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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God Planned the World of Peace

Why do all of the 60s rock stars and talent shows always talk about or give symbols of peace? It was more than a way for contestants on the Miss America Pageant to win the hearts of the judges. Why do we want it so much. On an individual level we all desire to have peace with our husbands, our neighbors and the people we see at work.

Why don't we have World Peace when so many people want it?

Throughout history people have worked continuously for peace based on human efforts alone.  We look externally at the confrontation between democracy and communism and see the differences between the two ideologies how they assure to individual rights and freedoms.

Then we can look from the viewpoint of God's providence and view them as two children who have lost their parents.  They repeat the relationship of the first two brothers in written history, Cain and Abel and become trapped in the chains of fraternal conflict. 

Human Effort Alone Will Not Bring Peace

Throughout history, peace movements would come to an end and fail to bring peace because they were started and carried out by imperfect human beings.  This is also why the UN which was founded to bring the nations together for peace has also failed to bring an end to wars.  The UN is limited and should confess that it can no longer be the hope to bring World Peace.

 This is why the United Nations, although launched with the splendid dream of realizing world
peace, today must admit its inherent limitations and confess that it can no longer give hope to humanity.

Why God Created Human Beings

The same as an artist and architect draw plans before they create, God had made a plan how the world would interact with one another. He started surprisingly from the model of a perfect being - Man.

Yes, man was not created first, but all that preceded man was created in accordance to the model of God's ideal man. Look at the universe, look at the mountains, leaves, Eco-system and our own internal system and see that it is model after man.

Why did God create Human Beings?  He created them for one purpose and it's not what everyone even the religious think.

 First when God created human beings He made Adam representing all men and Eve representing all women with the intention that they would mature and grow in His true love.  Through this parent-child relationship with God, they would live in attendance to God as their Father and form a True Family embodying God's ideal of peace.
They would cultivate true love through living as one family with God, experiencing joy eternally.  No sadness, depression or divorce would have ever been entered into creation. 

So this is why God created Humans: to experience joy through relating through a family such as this, an ideal families filled with true love.

Science shows that there were other types of beings besides homo sapiens during the biblical account of the first human beings.  But, God created Adam and Eve as the first ancestors of humankind to form the model family, establish the ideal of peace and grow the family of peace into a tribe, clan, nation and then it would reach world of peace. 

And quickly based on this ideal world we would have advanced science quickly and by Jesus's time we would have been to the moon.

Furthermore we would have engulfed the entire cosmos with this true love and been the mediators between the spiritual world and physical worlds.  That means when your loved one dies, God did not plan for there to be sadness.  Spirit world and the physical world would be able to interact freely. 

With our original form and character we would be subject over the spiritual world unlike now when spiritual world dominates humanity for its own evil purpose. 

That means, death is the completion of the ideal of creation as one enters from water, into breathing the air, into their spiritual life as naturally as a butterfly still able to interact freely with humanity.  Having reached full maturity in God's love, when a person then dies, they are no longer limited by their fleshly bodies attached to the earth and take full advantage of the world of creation as a spirit being.

God Strives to Restore Humanity

God must have grieved at losing His ideal for His children in the Garden of Eden.  So, it's possible that He being the Supreme Being would never give up on restoring His children back to their ideal.  Even today as religions enter a new millennium, they have not been able to completely restore humans back to the ideal of creation.

God determines to completely realize the ideal that He implemented from the beginning. God's process of restoring human beings back to His original purpose begins with us as individuals.

This is just the start of how a True Family will lead to a world of peace.  Tomorrow's post will focus more on an ideal of True Family is still in God's plan for us today.

Return for tomorrows post: World Peace Through Family

Photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


This text was taken from one of the 8 textbooks of Dr. Sun Myung Moon and written in everyday conversational tone.

To learn more about the teachings and the Unification Movement - the world's fastest growing global community, please visit www.familyfed.org.

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