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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Plant Our True Heart in the Original Homeland

If we ask what is our main goal while walking this course of faith toward bringing the world back to God's original homeland, what would that be?

What is the main goal of all of us fighting this spiritual battle for God and humanity?

What are all people of faith looking for?  

It can't just be to have their own goal to reach heaven.  To find a place just where only we and our family can settle.

It should be broader than that.

The true goal of people of faith has been to fight to find the true family, which is opposite of the current trend of disunity and divorces within families.

An individual cannot come to rest within a broken family.

Moreover, without the larger unit of a tribe, then the family does not have a place to settle all the way up to the national and world level.

The highest level most of us can work toward is the family level.  But without the tribe which creates a stage upon which to act as a fence to block any offensive substances, the family can fall apart with the first blow.

For this to be so, you must become the head of the family among your relatives.

Once you are head of the family, then your relatives will fight in times of battle.

Only then can you take a rest while commanding them.

That is why I have told you to take up the mission as representatives of the messiah to your tribe.  Until now, in reality, you have lived away from home. Now, you must go look for your hometown. You must break into tears and put your whole heart into your hometown.

Just as the Israelites lived in Egypt for four hundred years as slaves, this movement has done the same within the first forty years.  Now, we must return to our hometown and let love take root.

You must love God, your parents, and your brothers and sisters.

You must disconnect the source by which the worldwide Satan can falsely accuse you.

Even after God worked to build a foundation through the Israelites, they failed to establish the ideal heavenly kingdom in the blessed land of Canaan because they could not remove that source.

Therefore, do not expect anything from the satanic world.

You must go forward, progressing by digesting the villages and marching proudly with an outcry of love.

With this in mind, I want you to fight onward.

I can give you the right of inheritance and the right of having the same position as I have because you have the name of being true children before True Parents.

You must trust this privilege given by God and invest everything within the realm of love.

With your total investment, your family will resurrect from the chains of satanic dominion.  The nation will resurrect with the revival of the family.

In the hometown where your parents have been buried, you can plant new seeds that all the fields and mountains praise the value of all those who sacrificed and bow their heads to them.

When flowers bloom from seeds, you must designate the first flower as God's flower, the second as the Parents' flower, the third as your eldest son's flower and the fourth and fifth as your own flowers.

Can you you live this righteous life casually?

Of course not!

At this time, you are in the same position as the Israelites who have gone into the blessed land of Canaan.

Do not be envious of those who are rich when you return to your hometown.

Do not envy people with power and authority!  Do not be spoiled.  You must educate the people correctly.

The tradition of loving God, loving your future generations and loving your race in the position of Israel is the best.

Those who embrace your children and bring them to church should not be absorbed by the secular way of life.

With joy of returning back to your hometown, you should soak the land with your blood, sweat of hard work and tears along with the cries of your cells and bones.

The land should receive the title of divine land, which has been dampened with God's blood and tears.

This is where the heavenly kingdom will unfold.

You must restore your homeland and restore them.  The Israelites could not accomplish that.

Having returned from being a group of beggars for forty years, the Israelites were envious of the seven tribes of Canaan who ate and lived very well while they lived in tents.  In this situation, they ended up selling off God and the nation to end their suffering and pitiful situations.

To love people, you start with the pitiable person first, love the most pitiable child and move up to the middle-aged people.

There are many conscientious people among the secular people.  We should love those who live in the most poorest living conditions.

Even though they are in the devil's world, people who can inherit God's fate will emerge from their ranks.

What should you do upon returning to your hometown?

You must inspire the people to unite into one with you.  This method is rather simple.

Your son should become a teacher who teaches the heavenly tradition and show by example what actions will bring about the heavenly nation.

The mother and the father should show other mothers and fathers in the neighborhood what ways the heavenly nation will come.

This is what we must do.  It is simple:

You must form a family of love in which the husband loves the wife and the wife loves the husband.  The parents love the children and the children love the parents, and you hand it all down.

I have walked such a path in order to stand in the position of the global ancestor. You should be aware of the fact that you must go on the path to inherit the tradition that corresponds to you, the tradition for you to become the tribal ancestor.

You must set a tradition on which your tribe and family will follow.  Those who think only of themselves will not be included.

You must plant your true heart in your homeland. 

The Fall was the inability to lay a foundation of heart.

You must be the head family of your tribe.

God is the Abel of the universe.  The world's people are in the position of Cain before God.

Since God has led the providence of restoration through servants of servants, adopted children and true children, we must then inherit that tradition and go to our tribe and present this tradition we have built as a foundation for the true way of life and work to win hearts in the secular world.

This will not take long - three years at most.

Our Task for This Time Period

What does every person hope for?

They want to welcome the returning Lord and his bride before establishing the global nation.

This will begin from your new sons and daughters who are born connected to the true blood lineage of the Messiah's lineage.

Therefore, the True Parents are the starting point of the new future.

Let us testify about True Parents 

How does everything end?

The coming of the True Parents is the hope of all humankind throughout history because it is the conclusion of the evil sovereignty on earth.

This time has never before existed and will not exist again.

If we think in terms of the eternal world, our life on earth lasts only as long as the time it takes to draw in one breath.  What kind of people are the True Parents?

They are the symbol of hope, the symbol of absolute hope for the fallen, suffering humankind. 

They are the fruit of history, the center of time and nations of the world.

True Parents are the starting point of the future that can connect to the ideal world we all hope for.

Let us take into consideration the name of True Parents.  They are the starting point of a new world.

We started the world based on the false parents Adam and Eve who did not follow God's law.  True Parents come to the earth to reverse the mistake of the first parents.

Through them, the internal relationship is formed by which Satan can subjugate and God can be liberated from Satan who possess the external world.

Therefore, you should be grateful first and foremost for living at this time in the presence of this amazing grace of being able to live together with the True Parents and live according to their direction.

Everyone has the hope to meet True Parents, who are the ones for you to meet even when you walk the road of death.

When you meet the Parents, you will restore your ancestor's fallen history, the age and the future which has been lost.

This is the meaning of True Parents.

When you are able to completely be one with the True Parents, the true nation, tribe, race, and family will come into being.

True Parents are the manifestation of value that equal to the glory found in heaven and earth.  Would you exchange the True Parent for money?

Would you exchange them for life?

That is why it is different from before.

No matter where you go, you must find your way to Korea to attend the True Parents. It is the same for your sons and daughters and descendants of thousands and tens of thousands of years. Therefore, this movement is different and unique.

Q. What really are the true parents we speak about?

Truly think for a moment. If the first ancestors of humankind had followed God's command and were never kicked out of the Garden of Eden what kind of people would Adam and Eve be?

They would not have fallen, they would have been linked directly to God's true love, true blood lineage and way of life.

Adam and Eve would have become perfected and would have been God's body.  That means they would have become the body of God.  God is like the bones and Adam and Eve are the flesh.

God also has a mind and a body.

God would have been the internal parents and Adam and Eve would have been the external parents.

Based on the unity of God and humankind's love, the true parent, the perfected person was to emerge.

There is no perfect person without the cooperation in love.

Let us attend True Parents' picture in every family

You become a family of the heavenly kingdom just by putting up True Parents' picture and the flag of the Unification Church.

I mean that I will make you the family of the heavenly kingdom.

That is why there are a number of people who suffered disasters, such as being struck by lightning after grumbling about having to put up flags.

There was an incident in which someone broke his finger pointing at me and had to repent and pray for several nights to recover. Why do these incidents occur?

The power of an individual cannot block the advancing heavenly fortune. 

In the Unification Church, those of you bowing in honor to the True Parents photograph or the flag will live during these Last Days.

In the Old Testament, everyone who gazed upon the staff which Moses held were saved.

By putting up the UC flag, it signals to members who pass by that it is okay to enter your house, and rest if they are tired or have lunch.

If they are hungry before they continue on their journey.

You should always be prepared to receive guests.  You should make such preparations on behalf of True Parents.

Since you cannot attend the True Parents daily in person, you should attend their picture.

You should attend your guests as if they were True Parents. 

This practicing connects equalization to the highest heavenly standard.

This is why you should attend your guests as if they were God or True Parents.

Such a person will surely receive blessings.

I am very famous. Everyone acknowledges that I am a patriot living for the sake of the nation. Moreover, the whole world has honored my achievements. So if people come to say, "Since we have put True Parents' picture up, my wife and I cannot quarrel in front of it," and tell their children, "You should not do such things in front of Rev. Moon," what is wrong with that? Because you are revering it more than the photograph of your own parents, your ancestors will come and also revere True Parents as their ancestors. It will become an altar where ancestors can come and hold a service for the household.

The way to receive heavenly blessing has been opened up due to this kind of attendance.

Then, even after you have fallen asleep at three o'clock in the morning, your ancestors will chase out all of the evil spirits from around the home.

Moses led the Israelites away from the Pharaoh of Egypt.

At that time all of the firstborn of the Egyptians were smitten, while the Israelites avoided this calamity by smearing the blood of a lamb on the their doorposts. Thus, the spirit world is watching over you and will protect you.

Then Moses guided them to Canaan by enacting great works and miracles.

When the Israelites were about to leave the land of Egypt, they were able to avoid calamity of the smiting of the first born through smearing the blood of the lamb on doorposts.

In the same way, carrying a picture with True Parents, will protect you.  Spirit world can recognize the picture even if it is in your pocket.

Now my fame has gone beyond national borders. I have heard that many statesmen in various places have put my picture on the wall of their study and pay their respects to it.

You probably have experienced that there is a mysterious side to my smile, like that of the Mona Lisa. I believe that most of you probably are experiencing hundreds of thousands of ways of viewing my mysterious features.

At certain times, I appear to look like this and other times like that. This is because at different times the spirit world is cooperating with you in different ways. I think most of you experience this.

Those in the spirit world all know me. So when they see this picture, would those in the spirit world like it or dislike it?
Your ancestors can be connected with the picture as the medium. I want you to know that's how good it is.

Let's do revival services for our tribes

There should be a family revival service in the future based on your family.  

Those services represent the entire tribe.  You should think that such a revival service represents not just the Korean tribe, but tribe members of Blessed Families here around the world. 

You do not know what a blessing it is to hold a revival service representing the world centering on the tribal foundation, with Korea as its base.

 Everything depends on how much you think for the sake of others and on your own efforts.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Attend the Messiah to Liberate Your Sin

This post was rewritten and derived from Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Thirteen,  Chapter 4, Secion 4,5

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