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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Let's Plant Seeds of True Love

“When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms."

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

If love does not exist, then oneness cannot  be achieved.

When two separate entities become united into one, there are no such words on their own that can bring this unity about.

Two can become one through material objects, but once the material are gone, so does the unity.

Also, if there was a third party which brought this unity of the two things together, unity disappears once the third person separate.


In order for two to be one eternally, there has to be love. It will not work without love.

From the viewpoint of God, the universe's essence is love.

If you were to look at the world from God's viewpoint, the universe is the essence of love.

Through true love, unification automatically will come about.  Once we love at the level higher than Satan's selfish love, then, Satan will also be pulled in.

We can look at love in this way: God created Heaven and this earth and gave it to us as the utmost goodness and love.

The power of love bridges the gap between upper and lower and transcends space and time.  Many romantic movies use this basic standard of the rich man falling in love with the pauper woman.

What is witnessed in the presence of love?

Wouldn't it make sense that things that are far apart would come close together when love is around?

Why do we all like love?  It is because it can bring things that are really far apart come close and bring them into one in unity.

Who or what power will be able to bring the different cultures together?  We have seen humanity try through politics, military or cultural power.

None of these certain powers will bring about lasting unity and peace on this earth.

So, what will bring about this oneness we all seek?

It is simply the great power of true love.

Once you see from this pure viewpoint, we see why we like love.  People like love the most because it is the subject that brings everything and makes it theirs.

There is no one alive that is so cold that they cannot be melted by the power of true love.

When we see how great and powerful Godly pure love is and observe humanity, we see that people do not know the full potential for love to bring about world peace.

This is why the Messiah comes to teach us about the true power of the original love of God.

If there is a person who has a true loving heart, they can unite extreme enemies who once vowed to kill one another.  They can only do this through the power of true love.

Love can unite the most extreme and opposite things.

What is a man or a woman?

We can see them as poles.  In the original world God created, if a woman was to tell another woman that she was IN love with her because of her soft hands, this would be offensive.

Even though in our current society, all situations are acceptable, the idea of two women would be viewed as unideal in God's heaven because they are of the same polarity.

Men and women are on the opposite poles of one another.  What brings about unification?

The method that can unify all things is the idea of living for the sake of another.

For example, if we want to unite North and South Korea, do we do so by the familyship of Kim Il Sung?

Could he bring about unity of the two enemy countries?

Those of faith do not follow that way.

Everywhere love dwells is good and desirable.  

If we could come to a position in North Korea to give out love eternally, the love given to the higher degree will cancel out the North's false advertisements which control the people

South Koreans could unite with the North Koreans by excelling beyond in every field including education.  This way, the North Koreans would volunteer and unite with the South Koreans even if they were ordered not to do so.


Goodness prospers whenever it overcomes difficulty, and it always prevails.

It may seem on the course of battle in this religious life of faith that it is difficult for good to persevere, but this one principle of love ALWAYS brings victory.  Unity happen as long as it heads in the right direction.

Those who live by this simple principle will definitely triumph no matter how dire their current situation may seem.

Any organization that lives by, teaches and spreads the philosophy that personal gain is not for the individual, but is a gain for the nation and the world, that entity will not perish even if the world does.

Since Unification Thought, Divine Principle teaches this, it will not perish.



Unification cannot be achieved when we are indebted.



While one is withheld in the realm of owing debt, there cannot be unification.

There is no way for the Kingdom of Heaven while there is still debt to be paid by humanity.  A nation becomes a rich nation once there is a means to pay back the debt to the other countries which includes interest.

America a once flourishing, idealistic country, now has an economy of debt.

Q. Where shall we head?

We should go in search of love. 

From a human standpoint, we view the world as great.  We have become a world that is hailed as wonderful in the context of people accumulating wealth, ruling over the world, becoming knowledgeable, but these have no true meaning in the realm of true love.

We should become one through true love and unite mind and body with our Heavenly Parent on a horizontal (physical) and vertical(spiritual) level.

If there is a man and woman who has reached such a unity of spirit and body, they will aligned to God's vertical love.

This is the only just as our flesh is attached to bone, man and woman unite with God's love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Where Shall We Go?

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbook Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Thirteen, Chapter 5, Section 3,4

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