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Monday, March 4, 2013

Love is Foundation of Unity and Happiness

"Can you call someone a "human being" only because he has a body? A human being must have a mind also."

Does a true human being laugh when they see someone sad or get sad because they see other people are happy?  No.  This is a human being in appearance only.

Does a true human being laugh at someone's sorrow or become sad when they see others in happiness?  No, this kind of person is only a human being in appearance only.  As human beings, we are capable of all sorts of emotions: delight, anger, love, happiness and so forth.

When we look at humanity in the context of emotional responses we can see the world is united.  

Do not Easterners cry over the same thing that a Westerner does such as death and other tragedies?  The same thing that would make a person from the West weep, will also make an Easterner weep.  The scenes that make a Korean weep will also make its enemy from Japan weep.  Is there a difference between the parental love of a Korean or a Japanese?  No, there are not because it is all the same.

What is the foundation of unity?

People are not the foundation, nor words.  It must be based on feelings like a couple in love.  What makes a couple united.  They united based on emotional feelings.  Isn't this so?  If two people coming together in marriage do not carry out their emotions it is just an empty shell of a relationship.

What is the definition of a couple without experiencing any emotion?

It would be likened to a wound-up doll or a talking doll.  They become a talking female and male doll.  If they feel emotions for one another, then they are not like dolls.

Is there a possibility to have friends without them feeling friendship?  No, there can't be.  People feel patriotic toward their country for their country.  Those who feel this love for their country can unite with others with the same feeling.  Isn't this a great thought?

Love is the foundation of unity and also of happiness.

Is it possible to have happiness without unity?  Mothers and fathers become one to be happy.  Parents and children must become one to be happy.  Is there happiness in a family that is full of disarray?  How can there be happiness with a family that quarrels and fights among themselves constantly?

They will not know happiness in this setting.

This is the formula - there is no unity without love, and no happiness without unity.  How can we attain this happiness?  First, two people must become one.  When one weeps, the other weeps.  When one laughs so does the other.  When one goes, so does the other.

How do two people become one?  They unit through their feelings of emotion.

The highest authority is the heart.

Internal unity needs to be achieved more than external unity.  How can there be happiness or peace within a family if the human heart does not participate?  The human heart transcends history, following absolute standards.

Unity Through United Hearts

"This is the universal temple where unity is attained. But people tend to think they can attain unity only because they arrived here. To achieve unity, however, one must want the unity of heart from one's own deepest heart and must be prepared to overcome all sorts of hardship on the way. We must be prepared to die for the idea of unity."

Many people cannot achieve unity even when they are pushed.  Is it easy for you to unite with another person?  We must be in unity first within ourselves. How can we unite two separate entities without  first uniting our own mind and body ourselves.

We must unite all disjointed hearts first. We must not fear death if that's what it takes to unite hearts.

In order to even begin speaking about working for God's unity, we must first begin to overcome the hardships of our individual and familial life.  Heaven will recognize this merit when you fall from exhaustion from your efforts for peace.

Unity does not happen automatically; it must first go through the valley of tribulation before it reaches a plateau.  Unity does not just happen, we make effort for it to happen.  Don't just remain the flour, we must become the yeast.

We must achieve unity and triumph over the valley of death the same way as Jesus.  

Religious people may wonder why they have endured such hardships.  It is because they have lost their confidence.  As long as people are standing on their own feet, your endurance is actualized in your own people.

But if you are enduring suffering just for yourself and not for your people or for God, then your doubting mind will not receive any help.

When you look around with this selfish thinking, you will look for help but there will be no source of extra strength for you to keep going.  We must offer our life at the altar of God.  Your goal should be for the unity of God and your nation, your people and not for the individual self.

Unity As The Goal Of Love

When does the unity around God arrive and what would this ultimate center of unity be that is the ideal monument of God's Creation?  Would it be the power of God that brings unity?  If power alone exampled in the churches with God could establish an eternal paradise on earth, then this power would have stopped the Fall from happening in the first place which brought about disunity.

"That's just illogical dreaming which only leads to ruination. Power is not it; God's omniscience or omnipotence are not it. You just misunderstand the whole thing. It's not your knowledge. It's not Heaven's unlimited treasure. It's love. It's love that's at the center of all things."

What is unity with love at its center? It's love that belongs to God.

So where should the foundation of unity for God be?

Whose love does a wife's diamond ring symbolize?  The ring is not hers alone, but symbolizes the love of her husband.  The ring will fade if it does not mean love because love is its substance.  Will the gold or gem have happiness within it if her husband's love is lost?

God would be pleased with the object of love that satisfies all of God's mind and body that will make him scream out "That's it!".  That's love.  Adam and Eve took part in their own love not connecting to God's love leaving God out of partaking with them.

If Adam and Eve's first love was true, this love would have made Adam Eve's and Eve Adam's.  and both God's.  Therefore all of creation would have belonged to all three.  Then when this true love centered and connected to God connected the two of them, all things on earth would have been theirs as they were also God's.

That's why love unifies all things. Love unifies God's mind and body, and will unify even the once alienated Adam and Eve, and all creatures on earth. 

That's what makes love such a great thing. Love bridges social standings, obliterates time and space, establishes collective belonging of all to all, and places everyone within the sphere of collective power.

It's a surprisingly great fact that should be taught throughout the universe.

The Fall would not have occurred if Adam and Eve would have connected their love to God.  This is why God had warned Adam and Eve of their misuse of love by requiring them not to eat of the fruit until they were mature.

If they had waited to partake in love all would have belonged to God - Adam would be God's, Eve would be Adam's, Adam Eve's, the woman the man's, the man the woman's, parents their children's, children their parents' centered on the true love of God.  All would belong to everyone else as the firm foundation of things.  We must have a clear understanding of this in the process of restoration.

Love for God is the Foundation of Unity

This love becomes the source of power to unite every nation, to lead all nations for eternity.
Love begets greater love, just as parents love children. Love becomes one. No one can divide one's unity with God in love. Is there any love grander than this?

When we look at the world this way, we can clearly see that no good can come through the workings of the God-denying Communist countries.

Perfect unity is possible only in perfect love for God.

Would God create all things including man in order that they would return to Him Joy or grief?
Where would unity take place? Thinking about it alone doesn't do it. Only love can make it happen. It will happen when your love unites your whole mind and body. That's how it's done. Because of that, unity is possible only through love.

Even Satan will obey love that's higher than himself.

Through this, oneness is possible only this way.  Perfect unity, the final unity of all including the horizontal unity begins with love.  When it is centered around God, the nature of goodness is in love.  Unity becomes automatic true love.  God created heaven and earth to give us the greatest good and to give us love.

Love as the Absolute Secret of Unity

The foundations for the mind is love. If we connect this explosive power of love to God, it would be able to multiply a hundred, thousand-fold.  What is the secret to achieve our wishes and to have eternal life and heaven on earth?

Mothers and fathers will not be able to achieve unity without having children.

The secret is love.  It is the elevator toward unity and its absolute secret solution.  Neither banquets nor money can bind parents and children. Only love can bind them.

The rope of love binds the mother and the father into one. The mutual love of parents is much stronger than their individual love.  A link made of iron will eventually rust, but a chain that is made of love will last forever.

Only love binds brothers, families, clans, tribes, peoples, and eventually the world. Love binds humanity with God as one.

"The reason we prefer love is because it is the foundation that unifies all things. You don't understand completely why love is such a wonderful thing. That's why Teacher brings out the issue of love now."

Without love, oneness is not possible.

Words do not have the power to bind two people.  So what is needed to make two people one?  What if they were bond by material or through a third agent and it disappeared and left them?  How do you bind two people forever?

It is love.  Without love, nothing is possible.

Does love make things grow farther apart or grow closer together?  Closer together.  Love is good; it brings things that are far apart closer together.

Will we ever be able to unite the Westerners and the Easterners with political, military or cultural power?  Mankind has tried throughout history using these tactics and we have not reached a world of peace.  We have not been able to achieve world peace through these fields.  So what can create everlasting unity?

Love can make two sworn enemies one entity and reconcile two extreme opposites. 

Men and women are extreme opposites.

If love is true, you can get into God's bosom, pull him by the nose or anything else, to anywhere in the world, even heaven and hell without boundaries. You can go anywhere, anywhere with true love.

Even the world observes the Principle in this way?  Do you have to have a doctorate to become the First Lady or be highly intelligent to do so?  Can she have just one eye, or one leg disqualify her from being the First Lady?  

Even with a gimpy leg, if the president loves her enough, she automatically inherits the title First Lady once he becomes president of the nation.  Even a peanut farmer can leap to greatness if he is loved enough by those who are great.

Is love so powerful that this is possible?  How is it possible?

Love unites and transcends all things, there being nothing irreconcilable through love. No matter what kind of sin you might have committed, God can forgive and fill in the gaps with love.  Don't you believe that? Is that true? This is always possible. If Rev. Moon didn't know this, he would have faded a long time ago.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Mutual Love as the Solution for Unity

This text was rewritten and taken from the Textbook"Way Of Unification" Written by Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

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