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Monday, October 28, 2013

How Can Love Destroy?

In the fallen world, love has turned into the most dangerous element to behold laying destruction and broken ideals and hearts around.

How could something so precious created by the Almighty God cause so much calamity within human society?

This is because the Fall mismanaged love and shattered the world and turned it upside down.

We went in the opposite direction and built a society based on false love.

People have not clearly realized why love, which was originally from God, has become false and dirty.

They have still tried to protect and keep it because of their desire that true love should magically appear in their lives.

But, without the right direction in which way to walk the path of love, true love is just a dream.

In these days, wherever we see a commercial, television show or movie, we are taught the wrong ways of love.  The wrong ways of life.  The wrong ways of using our sexual organs.

We have adapted the lifestyle of using the sexual organs for just anyone one desires for the moment. How can true love dwell in such an environment?

Through the Fall, the sexual organs of men and women have moved in the opposite direction of the original palace.

This gate of death and the laws of death and destruction bringing hell.  The sexual organ has become a wicked agent that has ruined the heavenly way.  This has been a secret that has been hidden in history until now.

If we do not rightfully correct this thinking, the world will become distorted.

If history cannot be fit back together properly, then wickedness will fill the world and remain as we see it today.

I have experienced the agony of delving into the fundamental problem of humanity and the fundamental core of the universe, and the place I arrived at as a result of this endeavor was the sexual organ. When I arrived at the sexual organ as the origin, and thought about it carefully, I found that the harmony of heaven and earth unfolds like a whirlwind from that place. This is an amazing fact. 

When we know the power of blessings or destruction lies within the sexual organs, then we understand why Satan has placed such a focus on distorting the reality of such a holy place.

Why do you think it is more natural for the man to be on top when making love?

Because it is only in this way the true seed from heaven comes.  It comes from true love.

The seed comes from the father, through the convex organ of love.  When the convex fits into the concave, the whole of heaven and earth shakes.

If you delve into exploring your sexual organs because you think it will make you happy and you'll be intoxicated because it is so mysterious, then this is a grave matter.

The door of love opens only when it is time.

You must wait until this time before opening and entering the royal palace of love.  You should be able to open it proudly after becoming the owner of love.

How can this take place when your love is freely given to anyone without God's consent?

Why do men and women like love?

The human body consists of trillions of cells. The time when these cells move as a whole, is when they make love.

Who is qualified to become God's partner in love?  Is it a man who is by himself?  Will a woman alone be His partner?

What kind of partner would God want?

Would He want money as His partner, knowledge or fame?  No, because God wants a partner of love, he needs human beings by being at the place where a husband and wife unite through the sexual organs.

We have come to think that the whole of our bodies belongs to only us, but love is not yours.  Love is completely in the possession of your partner. In the Old Testament, we find words such as 'holy place' and 'most holy place'.

The holy place symbolizes a person and the most holy place symbolizes love.

Every person has a holy place and a most holy place.

In other words, the holy place is a house where you attend God.

As for the most holy place, since God has dominion of privileged love over it, it is a place to make a relationship with God.

You should know that the one who had the key to the most holy place was Adam and the one who had the key to Adam's most holy place was Eve.

You should know that the mouth of the man and woman is a holy place as well.

The mouth is the formation stage in the love relationship.

For women, their breasts are the growth stage and their organs are at the completion stage.  These are the holy places of our body.

The key to these holy places cannot be held by just anyone.  No one can have it without inheriting it through the heavenly way.

Religions should walk a path of tribulation. They should fight against the body's evil desires which can lead them to make a mistake with the sexual organ.

The most serious enemy to the road of restoration is sex that is connected to the pulsating of the devil's blood.

We should be liberated from this lewdness and corruption of the sexual organs.

In order to cleanse the satanic blood that is woven from the lineage you have to engraft to a new type of life.  You must want to build a relationship with God.  Only then will true love begin.

God is the traditional center of love and also the ancestor of true life.

The most fearful thing in the universe is the problem between man and woman concerning the misuse of that love.

Your body heats up when you are in love, doesn't it?

It shakes and there is a mixing.  East west, south and north are mixed.  Also above, below are mixed and become one.  Everything focuses in the direction where love sparks fire.

You move into love freely with no restraint in order to completely invest yourself again and again by investing yourself completely for the sake of the man and completely investing yourself for the sake of the woman.

You then forget about your life and your material possession when you live you life in this way.  Because that is the path of love, and because it is the path that never ends, you will like it forever.

If God was to give you and I a gift, do you think that He would give a bad one?

He gives the best.  Where would that be?

It is something that exists in a deep place.  God would want to take it out from from the deepest, inner place and give it to the one He loves.  This is why love is good.

True freedom embodies responsibility.  If people were to just insist on practicing only the freedom of individual, selfish love without any responsibilities attached, how much chaos and destruction would come from such an environment.

Human being's perfection, who are to manifest the ideal of love, is possible only when they take responsibility to act with true love.

People should be grateful to God who gave them the freedom of love. 

The first responsibility is for one to become the master of true love and become truly free.

We should thank God for the freedom of love and obtaining the knowledge how to cultivate it and control ourselves through religious disciplines and from the Divine Principle, the Completed Testament.

Responsibility of a love relationship should not be carried out merely because one is following a law or social convention.

Instead, we should want to be responsible through one's own self-control and determination and have a committed vertical(spirit) relationship with God.

When someone uses their sexual organs like a blind person who wanders around aimlessly and without direction, it will lead its owner to Hell.

By the same token, one who is able to use the sexual organ according to the standard of God's absolute love, they will be led high up into Heaven.

This is the clear conclusion.

In the Garden of Eden, while in their youth, Adam and Eve had planted the seed of free sex through sharing their sexual organs without God's permission or approval.

In these Last Days, therefore, we are living in the time of harvest.  The phenomenon of an expanding trend where youth explore every avenue with free sex appears.

Love is not something that is learned.

Where did you initially learn about love?  Did you learn at home?

Does your father or mother tell you when you were a child to learn how to love from them?  Also, do the parents learn how to love through their children?

What about the bride and bridegroom, did they learn to love from someone in a certain way?

Do parents receive instructions from someone on how to love their children?  Women here, when you loved your babies after they were born, did you learn the way to love them?

Is there a school that teaches love?  Can you get a bachelor's or doctoral degree in this field?

There may be no such thing, but everyone should reach a perfect score in this.

The more lacking you feel yourself to be, the more complete your love is. 

You do not have to learn something that is complete or anything more does not have to be done to it.

The less that is needed to be added or subtracted from something the more complete it is.

Hence, complete things do not change, but last forever.

Love is hard to study and to understand in the context of words.  No matter how much explanations and study guides are given about the parent's love, people without parents still would not be able to understand the content.

The same for conjugal love, people who live alone would not be able to grasp any explanations which are given.  

Once you are in a relationship with your partner and feel the love, you can have an convergence in your actions that you can perceive.

This can be such as loving what your partner loves or connecting to his or her whole being.

It is through this power of love that a newborn baby finds their mother's milk without having to go to school or train to do so.

Sincere love is heavenly law, thus it is realized naturally before it is taught.

The Parents' love does not become bigger or smaller in accord to how cute their child's face is or how ugly when he or she cries.  Is there is a child who changes his love and respect for his parents because they are good looking or bad looking?

Are there children who say, "What an ugly face you have, you must not be my mother."  There would be no such child.

Also there would be no parents who would deny they gave birth to their child because they have an ugly face.

If there are such parents or children, we would not be able to call them human beings.  Even mothers in the animal kingdom do not exhibit such behavior.

True love is to be attained through experience and understood through feeling.

It is not something that can be mastered through words, writings or education.

It is only attained through daily living.

In their process of growing up into adulthood, Adam and Eve were supposed to reach perfection.  They would have achieved this through experiencing and feeling the heart of their true children, the heart of true brothers, heart of true husband and wife and the heart of true parents.

Through their daily living step-by-step, they would finally become the ideal people who have matured into perfection spiritually and physically.

There would have been no way for Satan to tempt them thereafter.  They would have fulfilled God's purpose of creation when they could deeply learn through experience, God's true love as a whole.

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net 

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Children Complete a Couple

This post was rewritten and derived from the book Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Three, True Love, Chapter 2, Section 5

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