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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Is World War III Inevitable? Part II

How many movies fantasize about Armageddon? 
We always win, and there is always The One who sacrifices to save us so we can go back to eating hamburgers and watching mindless television.  And they always involve robots or aliens or ...  Zombies.
The previous post spoke about how World War III is inevitable based on Free Will. So based on humanity's global decision whether they choose to follow the The One on D-day or follow his enemy - there are two possible choices to be fought.

One way is to bring God's enemy to surrender through armed conflict and the other way is through an ideological, internal conflict that quickly brings the enemy to submission and participate in unification through an ideology that can resolve all historical conflicts.

We may say, that is what Regan did, but it was on an external front only based on the Washington Times's daily updates about our supposed Star Wars program. The enemies believed we possessed a defense system that would deplete every attack possible and then we could have the upper hand to attack back. So Gorbachev quit before starting World War III and surrendered.

Regan's defeat through the voluntary submission of the enemy was based solely on might - not because our ideology won the enemy over.

That is how wars and ideologies are fought - based on might. But the new war of ideologies will have to conquer one aspect of our enemies that rarely has happened in history. Jesus was the first teacher of it. What will the ideology that conquers without war have to defeat? The enemies Heart.

Conquer the enemy's heart and you truly have won. (Revenge makes everyone a loser no matter how just because of this one principle.) When do we do this in our own lives. The person in class we don't like or the one who picks on us. Do we immediately stop to pray for them or attack back in subtle ways. Do we win them over? Know how to win the toughest bully? Love them. Forget the kill them with kindness, kill them with true love and it is like placing a hot bed of coals on their heads.

If we have too much pride to do that in our own individual lives, how do we expect to do this on a worldwide front? Yes, you don't just sit there and let the bully destroy you, you are allowed to defend yourself - that is what justifiable war is and how America fought in the past. But then what happens? Two choices: We force them into our ways, dominate them in a way or they flee from us.

That's the history of wars. Domination.

World Peace Through Winning Enemies Heart

Win their heart toward what? An ideology they live by. During the Third World War, God's side will base their life on a new ideology that can unify all of the different faiths, beliefs, races and nations. So, which existing ideology can completely unify the world?

Let's see, Communism attributed to millions of deaths in its past and its ideology was bringing about unification through force - without God. It has been proven again and again that this ideology falls short by working through absolute force, denying its people the freedoms that God gave us in the beginning so it will always fail in the end.

Democracy rose more on God's side but looking toward the past democratic world, it is an ideology based on popularity and laws and policies are based on a candidate's or party's individual interest, not benefiting the whole.  Freedom and Democracy are more prevalent today than in any other time in history.  Sadly, even under democracy, freedom is not secure and is not the final stage.

Existing ideologies come close but always takes steps backwards when it come to bringing the world into one united front. I have been told by many that we will have this struggle between good and evil forever and it's part of the world. Know who else bases their beliefs on this - Communism. A God-less ideology based solely on force not choice.

The struggle between classes was based on this: struggle or resistance is needed for an individual or nation to grow. I let people have their own beliefs, but it is hard for me not to share that I believe when Revelations speaks of the world ending via catastrophic means or however, I think it meant destruction to the enemy's evil sovereignty enslaving His earth. Then the bible says that the Messiah will bring a new truth and those who accept will be the only citizens on the earth. This is where Christians believe they will be the only ones left on earth when the Messiah conquers.

Look into history. What did the Messiah do the last time he came to earth? Was it to repeat the Old Testament? He came with the New Testament. A higher truth - it is history and can not be argued. Moses did not bring the New Testament, his people barely followed the Old Testament when he returned from his 40-day condition. God gives a level of the truth based on the times. So, he raised up Moses's people so they would be able to accept Jesus's New Testament. This is why God waits thousands of years - based on us.

So, as the Messiah returns, he again will bring a higher form of the truth - a new ideology. This new ideology will arise from the world of democracy. Democracy was implemented by God's people at the start, laws based on His words given to his chosen people.

In order to conquer the enemy peacefully, we will follow this ideology in our lives and win over our enemy's heart. Is it possible? Have you ever had someone taunting you or showing their power over you and their might and you answered them by either agreeing with them, sympathizing with them, or giving them something back with love?

You know who has? The Messiah and countless saints. How in the world could Jesus's meek followers conquer Rome? History shows us when conflict arose the Messiah conquered people with His words - words like and with love as its basis. And a meek man who lived 2, 000 years ago seemingly defeated continues to conquer the enemies heart today.

Why is today any different? The war over communism will truly end if we ourselves can live by the ideology of today. OR

What does history show us happens when we do not follow God on the national level?

World Peace Through Armed Conflict

We think this sounds contradictory. It is based on our Free Will. God always chooses the perfect way for us but said, if you choose my way there are blessings, if you choose outside my way there are curses.

Too, too many people in the bible give us examples. Go back to Moses's time. God wanted the Israelites to immediately go to Canaan and establish their nation. How long did that take?

They received God's judgment. This is why even though they could see Canaan right in front of them, it took them 40 years of living in the wilderness to reach it. And it was not even the ones who were led out of Egypt. It was their children.

After failing several times to follow, God attempted to restore this through a spy mission to Canaan for Forty days. When the spies - one from each tribe returned, they all gave a faithless report except Joshua and Caleb. The other spies said that their land was strong and cities were large and the men were great and they were the Israelites were the size of grasshoppers to them. Joshua and Caleb instead reported God's words:

Do not rebel against the Lord, and do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us, their protection is removed from them and the Lord is with us - do not fear them. - Numbers, 14:9

Who did they follow in  the end - God or the enemy? Moses's people tried to stone Joshua and Caleb. This last attempt to send His people to Canaan was thwarted by His own people and thus they had to spend 40 years waiting in the wilderness so God could restore the Israelites internally to follow Him and they did. Joshua and the younger generation who believed Joshua's report and followed Him into Canaan conquered the foes of Jericho.

What about today? God gives us choices everyday on an individual level and national level. Is America following God's way or the enemy's? The question is not whether there are faithful following the Messiah. The question is when Joshua gives us a report that we can go into the promised land will we stone him?

If we do not follow His messenger as he stands on a worldwide level the fate of those who do not follow will be just as those who wandered in the wilderness.

What will God's judgment be? He has done it in the bible several times. Those who do not follow His direction even to the end - is left unprotected.

Whether you know it or not, the truly faithful receive many blessings which include protection from their enemy's direct attacks including diseases (attacks, death and disease does not mean someone did something wrong - sometimes someone pays for the sins of their family past and present).

So, that means if America does not truly follow God - TRULY - in the end, if China happens to send us biological weapons of destruction and also to our allies - we will be unprotected.

We receive God's judgment representing America's faithlessness. What does his messenger look like, when does he bring this new ideology or how does one know? If people are looking to the sky for his return they will miss him - that means millions of Christians and people of faith are going to miss the Messiah's return - just as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, just as many religious leaders persecuted Jesus etc, etc, many Christians will repeat history in our time.

It is up to you to find the new ideology. And when you hear it: those who have the ears to hear will hear it. And when you find the returned Messiah: those who have the eyes to see will see him.

Return for tomorrow's topic: What Will World Peace look like?


Today I paraphrased the majority of the teachings from 8 textbooks taught by Reverend Sun Myung Moon. I have been learning this teaching daily and hourly for 7 years.

To learn more about the Unification Movement - fastest-growing global community and the Freedom Society, visit www.familyfed.org.

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