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Friday, March 8, 2013

We Come From One Root

"The root of the individual, the root of the family, the root of the clan, and the root of the nation are all the same. What this means is that if you look from the world's viewpoint, and you trace the root up or down, we all come back to the same root." 

This is true for the nation, the clan, the family, and even the individual. 

All countries eventually can trace back to one root.  The root is all the same.  Through this one root, all families, nations and even the world must be connected.  Since there is only one root for all, then we have only one trunk and a unity of branches.  There aren't different trunks or different roots.

When we accomplish this connection and unity in deed, the world will come into unity. 

If we were to ask people of different nations where their root lies, they would give many different answers.  Their answers may only be local.  For example, if you ask an American this question, they would say, "My root is Washington".  This does not apply to the whole world.

Does God think that the root of mankind is Washington?

Japanese people would say they trace their root to the goddess Amaterasu Omino Kami.    But now we know that everyone can be traced to the same root.

There is only one root, but humanity has not been able to see the root of it all.  Since no one can identify the true root, the Messiah returns to identify where the false root of division began.  Also to reveal what we think our roots are and then present the true root.

The Root is True Love

What is the completion of the ideal of creation?

The Messiah clearly defines God's will in simple terms.  God's will is to accomplish the ideal of creation.  Period.  Simple isn't it?  God is an absolute God.

Since He is absolute, does he have two different ideas or just one?  Absolutely one ideal.  Even if peace seems impossible to humanity, God has never wavered away from His dream of accomplishing Heaven on Earth.  This is the logical conclusion.

When we complete the four-position foundation (parents' love, siblings' love, childrens' love, each centered on God's love) then the completion of the ideal of true love is accomplished.  Everything important is there.

Creating True Love

The amazing fact is that the Family Federation has achieved these.

All of the thinking, teaching and action of the Unification Church is founded on these consistent lines: True Love, the four-position foundation and the ideal of creation.

The ideal of creation is to create the four-position foundation(sibling, parent, conjugal and God's love).  Then we must understand deeply the descriptions of all relationships of creation and the importance of the main ideas.

Even though it begins from a concept, it is reality. If you open up your spiritual eyes, you can go ask a big tree, "What is your purpose in life?

To accomplish this idea, first, we perfect heaven on earth and through this, heaven in spirit world will automatically appear.  Currently, there is only Paradise in which Jesus spoke.

We cannot enter heaven alone without our family.

As we discussed before, what wife would enjoy heaven while her husband spent eternity in hell?  When we catch a hold of God's True Love, then wherever we go and what we do will be connected to God.  This is reality and not just a concept.

What about a big rock, and belongs to the mineral kingdom? If you were to ask why does it exist, it  would answer you, "I exist for the sake of love."

Why did you come into existence or why do you breathe?

You exist for the sake of love.  Even a large rock that belongs to the mineral kingdom and doesn't seem to have much value would answer and say, "I exist for the sake of love".  Even the atomic kingdom, electrons and neutrons would answer the same way.  There is no way to deny it.  This is the reason all things were created in pairs: it is for love.

Love is the Beginning

Because of True Love and starting from True Love, the whole world came into being.  True love was the beginning of the concept of the universe.

We can even extend this and say that God came into existence for the purpose of love.  If love did not come into existence, then God, too wouldn't have a reason to exist.  Before thinking of the universe, we can think of True Love.

Before we can understand the deep meaning of True Love, we can see the concept of the male and female or the subject and object concept conveyed in all of creation, even at the subatomic level.  Everything in existence has that dual characteristic.  Take time to think of one exception, but you will find none.

Scientists maintain that the universe is held together by a force or a power, but they stop there.  They do not bring into account the logical steps that force only comes about because there was first an action that brought it about.

Without action, there is no force.

Which is first:  force takes place because of action or action takes place because of force?

Which one is first?

Reverend Sun Myung Moon gives an example to answer this question:

"When a man grows up, real love power does not act upon him. He has no involvement in love action. He grows up by the energy of man. With that he grows, but love is yet to come. His mind and body have to take action and then he grows, becoming older and older.

When he meets his spouse, a tremendous power takes place. Before that, there is action, but even before the action something else must exist first. That is subject and object relationship. In a man, he gets power when his mind and body come into unity.

He has two eyes instead of one, and two nostrils; everything comes in two. We see that subject and object relationship is everywhere and it exists for the sake of love.

We see development in this order: love between subject and object, then love action gives rise to the force. That is the order."SMM

Love Creates Joy

As soon as a husband and wife who exhibit True Love and their eyes meet, they are attracted to one another and nothing can stop them.  When all of the five senses meet each other, nothing will stop them.  Embodied with this love power, the couple can go through fire, water, anywhere.  That is the power of True Love.

This cannot be exchanged or converted into any value of money.  Even if the woman has millions and billions of dollars and is the wealthiest woman on earth, once she is captured in love then all things don't matter anymore.  God will be filled with joy and laughter at the sight of such a scene.  This is how we feel, too.

God invests His whole being and forgets, then He invests again and forgets all too willingly and happily because of love.  Without this kind of heart of not looking to receive, He would not be able to continue to do so.

For the man of love, the more he adds to this pool of love, the happier he becomes until later he can fly.  He will cruise the universe like the world of stars.  If you embrace a star while enraptured in love, it will start to dance and God will dance, also.  This is the power of love.

Do we Value Love?

How much do we value this love of God?

Imagine a kid that is in grammar school -  a boy or girl who receives a large chunk of a diamond but they do not know that it is a diamond or know its worth.  How will they treat this diamond?  This is the problem we see in the world situation today.

On the other hand, one who works hard and experiences the pain of dying to obtain this object, then you readily learn and understand the value of that diamond.  The only way that we can understand this is through suffering and sacrifice.  Nobody likes this, just as no student likes the act of studying to get the top grades.

Love Creates Peace

Love has the power to purchase, sell or unite a nation.  It is that powerful.  You have heard of the political marriages they used to perform centuries ago.  Two countries united in exchanged marriages between royalty of either country.  King Edward forsook the throne for a marriage to Wallace Simpson.

People get excited and laugh at the jokes and commentary of entertainers whenever they speak about the topic of love.  Other topics do not capture laughter from the bottom of the audiences hearts as much as the topic of love.

"No other church ever talks about love so much as the topic of this sermon."

It becomes a very legitimate statement that anyone or any minister whose sermon centers on love and makes everybody elated, happy and laughing, would become the source of peace and happiness.

When a teaching focuses it center on love, it can be the source of peace.  Peace will come from that.  Politicians, philosophers, economists and people from all different walks of life would come together for the topic of love because it is the root of their lives.

'Love Me' is False Love

We hear all talks about love and different kinds of love, but have we heard about love for the sake of other people?

People say, "Love me.".  This kind of person wants to draw love from other people.  There are even books and advice columns on how to attract love from others.  This is not the kind of love we have been talking about.

We are only talking about how to give love, that is what makes it different.

All these divided things now move toward being united because of this teaching and the knowledge of how to love for the sake of others.

From True Love, new hope, a new idea, and a new starting point have appeared.

Love was destroyed and divided.  The history of humankind has turned into a history of self-centered love away from God's original ideal.  How can we realize a peaceful world when all the broken situations are surrounding us.  We can only go this path through True Love that has the power to mend the past.

God's viewpoint of True Love is that the root comes from True Parents (restored fallen parents Adam and Eve).  Now that we have entered the age of True Parents or Enlightenment, brothers and sisters are being taught a new kind of love in which we live for the sake of others.

Free Sex and Drugs

Man needs to constantly be satisfied.

He has a spiritual antenna that communicates with the high level of the spirit world.  Man cannot live without the love, emotion and enlightenment that this antenna picks up.

Now all communication has been cut off from the spirit world and man does not know where to get that fulfillment.  So, what do they do instead?

They do drugs, drink alcohol and indulge in risky behavior to maintain an equivalent high to excite the body.

We as the human race have lost our emotional attachment to True Love on the vertical plane(spiritual) and can only find it through the horizontal way(physical) to compensate for this lack of communication with spirit.  Every family and nation have been touched by this tragedy.

It is called free sex.  Teens and even adults find out too late that when they indulge in sex without any connection to God and outside of a God-defined marriage that it never fully satisfies them as they had expected.

Sometimes leaving a bigger hole in which they were trying to fill in the beginning.  Then they turn to drugs to try to forget about this pain.  But everyone knows that the drug world is also a bottomless pit that will never fulfill our human desire for God's love.

The Universe Protects Love

What Father is pointing out is that everything that comes into power, everything that is subject and object in the pair system, is protected by the universe.

If there is an imbalance, the universe eliminates it.

Man and woman are a pair.  They become a pair at the universal level embracing point.  The nation's center it the president or the king as a plus and the people are a minus.

They combine into one and then they attend the world which is the next level up.  Then as a whole, they embrace the larger heavenly fate or destiny.

Americans should change their direction from the individualistic way toward this true standard way of living.  If the presidential administration and the American people do not change, the heavenly fate will chase them out.  No matter how rich or how strong America is, they will immediately break down.
Don't we see that this is already the case?

Individualism is Hell

Individualism has made a great nation of America into a small one that is full of bickering and complaints.  It can be compared to the nation's symbol of the great eagle.  It was created to spread its wings and explore the great plains around cliffs to capture its food supply.

But if you were to catch the eagle and just give him the bare minimum of rations so it could live, how great would the eagle be?

This is what individualism, living for oneself, has done to a once prosperous nation.  Are people exploding with happiness here in  America or unhappy?  They are miserable.  They are living like in the dungeons of hell even with such prosperity surrounding them in their daily lives.

On the other hand, how happy would an eagle be that had once been captured and now is finally released from its cage and is liberated?

True Love is Eternal

No matter how old the earth becomes, the principles of True Love continues.  The direction and action of True Love will remain the same throughout history and into the future.  Even before creation, this concept of True Love existed.

After Adam and Eve were created and after the fallen world came into being, the same concept of absolute pure love was the center of hope for all of the surrounding things to be taken away and cleaned up.

Then they can be connected to the new world.

The Church Restores True Love

Why was the Family Federation formerly known as the Unification Church founded?  It was so all that was lost through the actions of the first human parents can be restored and to bring liberation to God when the ideal is completed.

This is the church's mainstream thought.  In order for restoration to take place, all ideals should be realized centering on True Love.

Should people reject or welcome such a movement?  This is God's ideal and the tool which He brought the Messiah as the Second Advent.  It is to make the four-position foundation of the family centered on God with True Love as the core.

That is the purpose of the Unification Movement.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: We Come From One Root

This text was rewritten and taken from the speech: The Establishment of the Unification Church and the Mainstream Thought of the Dispensational History," the sermon given on May 1, 1993, at the Belvedere, International Training Center.

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