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Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Family is the School of Love

"The Kingdom of Heaven is a world of love, a world that exists for the sake of God, where people live for the sake of God." 

"The family is an encapsulation of history. It is connected to history, with its origin in God. You inherit the family vertically. However, inheritance must take place in a perfectly vertical manner, at a ninety degree angle.

The grandfather and grandmother, representing God, have already inherited this." 

Your grandfather and grandmother are the encapsulation of your ancestors.  When you think about it, your grandfather is an heir to the traits and bloodline of all the different ancestors who lived at different times in history.  Then he is God's heir who, centered on God, connects us to that history.

The family unit encompasses all of human history.  It connects to history with its origin in God.

The grandfather and grandmother are representatives of the past, the bygone ages, and the mother and father represent the present age. The sons and daughters represent the future. 

Therefore, your grandfather and grandmother are the past, your mother and father are the present and the children are the future.  Then when it is our turn to have children we inherit the past, present and future and pass this down to another generation.  These three set of parents and three ancestors must connect their three loves and love the four generations.

The Fall represents God not being able to see or have a direct relationship with His grandson.

The Kingdom of Heaven starts from the family. 

How is this?  The grandfather represents God, the mother and father represent the present, and the sons and daughters are the future. In this way, the past, present, and future are all condensed in the family.

In the family, the grandfather represents God, the mother and father represent the present and the children the future.  In this way, the past, present and future are all in your family.

Thus, the mother and father represent the world, with the grandmother and grandfather in the position of the past God, the mother and father the present God and sons and daughter are in the position of the future God.

However, through true love, they are all equal.

When the central core is living for the sake of others in true love, they are able to develop a view of essential oneness and equal value.  When the four different directions meld into one, we will be able to live eternally as God's love partner based on this logic of true love because that place is eternally protected by the fortune of God's love.

What is the family? It is a training ground through which we can inhabit the ideal nation and world with love. Furthermore, it is a training ground through which we can even occupy the heavenly kingdom and God.

Wouldn't it be precious to experience the direct relationship with God as our love partner?  Right now only through the Messiah or aid of angels do we communicate with God, but we must return to the state of Adam and Eve before the Fall.

The reason we seek the truth is so we can perfect our families and feel infinite love and happiness when we are there.

If we have not given true love here on this plane, we will choke once we are in spirit world - they will not be able to breathe.  Only true love is the air.  We are to live our earthly life as a training ground that prepares us to breathe in the next world.

Your family is the textbook of love. 

When you see someone of your grandfather's age, you should think that you will love him even more than your own grandfather. 

When you are out in town and you come upon someone who is your grandfather's age, you should think to love him even more than your own grandfather.

The same with if you come upon someone who is the same age as your father or mother, you should welcome him or her whether he is black or white or of a different nationality.  When you see a young person, you should love and relate to them as if they are your own son or daughter.

Imagine a world full of men and women who think of others in this context.

What is the Kingdom of Heaven?

It is the place where you can love the people of the world as you love your family, and such people are the people of the heavenly kingdom. What do the four generations of your grandfather and grandmother, your mother and father, your wife, brothers and sisters, and your children make up? 

It is a place full of people who love strangers as if they were a member of their own family.  Such people are people of the heavenly kingdom.

There are four generations in your family. The grandfather/grandmother, your mother/father, your wife/husband, brother/sisters and your children.  What do they make up?

They make up your family which is a textbook how to relate to the people of the world with true love of the universe as a person of the heavenly kingdom.  This family textbook is the foundation in which you receive such a teaching.

God's love manifests itself in the things of creation. 

Parental love appears in children.  Also, where there's a husband, the wife's love will appear, just as when we can witness the parents' love by looking at their children or seeing the wife's love by looking at the state of her husband's clothes.

What about God?  We can see His love by looking at the things that He created in this world for His children you and me. 

God's love appears in order: First is parental love, next comes conjugal love, children's love and then the love of brothers and sisters.  This is also known as the Four-Position foundation centering on the love of God which creates the kingdom of heaven on earth.

If you only have love, then you can be friends with God and also have him as our Father.

There is a saying that earthly life is just a journey and we are just travelers.  During this journey, we should strive to experience vertical and horizontal love.  After creating a family based on the love of true parents, husband and wife, true brothers and sisters and true sons and daughters, we should expand this foundation on the horizontal plane throughout all families in all directions.  

Then this model of a true family should be expanded to the tribe, nation and world level.  Then this world of true love will connect to God and we call this the Kingdom of Heaven.

God's love opens the gate of salvation.

We must inherit God's true love, true life and true blood lineage which we lost due to the Fall.  We should know that there is no salvation of mankind without this inheritance.  

The worst of all sins is to break something and scatter the pieces in all different directions.  The worst and most hated of all enemies is one that has destroyed love.  There is no devil as bad as the one that causes children to despise their parents and destroys a couple's relationship keeping them from loving one another as husband and wife.

Because of the Fall of our first human ancestors, we first lost brother and sister's love, then conjugal love, then lastly children's love. Without restoring this lost love, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Due to the Fall we lost the four-position foundation: we first lost brother and sister love, then conjugal love, then lastly children's love. This four position begins in the family which we learn how to relate with the world centered on God.

Imagine going to the local cafe and being able to sit with any family of your chose which you never met before and speak to one another like brothers and sisters.  Without having true love as a possession, we will never be able to enter the Heavenly Kingdom.

We must still prepare for this day even if it comes ten thousand years from now.

Since God is the original substance of true love, when we are connected to true love, we all become one. The parents represent God as a living God in their own right. 

Since God is the origin of true love, if we all possess true love then we are connected and become one.  The parents represent God as a living God in their own right representing one aspect of God's divided nature.  The son's and daughters are seen as an additional God.

This family unit built by three generations through true love is the foundation to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

If we do not establish this true standard within the context of the family, we will never realize the Kingdom of Heaven and go beyond Paradise.

The family is the center of the universe.

The perfection of the universe depends on the perfection of the family.  Then, if you love in the universe just as you love in the family, you will be able to travel freely anywhere in the universe.   God, in this case, stands at the center of all love as the parents of the entire universe.  This is the formula for the family.

The basis for an original, God-centered family includes all the love of men, women, sons, daughters, parents and God.

When you love your parents, your husband and your sons and daughters in this place of unity, it will be like living in the heavenly kingdom.  So where does this heavenly Kingdom start?

It starts in every family. It does not magically unfold somewhere else.  The heavenly kingdom is just the 3-D expansion of the family.

It is not outside the family.

When you think of embracing your spouse, you should think that you are a man and a woman becoming one on behalf of the world.

The family is the place where you substantiate your love for humankind through action. 

We should have respect for our own flesh and blood and respect our parents and grandparents as the owners of our house who represent the heavenly right of kingship.  But we despise them because they are old.

There is the old saying the "generation gap" that has created a division between the different generations of the family.  Did God invent such a word?  No, Satan created this word.  Can love dwell in this phrase "generation gap"?

Do we live the way people lived within a family a thousand years ago?  Was there a different way to love then?  The ways are the same and the means of loving are the same.  What has changed are the inner aspects.

If we had not Fallen, the formula for love would have remained unchanged for a hundred million years.  Even if Heaven turns upside down as long as the three generations of grandparents, parents and children strongly unite the same as an iron fortress, then they will be able to bring about the heavenly kingdom anywhere they go.

The fundamental source for the seed of God's love and the seed of life is this lineage. 

If we cannot establish this, then there will be no hope for the heavenly kingdom on earth, the heavenly kingdom of peace or the world of happiness and freedom.

We talk about paradise or the heavenly kingdom, but it is not a place you can go alone. How much peace can you have if your husband is in hell and you are in paradise?

If you have seen the movie "What Dreams May Come", you see it illustrates this very point of a husband who went to hell to bring his suicidal wife to heaven and all of his children back together to live forever.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where you go together with your parents, brothers and sisters - your family.  First we learn how to live united in love on this horizontal plane.

What is the heavenly kingdom? You talk about going to paradise or the heavenly kingdom, but you cannot go alone. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where you must go together with your parents and brothers and sisters. 

Return for Tomorrow's Post: We Come From One Root

Today's text was rewritten and derived from the Textbook: Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Three - True Love Chapter Four - Love and Family written by Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

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