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Friday, October 4, 2013

The Family is a Training Center

Everyone is a  part of a family unit.  The parents may have divorced, the sisters and brothers may live in separate houses, but the family still exists.

When we stand in the world of space, in order to stay balanced, you need top and bottom, left and right and front and back.

When we deal with relationships concerning top and bottom, left and right, and front and back, also problems in the family, nation and world, there is only one solution.

Just as there has to be these six positions with the individual in the center, there also have to be parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters.  This also applies to the nation.

The leader is at the center of the nation.  All families should embrace the civilization of east and west, and the civilization of north and south, and all the people of the world as brothers and sister.  Eventually, establishing a family model.

This model is the same for all.  You are the center of that model.  This model represents a principle that requires that from you sprouts your family and expands into the nation world, heaven and earth all the way to God.

The Family is the Central Model for All Beings

You not only want to be the center of the universe, but you want to be the center.

In the same way, the family is the center of the universe.  If you were to think of heaven as the parents, then earth represents the children.

In relation to east and west, east symbolizes the man and the west the woman.  So, after marriage, the woman goes to the place where her husband is.

This is similar to the west reflecting the sunlight that shines from the east.

This is the same for the brother and sister relationship.  When the eldest brother leads a task, the younger brothers and sisters will cooperate.

Each person should, therefore, be in a parent-child relationship, a conjugal relationship and a sibling relationship.  Do you see how this rounds out. These three relationships should meet at some point.

Also, you can see that in these Last Days that all of these relationships have been broken up. This is directly the root cause of all of the world's problems which expands from relationships within the family all the way to the worldwide level.

The central point is one.  The center for the top and bottom, left and right, front and back should be the same.

If the centers are different, then the relationships will all be imbalanced.

So the common central point of top and bottom, left and right, front and back must add up to the number seven.

When this happens, then the family is united in true love with God at the center.  This is where all things form a complete sphere bringing about harmony and unification.

We often think of the number seven as the luckiest number.  Therefore, when we hear this about the number seven it seems believable.  As long as true love never changes, then the central core will turn forever without changing, therefore, realizing the idea of a true family.

Also, since everything is connected to this core, then each of the position are equal.  For example, if the grandfather and his sons and daughters want something and the grandchild is not against it, then all the three generations will come to want it.

The grandfather, grandmother, husband and wife, and sons and daughters will all follow the center.  The parent-child relationship becomes one in terms of love.    The conjugal relationship is one and the sibling relationship becomes one.

They become one body.  So, what do these relationships revolve around?

They revolve around the true love of God who is the center of true love.  In this way, the value of everything becomes equal.

The Family is the Textbook of Love through Which We Can Connect with Universal Love

What is the universe?

God created everything in the universe as a sort of a training aid to help His beloved sons and daughters find the ideal of His true love.

This is why you see a reciprocal relationship in all of existence.

For instance, minerals are based on the reciprocal relationship of subject and object partners.  Protons and electrons exist based on a relationship of subject and object partners.

What is the universe?

We see this in human relationships of teacher and student, husband and wife, and parent and child where there is also interactions between a subject and object partner.

The universe is simply the expansion of a true family.  If you take a close look at the family that has been able to become an ideal of family love, you see that it has a top, middle and bottom.  That is the parents, husband and wife, and children.  You will see left and right and front and back.

This is the principle.

When we talk about top and bottom, this refers to the parents and children.  When we talk about left and right, we mean the husband and wife.  The front and back refers to the brothers and sisters.

How are all of these positions able to become one?

There is no way for it to become eternally one through power, knowledge or money.  If a family was to be united through force, smarts or money, then once these things disappear, the family will separate.  So, what would determine eternal unity of a family?

It is only through love that a family will truly unite.  This is the absolute truth.

If this does not happen, then the sphere cannot be formed.  The top, middle and bottom of the family is the textbook of love.

This is the textbook through which we can experience universal love.

We then go into society and put it into practice.  So, how should we love?

Jesus taught about the kind of love for your neighbor as you love yourself.  What should we do to follow this kind of teaching?  Do we see even Christians living this way in this time and age?

Do Christians unite with brothers and sisters of other faiths?

When you go into the world and see an elderly man who is the same age as your grandfather, treat him the same way you would your own grandfather.  Treat people like your own mothers, fathers and your own sons.

When you are able to go out into the world and live in this way and love people in this way, God will dwell in the midst of that love.

You should know that the world is an exhibition of all people.


The people of top, middle bottom, front and back, and left and right are all displayed in the exhibition of all of the world.

What does the Kingdom of Heaven look like?

It is the place where you love the people of the world the way you love your own family. It is where people who do this are the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Your grandfather and grandmother, your mother and father, your wife, brothers and sisters and your own children are four generations.  What do they represent?

They are the textbook where you can deeply experience love, the true love of the universe as people of Heaven. In other words, the family is the foundation, a type of textbook that

They are the textbook through whom you can deeply experience love, the true love of the universe as people of the Kingdom of Heaven. The family is the foundation, a type of textbook that teaches you this love.

We cannot live without learning the love of the universe. 

Your grandfather and grandmother were sent as representatives of all the grandmothers and grandfathers in the spirit world.

God has prepared textbooks and scriptures containing promises which openly say, "Love your grandmother and grandfather."

"Therefore if you love them, I will take it as if you had loved all grandmothers and grandfathers."

Next God would say that since your mother and father are representatives of all the countless mothers and fathers of the world, if you love them to the utmost it will be the exact same as having loved all mothers and fathers because they are the textbook and model of love.

It would be the equivalent of graduating college after many lessons on how to love mothers and fathers.

Furthermore, if you as a man, who represents all men, love a woman who represents all women, then it will be a condition of having loved all women.

Then God would say, "I will take your loving your sons and daughters as you having loved all sons and daughters."

This is how the family becomes the training center to receive such training on loving the world.

This training process which God developed is in accordance with the scriptures.  If the trainees are willing to go out into the world and love the grandmothers and grandfathers of the world in place of their own grandparents, this will save the world and bring a world of peace.

If all the people of the world were raised in such true families, where brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandparents and grandchildren each treated each other with respect and true love, when this expands to the world level, then Heaven on Earth is recreated automatically.  Therefore, there will not be true peace in the world until there is peace in the family.

A Training Ground of Love for Entering the Kingdom of Love

This is God's will: to realize the kingdom of love.

Then if God wishes to develop a globalized ideal world of love, then the family is the experimental ground where you earn your credits at such a school.  This is obtained all the way from the elementary level to the bachelor's degree and PhD.

If you were to examine the world carefully, you will see that it is a world where grandfathers and grandmothers live.  It is a world where adults like your aunts and uncles live.

It is a place where your elder brothers and sisters live.  It is a world where youth live and where children live.

So, this place where the middle-aged, elderly, young people and children live are just a larger expansion of the family.  Isn't this so?

The family is the smallest unit within the training center.

It is also a textbook for how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven automatically.

It has four levels: grandfather's level, mother's level, couple's level and siblings level.

Then each of these levels expands into a larger group of grandmothers and grandfather's, mothers and fathers, your own peers, and your own sons and daughters.  Together, they form humanity.

Only families that can love all of humanity as their own spouse and parents, and serve them as their own sons and daughter can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.  This is amazing.

This is where the right to inherit all of the power and authority of heaven and earth lies.

You receive the right to be registered at the Palace of Peace and the Kingdom of Heaven once you pass to the spirit world.

As discussed, the family is the training ground for the true way to love all of humanity.  

The extension of the family is the world.

The world is made up of smaller worlds: grandfathers' world, grandmothers' world, a world of fathers and mothers, there are husbands' and wives' worlds and sons' and daughters' worlds.

When all of these combine, they make up the whole world.  Therefore, if you are able to love all of the people of the world as your own family, this will lead you toward a straight path to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thus, the first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all of your heart and soul and with all of your mind.

The second commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself".  With these two practiced together of loving God and humanity, then everything will be accomplished.  A world of love will follow a people that live in such a way.

No matter how much spiritual training you obtain, if you are unable to love in this way, your training is in vain.  If you do not know how to love God, humankind or the whole universe, you will fail the test.

You should deeply experience love by going through this family training center which is an encapsulation of the whole universe.  Then this expands to loving the world.

When we see the clear-cut point of God's way to train humanity how to love and look at the current situation of the world of broken homes, we see where true restoration should begin.

You have inherited this tradition from your family, which is your training ground, where your mother and father raised you.

If you are able to love your parents more than your wife, love your sons and daughters more than your wife, love humanity more than your wife, and love God more than  your wife, then everything will be accomplished.

Of course, this does not mean to abandon your wife, because loving in this way, each recipient of that love will come to love your wife as well.

Could there be a more glorious place than this?

If you want to love your wife, follow this proper order of love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Everyone Desires Good

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbook Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Four, True Family Chapter 3

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