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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

World Peace is Our Responsibility

Are you still waiting for the rapture and for Jesus to return?

Christianity teaches that God's son, Jesus will return in the Last Days for the purpose of restoring the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as God initially intended.

Through the Divine Principle, which this blog is based upon, we learn that the Lord of the Second Advent will spiritually pioneer the way of the cross and will be victorious where Jesus left off.

This is the difficult part of restoring the world and God's people back to their original positions before the Fall.

Since, the Fall began with the first parents, then True Parents must reverse the mistakes of the Fall.

In all of history, when we look at earth, humankind and heaven, has there been anyone who was able to attend these victorious True Parents(Messiah)?

Heaven, earth and humankind have not been prepared to attend such True Parents who do not carry the trace of the Fall within them.  

Now that we are living in the Completed Testament Age, the position of True Parents have been restored and humanity is being prepared to follow to attend them and God.

Is it just enough to attend the Messiah when he returns?

After attending the parents and reaching perfection, you need to restore your own family, tribe, nation and world. God prepared the people of Israel for the birth of the Messiah as well.

To stand before True Parents as true children, you must accomplish the course of the individual level, family level, tribe, and national-level restoration.

After completing the parents' course of restoration on each level, then the standard of parents and children having become one and victorious is thus established and Satan must leave.

Only after this is accomplished can we conclude the restoration of the national and the global level.

Then, what is the mission of the Unification Church and in what kind of position are you who have joined the church? You have been called into the Unification Church, of which I am the central figure. 

As you walk this path or restoration, you have to develop spiritually and physically what has been a sorrowful six thousand years of vertical history.

Then what is our goal?

We must establish a nation of people who are restored to the True Parents position on a worldwide foundation.  In other words, we must establish the world-level nation of True Parents instead of fallen, satanic parents.  This would be a world of peace.

We must eliminate the remaining sorrow, pain and tears of the world as soon as possible. 

As long as brothers and sisters suffer hunger, pain and suffering, a world of peace will never be found.

This is our responsibility and mission.

This is the path you were meant to follow.  You should not turn and look back either with your heart or with your body as the Israelites did.

This kept them from from following Moses and further delaying God's victory to 40 years with the first generation dying in the wilderness on the way to Cannan.

The Israelites suffered greatly in the desert that they even envied their past life as slaves instead of having faith and believing they could conquer the more established Canaanites.

Therefore, we should have the sincere hope to be able to fully attend the True Parents on the behalf of God.

In attending them, we should not attend them after the conditions and difficult path has been laid and everyone admires and respects them.

Rather, we should desire to attend the True Parents of all history as they pass through this sorrowful course.

When you look at the saints and good people throughout history, they have prayed for the day that the Messiah would return and liquidate the fallen lineage and return humanity back to God's lineage.

In their time, even after arduous pray, they could only momentarily keep Satan's attacks at bay.

Our own ancestors deeply are pained that they could not attend the True Parents while they were on earth.  All humankind deep in their hearts have such hopes to attend True Parents.

Therefore, you should become true sons and true daughters of filial piety who are able to attend them from a miserable situation rather than trying to attend them from a glorious position.

Such sons and daughters will cry out that the True Parents are walking the suffering path of the cross that is more severe than that of Jesus, even though the sons and daughters are experiencing difficulty, despair and misery themselves.

As filial sons and daughters they will exclaim, "As someone who attends True Parents, I therefore accept any kind of heavy cross as a matter of course. I praise that, so please, God, do not worry on account of me."

How can we engraft, on the individual level, to the parents' individual victory of restoring the sinful blood to God's pure blood lineage?

Only after we indemnify, restore the worries, pains and sorrow that come to us, instead of giving them to God to bear.

Why have I spread the Blessed Families(families married by the Messiah and rid of sinful blood) out everywhere in Korea? God works with the thirty million people of the Korean people and the entire Korean peninsula, and True Parents are coming to the thirty million Korean people and the Korean peninsula.  Every village, valley, mountain and field -- desires to attend the coming True Parents. 

Serving True Parents is the desire of all people in history. 

You should set an individual standard of indemnity and then become the substantial representatives of True Parents.

You should become the type of people whose whole village will want to serve you without regret.  Of course, True Parents are always in the center making a spiritual relationship with everyone.

There is only one set of True Parents.  However, with limitations of a physical body, they are unable to relate with everyone personally.

This is why True Parents have blessed families so they can stand in the position as their representatives. Therefore, they stand in the position to relate with all people.

True Parents' responsibility is to bear the cross and pass the national level where Jesus had laid the path on to the worldwide level.

Therefore, the cross of the people should be carried by the Blessed Families who live as true children of True Parents.

After the Fall, we fell below the position of God's true sons and daughters.  Through Jesus' difficult path, we were able to become God's adopted sons and daughters.

Now that we live in the Completed Testament Age, we can become true sons and daughters just as Jesus was.

All families that receive the Marriage Blessing which reverses the fallen blood lineage and connects your family to God's direct lineage, must serve as the foundation for the people in order for Heaven to gain victory.

We must love True Parents and separate from Satan based on the standard of original love. We must fulfill our responsibility to go beyond the standard of perfection on the world level.  This is how world peace will come about.

Our mission

We are preparing a foundation so we can directly attend True Parents and assemble other brothers and sisters of the world before them.

We are the ancestors who have this responsibility.  Therefore, we have to remove the path of the cross and persecution so our descendants do not have to bear it.

Currently, the sad situation of humanity is that we pass on the blood of the fallen blood lineage to our children who have to also bear the cross to liquidate their sins.  This is our original mission, not our descendants.

When can God finally appear as the master and Parent of all creation and reclaim His position which was stolen from Satan?

Once the human world unifies and the Abel and Cain world become one.

We can think that all the people living on the earth today, are like children living without their parents.

They fight among themselves.  Therefore, God has to appear as the Parent and teach them that those who are fighting are only fighting their elder brothers and their younger brothers.

Nobody knew this but God. 

The concept of true, ideal parents departed once false parents were established.  Also, because true parents' position was lost, there was no foundation for the ideal children to come.  These positions were sacrificed to Satan.

Therefore, the ideal parents must now appear replacing the false parents linked the blood lineage of Satan.

The time has finally come, awaited through all of history, for God to educate ideal children.  A religion, a movement has taken over this mission.

This is the Unification Church.

We should be proud of the True Parents' achievements.

Next, true children must come together.  They should not just love their family clan, but they should love on the global and universal level.

True children should not say that they only know the American people.  They should transcend any ethnic feelings.

In whose name did the Fall occur?

In Satan's name.

Therefore, in these Last Days, we should jump over the line of the Fall in God's name.

So, God should be above our head and command us directly, just as God was above Adam.

True Parents have no connection to the Fall. 

Our path is to make this new world by gathering people with the true lineage from around the world, who are connected to True Parents and God.

Thus a true family will become a tribe, a tribe will become society and a people will establish a  nation that takes dominion over the world.

Throughout history, the fallen world has been sinking.  Now, we must make a new start and go up.

We are at the time in history where the fallen world and the new world centered on God will meet.  Everything will now reverse.

Then, when will we connect to that central line?

The True Parents had to reach the worldwide level to finally be victorious over Satan who is firing his weapons.

This is why we are experiencing a heavy battle, so we can expand from the nation to the spirit world capacity of True Parents.  

We are approaching the time where the True Parents will be welcomed as national parents.

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Family Created as Good a Place

This Post was rewritten and derived from the Textbook,  Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Two, True Parents and Us Chapter 6

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