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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Crossing the Border to Victory

As the saying goes, there are few guarantees in life other than death and taxes.  This is far from the original world which God had bestowed to us.

Everyone on earth has thought about or feared at one moment about the point we cross the last border.

No matter how much we avoid it, we will each die in our lifetime.

This is each human's final destination on earth. We should pass the line even if we have to brave the fiercest storm.  Where is the value in doing well most of the way and then collapsing just before you are to cross the finish line?

On the other hand, what is the use in living the good life if we end up living it in a secular way?  You chose to live the right way by joining and following this way of life.

You can think of yourself as a motley crew.

It is good that you joined.  Even though we are totally focused, we still have doubts that we can make it all the way on this difficult course where many have sacrificed and died to see the day of World Peace. Yet, after thousands years of sacrifice, we the day of peace still has not dawned.

Be encouraged and don't give up in the middle of the battle.

We win victory only as we dash toward the finish line at the last border.

Every human that is born on earth should make this effort to walk this path.

No matter how much opposition or persecution you receive, it is worth continuing on your path.

Opposition is not our concern.

A person that is able to work hard and walk his destined path one step at a time, even if he has to crawl, will eventually cross the final border.

Everyone from the President to the farmer must go this way.  If everyone was to live this way for the cause, then world peace would appear in one generation.

Modeling ourselves after God's external form, heart and divine character

Everyone will eventually shed their physical body and move on to the spirit world, no matter how healthy or wealthy they have lived.

As human beings who are born into this world, we must be prepared for our inevitable death.

We endure through the suffering so we can form our good self into the second self we will be in the eternal world.

Once a mother receives good prenatal education and care while she is pregnant, then the baby will be born as a good and healthy baby.  In this way, your life on earth is similar to the same care and attention you received while in the mother's womb.

We should grow by modeling ourselves after God's external perfect form with His heart and divine character.

As we grow, we should risk our lives in overcoming obstacles in order to achieve this goal of perfection.

Do not sin

Of course if it was as easy as making an effort to never sin again, maybe world peace would have been founded on religious efforts alone.

But when we talk about the mind must be straight, we see why people walk upright; they must be vertical.  We should make our mind completely vertical as God is.  Your body will from the horizontal line.

Accordingly, you must find your true self.

When you say that you have finally found yourself which is in line with God's standard, then God
should be able to agree and the Messiah must agree.

Your relatives, your tribe, nation must also be able to say that is right.  The one who is accused by any one of these is the problem.

In the future, the continents will be divided not based on superficial borders, but between frigid zones and temperate zones.

There will be a time when those who continue to sin a lot despite the world becoming united centered on God's true way, they will be sent to the North Pole.  This is the same as patients who have contagious diseases and are quarantined.

Live and die for the world

We have gone from an era where saints, sages and people of faith walked a blood path to see the day of glory where God standard would shine as the rising sun to an era of individualism.

I did not work hard for the sake of the Asian situation or the Korean people. Think about how to fulfill your responsibilities in the global field and be willing to die for this cause.

When you think upon these things, you must live and die for the sake of the world.  Once you stand on the global level and die for people of the world while embracing your loving spouse, family and race, this is the position you should reach when you die.

We have formed tribes and are now forming a race.

When the founder of the Unification Church dies, he will die for the sake of the world while he embraces Korea, also.  If the Korean people unite and die for the sake of the world, there will be a paht for them to be able to live with the world.  This is how Reverend Moon went forward seeking that path.

Work hard

This is the territory where you work: If you need money, make it; if you need people, work hard without eating or sleeping to raise them.

Do not ask anyone for help.  Do not rely on the church headquarters to help; you should help them with what they need instead.

Work three times harder than ordinary people to make it through this difficult path.

That is why, if I were to live for 70 years, my life content would actually be equivalent to 210 years. Likewise, don't think of living for 100 years; instead, think of working three times harder than others. If you were to live that way for 70 years, it would be worth 210 years. 

Only when you live to this standard can you bear fruit and increase your ownership of love in the spirit world.

When you live that way, you can bear fruit and increase your ownership of love in the spirit world.  That way of life yields a life of freedom in the spirit world.  Your fortune of love will grow.  Your ownership will grow and your sphere of activities will expand.

Work for the public good

Society has moved away from the idea of living beyond the family for the good of the public purpose.  Private matters belong to Satan and public matter belong to God.

What are the laws of heaven which we abide by?  They are to promote the public righteousness.

Even if you are opposed as you walk this course, if you are not disturbed by the opposition but go the way of hardship with vitality, you will become a person of heaven who will welcome spring.

If you notice a greedy shopkeeper, you'll see that that there will not be many customers who will buy from him.  The world does not have a need for a greedy person.

Everyone has the innate knowledge of what is the secrets of managing one's life in terms of distinguishing between private and public matters.

Therefore, if you are unable to go to heaven because you lived a selfish way of life, there will be no excuse that you did not know how to manage your life in the true way.  Why?

You already know the distinction between what is a private matter and what is a public matter without the need to be taught.

Let's say that you and your brother or sister were dividing rice crispy treats equally and you eat your share, but your sister keeps hers without eating it.  Then you wake up at night and you secretly eat your sister's half which she had her heart set on.

Before you can eat it, your conscience will warn you, "You devil you!"  If you are unable to feel this in your consciences, you are not a true human being.

Some people have suppressed their good conscience by so much of their evil deeds that they are numb to its calls of warning.  You should feel this.  Why?

Because your conscience was created to pursue public matters.  Your subconscious is God.

If you follow private desires you will perish.

In the world that originally existed, when you follow the laws of heaven, a mind defends and protects them from destruction.

What does it mean 'originally" existed?

God originally had such a mind and human beings came to have the same mind from the start of our creation.  This is not a man-made law.

Is anyone able to change their conscience's standard by commanding it to follow the way he chooses?
Where does our conscience receive its orders?

We do not know the origin, we do know that it does not originate from us, but outside ourselves.

When we see that our conscience guides feelings that control us, we can understand that they do so over public and private matters.

People struggle internally and externally at the crossroads between good and evil and between their public and private lives daily.

In many cases, people struggle between the two before they settle for a self-centered private lifestyle that does not expand outside the realm of his individual self or family life.

Those who live in this way will perish.

Therefore, in order to go in the right direction, we must repent for our past self-centered, private lives.  They should grit their teeth and push toward living publicly  and end up distancing themselves from the public good.

This has been your life of faith until today.  Therefore, all of those who live a private life, must repent.

Everyone wishes to receive good fortune and to live forever.

In order to live in this way, you must become a public person.

This means in educating your children, don't just love them as your own, but become parents who love their children as offerings for the sake of the people of the world.

Teach them to live for the sake of others.

When you hold your baby to your breast and nurse them, think of yourselves and your baby as representatives of the entire human race on earth.

Become a woman who can nurse your babies with such a heart.

Instead of caring only for your children and how they appear in front of others, cherish other people's children as your own with a loving heart.  Babies who are suckled by such mothers will certainly grow up to become great people.

Of course, you will not be able to see such a result right away in your family, but after the first and second generations among your descendants, there will be born great figures who can rule the world.  This is the formula.

Which would you prefer to dedicate your life toward, a life indemnifying private matters or public matters.  Both are devoted to some purpose.

Such people who are able to risk their entire lives for the good of the public will become great people.

A group like this will set up a new history toward a better world.

This is the course of tribulation which we must follow from now on.  When you manage your life, the issue is whether you can live your life individualistically as much of the world or publicly.

For whom do you eat, wear, buy sell things in your daily life?  Is it for yourself or for the purpose of God?

This is the issue: whether your life is a private or public life.  Do you have a private or a public mind in all these activities?

You should pledge to go the public way.  If you are supposed to indemnify the sinful, wrong history which humanity has gone, you must advance to the stage that everyone desires.

During each day, you must make effort to transcend private feelings and embody public feelings. This is the important issue that all people of faith must concern themselves with.

What is sin?

Sin came into the world from a private standpoint.  Therefore, ruin comes along through the private way of living.  Evil is the same.  When one pursues private matters just for their own life to a certain degree, they manifest evil.  Private matters only go to a certain limits.  When you reach the limit of a private life, sin, evil and ruin are the result.

Where will be in a position to be eternally good, prosperous and fortunate for eternity?  How do we get to the point where we can prevent sin,evil and ruin?  That position is a public standpoint.  When you speak, you should digest the situation with public words and not from a private mind.  In this way, live connecting all aspects of your lives with public matters.

Such people are not able to go to hell even if they try.

Experience love

Do you live your life only concerned about yourself?  Do you think, "I am the only one."

If everything that your parents and elements supplied by creation were removed from you, you would disappear. So, how can anyone claim that they belong to themselves.

We are each in a position to represent our mother and father.

You live through your mother and father by going through the period in the womb, inherit their blood and flesh and are provided for by them.

In the modern age, the term Mother Earth and Mother Nature are used.

This planet is our mother which provides us with elements at different levels.  What do we breathe while we are in the mother's womb?

e breathe in the womb through the umbilical cord.  This is a hose that is linked to the mother's body.

Now we are connected to this second world, the world of air.  As we emerge from life in the womb, we cause destruction.

Thus, the moment from our first cry, we are connected with the world of air where we breathe air through the nostrils.  Our nostrils are the absolute supply line.

Can we live if our nostrils are all the sudden both blocked?  Any human who is unable to breathe will die.  It is made with a dual structure.

The umblical cord and the placenta which the baby depended on to live is destroyed once he comes from the womb.  So, what appears at the point of death when we are being born into the spirit world?  The baby comes out into the universe, to the Mother Earth and come to live by the supply of elements through its mouth.  Our nostrils are prepared as the airway while we are breathing through the umbilical cord in the womb.

Once we emerge from the womb, we switch the use of the organ and begin to breathe.  Likewise, what must we do in this world to prepare for the next world now?

We must experience love, inhale the air of love from our mother and father and undergo all processes by the supply of the air of love.  Once we are born in a family as a baby, then we go up and then come down along a sine curve.  After we are born as a baby, we grow and age, then we die and are dissolved back into the earth.

We are born as a baby and return to the stage of being a baby again in our old age.  What will happen when we die?
We have to kick away the second womb and be connected to the thrid breathing organ of love which is the air we breathe in the next world.

We kick away parental love and fraternal love and enter teh world of love which is in total harmony with the Original Being of the great cosmos, God.

The spirit world is filled with the air of love.

Therefore, we should prepare our life here on earth as a pipe-like device for breathing love.

We need to experience the spirit world.  We become immortal only when we become people who feel spiritual love and then breathe the air of love.

Then when we kick away this womb we call Mother Earth and come out, we breathe with the respiratory organs of love.  We can gain eternal life only when we inherit the third love.  Where do we go after being connected with love?

We then return to God.

We return to the spirit world by being linked to teh respiratory organ of love.  yet there remains the way to go to God.

Since God is the originator of the seed, it must bear fruit and return to Him.  The course of life being a traveler's journey, then what must we take with us here?  We must go this path of experiencing love.

The Fall meant that we could not receive parental love, we must form the vertical family centering on true parental love, true brotherly love, true conjugal love and true filial love.

Families should be formed in the north, south, east and west.  These families should form true families that can link the vertical with the horizontal.  When this is linked to the realm of tribe, people, nation and world which is bound by love.  This is called the Kingdom of Heaven.

Leave a Tomb of Love Behind

When we think of eternal life, we don't think in terms of years or centuries, we think in millennia or
eons.  When people die, they are no different from animals at that point -  their bodies return to the earth.

What is the use in leaving something behind? Even atheists and agnostics say that they want to leave a name behind for themselves.

What's the use in leaving behind a good name.  Even if you are able to become a patriot or are honored with a monument, it would disappear when that country perishes.

Even if you were to leave your name behind, a name is only able to be considered good during a period os prosperity, but it can later be viewed as bad during a period that the country experiences a period of decline.

God's purpose is to have His posterity populate the earth. 

When we enter spirit world and go before God in the spirit world after leaving behind children who live for God on earth, we also come to stand in His position.

Therefore, how will you live on earth?

Leave a tomb of love behind.

If you live inside a tomb of love, then you will feel no bitter sorrow.

You may get tired living within this tomb, but will feel no bitter sorrow if you live in love.  If you are able to live in a tomb of love in your lifetime, your life will be a success for eternity.

If you are able to live and die living in this way, God will bring His sons and daughters to welcome you in the spirit world.  If there's no ring yet on your hand, God will put a diamond ring of the Kingdom of Heaven on your finger.

If you are not well-dressed, God will dress you in the richest apparel fit for royalty of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: We Must Understand Death, Not Fear It

This Post was rewritten and derived from the textbook Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Five Chapter 2, Section 2

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