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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Breakthrough Hell

Have you ever wondered how the first human beings were created?

If God used clay, such as the biblical account in Genesis, what kind was it?   From which point did our first ancestor begin?  Did we truly evolve from monkeys?

Of course, they were not created as adults.

If we do not have some kind of notion of a Creator such as a pregnant mother who subsequently gave birth to, nourished and nurtured a baby, we cannot logically explain the formation of all existence.

We are just left with a theory that we sprung from monkeys, just because it is one animal that has similar habits and body parts as humans.

Infancy and the three orderly stages of the growing period

It is logical to say that Adam and Eve passed through their infancy before they entered the growth and completion stages. This is heavenly law.  What was the time period of infancy like?

We begin from the concept that God nurtured a baby who began in the spirit world, the world without  form, and passed through the course into the physical realm.

Without a concept of an original being who created all of creation, the concept of how humans came to be cannot be logically explained.

Our life path

We live in a "every man for himself" society, nation and world.  We live far from God's original ideal which He had way before Adam and Eve came into being.

What kind of God would He be if this world we live in was the world He intended from the start?

Our days are not victorious if we do not have more drive and determination for the results in our everyday lives.

Because of constant struggles within our circumstances, we all acutely lack the confidence to complete the day's work as we planned in the early morning.

Such days turn into months and then into years.  Our environments also are lacking in encouraging us to meet our monthly goals.

We need to go beyond in order to breakthrough the details and complexities of that month.  Without them, we cannot conclude our month with success.

One has to have a fighting spirit or a driving force to have a successful year, then we can celebrate.  The years add up as we continue in that vein until it eventually becomes our life pattern of being defeated by daily circumstances.

Have you ever wondered if this is the way it is supposed to be?

Is this what God placed all of His efforts into creating man for was to struggle and fight through each day constantly trying to reach one's goals put in place.

Individuals, families, tribes, people, nations and world all move within the realm of time; throughout history no one can escape the constraints of time.

Wherever people exist, there is always some goal to attain. 

Unless we are determined to maintain such a goal for ten, twenty, seventy years - our entire lives, the goal will be unattainable.

The greater the goal, the stronger our internal commitment and determination needs to be.

The original homeland that we must seek

You may not know of the reality of the spirit world, but I enjoy the special benefit from God of having a clear insight into that unknown world. Digging into the root of that world, I found its principles to be quite simple. 

Contrary to popular Christian belief of only needing to know Christ as God's son, in reality, only those who were able to live by God's universal principles, can enter the higher realms in the spirit world.

That world would be the ideal heavenly kingdom; the original homeland that humankind must seek.

Even though we were exiled out of our homeland and live a fallen, sinful life, we are all destined to return to that homeland.

This does not come by automatically.

Throughout history, God had to create a path for a course for His children to return to Him because we could not do so by our own efforts.

This is the reason why God raised many different religions all over the world.  These teachings are a training ground where He has been directing all the people along this path, whether through race, cultural background, customs and traditions.

Religion was created as a training ground to make people eligible to return to their original homeland.

God took in account all the different backgrounds around the four corners of the earth and led humanity toward an unified religion that will progress up toward a higher ground.

What does religion culturally teach?

It teaches people of faith to live for the sake of others.

A religion that is developed tends to emphasis this principle: to be gentle, meek, elevate others, serve them sacrificially and live for them.

This serves to discipline us to abide by these same rules observed in the Kingdom of heaven.

Our highest path in life

What should be our life path?

It is a path where we possess God's love.  This is life's highest and final destination.

Every person, men and women alike, must go this way.

Our path in life should lead us to the eternal love of God.  

The greatest path consists of finding God's love through crossing over the peaks of death tens and even hundreds of times, while continuing in that search even after death.

Where is the end point of our desires? Possession of God's love.

We need to possess only God's love, then it would be all right even if He were not present.  If we posses a love that is more precious than our own, God cannot be ours.

When His love becomes mine and mine becomes His, then the internal and external unite for the first time.

If a nation is based on such love as this, then it will become the ideal homeland without observing an upper or lower class of society.

When we can live in that place of love, we feel there is nothing under the sun that does not appear good or that exists for our sake.

Since God's love has this quality, the heavenly world which is all of mankind's destination, is filled with true love.

The wrong standard of birth

People today take glory in their degrees, and their family lineage as marks of social distinction from the rest of society unaware that they were born with the love, life and lineage of Satan, who is God's enemy.

This arrogance is a serious problem.

We should be aware that we still carry the bloodline connected directly to the characteristics of Satan - not God's original blood.  Jesus was the first to obtain that standard.

Due to the Fall, people have been born from Satan's love which was passed down from their parents. 

This sinful blood has made its way down through the lives of our mothers fathers to us in the present day.  The fruit of Satan, Eve and Adam's fall is you and me.  You belong to the satanic lineage.

You can probably feel that Satan's love is flowing through your veins.

Therefore, after stealing God's position, Satan bears his fallen fruit automatically while God strives since the Fall to redeem those very men and women and transform them into originally pure, perfect people.

You all began from Satan's love and are born from his lineage.

Since we have a wrong start from birth, you must return to the original point, the root of goodness.

Since we originated from false parents, we should return and start anew from true parents.

It is imperative to inherit God's love, life and His lineage.

This is why you undergo the ceremony for changing the blood lineage here from Satan's to engraft to God's pure lineage.

This was long hoped for by Jesus who was not able to become a true parent due to no one believing he was the chosen one to restore the world to Heaven on Earth.

The changing of blood lineage is not the same ordinary ritual, it is like an antidote to restore the dead back to life.  

Our ancestor's error was so grave that countless people fell victim to the after effects throughout the course of human history.

Knowing this, we cannot tread that same path away from God again.


We had to pay a horrible price throughout history for this fallen illicit love which brought about the fallen spiritual and physical world.  This had far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, societies, nations and world.

The standard of life

When I say life here, I mean eternal life. I am not referring only to the spirit world, but to a life to live for eternity. Each individual was created to be an object of God's love. You are the object partner of the absolute God, and the partner in His love. 

God cherishes the notion of true love more than He values Himself.

He is the absolute and eternal center of life.  His ideal is more eternal and the center of that ideal is true love.

The partner of that love is you.

The attributes of love promotes unity between partners. 

This love has the power to unite a nation.

Therefore, through love, a partner can accompany the other in any position and follow unconditionally.  Through love, you inherit God's entire fortune and even His entire heart.

I went through a miserable course to discover this and now stand on that foundation. It is sublime and lofty and cannot be exchanged for anything: it is an amazing grace. For that reason, I stand in the same position with God. I share the eternal position of true love. 

The spirit world is in a different dimension from the earthly world where we reside.

We are limited in movement withing the constraints of earthly laws, but the spirit world is a higher dimension where you can do anything, anytime and anywhere there.

God created us originally as eternal beings.

We can think of earth as a classroom on how to love and breathe the air of love in the next world.

If we are able to become beings of true love while on earth and then we go to the spirit world, we will enjoy freedom there.

The first standard of life is the standard of good and evil.  The second is the original starting point. The third standard is eternal life.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: A Prayer for Your Life of Faith

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbok Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Five, Chapter one, Section 1

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