity was created by God?

We saw in the previous post that the misuse of the sexual organs was the actual cause of the Fall.

The archangel had tempted Eve with fallen love that was outside of God's dominion.  Through a sexual relationship passed on this sin to Adam, thus bearing children that were connected to Satan's blood.

The only way that the blood lineage passes from one to the other is through the action of a sexual encounter.

This mother's womb was restored to the side of God through Tamar following the will of God. Therefore, heaven took control over the first-son realm and the second son realm to God's original lineage which had caused the fall.

This was the way that the tribe of Judah formed a pure foundation where the Messiah could be born through that lineage.

This was not a simple reversal.

Tamar, as a woman fulfilling Eve's mistake, had to place herself in the position of deceiving her father and son.   She had to deny her father-in-law and his sons, whom she eventually would marry, in order to separate the position of Eve from Satan.

After this was accomplished, a basic tradition was established where God's children could be conceived without the original sin. The womb was purified from Satan's invasion.

Then it was up to the Israelites and Judaism to carry on this standard of victory in the womb until the time of the Messiah could be sent.

But by then , Satan had already had an established nation in the world.  Therefore, to send the Messiah at that time, there was not a safe national foundation for him to stand where the dispensation for restoring the world.

God had to wait 2,000 years until there was enough of this national foundation, where a woman could stand in the position of Eve, for Him to carry out His providence.

This finally took place through Mary who was Jesus' mother.

When Adam and Eve created the fall, they were engaged at that time, but they were not married by God yet.

In the same way, Mary and Joseph were betrothed to each other centered on God.  Just as Rebecca and Tamar, Mary was a revolutionary woman.  She was called by God to take part in the process of recreating Adam.

Since, Eve had deceived God and Adam, Mary had to place herself in a position to reverse Eve's mistake by deceiving her father and son.

This is the process where Jesus was conceived.  Therefore, Satan could not invade Mary's womb during the time of Jesus.

Jesus was born of a womb that belonged to a victorious woman who reveresed the reverse is the first fruit of the first love.

This was the first time in history that the bond to love Satan's children was established.

During the time that Jesus was in Mary's womb, Satan could make no invasion through lineage.  Even though saints dedicated their lives as individuals.

This is true today.  There, the Christian point of view was able to be used and was able to spread.

Finally, God has worked to use the victory in the Second War and the Christian cultural sphere to be able to accomplish unification of the world.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Way to World Peace

This post was rewritten and derived from the Textbook for World Peace, Chapter 3

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