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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We Must Understand Death, Not Fear It

Many people fear death because they do no know where they may end up.

They do not know what to expect on the other side.  Once we are able to have a clear understanding, then we can prepare for life in the coming spirit world.

There is no doubt that the spirit world exists and once we shed our physical bodies, we will go there for eternity.

Since we were born from the spirit world, we must return there.

The meaning of the Korean word toraganda

The Korean word toraganda (literally means to return, to die).  This is interesting.

Where do we return?

Some people literally believe that our final destination is literally to just return to the soil and nothing else is waiting us after death.

Our purpose in life is not to end up in a cemetery as many have come to believe.  Someone who is born in Korea, for example, does not return on that path as one.

Then we return to the original world that brought forth our ancestors.

This means, we will return to the place where the Creator is.  

That is where we came from, so that is where we return.

The universe is always engaged in circular motion.

The snow covering the mountains melt in the spring time and flows down through the small valleys into the ocean and through many streams and rivers.

Later, the flow enters the ocean where it evaporates and returns to complete the cycle once more.

Everything in creation circulates.  When one returns, where do they go?

We all wish to return to a place where we can be higher and better.  No one wants to dwindle and become smaller, however, all the laws of motion in the natural world dictate that everything diminishes through action.

When we roll something, it does not roll for eternity.  First, it rolls rapidly, then decelerates and finally stops.

The place to which we must go

Even though we live in this world, it is not the only world in which we exist.

We also currently live in the spirit world.

Not many understand this outstanding fact. As you are living on earth, you also have a spirit body living within your physical body which also lives in spirit world.

The world of spirit should not have become two separate worlds, they should be integrated.

Then where is the place in which we are to go and finally live?

Everyday where we live physically on earth we are proceeding toward the eternal world.

Ordinarily, people are simply born into this world, pass through their teen years and then reach their prime and enter old age.  This end of one's life is like the setting sun rising on the horizon and settling on the other side.

Those who do know the reality of the spirit world, know that this lifetime is but a breath in comparison to the eternal life after death.

This being said, our lifetime serves to prepare us to welcome the world of eternity, not to settle here forever.

The day we pass on is a precious day

If Adam and Eve were able to follow God, a world of peace would have developed and their family would have set the tradition for that world.

If humanity was able to become a global unified world, then special days such as Adam's birthday, wedding day and the day he returns to the spirit world would have been holidays where humanity would celebrate as a unified brotherhood of one people.

They would have become a people that lived in one world where heaven and earth did not separate because they would have become one with God instead of being banished from heaven.

If this had happened, Adam's family life would have been inherited by all of humanity.  His family would set the tone for the culture formed at that time and we would inherit this tradition eternally.

The spiritual connection of life and death

No matter how hard you try to avoid death or however rich you are, we each will die when our time comes.  People enter the spirit world in different stages.

Some go in their ripe old age, while others die tragic, untimely deaths.

Among the latter are those who die due to punishment or to pay indemnity for their ancestors' or the sins of the people of the world.

For example, if three prominent young people that live in one city die all at once, a good fortune will come to that city.  If three youth who had great promise for the future of one clan die, good fortune will come to that clan.

In other words, indemnity must be paid for past sins in order for humanity to go forward, just like any bank account.

Even though Jesus paved a way for salvation from our sins on the cross, humanity still sin.  Therefore, we must on an individual and societal level pay for these sins and eradicate them from earth once and for all.
This principle applies everywhere and to all.

If God chooses a central figure such as Moses who has the equal value to that of a thousand people, he will let him walk the path of death.

If those thousand people are able to follow him while inspired by his grace and virtue, their entire race will enter the same blessed realm as he.

The reason people try to discover the thoughts of patriots and sages and follow them is to enter the same realm of their blessing.

Last year, several members went to the spirit world. This year, several more will go there. Although I have not talked about it, I know of this already. Why does this happen? Because when we go up one stage, we cannot avoid paying indemnity for past sins. 

Of all the people who have been born on earth, there are those who live with hope and those who live without being able to have hope.

There are two kind of hope: humanistic hope and God-centered hope.

From the first day we are born, we grow up thinking that our mother's bosom are the best thing in the world.

But once we leave her bosom and come to have friends, then we think our friends are the best thing.  Nevertheless, we end up parting even from our friends.

As we grow older, neither loving parents, nor a loving spouse, nor loving children can completely satisfy our hopes.

We all have hopes for many thing, but eventually all those hopes will vanish.

We have hopes for our family, our country, or even the world, however, as we get older, our hopes fade away.

There are many on earth who live with a firm conviction that their entire hope, the hope which they cannot live apart from, is worth losing their lives to bring to fruition.

People are destined to have to fight and go beyond death after living life as it is known.

People entertain all kinds of hope in their lives.

Only, when they face death toward the end and pass away, they abandon all the hopes they had fostered.

They wandered about seeking this hope they cherished, wishing to live today and tomorrow to see it come to fruition.

Once they come upon death, though, all their hopes fade away, then they fall into despair as they see their final path before them.

From a person's own viewpoint, they seem to have hope for a bright future, but they are unable to have a hope which they can go over the summit of death.  They disappear without having such a hope no matter how hard they worked for the cause.

Should we die understanding this pattern of life, or will we seek a hope that lasts where we laugh even in the face of death?  These questions are important for all people on earth to think about these days..

All things of this world will pass away. 

Our families, nations and even the world itself will pass away.  Ideologies and philosophies, too, will pass away.

Then what remains?

It is the hope where we can fight and win over death.  If we are unable to have this hope,  we might see ourselves as failures in life.

If there is a group of people who since their birth, reject all the hopes that satanic, secular people desire including all humanistic wants, and they are able to live embracing heavenly hope, they should not live embracing earthly hope.

They should live dreaming of and cherishing the eternal world of that can conquer even death, not this earthly life which is only a breath in comparison.

Death in relation to the value of life

Those who seek to live do not, those who seek to die seeking the value of life clinging to God while at the crossroads of life and death will not.

The word 'death' invites an understanding of the meaning of life.

Who knows the value of life very well?

In today's world, there are many who end their own lives by taking sleeping pills. Do more women commit suicide or more men?

More women.  Why?

Because women tend to have an one-track mind.

No matter how ugly a man may be, he is able to approach a problem from different perspectives.

Women can only see one way out of a problem, but men avoid death by finding all viable alternatives as a solution.

As such,  they have a lower suicide rate then women.

Death is a process to link three worlds

It is only natural that we want to resemble our Father God.  God also wants us to resemble His characteristics.  This is why we want to resemble God and He wants to take us with Him.

We are searching in the dark looking for a way to make this union possible with God.

Therefore, we must be reborn into a pure body that allows us to resemble God.

Both God and humankind are waiting and hoping for this day of rebirth.

Such a day is necessary.  What day would this be?  It would be the day of one's death.

If the day of death is the day that we resemble God, would this be a day to welcome or a day of sadness?

First, what is the purpose of death?  We die for the sake of True Love.

Originally, God purposed death not for us to live a life of sadness, but as a rebirth to welcome His children to eternally live with Him.

At that time, we discard our physical body in order to participate in God's realm of infinite love.

Our bodies are very limited, but in the spirit there are no limits to how one takes in the experience of God's fullness of love.

We go to spirit world for the sake of God's world of love.

Death is a time of rebirth from the world of air, to the world of love.

But in the world today, we clamor in our death and scream out, "Oh, I'm dying!"

Death is supposed to be the moment you can welcome the joy you feel by being able to leave the realm of limited love and enter the realm of infinite love.

The moment of death, is the moment of your rebirth.

Therefore, God would be joyful about the day of birth from your physical body.

He would react joyfully upon the hour you are born as His true son who is to act with a heart of infinite love in the second world.

You might wonder why I talk about such things that are 'depressing'. You cannot establish a relationship with God without liberating yourself from the fear of death.

Death was not part of the creation in order to bring fear, but to bring His children closer to Him for eternity.  Why do we come to fear such a natural process?  This fear of death came about after we left our heavenly position as God's true children and created hell centered on Satan's will and words.

As humans, we go through three stages: formation, growth and completion.  We begin in the realm of water in our mother's womb, then the realm of air on planet earth, and finally the realm of flying in love in heaven.

The period within the womb is the time the fetus floats in the depths of water.  We draw in and expel this water and live by the cord attached to the stomach.

The fetus is nourished through the navel which functions as a mouth.

We should be disdainful of the navel for taken such pains for us in the past.  If you pat your navel several times, your health will improve.  If you sleep in a cold room, but you cover your navel, you won't get diarrhea.

During the time of the womb, your navel functioned as your mouth and as the breathing organ.

When we are born, we must detach the cord.  In the world of spirit world, we are attached to the physical self, like the embryo which feeds off the physical body.  Therefore, we have two bodies: a spirit body, and a physical body.

As the physical body grows old, the spirit self comes out and eventually discards the physical body.

When we are about to be born, we become the object of love of the mother and father.  Likewise, the spirit self must be reborn as a person who can relate to God who is our spiritual True Father.

This is in accordance with fundamental principles and laws.

The earthly world is where the embryo can become friends with its father and mother after it is born.

We are born on the earthly plane and share love with our mother and father.

Likewise, when we are born in the spirit world, there we can share love with God, the Parent by whom we connect ourselves with the infinite world.

Those who did not live a life connected to God while on earth will find it hard to breathe the air of love in the spirit world.

We go through a period of water, the period of land and finally settle in the period of flying.

How many thousands of years have people longed for the time we would see a human fly?  Such a person would be the world's greatest attraction.

Those who breathe in love on the earth are not dead but alive. 

Once we abandon the placenta which is connected to the navel, we are born to a new, higher dimensional world.

Air is supplied on this larger plane.  We come out and immediately receive a supply of air.  Even a baby screams at leaving the comfortable world of water into an unknown world.  Just the same we fear the unknown world that lays before us.

Then what will you develop after coming out of the womb?  It is not air, but love you receive elements of love.

Therefore, you should not just live your life for eating, that is the way of death.

When you just live to eat and drink and sustain that kind of living, it is only living for the sake filling a bag, a water bag in your physical body.

This kind of living is part of being on the path of death.  It is a secondary existence.

Then what should your life be filled with?

It is not air but love; you receive elements of love while on earth. 

You must form a character of love during your period of growth.

What everyone on earth needs is love, just like the Beatles song.  Why is a child who does not live with parental love called an orphan?

Because he is unable to receive the love that will enable him to be eternally be connected to the next world of love.

Therefore, those who are unmarried people who live on alone are pitiful.

Death means to inherit the elements of love after the destruction of the physical organ through which the body has engaged in breathing through the secondary type of respiratory organ.

Love is invisible.

Just as an embryo is required to grow in order to be normal in the womb, the baby must grow properly once he is born on the earth, as God's laws require.

His internal self will develop based on the parental love they receive and then the conjugal love of their spouse once they have matured into adulthood.

There are many insects that go through three stages in life.

The dragonfly develops in water during their larval stage at first but then they creep on the earth and then fly.
They are then able to prey on bugs that they would have never been able to imagine eating before they had reached that stage.

They are able to flutter freely throughout the universe which they think is their stage.

Insects have wings in general and go through life in the water, on land and in the air.  This time period of swimming in the womb is equal to the time period as humans.

We as humans are supposed to be the lords over creation, but we do not have wings.

Once we pass through the stage of water in the womb, grow during the period of air on the earth, we will receive a set of wings of a higher dimension.

God gave death as the blessed gateway to our second birth.

What is the true meaning of death?

Earthly life, which is the time of living in air, parallels to the time we were once living in the womb.

We are currently living in a wrapping cloth of air.

Death itself is not unique, but only our rebirth into the third life is, because that is the time of transition in which we call death.


Return for Tomorrow's Post: What To Leave Behind After Death

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbook Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Five, chapter two, section 1


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