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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Will There Be Peace Between Religions?

The Beatles sung about it decades ago.   Is peace possible between religions? If so, when will world peace come?

What if in Spirit World Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad and Confucius were praying together that all of the followers of religion would find peace with one another?

When one studies the teaching from the four saints, they will see the thousands of similarities among their respective religions.  Number one, each religion teaches peace and finding a place to bring it from within first.  Secondly, they have laws that govern the body and the way one should live daily life.  Thirdly, they all believe there is one Supreme Being that created those laws.

Many attest the fact that all of the world wars begun with religion at its base.  How do religions that practice peace lead to such a demise?

Somewhere religions are lacking where followers themselves are falling into a self contradiction.  No matter how hard religions try to deny the physical or carnal life in this world in or obtain a glorious eternal life in Spirit World, followers can not completely annihilate the desire for physical pleasures which follow them like a shadow.  Even many spiritual leaders and evangelist met a sad end when met with this contradiction.

God gave every human being an original mind that leads toward goodness, but within each of us there is an opposing mind that has desires outside of God’s realm.  God created religions so we can give power to our original mind in order to conquer that self-contradiction.  Religions have not yet brought peace on earth.

For humankind to fully realize goodness which the original mind seeks, a higher truth that has been hidden will emerge.  This truth will be able to reconcile religions and solve their problems.

People of faith believe that the scriptures are flawless and perfect.  But scriptures are not truth itself - but are textbooks teaching the truth.  They were given at various times in history as humankind developed both spiritually and intellectually.  Christians have the Old Testament teaching of 10 commandments and thousands years later had Jesus who taught a higher truth, the New Testament, beyond the 10 commandants based on loving and living for others. 

Why do believers think that there is not even a higher truth to be revealed?  If there are still questions then that means there is more to be discovered, but religions have accepted their teachings as absolute and complete.

All scriptures have the same purpose to bring the light of truth.  Yet when a brighter lamp is lit, the former light is outshone and its mission fades.

Jesus stated that God would someday reveal a new truth: I have said this to you in figures; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father." John 16:25

Jesus agonized that he could not teach his own followers all that he knew.  He told them that if they could not believe in earthly words he gave them how could they believe in the world yet to come.  This is why he comes again to bring the new truth.

Many people believe that Jesus comes to wipe out the world and others believe he will snap his fingers and bring peace on the earth.  In all of biblical history whenever there was restoration or a mission God had to bring about His will, it all was done through human effort.  Meaning, there will be work to be done by followers and humanity when the new truth arises.

Yes, religions will come together.  Not thousands of years from now, but as we speak.  Yes, there are  several denominations within each sect and people bombing other religions, but take a look again.  On the human level, religions are starting to work together in many facets.  Slowly merging together more than anytime in history.

What Mission Must the New Truth Fulfill?

The new truth will bring together the internal truth pursued by religion and external truth pursued by science, and next it will lead lost people to completely win over their evil mind and pursue the goodness of their original mind.

Christians argue that this has already happened when Jesus died on the cross.  But how many faithful Christians even the most devout bore sinless children, children who do not have that self-contradiction or internal battle of good and evil?

Once the new truth is revealed and followed by all humanity that is when true peace will be found. 

Return for tomorrow's topic: Is World War III inevitable?


Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Ministers call for unification

These words have been taken from one of the 8 textbooks of the Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon.  They have been paraphrased and written in conversational form.

For more information on the Unification Movement and Freedom Society campaign please visit www.familyfed.org.  There you will meet people from the fastest growing worldwide community.

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