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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sacrifice 4 Love

"Love requires one hundred percent devotion. When God was creating the universe, He invested Himself one hundred percent through His love. That is why true love begins with living for the sake of others." 

God is not the dictator that many people believe Him to be.

He gave everything of Himself for human beings.  He is close to us because He wants to live for us.  Has any dictator or ruler in the past surpass this kind of relationship which God gives to us?  This is why we want to follow God.

The natural law is to live for the sake of others.  To maintain our state of existence in the world, humanity must live in this way.  Only when we live for others will there be a connection between the East and the West and go far beyond the ages and the present.

When we give and give again for the sake of others, we are exhibiting the nature of God who gave of Himself for the creation.  When you put everything you have into something, you create a second self. This is the same as God investing everything He had at the same time of creation.

Only when one invests everything one has, is the only time recreation takes place.  History has been nothing but recreation - bringing humanity back to the original position we once enjoyed before the fall.  This course of restoration is through indemnity - paying back for any wrongs done.

You will never come to ruin when you live for the sake of others.  The idea of eternal life lives on this logic of investing oneself.   From giving small things, you move on to giving bigger things.  Then it circles back and comes back to you.

We will never be satisfied when we give true love - instead, you want to give more and more and you feel ashamed you are not able to give more.

Those who feel ashamed even after giving are truly the owners of true love.

In true love, the more we give, the more we receive in return.  The more we carry out this principle, the more the power that comes back exceeds the power that was given.  In this way, you will never perish, but only prosper.

There is no way to be prosperous without love. 

You can never exhaust true love.  The more you set it in motion, the greater it gets.

The laws of mechanics state that the more something is in constant motion, it becomes exhausted in time.  We have adopted this ideal into our lives, but in the case of true love this does not apply.  The more that true love is set into motion, rather than being used up, the greater it becomes.

The essence of love is such that when you live for the sake of others, your love becomes greater, but when you want people to live for you, your love diminishes little by little. 

"What is true love? It is giving, and then forgetting about it; it is giving and giving and then giving some more."

No matter how much you give, the world of love lasts forever.  Even the word "love' is truly mighty.

There is a Korean saying, "One well-spoken word can clear away a large debt".  This means that one word can indemnify something even great.  Even if you have a debt of a billions dollars, one word of love can more than indemnify the debt.

Only the house of true love has the authority to govern the universe with its infinite magnitude.  Even God the Creator has to bow His head to love.  Love comes from living for the sake of others.

God cannot fulfill love alone.  It can only be attained in relation to another. So, where does love begin?

Love doesn't happen when one person is by themselves, it does not come from oneself.  It grows and develops through having a partner.  

Where is the root, the beginning of true love kept?  Surprisingly the root of love is not kept within the all-knowing and powerful God.  Even though He is the central figure of true love He does not want to keep the root of love within Himself.

He rather have love take root in the person who is His object of love.  Isn't this true within a couple?

A man who is bursting with love for his lady will not want to keep this love within himself, but would want to share it and give it to his beloved.

The more love you give, the more love you have.  It is never ending.  You will have a reserve of love to give out even on a larger scale.  But there is a laundry list of things that have an end: money, knowledge and authority all come to an end at some point.

If it has to do with human circumstances or sentiment in the world, it comes to an end.  On the other hand, eternal true love never comes to an end no matter how much you continue to give.  The quality of love is amazing in that it continues into eternity.

One thing about true love, if you center it on yourself, it is something you cannot fulfill.  It does not begin from oneself, but it begins and is later fulfilled through one's partner in love.  Therefore, love cannot be fulfilled without a counterpart or partner.

No one can attain love by themselves.  Even the richest and greatest person on earth cannot achieve love if he is alone.  Isn't this true?  We see this among the Hollywood stars and people who seem to 'have it all'.  If they divorce or are alone, despite their wealth and successful careers, they may seem to have nothing.

This is because love is only formed in a relationship between a subject and object partner.  Even God cannot feel the stimulation of love if He tries to obtain it for His own sake.  This is the reason why God chose to create the human world of creation, for the purpose of love.

The core of the universe is human beings, and the core of human beings is life. 

The root of life is love, and the root of love is God, but this love cannot be realized by someone all alone. As God is the origin of love, the only beings qualified to be partners in that love are human beings. 

Have you thought that we do not use the word "hope" or "love" being fulfilled in the true sense  in relation to someone who is alone?  Even our life does not come from ourselves; life only comes through the bonds of a relationship with another.

What are two things that last for eternity?

Life and love.

Which comes first, life or love?  For God, love did not exist before He did, it came into existence after God existed.  For God, life comes first and love comes second, for humans beings love comes first and life comes second.

What kind of beings did God create us to be?

God created us to be equal to His absolute and unique value to Him and to be an object partner to His love.  Man and woman were created to enter a partnership of love with God, thus endowing them with greater value than that of even the whole universe.

We are born from love, raised with love and then live in love until the day we die in love.  But when we die, we do not disappear.  Since God is eternal, unchanging and the subject of love, then His object partner should have the same quality of eternal life.

The reason God created Adam and Eve was not to just look at them and watch them from afar or just speak to them.  He wanted a relationship where He could attain joy based on love.  God is an Absolute Being and needs another being in which to partake with love.

This partner is none other than human beings.  If we are His object partners, when we appear before God's perfected love as a perfected individual, He can then become the God of happiness and the God who found His ideal of joy.

Where does love come from?

It manifests from your partner. If your partner is ugly and you dislike him or her, you want to withdraw your love. And if the partner is beautiful and good, the dynamics of love are set off that much quicker.

In other words, the workings of love are determined by the qualities of those in partnership, such as their words, beauty, fragrance, and flavor.

God had only one dream He wished to fulfill and that was to realize the ideal of true love.  God could not make this dream happen on His own.  Love, happiness or joy cannot be achieved by one entity alone.  They will never be substantiated without a partnership. 

So, where does love originate?

Even for God, love does not come from self but from our partner.  This principle gives value to our partner such that we should bow and live for that person who is our partner in love.

This is why the law of nature instructs us to, "Live for the sake of others".  This means that we should live for and revere our partner since this precious and valuable element we receive only comes when we practice the philosophy of living for the sake of of our partner and others.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon explains more on this philosophy of living for others:

"It is not without meaning that I am vibrant and active in many fields; I do so because I have a purpose. That purpose is none other than to realize the world of love.

Human beings exist with the aim of realizing and attaining love. Since the purpose of human life lies in the realization of true love, the value of human existence is also decided by this true love. How wonderful this is!"SMM

You might wonder how a perfect God could have any relation with human beings who are imperfect.
This is why He sent the Messiah as a mediator who carried His blood lineage, but this was not part of creation He planned from the beginning of an ideal world of love.

Everyone wishes for an ideal partner who has even thousands of times the value or infinite value more than we possess.

In the same way, God wishes for human beings who are His partner in love, to have infinite value.  A person who is perfected achieves a divine nature and becomes flawless just as Heavenly Father is and thus they attain the same value as the Father.  This is the quality the Messiah possessed after perfection.

Some people mistaken that Adam and Eve were born perfect.  They had a growth period first they had to experience and then they could reach the perfection level by having faith in God's word and following His will.

We know that Adam and Eve were not born perfect for the simple fact that they fell.

A perfected being does not fall.  If it was possible for a being that had reached perfection to fall, then it would undercut the very principles of attaining oneness with God.

What is true love? It is a love that moves you to want to stay with your partner for a thousand years, and that makes you want to love that person forever. 

With such a love, there can be no hell and Satan cannot get at you. 

With a love this great, hell does not exist and Satan cannot reach you.  The principle states that a partner who has reached the level of becoming one through the eternal love of the Creator who is an eternal being, they must also be eternal and live forever.

Religion must begin to understand the relationship between eternal life and love.  Eternal life does not lie within man, woman or even God.  Eternal life is in the LOVE of God.

When you do not have a subject partner in love, you feel lonely, correct?

But as soon as you find a subject partner in love, everything feels full.  Only when something is filled to the top with love, then everything else can be filled up as well.

Then you can truly give out your love infinitely.  The reason why we exchange love with others is in order that we achieve an ideal and thus multiply that ideal through loving others.  The world of love transcends distance and time.

"Love is so fast that even light cannot follow it. Love is the fastest thing in the world. It is also the brightest and the most perfect. Love is the only thing that fills things up completely." 

Who is closer to the center: someone who is willing to sacrifice love to sustain life, or someone who is willing to sacrifice life for the sake of love? 

Who is closer to the truth? 

The person who can sacrifice their life in order to attain love is closer to the center and closer to what is true.  This is the type of life the Messiah lived.  This is because anyone who is willing to sacrifice love to further their life is living self-centered, this is not God or other-centered.  Whereas the one that is willing to sacrifice life for love is practicing the philosophy of living for the sake of others.

Reverend Moon continues his speech about loving others:

"As I wandered through the five oceans and the six continents, I preached earnestly about the path of love. I have sought to shine the light of love on all people, who, living without love, are like a desert. 

If the path people are ultimately to follow will lead them to that other world of love, the most important thing for humanity must be the "love beacon".  Only that beacon of love can lead humanity to the original homeland.

Once you become one with God, circular motion manifests in all kinds of forms and figures. That is why the older sibling must love the younger, following the example of their parents in loving them. In such a family that is united into loving oneness, the love within the family blossoms.

Then that love becomes the love within a society, and then the love within a nation. In this way, it later becomes the love of the whole world."

God was lost in the rapture of love when He created man to live forever.  This is why aging is not the enemy.  We are born from love, live with love and finally we are harvested as the fruits of love when we pass away.

We live our lives receiving love of our parents, our children and after experiencing love as a couple we love our children as their parents.

Therefore the love of God and everything we have sown in the inner world of love is to be brought to fruition over the course of our lives. When we pass on to the next world we reap the fruits of the earthly lives we lived and take them with us. 

On the foundation of love, God maintains life.  

His power, omnipotence and omniscience is based on true love.  Only on this basis of true love can He stand as the ideal subject partner to humanity.  This subject partner who can transcend history and time.

If God held the subject position using only the power of life, then all things of creation would not be able to unite.  Even the microscopic animals and plants or your house cat wish for a master of love to tend them and take care of them.  They like to feel the touch of loving hands.

A subject partner should not demand, "I'm stronger than anyone else, so you have to do as I say!".  The root of life begins in love.  Only when love is involved is life set in motion.  The basis for God's continued existence is not life, but love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: How to Obtain Internal Unity

This text was rewritten and taken from the textbook: Cheon Seong Gyeong

Book Three - True Love
Chapter One - What Is True Love?

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