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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Starting Point of Love

At the beginning of this blog about 9 months ago, I brought up the notion of perfection.  Is it possible for one to be perfected?  Originally, God created Adam and Eve to reach perfection through full maturity before they consummated in the giving of their fruits of love.

Wouldn't an absolute, almighty being want to have an absolute, perfect being in which to have relations or a corrupted being?  Of course, if God had planned for humanity to live in the perfect world known as the Garden of Eden and had no other choice, but to throw us out after humanity's mistake, would He give up His dream and desire to fulfill the ideal of His creation?

I don't think God would give up.  Therefore, throughout history, God strives to bring humanity back to their original position before the Fall.  He brought religion, countless saints, and the Messiah to turn humanity away from the fallen path we have inherited.

Since our first ancestors misused love away from God, what is the starting point of true love?

The Perfection of the individual

An individual cannot attain perfection by knowledge, power or money.

Rather, perfection is realized through love -- not vulgar love, but the original love. By this love everything is perfected.

Perfection can only be realized through love.  Not just any kind of love but the original love.  Through this love, everything is perfected.  We each are born with five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.  Each senses should be centered on perfected love.  This means that every sensation of our eyes, nose, mouth, hands and so forth should be perfected centering on love.

One cannot abide in that state by oneself. One must be relating ever more closely with a counterpart. One's counterpart is ever changing, and the feelings coming from one's counterpart are ever changing.

When our five senses become one centering on love we then experience the world in a state of ecstasy.  We would be enraptured by our surroundings and lovingly take in the world around us.

God created the mind and body based on love. 

For an individual to become perfect, these must become one. An individual grows to maturity through their eternal give and take action.

The quality of love can fill an enlarged space or shrink to an infinitely small point.  This is heavenly love.  Through the eyes of love, it does not matter if something is big or small.  Small things have their value in small packages and large things have their value in a big package.  This is God's desire to create such a world of love.

To begin the process of perfecting an individual one must start from love then mature centering on love.  This process resembles a bud growing into fruit. Then when the person attains the proper standard of love, God will dwell in his future marriage.  Until his love has matured, there is no basis upon which to bear good fruit.

Everything is created and sustained based upon the law of love. 

Fruit is produced after a flower blooms, the stamen and pistil within the flower engage in give and take action creating a circular motion.  This is the same in the animal world and among human beings.  Everything in creation can only reach completion through the relationship of love, therefore, every entity can become perfect only through love.

When you become one with the core of the realm of God's love, mind and body can be united and become mature.  This is the process how a person who has not fallen grows toward individual perfection.

The perfection of an individual means the unification of mind and body. 

When the mind in the subject position engages in give and take action with the body in the object position, then this unified mind and body becomes the object of God. 

The mind should be unchanging forever.  The mind tends to focus on heaven and the body tends toward the world.

This is based upon the Cosmic Teaching and calls upon us to unite the incorporeal and corporeal worlds.  If a person wants to rule the cosmos, shouldn't they have a united mind and body?  Without a united mind and body, that person will perish.

what should they center on?  The mind and body should unite centered on God and then you become the external God reflecting His inner and outer nature.  How does one unite the mind to a fallen body?  We should center this unity upon love.

You can be your own worst enemy if you cannot unite your mind and body.

The perfection of an individual starts from the point where he or she makes a vertical relationship with God.  It is faith of the parent-child relationship.

What is individual perfection in this day?  As God loves us, this is the law of the Principle. We must also love God because love is only realized when subject and object give and take, there is no separation between God and His children.  This is the starting point for individual perfection.

We should establish a tradition of mutual love, respect and attendance of God as the vertical center.  Then we receive his love as His sons and daughters.

One should fulfill their individual responsibility on their way to individual perfection.  Before God can fully display His love for fallen, unclean man and woman, we must first perfect our character.

What do you think perfection of character means? It means to become a person who can fulfill his or her responsibility. That is to say, one must first be restored to one's original position before the Fall and then reach perfection, finally capable of fulfilling one's responsibility. This process involves a revolutionary change in character.

Since God is the subject partner to love, He requires an absolute object partner in which to have give and take action of love.

Individual perfection means the perfection of character. 

Once you clearly understand that you can obtain true love only after you have perfected your character, you must bear in mind that there is no other way to go besides the way of perfecting your character.

Once a person fulfills their responsibility and become mature people before God in a position to praise and love Him, he or she realizes the perfection of character.    The only way to obtain true love is by perfecting our fallen, sinful character.

People who live externally only in the satanic world has no connection to the realm of heart.

Once you have gone through a revolution of character, then and only then will you be led to true love.  One will never be able to reach perfection as long as they remain selfish, self-centered, have worldly greed, attachment to children, and having cultural superiority.  These are Satan's traps.

To become mature in character we must deny everything in the satanic world, by denying every worldly thing and bear much persecution.  Those who think centered on themselves and not God remain tied to the satanic realm.  Once you inherit God's heart and reached a perfected character, then you can connect with God's standard of character.

We must become people who can meet the standard of the original perfected character by continuously reforming ourselves and fulfilling our given responsibilities.

The Divine Principle, Unification Thought can make you reform and perfect yourself delving into the depths, pains and truths of God's heart.

To reform this world, we must perfect our character one hundred percent. Otherwise, we cannot reach the level of perfect joy.

What if war ended and there was peace all over the world.  Each one of us would not experience perfect joy as long as memories of the Fall remain in us.  How can we call it World Peace if when we go home we cannot be happy or love our wife or children fully because of sin?  We must erase the notion that human beings fell and become beings who are more than one hundred percent perfect.

Where is love's embarkation point, love's encampment, and the place of love's safe settlement?

Among you, some might hope that it is your mind and body. In fact, if your mind and body become the place where God's love can settle safely, then you will become the perfect encampment for unification.

God can safely settle in the mind and body then you become the perfect encampment for unification.  You become the object of God's love and become God's direct son who will inherit the family business which is the enterprise of heaven and earth.  When God witnesses this day wouldn't He cry tears of gratitude welcoming you proudly, "Oh, my son!"?

Where does love start?

We must be able to correspond with the harmony of heaven and earth and carry out our responsibility.

Love begins from a perfected individual after going through adolescence and become qualified to love the opposite sex.  We must correspond to heaven and earth and carry out our responsibility.  However, Adam and Eve did not begin their family in this way.  Their love could not happen where heaven and earth could unite.

They did not have the destined love, but united centered on satanic love.  Every human descended from the first parents who never tasted God's true love.  We do not even understand the concept of a world of true love.  We must each prepare a foundation of true love centered on God, then he comes down for the first time with His love.

God looks down at humans as His masterpiece and cannot help but loving them when He sees them love each other and makes a way for people to join in relationships of love.  God existed first as the Word and thereafter creating all things, created human beings on the last day.  God created Adam as His object partner and the female Eve as Adam''s object partner.

Centering on God, Adam and Eve in the position of subject and object partners are to make a relationship of love. At the same time, God and the two human beings, Adam and Eve, would make a relationship of subject and object partners.

Were Adam to make a subject-object relationship with God, without making a subject-object relationship with Eve, he would not be able to possess God's eternal love, nor could he exist eternally. By only making a relationship with God, Adam would only be able to move in a straight line. The same would apply if he related only with Eve.

Eternity and perfection are obtained not from linear motion, but require spherical motion. To change from linear motion to spherical motion, Adam also needs to make a relationship with Eve as his object partner. Adam alone cannot establish the harmony of life and love.

Everything in creation exists based on movement through three points or it will not be perfect or eternal.    Adam was to approach God through His object Eve and Eve through Adam, not through a straight line.  This way, they would proceed in a spherical movement.  To approach Eve, they would have to have a love relationship, because by himself he does not have the strength to approach God.

We know that Adam and Eve chose love outside of God's realm, but what if they had reached perfection and had completely matured as man and woman to receive the marriage blessing of God instead of getting kicked out.

They would have centered on one love and become Mother and unite with the entire universe.  We see the opposite in our environment in these Last Days.  They would have united with God and have initiated a new beginning in the universe, in heaven and earth.

How could this begin.  The starting point of a cosmos of peace was to be God's love.

Where would be the origin of this God-centered unified love?

God had originally intended that Adam and Eve would mature and embrace all things in heaven and earth.   Their hearts would have overflowed with happiness, enraptured in God's love.    Their love would have hope for tomorrow and be big enough to embrace all future generations.  This would be the starting point for true love to appear uniting man and woman centering on God's love.  By not reaching this level, the starting point of unified love does not appear.

After an individual achieves perfection as a spouse in the conjugal relationship, we should receive public recognition center on God's love to establish the true ideal.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Perfection of True Love

Textbook: Blessing and Ideal Family Chapter, "Perfection of the Individual"

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