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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family Was Created as Good Place

Family was created to be a good place.  Do you feel this is true about your own family situation?  If not, it is due to the problems of the first human family that did not follow the will of God.  

Originally, God a good purpose for the world to begin based on the love shared between the family members of Adam and Eve. 

Why is it good?  It is a good place because my mother and father are there.  It is a good place because my siblings are there.  It is good because my relatives are there.

Thus, human beings feel nostalgia when they think of the original hometown where they grew up.
Isn't it true that they have more great feelings about their hometown then they do for their own nation?

It is a place everyone longs for even if they lived in a humble community.

What place do you long for even though you are living in a large city?  It is your hometown.

The Family is Our Eternal Original Hometown

What kind of place is your hometown?

It is where your heart is lifted up in four directions and three dimensions.

This heart is a place where you are tied up by love.

Upward, your mother and father tie you up; left and right, the bond between husband and wife is tying you up; downward, your sons and daughters and relatives are tying you up tight with three dimensional love.  This is the original hometown.

No matter what position they enjoy in the world, no one cannot help but to long for their original hometown.  Why?

Everyone longs for their hometown, because they see it as the original point of happiness based on love as the best.

Then where is God's original hometown?  It is earth.

If God is the God of love, He surely would have prepared a starting point for living on this earth. Where is it?

Where is the starting point where God's family can be created?  It is none other than the place where a son dwells who understands God as his real father.

The original hometown exists where the son can monopolize God's love.

It is also a place where such a daughter dwells.  It is a place where such a true son and daughter marry and form a complete family.

Who should be in this original hometown?  Those you miss should reside there.

Your parents, brothers and sisters should be there.  Those who you long to meet should be there.  When you miss someone and want to live with them, would you be satisfied to see them for just a moment?

Would you just visit for a short time?

When you meet and live with them, you should never tire even if you live with them for eternity.  You should find such a place.  This becomes the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth which today's religion pursues.

The reason why we long for such an original hometown, today, is that is where parents, brothers and sisters, and relatives, who are closer to us than anyone else.

They always guide us, welcome us as they did in the past whenever we visit them.

They sympathize with us, console us and receive us with joy when we are having difficulties.

If you do not receive this kind of welcome, even if you longed for your hometown, your desperate, longing heart would vanish.  You would go back to those feelings of deep regret.

Your original hometown has to have people who will welcome you.

The Family Is the Final Standard for the Cosmos-centered Ideology

Everything can be dived from one into many parts, which then eventually merge into a larger whole.  In other words, one divides into many and then unites again into one.

From here it divides again and becomes something even larger.

Families exist within this larger created object.  These families all have the same form as the other.

This is the place where the husband and wife relationship is established and the couple unites.  The tribe is a place that unites families.

Race is a place that unites clans.  Races combine to form one nation.  Here, families play the central role.

Once the family expands, this becomes the horizontal world.  This is why a society cannot manage without the family.

Therefore, if families cannot be restored, the world cannot be restored.  

Next, we must realize the cosmos-centered ideal through these families.

This seems far-fetched to think of the cosmos, but in the original world, once humanity had completely united with God, we would have had the knowledge to explore the whole of the universe.

As we are fallen, we are limited to the earthly plane with limited knowledge of the universe.

The word 'cosmos' combines heaven and earth.  Heaven and earth are likened to a person's mind and body.  Thus, the mind and body must become one.

Just as a subject partner needs an object, a man needs a woman.  This union of man and woman leads to a family.  God's foundation of love will not be attained without working through this family.

Cosmos-centered ideology is a philosophy that unites the mind and body and forms a family as the main body of love, and connects that idea to the spirit world and physical world.

In Korean 'cosmos' is translated into the character ju of cheonju which means house.  This is why we use the term cosmos-centered.  Cosmos combines the spirit world and the physical world.

What relationship does it have with us?

We all need a family.  If you are unable to become one in your family, you will have nothing to do with the cosmos-centered ideology.  The family is the final standard for completing this ideology.

Those who are unable to sing songs of peace and sing songs of praise for happiness while here, will be miserable people either on earth or once they pass into spirit world.

Where do you think the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins?

It is realized from our relationships within the family.

Then what kind of ideology do we have? This is a family-centered ideology. The word cosmos-ism in Korean contains the word heaven and the word house.  So this word means heaven's house.

This is where the word cosmos becomes clear.

If you examine closely, all of the sixty-six books of the Bible are filled with words that desire an ideal family.

Furthermore, what do all men desire?  It is to have an ideal wife.  Also, all women desire to have an ideal husband. 

No matter if she is very famous, proud and rich or a woman who has a doctorate, her desire is to meet an ideal man she can love and with whom she can have beloved sons and daughters.

This is the root of happiness.

The beginning is the family and the conclusion is the family.

So, what exactly is this cosmos-centered ideology?

It is the ideology of our house, our nation and of your individual self which makes up part of the cosmos.

If humanity had not fallen, we would live centered on the Adam-centered ideology based on a perfected Adam who laid down the true family tradition as the first parent.  This was God's original ideal for Adam to reach perfection, not for him to fall laying a tradition for sin.

Therefore it is the true parent-centered ideology.  

This ideology is the way of a true father and true mother.  There is no other ideology that is higher than this.

We should link the matters of the heart with heavenly ideology through the way of true parents within the boundary of the original ideal family.

As long as families that have been able to live this way of life of a true family remains, we will not perish.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Family is a Training Center 

This post was rewritten and derived from the Textbook,  Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Four, true Family Chapter 3

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