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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Who is the Returned Messiah? Part II

Warning!  Those who absolutely think it is blasphemy to say the Messiah has returned and refuses to change their mind this may not be for you.
  If you have searched and prayed and wondered why the world is the way it is, I wrote the following based on these textbooks, "The Divine Principle" and the deeper content version, "The Original Substance of the Divine Principle" which are solely based on 9-year research of the bible. 
These writings continues part I that speak about the Messiah returning in yours and my time as a man and that this man has returned.  If you read part I and don't agree, maybe this is not for you.
Be forewarned, this is not to be a debate, this is for those truly searching God's call.  Please have respect for the views of others.  I find it unfair that atheists and certain religious sects as well as others have the right to subject their views onto society unabated.  It's about time other viewpoints get a chance to do so in a peaceful way.  This is for educational purposes not a podium for debate.
In real life have you ever seen those messengers on the streets who hold signs warning us about the future? "The world is coming to an end!".  Remember last year when the world was supposed to end?  That preacher spent his life savings to post signs everywhere.
If you were directly told, "This man right here is the Messiah and his name is -" you would no doubt be unable to accept it.  That's how the Israelites acted when Jesus boldly proclaimed he was the Messiah.  The same in our time. 

When has there been a time when a man proclaimed boldly to the world - not just his followers proclaiming after his death - while he was alive that he was the fulfillment of God's words besides Jesus?  No one until recently.  There have been many false prophets, but they all are either still in jail or met a fatal end taking their followers with them and the fruit of their foundation ended within .

Yet there is one that is alive in your time who has boldly proclaimed he is the one we awaited.  He was imprisoned six times, tortured, near death for the sake of peace.  He works to bring about an end to Satan's reign on the earth. 

It is up to every person to find out who he is for themselves.  How can a repeat of what happened in Jesus' time be avoided?  This being Jesus not being fully accepted as the Messiah.
The Messiah Rescues God's Ideal
The entire history of restoration is a history of God seeking to restore the order of love.
Have you ever realized how love doesn't seem to last?  Many people wonder why God would create such a situation for his children.  It is so agonizing once love ends.
This is because our love is not centered on God's love, it is more of a self-centered love.  The world of free sex, sex outside of marriage is rampant in American youth.  He abhors Satan's love. Satan's illicit love is a one-way street to the bottom of hell; the world is running down that street 
Love outside of God, false love originated from fallen Lucifer.  His love destroys people's lives.  When God's enemy destroyed true love, he also destroyed morality.  False love was able to destroy God's children all throughout history.  Laws one at a time are being changed in order for people to be free to behave like animals.  Does this originate from God?
Why does false love feel so real; because it is still love at a lower level and it is very temporary. 
God's love is eternal and progressive which lives for the sake of the other.  Satan knows God's supreme ideal for His World and wanted to destroy God's ideal.  Satan stole the pure love of God  and used it as his own weapon.
Before we can recognize the Messiah, we have to recognize what he comes to specifically restore.  The one God ordains to restore what was lost is the Messiah.  So, lets first look at what was lost that Satan specifically took.
Love a weapon?
This video uses the "Divine Principle" textbook to explain how love, which God created, can derail humans from God's path. 

We must return to the Garden of Eden to see the origin of our internal and external conflicts that plagues the world today.  We must know that what happened in the Garden of Eden is repeated daily and hourly because the truth of what God commanded was taken literally. 

The commandant not to eat a fruit was not speaking of an actual fruit.  In order to begin to understand how to end the world and individual conflict we need to see that we still listen to fallen Lucifer as did Adam and Eve and we still "eat of this fruit".  At a much later date, we can delve into the Fall.
Who is the Messiah?
Where in the world will the Messiah return?  Will he return in Africa where Adam and Eve originated?  Israel, the Middle East?  You have to look how God prepared for Jesus to come.  Two thousand years of preparation of a people and one thing was for sure, God did not place Jesus in a war torn atmosphere or a place of extreme political unrest.  Are these two areas of the world a place for God's son to peacefully settle?
How about Europe and America?  Is the Messiah an old white man like John Wayne?  Will he return on the foundation of South America?  Will he be born in the family of the Royal Family? 
How about Asia?  Will he stand on the footstool of Communist China?  How about Japan?  North Korea?  Which place has a history of not starting wars, and domination of other countries? Which of these countries found a people of culture with a beautiful language which embodies hope?  North and South America? Asia? Africa? Middle East? South Korea?
If you have one child after 2000 years of waiting for his birth, and there was no more children to come for you, which country has such a glorious history and culture that you would send your only son to bear your fruit?

God prepared Israel for 2000 years for Jesus and they failed to accept him as Messiah and completely follow him in faith and works until his death.
The Israelites thought that every proclamation that Jesus made was blasphemous.  They were stuck to the Old Testament of the Ten Commandants and here was Jesus trying to bring them to the New Testament Age.  "Love your brother and sister as thyself" seems second nature teaching to us, but remember it was new to his people.  Now the Messiah comes to bring the Completed Testament.  They do not hear him.  Is Jesus going to find faith on earth when he returns?
Maybe not.
He didn't ask were there going to be many followers, believers on the earth; he asked if there was going to be anyone with "faith" on the earth. To see someones faith you have to look into their hearts, do you know any one's true heart?
God knew that as before, there might be a possibility where many people will not be able to accept this new truth of the Completed Testament that the Messiah proclaims in this new millennium.
As the New Testament was a revelation for the Israelites, in our time when the hero gives us God's words they will be a revelation and we may deny it.   This Completed Testament can conquer Satan within our own lives, and we no longer pass it on to our children eventually saving the world.
It will seem blasphemous, but to those with the eyes to see will see, those with the ears to hear will hear and will be able to unite with the Messiah when he returns.
So, we look continuously in the sky for our true hero to return, to save us from the dire situation of the world. We will forever look because that is not where he returned two thousand years ago.  He had feet planted firmly on this earth and he walked this land, this ground as we do - as a human.
So, what should a superhero require to have in order to save the earth?  How will you know who he is? The Israelites thought the Messiah of their time would come from the sky as Elijah had left in the sky upon his chariot. They missed Jesus as the First Coming.
The Messiah came in the flesh and was born of woman and we think that he will just return from the sky the second time.
Well, Jesus already did that. He returned to his living disciples after the crucifixion.  Jesus already had his second coming and gathered them together in order that his teachings would spread everywhere.
How can we say we wait two thousand years for Jesus to return in the spirit when he is already here in the spirit and already came in the spirit.
Millions of Christians will miss the Second Coming because they are looking in the wrong direction the same as the Israelites. The Second Coming will be no different from the first. He will be born of a woman and be born of the flesh.
It is up to every Christian and people of faith to see the Messiah as he returns to earth in the way he had left. How else could God save the earth?

Man of the flesh had made the mistake and made this hell on earth.  Our beginning to turn away from God did not start in the spirit - flesh made the mistake. So he becomes flesh in order to restore the flesh and he does not return alone.
This solves the mystery of why God would "wait" 2000 years.  He always prepares a people, a country and a religion to accept his prophets and Messiahs. 

The people He prepared are none other than Christians.  Yet they are not fulfilling God's providence.  This is why the Messiah returns with the Completed Testament.  His people are all people of faith and those who chose to believe the Completed Testament and follow the Messiah.  In addition, the country is not going to be Israel.
This is the problem that has been passed through the history of Christianity. And the main reason why many will miss the superhero they are looking for to bring the tools for World Peace; they will be looking in the wrong direction.

Please pray for understanding and for God to lead you the way that can open your spiritual eyes and ears to the words that will help you not miss this once in all of human history.
Note:  There is no shortcut way to understand the history of God's work to bring the First and Second Coming. One must first understand God's process of restoration to understand major key points of the bible that have confused people of faith for centuries. 

These points take you from the Garden of Eden all the way to the Second Coming, how can two articles summarize this?  

This video breaks down "The Divine Principle" teaching that is summarized in both of these articles.  Take a look if you want to know more through these beautiful videos.  I did not create this series or do not know the owner, but I surely will let them know I link in the future.

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Today's words come from "The Divine Principle" book based on the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon who spent nine straight years studying ever part of the bible.  To understand more about this community that teaches this principle visit www.familyfed.org

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