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Friday, November 22, 2013

Live as if You May Die In a Year

Q. Why is it important we need to know about the issue of eternal life?

Shouldn't we just worry about the end of life when we get there?

Don't we have enough issues on earth to deal with before thinking about life in the other world?

Then we can switch to a more earthly base.

Why are families throughout the world being destroyed?  Why do husbands and wives become enemies and children cannot trust their parents?

It is because there is no true love.

The most important thing is eternal life.

There we go again.  We are connecting problems of the world back to the basis of an earthly life.

Why do religions seem to focus more on the after life than the here and now?  The life we can prove exist.

The first question is how are people to understand the the importance of the next world if they do not even believe that it exists?

If a person headed in the wrong direction was to clearly know that he lives for eternity, would he want to commit a crime if he knew he would pay for that misdeed for for eternity?

Yes, everyone at the base has the basic knowledge that they will 'reap what they sow' or believe in some kind of law of Karma.  But what if people were brought the true fact that every deed they do, or seed they plant manifest forever in the other life?

If humanity was to feel this simple truth to the core of their being, we would not be able to just live only for our own selfish ways  in this world even if you were instructed to do so.

If you are not able to invest in true love or a true life while you are here on earth, it doesn't matter if you practice a religion or are a Christian, you will not be able to live in heaven, God's ideal world.

Heaven begins first how we live on earth.

If our church is armed with the truth of the Principle, the issue of eternal life will become clear. 

If we could not connect to the basic issue of eternal life, then the idea of a social revolution of future change would be impossible.

Issues on earth can be connected to eternal life.  Unfortunately, what was a basic human truth was severed when humanity turned in the wrong direction, to an evil path.

If we are to approach such issues as poverty from the perspective of eternal life, we will be able to overcome environmental conditions. This is why the principles which religion teaches are so great which connect to eternal life.

Before religions could digest the cultural differences and background.  This was because they could not establish a true concept of eternal life and how to apply it to our daily circumstances.

You may see that even the faithful and Christians are shaken when their circumstances are changed.  This is because of they do not have any confidence in regard tot he concept of the after life.  When we place our whole focus on goals for the here and now or our life on earth, it is easy to not be focused on eternal issues.  Christianity built its foundation on the back of saints and a people who sacrificed their lives to push God's dispensation forward.

Can Christians now lay down their lives in order to overcome their circumstances?  They now are backsliding into living to satisfy their present needs on earth and their social obligations which leave no roots or traditions for future generations.  They experience distractions coming from all directions.  unless the proper concept of eternal life is well planted in these people, they will fall away from this difficult path of attendance to God and the Messiah.

What can turn this wrong path people of faith are taking?

Only love alone can do this.  We are are the ones who can completely accomplish this task.  We understand that our path of faith is not preparation for life on earth, but for a life in the eternal world.  People who have this conviction to set their life path to live the correct way for the next world can take care of themselves in this world.

After we pass the age of 40 and fifty, the day that we will die draws closer and the more serious people become about the issues of eternal life.  Some may become serious about how they have wrongfully spent their time on temporary things and have not yet left anything behind.

The older people get, the more serious they become.  As we get older, the thinking becomes dim, but when one has a strong concept about the eternal world, they will become more serious with age instead.  In the future, only those who have have a religious ideology can lead this world.  Those who are able to maintain an absolute concept about the eternal world will be able to face changing circumstances and the ups and downs of life without any problems.

Our lifetime and the issue of eternal life

Have you ever wondered how long you think you will live?

Everyone may think that they will live to the age of seventy or eighty and don't think about dying before then.  Yet, we may have these feelings, but we really do not know whether we will die tomorrow or even later today.

Young people may think that they will live at least to forty or fifty years old.  Did God guarantee that you would live to a certain age?

You should live as if you might possibly die soon or perhaps within a year.  Therefore, you should make all the necessary preparations during this short time and live with such a thought.  The shorter the time you think you have, the happier you will be and the less you will have to lose in life.

Your sincere preparations during this time become the building blocks of your home for your eternal life. 

Have you ever loved God in such a way that you thought you only had a short time in mind to do so?

If you are able to live this way, then you will become the master of eternal life when you die.  If you had the thought that you will die in two years, how serious would you make plans or live from day to day?

You would start visiting cemeteries and attending funeral services.

In our life of faith, it is absolutely necessary to do prepare in this way.  This is where the Principle applies.  If you are able to think about dying for God's will and for heaven during this short time that we spend on earth, you will thus live eternally.  This is where the Principle applies.

Wouldn't a man who once believed that he would die single and unmarried, suddenly received a loving life before he died, how grateful would he be?

You should leave something behind that God can praise, while you go forward to immediate death under God's order.  You would feel that your time on earth is too precious to spend just sleeping and eating.

You would not waste your time worrying, even if you wanted to.  You will be able to live your lives with greater value the more you think that you only have a short time to live.

What value is there in loving someone, a family or a tribe?

Loving others creates a textbook for loving all of humankind.

Love is a textbook to loving everybody in the spirit world that transcends time and space.

How do you plant the concept of eternal life?

God created Adam and Eve to be His objects of love, therefore, we should live as objects of God's love.  We do not just talk about it, but feel it and experience it deeply.

Once you know the great power of true love, you would willingly go this way even if someone told you not to do so.

When you plant the idea of life after this one, that there is another life after this one, everything will be complete.  This idea will vibrate through your mind and your body will resonate harmony with the mind to the same level.  Adolescence is when such things happen.

The Fall occurred at the age of adolescence, so the years leading up to the age of 16 are unaffected.  The age before 16 is the standard of original nature and remains intact.

Therefore, you should get acquainted with God during your adolescence.

In doing so, you will become inseparable with Him.  This happens based on the your understanding that this life is not the end and there is an eternal life we live based on how we lived on earth.

Our descendants would follow no other path but this if they went this way even if they were told not to do so.

Therefore, we must save the world and quickly bring about a heavenly nation.

This becomes your possession in the other world.

Also, your rank is determined in proportion to how many people you have witnessed and brought there.  That is why heaven is empty right now and the rest of the lower spirit world is being filled daily.

Humankind seeks eternal life

What is the purpose of living this way of life?

A life of faith consists of seeking the world of eternal life.  Our faith involves us seeking God's eternal love.  To unite with eternal life along with eternal love, we must seek where God's joy can be felt as our own joy. This is the way of faith.

The most important thing in this life of faith, the degree to which we can live life with a progressive love and vitality.

Your value as a human is determined by how much you perceive sensations through your five senses in relation to life and love.

Therefore, we should think about whether we have lived in society with an added heart of love.

If you are not standing in such a position, then you are at a standstill or in a position in retreat.

Eternal life and religion

Human beings have the gift of eternal life.

Religion has expanded throughout the entire world and passes through all kinds of circumstances, which include different cultural backgrounds and customs.

That is the central issue concerning eternal life moreso than a person's earthly lifetime.


People should live together with the universe during their life.





Life is short, amounting only to one hundred years.

Your life does not disappear after your life on earth ends.  Once you are able to overcome that boundary, you can continue to live in the realm going beyond the bounds of the global village that once defined our limits here on earth.

An eternal life sympathizes with and helps humankind who have lived in suffering until now.  Religion is necessary.   We have to resolve the issue of God in matters of eternal life.

All of these matters are interconnected.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Let's Plant Seeds of True Love

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbook Cheon Seong Gyeon, Book Five, Chapter One, Section 5.

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