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Sunday, March 3, 2013

A World of Peace

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so much that they do not see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  We do not preach that of ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.  God said, "Let light shine out of darkness." He made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:4-6

We have heard Jesus tell the disciples "you are of your father the devil".  They had no understanding of these words.  This means that Jesus had an understanding that we were to inherit God's direct blood lineage, but instead we inherited Satan's fallen blood lineage by following his words instead.

His words reveal the deep pain of the tragic consequence of the Jewish people not following the right path of God which was to absolutely believe in his words as the Messiah.  He would have led us toward the Completed Testament in his day and perform Holy Blessing Marriages based on the victory of his own Blessing to return the blood lineage to God.

How could an archangel become ruler of this world?

It began in the Garden when God gave the commandment to wait unto maturity to partake in the fruit which was the sexual organ.  Satan gave his word that it was okay to give in.  Since Adam and Eve followed Satan's direction, even though they were children of God, God could not intervene since He had endowed us with free will to do his will or not.

If that evil god had existed from the very beginning, we would have a world based on dualism. If the root had had two separate origins in history, there could not be a world of oneness, an ideal world or a world of unity - ever. The world would have no choice but to develop through conflict. God would have been unable to design the ideal model of a world of oneness, peace and the ideal.

The absolute God has to subjugate Satan, but not with the weapons of the world. He has to reveal the origins of goodness and evil, centering on the Great Principle of heaven and earth. There was only one absolute God in the beginning, but subsequently an evil god appeared.

The communist world views God as something that man made up.  It developed its society centering on materialism - those that can only be seen.  If Satan is a reality, then surely the communist world is his final attempt at the end of the world to deny God's existence.

If mankind continues to follow Satan's claims or commandments and follow his selfish ways, the world of peace designed by God can never be realized.

To those who say that God does not exist: if there were no God, you would still have to set up a false god to manage this world.

How can humanity alone rule the democratic world or the decadent world without having even a fake god larger than themselves?  Man cannot be extended.

If the world denies God, they will be brought to ruin like Sodom and Gomorrah.  The world will survive if they even have a concept of a hypothetical god in which to follow.  But this imaginary god is imaginary and will never be absolute.

He has to be in the center of everyone's mind.  The way to do this is through religion which persist in absolute love, absolute ethics and absolute morality.  Even if humanity followed an imaginary God, they would have to discover the real God.

When God begins to teach man about peace, His teaching material would be love.  He would look for a man and woman who have love because love is invisible.

How does God dig up the notion that a woman can love a man more than herself? That is an important issue. Man has to elevate his object partner? Position through love by denying himself. What does God have to seek and put forth theoretically?

If we do not establish the logic that God created all things out of love at the time of creation, we cannot discover the origin of a unified peace. 

How does He search for the beginning of unity and peace?

Only through the force of love can that happen.

Even God has to be obedient before the face of love.  Even though He is the subject partner of absolute love, He needs an object partner to give and take with this love and He must be obedient to this.

No More Barriers

How will humanity demolish the wall between races and realize the ideal world?  Is it even possible to erase all of the obstacles that have confounded the path toward peace in history?  Peace begins in the family. If you have seen meetings of the different individual minds and opens converse, how much difficult it must be to harmonize even within a family.

Mankind must finally find a solution.  How will we resolve the conflicts in order to live as one great family that is overflowing with happiness without the need for war?  We need a starting off point in order to harmonize the world with its diversified cultures and traditions.

Man needs to remember that his source and root is in God and not within himself.  He is the foundation of the universe.  Man must seek the basic answer as they follow the heavenly principles.  We all want to live the best life in the best world.  This desire cannot be satisfied in the human world.

A world of peace cannot exist as long as that unfulfilled desire is there.

As we climb higher, our competitive mind emerges.  How do we remove this when we do not know why it is there.  Since we cannot solve the problem, many just deny that God exist in this fallen reality.  We will realize a peaceful world where freedom and equality is overflowing once we seek God as the source of true love, and unite with Him.

When every person on earth begins to live in attendance of God and establish a true family based on his ideals, then a free, peaceful, eternal world will be built for the first time.  We call this Heaven on Earth.

Peace Only With Love As the Link

"Who are the three great subject partners?

God is the owner of owners, parent of parents, and teacher of teachers.

This is different from the Juche Sasang (Subjectivity Thought) of North Korea's late premier, Kim Il Sung.

Centered on the ideal of creation and love, the Three-Great-Subjects Thought encompasses the concepts of owner, parent and teacher.

From the perspective of the nation, the parent is in the family, the teacher is at school and the master-owner is in society. How can they be linked? There doesn't seem to be anything that harmonizes them with love, but the Unification Church (Family Federation) has the logical answer.

Applying them to the nation, a world of peace in the nation will come.  Applying this to the world, a world of peace in the world will come. Applying this to heaven and earth, a world of peace in heaven and on earth will come, centering on true love.

God, our Creator, has a Will. That Will is to restore this world into the world of true peace. In other words, He will restore the world of His original nature and the ideal by re-creating the present world. For this reason, there is hope for true peace in the future. God's Will is to eradicate selfishness from each individual, then transform or re-create that person into His own temple, and make all men holy." SMM

Then this means that to begin true world between nations does not begin on the national level, but with the perfection of the individual.  Each person becomes a true temple of God.  This is where world peace germinates.  Each of us is the true beginning point of world peace.  Just as the Michael Jackson song states about the Man in the Mirror.

God brought about religion for the perfection of man and we should repent that religion, representing the realm of the spirit, have not fulfilled their responsibility of bringing about a peaceful world.  Who can deny that religions in these day lacks the energy to help lead toward a purified world?  Sometimes religions are going against their original mission and have become about following leaders and rituals leaving behind the culture of heart.

Human logic placed the content together, but God is not attached to these doctrines.  God as the Original Parent does not discriminate between races or between religions such as humans who run religions.

Therefore, in order to go the way of the Parent, religious leaders should completely follow God's will of true love to realize the ideal world of peace and the salvation of all people.  Given the current situation of the fallen world, religious people should not lead comfortable lives, but must go the way of living a life of faith.

They should center their activities on giving true love unceasingly and true-life energy while conversing with God constantly.

What is the origin of the existence of the universe?

It is not an absolute existence, but an absolute love that can bind the absolute existence.  This being the case, heaven and earth can create a world of peace. 

If it is correct that everything in creation moves based on that love, then the next logical step is that peace and the ideal we have longed for are also derived from love.

In the history of religion, has there been any saint or leader that asserted that the ideal of unity of mind and body is the basis of the unity of all things?

Harmony in the family is the accomplishment of all things.

If there are ten members of the family, all of them should have harmony with their own mind and body and then become one as a whole.  But in the fallen world in which we live, these ten people live in mind-body conflict forming 20 different entities.  Peace can not be created in such an environment.

Why do we suffer such separation?  Because the body goes and does what it wants and the mind does what it wills going in different directions.

People all have a separation between their mind and body.  Within a people, there will be some who are centered on materialistic things, others on honor, and others on their own power and authority.  There is no way to find peace among a people whose body and mind move in opposite directions based solely on their own self-interest.

Peace dwells within oneness and this one source is the unique God.  A family or individual who centers on God's ideal is on His side and their mind and bodies are united.

Korea as a unified country has to be a part of the realm of world peace.

Peace is not going to be just enjoyed by a religious group.  By connecting to the God-centered heavenly tradition set forth, peace must settle finally upon the earth because God exists.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Love is the Foundation for Peace and Happiness

This post was rewritten and taken from the Textbook: Sun Myung Moon's Philosophy of Peace, Chapter What is Peace?

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