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Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Way to World Peace

If fallen man understood that humanity went in the wrong direction causing a constant war going on within each of us, the restoration of the world would be faster.  

As a consequence of the Fall of Man, there is a continuous struggle and conflict within ourselvess between mind and the body.  Between the desire for good and the desire for evil.


Originally, our mind and body were to be operate as one in unity, not struggle.


Our mind represents God's mind.

The human body is a container to accommodate the mind.  Separation came between these two when the fall occurred.

Thus the body dominated the good mind based on Satan or selfishness.  Thus, tragically, the human body has become the servant of Satan.

On the other hand, the human conscience is the agent of God in the individual person.  Our conscience was not created to benefit oneself.

It is planted by God for the sake of righteousness.

Yet the body rebels against this conscience.

The body only seeks after comforts and tends to act selfishly, going after carnal desires.  The conscience in turn is trying to chastise the body and direct it toward the godly mind's desires.

This is why there is always inevitable conflict and struggle within one's self.

This is the reason why the traditional religions of the world all teach the principle of chastising the body through fasting, prayer, and other disciplines.

By doing the opposite of what the body desires to do that is wrong, discipline brings the body to the will of the mind.  For this reason, religion which is the training ground where the desire of the body is suppressed, has been the instrument of God to bring men back to God's original ideal.

In order for us to dominate the body, we must unite with God within Himself.

The only power that enables the mind to dominate the body is the same power which generates unity of the mind's wth God's truth and love.

 Mind is subject and body is object. 

God's love and truth has the power to bring the mind and body into harmonious person.  Religion would define such a person as a man of perfection or a holy man.

Men and women that center their whole life on God are called men and women of goodness.

These good men and women may receive God's blessing of marriage and be united into a couple of husband and wife.

This will be the beginning of one ideal family of men on the face of the earth.

This model family is what God wanted to have as a building block of the good society, nation and world.

The Family is the Foundation of Peace

The Orient has a saying that "Once peace dwells int he family, everything goes right."

A happy and harmonious family is a family of peace and the foundation for the heavenly kingdom on earth.  The dynamic of the family is true love.

You must love God first, then love your husband or wife and your children with pure and sacrificial love.  This is the manifestation of true love.

God created love as the supreme force in the universe.

There is nothing greater in the universe than true love which is supreme.

True love, of course, originates from God.

God invested everything, every ounce of Himself in order to bring about the creation of all things and mankind.


Love is the only is the only thing in the world when invested fully, returns fully.  

When you invests true love, it will multiply and prosper.

Investing 100 percent of true love will yield 120 percent.  One might think that those who practice true love would become poor and miserable, yet the end result is to the contrary.

Through practicing true love, you will acquire prosperity and eternal life.

This kind of family of true love becomes the foundation for creating a society, nation and world centered on God's love.

That world would become ideal and peaceful.

There you will find understanding and peace and not misunderstanding and confusion.

You will find unity instead of division.

You would find selflessness instead of selfishness.  It would be the world where sacrifices and good service are a dominant virtue which everyone would strive to achieve.

The realization of God's ideal is the way to bring about true peace in the world.

The Ideal of True Parents for True World Peace

The Bible states that God sought to create human beings from "His own image" and character.

This means that the invisible God wanted to manifest Himself substantially into a visible, physical form.

In other words, men and women would become the personification of God through their perfection in pure love.

If the first man and woman had realized the ideal of God, they would have become the first visible form of God and created the first family of man of God-centered children, grandchildren who would expand to form an ideal society, nation and world.

In this case the invisible God would thus become the vertical True Parent of man centering upon true love.  Humankind would have centered upon good Adam and Eve who became True Parents by becoming one family eternally fulfilling a true brotherhood.

The Fall of Adam and Eve brought about the lost of not only God's ideal world, but the True Parents of humanity.

We became like orphans whose true parents abandoned them.

Therefore, brothers and sistersturned into enemies.

As a result, nation became antagonistic relationship rather than friendly ones. Accusations, and distrust abound on every level of society.

In the final fulfillment of human history, therefore, God's work of restoration is the restoration of True Parents first, liberating humanity from its orphan status.

Today this is the central dispensation of God - to bring True Parents to earth to guide mankind and create the true family of man centering on God and true love.

Ladies and gentlemen, today's creation of the Federation for World Peace must be different from that of the League of Nations and the United Nations. Most important is that we must found this organization upon the true ideal and philosophy of lasting peace as well as the ideal of True Parents. In the final analysis, peace in God and with God is the newest level of awakening. 

Once humanity reaches this level, it will be a refreshing new beginning toward attainment of peace.  The exclusion of God from human efforts to bring about peaceful solutions, is the core reason why there is constant failure in these endeavors.

Therefore, we should make God the center of this movement.

Historical Gathering

For men and women who are fervently longing for world peace, today's gathering is an historic gathering. There are many presidents and former presidents here today, as well as prominent religious leaders and leaders from every walk of life. This is truly a rare and extraordinary assembly. Furthermore, there are leaders from the East bloc and the West bloc. Until recently, those leaders were mired in the Cold War and locked in a chilling confrontation. In this auditorium, however, there is no East or West. Everyone is gathered together in one spirit of cooperation and reconciliation.

On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall finally came tumbling down.

Ever since that historical event which was felt around the world, we have been living in a different world.

The world is quickly moving forward to reformation, mutual understanding and friendship.  Everyone today feels that the world is opening up, a new way, to blossoming opportunity of peace.

If you agree that the principles I have expounded are the fundamental criteria for peace, then true peace is reachable and achievable. The industrialized North must reach out to help liberate the South from pervasive impoverishment. The developed nations must reach out with a helping hand toward the developing countries and the new democracies.

During this time of transition and restoration, each nation must change from a selfish one to an unselfish one.

That in itself is a revolution.  Nations can do this when leaders themselves are able to see from the position of parents.


The most unselfish and sacrificial love of all is the love of parents. 


From this perspective, we can see that on a worldwide level that all of the nations are brothers and sister nations.  
Then a fresh new vision emerges and a new opportunity will open up in front of us to a new dawn.

What should be the priority of those countries that are part of the UN in the days to come?

We have reached the age where colonialism is over.  
Where the powerful nations exploited the weakest ones in the past is over.  The law of "survival of the fittest" does not apply in our new world.  
The age of the superpower arms race which drove the world and humanity into fear and uncertainty has also passed.  


Humanity ought to be liberated from the devestating threat of nuclear arms.


What time is it on God's timetable of restorating the world?

This is the time that the Holy Scriptures refer to "beating our swords into plowshares."  Do you see it is such a time of human revolution going toward a better world centered on God?

This is the time for developing mutual trust which is based on a high moral standard.

It is a time when all of the members of the United Nations in a relationship of mutual respect and love, should jointly declare one final war against our common enemies.  
That would be hunger, ignorance, disease and crime.

This is God's plan.  Even though everyone has a concept of their home country where family lives, in larger sense, the world now becomes "my country" because it is where God, my Father and my brothers and sisters live.  
From this point of view, all the advanced nations should seek to share their knowleddge of high technology with developing countries and new democracies.

To do otherwise would be a moral crime.  Things which are good and beneficial must be shared among all nations.  When a new discovery is made, it should benefit all nations.  If something is good for humanity and the world, it should be fulfilled, transcendent of national boundaries.

For a long time, I have been fighting for equal opportunity in the use of high technology by all developing nations.

A Century of Peace

Ladies and gentlemen, your coming to this place is not an accident. Nothing happens by accident. I feel you are ordained to be here. You are chosen by God as champions of peace.  A new era is unfolding. With the cooperation of God and man together the twenty-first century will be a century of peace. 

If we are to see a world of peace happen, we should work tirelesly together for the next nine years.

If we do, we will be able to eliminate all obstacles which might hinder the attainment of peace.

If we are able to push forward, centered on God, we should be able to eliminate all obstacles which would hinder the attainment of peace.

This twenty-first century should be a righteous century full of hope.
Wealth will not be the dominating factor in this era.

Instead, the human spirit and soul will prevail.  The twenty-first centry is the era of unity between God and man.

It should be the era where a new awakening will come to every man.

They will realize that there is more benefit for himself when he serves others and lives for the sake of others.

In this century, selfishness will decline.  Life honor and glory based on unselfishness shall be triumphant.

These are the characteristics of the era for peace is approaching.

Now we have the opportunity for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.  This century shall be hopeful and glorious.

To make this happen, the Federation for World Peace will provide the ideal and philosophy to educate the world's population. The Federation will assist spiritually, mentally and financially in the development of needy nations. The Federation will set a high moral standard and take a dynamic role in building a world of peace.

As you walk this path of restoration, you are the apostles of peace.  The bright new hope as well as a exciting new future awaits you.  We should fervently feel the desire to fulfill this great mission that has been bestowed upon us by God.

In order to achieve this sacred duty and historic responsibility of building everlasting peace on earth, we should dedicate our lives, fortunes and sacred honor with total commitment to this dispensation.

The first item on our agenda is to invite God into our individual hearts and those of our family, society, nation and world.

When God is with us, who shall be against us?

Respected friends, my beloved brothers and sisters, we are called to this sacred mission: to build a world of peace.

Our noble march shall begin today toward that glorious future.  Let us build a true world of peace together with God.

Thank you very much.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Homeland the True God Desires

This post was rewritten from the Textbook for World Peace Chapter 2

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