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Sunday, October 6, 2013

We Should Attend the Lord of Second Advent

Everyday we wake up, we may already be burdened by things of the past or debts we have to face even before we brush our teeth.  But we must remember, that we are not living in the original world in which God planned for us to live.

God's ideal was for us to live our lives completely for Him.

In God's original world of love, we would live and die surrounded by love.  Thankfully, God never abandoned humanity at the point where humanity separated from God, but has dedicated all His knowledge and energy into restoring man to their original position before the fall.

All our activities would be in reverence to bring joy to God.  Therefore, we are all destined to live in attendance to God.

Therefore, how great would it be to attend God and receive His joy and love that we exclaim, "I want to live for thousands of years!"

A verse in a Korean poem reads:

"Moon, Oh moon, you bright moon, moon
loved by the poet Lee Tae-baek!
Oh moon, on you grow a laurel tree.
I want to chop it down with a jade axe and
trim the branches with a gold axe
to build a thatched cottage to bring my parents to..."

These words sound nice, but we must think, where are the Parents in this scene?  Isn't this like the current situation of the world - just brothers and sisters without parents on the worldwide level?

If these parents base everything on their own desire, they will completely disappear.

We need Parents who can reveal the straight path to create Heaven on earth and plant the tradition for future generations to follow.

This was Adam and Eve's task, but they fell away from laying a tradition to lead toward heaven.  Therefore, parents have only laid a foundation to continue the path toward hell on earth.

My life's purpose, until I die, is creating the way for the world that is like that folk song.   Religious leaders prostrate themselves and pray in an effort to receive blessings, but I have never prayed to receive any blessing. 

When we look at the Testaments in the book, we can see how God worked through the saints of history in order to lay a foundation for future generations to prepare for the coming of True Parents who reverse the fallen mistake of the first human parents.

The Old Testament Age was the age of finding God's people through the sacrifice of material; the New Testament Age was the age of sacrificing the sons and daughters such as in the Roman times through countless religious people shedding blood;  the Completed Testament Age is the age of liberating God by sacrificing the Parents' (the Messiah and True Wife) own family.

This was the foundation for the True Parents to be born to the earth where we would live with them for thousands of years.

The Last Days is the time we receive the True Parents who will lay a straight pathway for heaven on earth.  The Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah, returns to take a bride, known as the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and become True Parents of humankind reversing the acts of the fall of the first parents, Adam and Eve.

The poem above is about the moon and the laurel tree singing of bringing parents and living with them for tens of thousands of years.

If you look closely, the tale has a revelation within it: "..wanting to bring the heavenly parents to earth and live with them for tens of thousands of years..."

Whenever I think about this song, I cannot escape the intense longing in my heart. Don't ever feel bad about having been born as a Korean. In the past, you might have felt pity for yourself for having been born Korean, saying "How is it that I was born in a thatched-roof among these poor Korean people, although Korea boasts of its five-thousand-year history?" 

Father does not feel happy when he hears the song that sings of building a thatched cottage. 
The Korean song that goes "Moon, Oh moon, you bright moon" sings of building a thatched cottage and living there for thousands of years.

How can we bring True Parents to a home with only a thatched roof?  This song connects with the Christian belief of the Second Coming and with the belief in a savior to come that is present among all people and nations.

The son about the moon, tells us about attending the parents.  Which parents?  Your neighbors' parents, your own parents?

This is about attending the parents and the grandparents on both the father's and the mother's side.

This song sing praises of the people's long cherished desires.  This is why we even have a concept of True Parents.  True love that can bring us to live together for thousands of years comes from and is taught by the True Parents.

We have a desire to live with both sets of parents. 

Parents symbolize masculinity and femininity with God as the highest authority.

The authority of their sons and daughter should be at least as high as their shadow.  You should not seek to join the movement and keep your old habits and greed which you acquired in the satanic world.

Our church is different from the established churches. It is a place where we wage a battle of life and death, building an altar of love and prepare the arrows of love. We do not go to the Heavenly Kingdom to be judged by God above. 

God is here with us and judges our lives every day.

By attending God with the Messiah, we are able to share in God's pain and in His joy in our daily lives.

Because we attend the True Parents with such a heart, we have not come to ruin through this age of tribulation.  We received many blessings and protection in these Last Days of turmoil.

Can God die?

No, God is alive.

Today, having achieved global victory, I have returned to this nation. Our nation is divided and I must reunite it. While we build a unified nation of North and South Korea, you must also establish your own nation, people, tribe and family. It is simple now for Unification Church members, because your Parents have completed the entire indemnity mission.

Once you are able to know the real God and True Parents, then everything will be finished. You can become true husband and wife, and real, true sons and daughters by attending and connect to the True Parents' true lineage like a wild olive tree engrafting to a pure tree.

You must be able to love them.  Once you have loved them and liberate your brothers sisters, the twelve apostles, and 120 disciples on the satanic side, then you can love your owns sons and daughters, and bring them to live with you forever. 

"Moon, Oh Moon, you bright Moon, Moon loved by the poet Lee Tae-baek!
Oh Moon, on you grows a laurel tree.
I want to chop it down with a jade axe and trim the branches
with a gold axe to build a thatched cottage.  I want to bring my parents
and live with them there for thousands of years"

The Korean people can receive this song as the chosen people.

This song is a prayer that sings praise for eternity.  The meaning behind it is about attending one's parents for thousands of years in a thatched house.  You probably don't know what that is.  This means you have to start at the bottom from the individual level to restore the ancestor's path of the fall.

Without serving your parents in a thatched cottage you cannot find the royal parents. 

You then organize a tribe and then a people from the tribe.  

Where is the base where God's love and human love harmonizes?

God created human beings because of love.  Even God is lonely by Himself.

God created people because He wanted to live in love for thousands of years.  Even if we only live in a meager cottage, we still want to live with parents forever.

This is the same with the ideal God.  It is amazing that God is infinitely big, but He can enter a small cottage and still embrace Heaven and earth there and breathe love and live.

Therefore, is this a small house?

If God is there, even a thatched cottage is a palace of the Heavenly Kingdom, a universal palace.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: How to Be a True Parent

This post was rewritten and derived from the textbook  Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 2, True Parents and us chapter 7

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