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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Is World War III Inevitable? Part I

Many summer blockbusters make our hearts jump with the scenerio.  Could 9/11 on a national every city level happen?  I love Terminator because to me it comes so close to what we envision.  Instead of robots it will be humans that take over America.

At the close of the Regan years, the fall of communism's left hand over the world smashed into history. Yet, communism still exists today with absolute control over their own nation and citizens. The fall of the wall was a universal symbol that communism will no longer be a threat on the world level.

Then recently, China's military actions start alerting Americans again almost throwing us back to the times of daily fears of a nuclear attack. Times have changed since the nuclear threats of the 50s and 60s. Peruse thousands of articles and opinions and the common thought is if World War III happens, it will be with the use of chemicals and the country will not be North Korea or Russia but - China.

Humans Choose Blessing or Curses

To weigh whether World War III is inevitable one always has to look into the reasons of the past wars, their results and how war was avoided in the past. Some believe that World War III was supposed to happen in the 80s but Russia voluntarily submitted to Regan's "Bring down that wall" thwarting Armageddon.

So, why is there any mention of communism and the coming world war if there has been peace in a sense on a international level between the nations? The reason? Free Will.

Always there are two outcomes for every situation. God's way which He said yields blessings, and the other way which He said gives curses. The responsibility of choice is on different levels, from individual, nation to world-wide level. Unfortunately, Americans are currently choosing outside of God's way. In the past God's way to restore a people or a nation involved death, punishment or loss of power. Even though it is 2012, the modern age is ruled by the same law - and so is America.

Why World War Happens

Why does a peaceful God use war to restore the world toward His Will? Wars break out due to political, economic reasons and clashes of ideology. This is true for every war - even conflicts between individuals. The main causes of war are always a providential cause. There are four reasons why wars happen, but we’ll discuss the first two now.

1. World Wars have resulted because the enemy of God uses all of his powers in an all out offense to preserve his sovereignty on earth.

Since humans have fallen in the Garden of Eden, God has given all of His energy to bring humans back to their original positions they enjoyed before The Fall. Gradually century by century He has prepared people and nations on his side to end Satan's dominion over His children.

2. World Wars have occurred in order to fulfill the worldwide indemnity conditions to restore the three blessings that rightfully belonged to Adam and Eve.

We received a tainted version of the three blessings. The three true blessings were for humans to grow to individual perfection then two perfect individuals marry, raise an ideal family, and their children would multiply and the third blessing was to have dominion over the earth.

We believe this already happened, but it hasn't. Or else, we could end communism, we could completely make Satan surrender as a True Child of God and control the environment. This has not happen so it must be fulfilled on all levels.

World War III is Inevitable Based on Free Will

Inevitability means an end result will happen matter-of-factly, but we must remember we have the gift of choice. World Peace was supposed to happen in Jesus's times, but mistakes happened and he must return to give a brighter Testament to God's people.  So when he returns, we as people of faith must join with him.  

With the Messiah we must bring God's enemies to submission without weapons (like Regan) but this time the enemy must internally submit based on the new truth the Messiagh brings.  If we don't - then it is inevitable World War III will happen. World War III is completely based on the choices of those on God’s side.

God gave us dominion through freewill. So we can choose Blessings or Curses. In Jesus's time his own disciples did not choose blessings by deserting him in the end and look what happened to the nation and his people.

When he returns, will he find those willing to have strong faith to stand up against the opposing forces and receive blessing (Heaven on Earth) or will God have no choice but to issue us curses (World War III)? It is a decision for those who truly have faith in God to plant their roots deeply in faith and we will control the outcome.

Part II focuses on the two choices to bring about World Peace and what kind of ideology it will take to conquer God's enemies eternally.

Photo courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


These words are taken from oneof the 8 textbooks taught in the Unification Theological Seminary to high-level scholars and theologians.  With the use of the teachings, millions of those from several faiths, countries and races, have joined together vowing to take one step closer to World Peace in our time.

To learn more about the Unification Movement and the Freedom Society Campaign take a look at www.familyfed.org - the World's fastest and most active universal community.

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