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Monday, October 14, 2013

Why Are Humans Born?

Which came first, life or love?  We can claim that each is first, but which do you think came first?

It is love that came first, because the love between parents is how children come about.

For something to have value, there should be an original flow of love. Love comes first, then life, because what comes second must humbly surrender to what comes first.

This is natural that we offer our lives for the sake of love.

This is how things are.  Since we are born in love, then the conclusion is that we should walk the way of love and die for love.

Why Are Human Beings Born?

We were born to find the kind of love that the macrocosm is able to welcome.

Our purpose is to be born, to love and to die in the midst of the great universal love that God, creation, our parents and angelic world all can acknowledge.

This is how I see it.  Human beings are not born based on their own choice. Then, are they born due to their parents' wishes? No. They are born due to God's desire

Children are born through the love of their parents which represents God's love. The person who is born as a new life through parental love, representing God's love, is 'I'.

Love has the power to create everything. 

I am the one who is born at the center of the whole universe by receiving all the love of the universe.

Then the highest purpose of life is to be born through love, be raised in love, live by love and to leave love behind when we pass onto the next world.

Then the most valuable thing to do in the whole universe is to fulfill the rules of love, through the family, which is at the center of the universe.

You should understand truly why human beings are born.

We were not placed on this earth for the sake of acquiring money, knowledge or power.

We are born because of love and from love.  What is it that makes love so great?  Why does every human being seek to embrace love?

Love is the original source of life. You are born in the midst of your parents' love.

No one was born out of their parents' desire for money or knowledge, but for love.

Since you are born from a love like this, then you should be able to bear fruits of love.  This is why children are needed.

A husband and wife only become complete when they have sons and daughters as their object partners.

Human beings cannot exist apart from love.  All things originate in God's love.  All things come into existence on the foundation of love.

It is undeniable that human beings, as the center of the created universe, must also have begun in love.
Therefore, since we begin life in love, mature through love, then we cannot live separated from the standard of love.

This is the logical solution.  Man's problems and woes all begin and continue because we are separated from the true love which comes from God.

Life in its Original Form

What is the cause of human existence?  Why are we here?

Since the cause of our existence is love, then our purpose lies in completing the ideal of love.  Not the ideal of success, money or knowledge, but love will only make your life complete because it is is our origin.

When we clearly understand this, then we see why there is so much suffering in the world: lack of love.

For this to happen, a man and a woman who have a relationship must become one in love and connect front and back, left and right and above and below.

Even if we determined with our life to become an absolute being and have an absolute purpose for our lives, it is fruitless unless we are happy.

Our daily life should be happy.  We live for this purpose.

So, when we are able to achieve the purpose, something new will exist that is greater than existence itself.

What is it?

What is the most precious for a man and woman?  It is love.

The key element to happiness: love.

No matter how lofty a person's purpose may be, if he is not able to establish love that can take dominion over his purpose, then he will have to pursue a new purpose.

Purpose does not stand above love.

What do you live for?

Some say they live to eat or shop and there will be some who say that they live to work or they live without a purpose, they are just trying to get through today.

If you are able to say that you live for the sake of love or the sake of others that is a great answer!

Human beings are born as the fruit of love, live in love and return that love to the eternal love of God's bosom.  This is the original life of creation God intended.

Once one grows up in love, next he leaves the love of his parents and finds and connects to the love of a partner.  This love is in another dimension.

On the way to restoration, there is the formation stage, the growth stage and the completion stage.  We can call parental love the formation-stage love and conjugal love the growth-stage love.

Therefore a couple, no matter how much they may be in love, cannot see the completion of their love until they have children.

This is why couples eventually desire to have children. Have you realized that a couple who is unable to have children feel unfulfilled no matter how much they love one another?

A couple having children is the completion-stage love.

Therefore, the center of human life is the process of going through conjugal love, parental love and children's love.  This is the original path of God's ideal of love at the time of creation.

Life is born from love. 

We are born from love, grow up in love while being loved by our parents.  Then one meets a beloved wife and loves her and dies in love.  This is what is called human life.

Therefore, in the original world, there would have been no sorrow or pain in human life or in death.

The original center of the universe is the place where all the vertical(spirit) and horizontal(earth) combinations of love come together so that parental love, conjugal love and children's love can unite.

This becomes the point upon which the entire universe focuses and the directions of all cells in the universe are.

Also all of the spirits in spirit world focus on this love relationship.  They will also protect this place so no one can invade it.

If this place of pure love was invaded, it will be catastrophic, since it is the center of human life.  There should be a certain form in order for it to remain intact.

This form is called the four-position foundation of relationship(siblings love, parental love, spousal love, centered on God's love)

For Human Beings, the Eternal Element of Life is Love

You should not forget that while you lived as an embryo, you received nutrition from your mother, but you also received love from her.  Likewise, people who live on earth do not only receive physical nutrition from the elements in the universe, but also love from God. He is the essential element of life.

Just like all plants absorb sunlight as an element of life, love is an element of life for people.

We have hopes that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven be built where we live eternally in love and in adoration of one another.

We are born through love and grow through their childhood while receiving love.

After we grow to a certain age, we realize that parental love is not enough.  Their love expands horizontally through the love among brothers and sisters and the love of the tribe.

In other words, they grow to maturity while receiving all kinds of love in heaven and earth.  When they become adults, they thirst even more for the love with the opposite sex.

By engaging in this love, they finally find the center of love, a more comprehensive love.  The path that a man and woman walk exists because of love and for the sake of love.

My path is the path of love.  I move in order to attain love, keep love, and form an environment of love. It is also for the sake of love that women put on cosmetics and receive massages. Wanting something and doing work are all for the sake of love. We overcome hardship and move on in order to attain precious love.

From the moment we are born, we receive parental love.  As long as our parents are alive, they love us at each stage of life we experience - from childhood, our youth or the period of middle age. When we grow up receiving parental love, the horizontal love of husband and wife is bound to happen to each of us.

What is marriage?

Marriage is a school, a place where men learn something they did not know about women and women learn something they did not know about men.

Everyone should get a grade of A in order for the husband and wife to be pleased.

You also have sons and daughters for the sake of learning how to love the world.  The last several posts have discussed how God's original ideal was for love to be learned through the relationship of a true family which would expand to the global level of world peace.

Without having children, you will not have a connection to the future.   God gave you children as educational materials through which you can be connected to the future world.

Fulfilling your filial duties to your ancestors and grandfather and grandmother is like receiving education from the spirit world.  All of these are connected through love.

The grandfather and grandmother, husband and wife, and sons and daughters are all connected through love. 

Just like our blood vessels flow up and down, you also go up and down all the way to your ancestors of 10 million generations in the spirit world.  You also reach your distant descendants through this connection.

So, you should know that this is how spirit world and the universe are organized.  All things will be governed in this way.  Therefore, becoming a servant of love and a slave of love is the greatest happiness.

What is God's Love?

Try to find God's love.  How are you able to characterize God's love?

We can compare it to a warm spring day where white clouds gently float in the sky.

The heat then rises from the ground, insects fly around, ants crawl in and out and pussy willows shoot out by the stream.

Frogs sing new spring songs, bees swarm and butterflies flutter from flower to flower.

When you come to such an environment, you are intoxicated by it and feel sleepy.  But in reality, you are awake and feel so good that you want to stay like this forever.

When God finds His object partner, He gets the same feeling like this.

Do you have a good feeling or a bad feeling when you think about this?  Maybe dull-witted men may not be aware of such details.  Of course, it feels good.

When you run into someone that you haven't seen in a while, you feel pleased.  You will firmly shake their hand or tightly hug them.  When someone joyfully says, "Long time no see!" and hugs you firmly, do you feel good or bad?  If there is someone who says he feels bad, just kick him.

When you are excited to see someone you haven't seen in a while, do you tightly grab them?

Do you firmly like it when someone grasps your hand firmly?  You might not like it.  Maybe you do not know the person.  You have to know something to like it.  You do not know it, then how can you like it?

If your husband loves you, you do not need anything else.

You will live clinging tightly to your husband.  It is always great to see a man and a woman firmly holding hands.  Especially when the man's hands are as rough as a cow's hoof and her hands are soft as butter.

We like to watch romantic movies that display such affection.

If the woman says to the man that he has such pretty hands, he would be offended.  This is how things are.

Love is eternal.  Love is united, not divided.  You become one.

When a man and a woman become a couple and love each other, they are bonded together. 

This does not happen literally, but in heart they are able to reach a level that is higher than this.

This is God's love.

If you can live centered on such love, will you be united or not?  Everything is destined to become one no matter how confused and disunited it is in the present moment.

We see that many kinds of things happen when a man and woman fall in love.  If you find a way to know God's love and are able to taste it, then His love cannot be compared to anything that exists in this world.

If there is someone who has tasted this love, no amount of difficulty or sorrow can defeat that person.

A person who lives in the realm of God's love is liberated.  How do you find such a place?

God's love can be divided into three great forms of love: parental love, conjugal love, and children's love.  The center where these three forms combine into one is God's absolute love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: God's Rules for Successful Rrelationships

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbook, Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Four -True Family Chapter Four Section 1-4

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