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Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to Grow Your Church Part 2

This post is a continuation from yesterday's post of Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon's speech:

6) You Must Possess God's Powerful Love

No matter how strong one is, if I am stronger than he is, then he can be pulled toward me. This is like a magnet. If your love is centered on God . . . If a brazier gives out warmth in the middle of chilly winter, then would people not gather around it? They will gather even if you tell them not to.

This is like how all insects gather around light. Thus, you should be able to move life by revolving around the powerful love of God as the center. What impels life? Love does. The origin of that love is God's love. There is no life that will not be shaken when you approach it with the love of God. You should experiment with this fact.

When I came down to the southern half of the Korean peninsula and was starting in Youngdo, Pusan, I was standing at the position to make the ultimate decision.

Because it was the most serious time in my life, I felt compelled to love comrades, brothers and sisters, and the people more than anyone else has ever done. Because all of my spirit and concentration were intensely focused and God was also at the most urgent state of heart to find one child, family, and nation, God's feelings were fully conveyed through my words.

My speeches at the time were not my words. It was like broadcasting through a microphone. At that time, all those who came could enter the spirit world in one week.

One week is perhaps too long. Within just several hours, there appeared miracles that allowed them to experience the spirit world. That is like sending electronic waves to the physical world. It is like sending God's electronic wave of love. Because this wave radiates out to the world, those who were moved by the spirit world got electric shock and came back again. This type of phenomena took place.

For this reason, you must set a standard. So, having the standard of heart that will allow you to feel without going there, seeing it, or meeting them directly, those who have inherited from good ancestors high heartistic standard can experience a phenomenon much as when the sun rises in the morning, all that are far away and close will equally be able to greet the sun.

Then, how much have you been longing to meet God and Jesus? Were you ever longing enough to have eyes full of tears? This is the problem.

As for me, I had moments when I was so yearning for God that I prayed for more than a week straight without sleep. Then, when I looked up to see the morning sun my eyes squinted . . . I had moments like that.

You must be so full of longing feelings. Otherwise, you will face serious situations in which you cannot completely solve the life and death question of whether or not I can live on as a man. But you cannot die. You cannot die an unworthy death. Therefore, you must confront the question of where you can fundamentally resolve the question of life and death, and there you must have the final conference with God.

You all like me. You would not have come had you known that it would take such a long time. When you find out I am coming, all will rush here. [Smile] Isn't that so? [Yes] You will also all become like that. You will also become like me.

You will come to think that so long as it is my direction, it does not matter where you go. You must understand this. This is the basic principle. You must become a person who longs for a church member more than for those you love. If the members gather with this mind set, then I cannot stand up to leave. My feet do not want to move.

So, in the early days, we stayed up through the night, wives forgot to go home and prepare meals in their homes or send husbands off to work. They followed after me wherever I went, whether it was day or night. Even if I hid in a mouse hole, they tried to follow me in. They do nothing else but follow me.

Why is this so? Because of the presence of love, because God's love is there. You cannot see love, but it gives off something similar to light. This is what is needed. Do you understand? When you think about the place where your beloved mother is, just the thought itself makes you happy. Everything is this way. Therefore, although I do not have anything, this is what I sell. It is the most expensive thing. Do you understand? [Clapping] You understand now? Do you understand how things are? [Yes]

7) Become a Leader in Right Love

If you were able to give love toward Korea that could surpass the world, then that love will never disappear. It will never be that when we go out to the world we won't have any more left to give. When you start out by giving love beforehand, the bundle of love will continue to put more out, because it is able to multiply by thousands to the world. So, love is limitless. Do you understand? [Yes]

The more you give love, the more love will be generated. It will never be exhausted. So there will be room enough to give more each time. The difference is that money, knowledge, and power all will come to an end. All human affairs of the world and all that are based on humanity will come to an end, but eternal true love will never be exhausted no matter how much you tire.

What is surprising is that there will be an eternal continuation of the inner content that will allow you to increasingly approach the infinite. So we arrive at the conclusion that this power is more than enough to run the universe with. [Yes]

The important question is whether or not you are expanding the crucial right to possess that which, is centered on God's love. You must understand clearly. You should understand that it is an issue of such seriousness that you should be willing to even kneel down for the rest of your life and be determined to not get up or pass away unless you can find a resolution to it.

If you cannot do it yourself, then it must be done through others, so that the people should be able to testify, "He is your loving son who has lived to such standard." You will be recognized through this testimony. If not directly, you must be recognized indirectly. Why?

This is much like how in the dispensation of restoration for God to reclaim the Cain position, the Cain figure must acknowledge that the Abel figure is "the loving son of God" or "Abel." Only after that, can God accept him. Striving to get recognized indirectly if you cannot do it directly is the path of the church leaders of Unification Church of today.

I have recognized you and have placed you in the position of loving son of God and myself, but this is not enough. If you cannot bring resolution to it yourself, then you must do it indirectly. Through these dual paths, you must make a determined attempt to secure the recognition. Do you understand? [Yes]

Thus, wives are not your own wives. There still remains before you the task to live for the sake of children as well as a task which, must be consummated with their right of determination of love. Because these tasks still remain unfulfilled, you cannot yet become the subject.

If you follow my above directions the church will develop. If it does not flourish, then what I told you is false. Try it out and see. Have you ever had the experience of waiting for the other members to come and share your meager meal and not eat it yourself even though you are starving? Have you ever waited through the sleepless night for the members who have not yet come back from their work? This is the love of parents. You should not just talk about it, but also live it.

Therefore you must repeatedly set such a foundation. It must become a habit. Do the habits of the fallen world lead you to think of heaven wherever you go? Do you think about it when you are sitting down, or eating?

Are you centered on God 24 hours a day? How is it? You all understand yourselves. When you think of True Parents you should be experiencing your bone marrow melt and your legs shake heavily while walking on a road. This is what happens when the heaven and earth draw their attention to you who have not fulfilled your responsibility. They would say, "Shame! How can children of such a noble Unification family behave that way?"

You should have the heart that is ashamed to see grass on earth and flowing stream, and cry out to dogs in the village as they bark at you, "Go on and bark harder; toward someone like me, dogs should bark." Only when all of you can pass through such experiences, can the agony of heaven, which is hidden deep in the history of the universe, one day be erased.

Due to whose efforts? Due to your own efforts. As the descendants of the fall trying to follow after heaven and serve the parent in heaven, your eyes should always be drenched in tears.

The reason that the church cannot progress is because we have not become one on this issue. It will never be so unless all that you think, hear, and feel as well as your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and your lifestyle are all in line with it. You must long for the members to come. You should yearn for them more than for your own wife and children. Try it out.

If you make an excruciating effort and not even get a second of sleep, you will be able to see clearly a vision of what they are doing. At this moment, all of the good ancestors of the members who are in the spirit world will be linked up and help you. When he finally comes, you should be able to tell him, "such and such things happened yesterday."

Do you understand? Is that how it is? You false ones! After you pray, you will be able to say what time in the morning he will come. You will know all this. Even the time of the visit. If you declare he will come, then he will without fail. This is how great the power of love is. Do you understand? The heart of yearning and adoration is great.

The realm of the heart means God's right of domination, which firmly stands at the center of the connection by love between the kingdom of heaven in heaven and the kingdom of heaven on earth.

This must be set straight in theory. Then there is no room for Satan to invade. He will automatically submit, and you can scold him, "You bastard, where do you think this is . . ." The universe will protect it. Why is the universe providing the protection? Since this is the ideal subject of all things, then all will try to be a part of it, not take something away from it. Accordingly, it will remain under protection.

What can you use to measure whether or not your church is making progress?

With this basic principle -- by seeing whether or not your church is in line with it -- see where the problem is. If this is not set straight, then no matter how much you try, it will not work. It is a great sin to consider the church foundation as the stage of your own life and think of everything in terms of your own convenience. You must represent the world and the nation. Isn't this true? Isn't the world larger?

What do I have to do to move forward toward the world? I myself must sacrifice my individual self to be linked to the family, sacrifice the family to be connected to the nation, and then sacrifice the nation to move toward the world. Then when you return, you do not return in a straight line. You will have made a full circle.

8) Wrap the Church with the Cloth of Love

A person must be sensible in his daily life. You must have an agile mind. Then you must be heartistic. Being sensible means being in accordance with reason. You should be able to examine front, back, left, and right.

You cannot be dull-brained. You should be able to distinguish up and down, front and back, and left and right. Then, your heart and affection can embrace it all. The cloth of affection will wrap them all. It will wrap grandfather and grandmother, as well as a little child. Isn't this true? The cloth of theory is only one-sided, but the cloth of heart is comprehensive. For this reason even an eighty-year old grandmother likes me.

Nowadays, this place has become the resident headquarters of grandmothers. As is also true for the children, if you wrap them with the cloth of love, then everyone likes that. The inside of the cloth of love is a place where all will want to grab each other, and never wanting to be split apart, want to rest and sleep forever.

You must possess that kind of heart. Only then would the mind be at peace. Then, when someone goes near you they will be happy for no reason. If he eats in your house, he will be delighted at the humblest of meals.

When he sleeps in your house, he does not need blankets and can just lie on the bare ground and fall asleep comfortably; and he does not mind staying up for a night prayer vigil. This is how it should be. Is your church like this? Is it like this or not? You must make development in your church. You must develop your church. Since the house is already built, you are the owners of house, and you are the leaders.

But the important issue is how you spend your time in it, how you are sleeping, how you are playing and eating meals. This is not everything. You should be responsible for the church, but you must also take responsibility for the nation. Then be responsible for the world. This is the path we must walk in our lifetime.

9) You Must Pray for the Members Who are Suffering

There are members in your regions that have represented the whole and made contributions as model members. You, as the regional leaders, should clearly understand that if you let those model members go hungry or suffer, then the region or area will not progress.

When I pray for a region or area in the countryside, I do not pray for the regional leaders. I pray for those exemplary members who are doing their utmost to become loyal, and work hard by building a reciprocal base. This is what I must do for our will to progress forward.

We should not commend the leader when the region has done a good work, but should praise those members by whose efforts the leader was able to bring the victory. In the future, the leaders should pray on behalf of the members who have helped him.

You must not be in debt to them in the realm of faith and heart. If there are members out in the frontline who are going through suffering, then even when you are having a meal, you must think of them, and with tears pick up the spoon and with tears swallow your food. A prayer, "God, please take good care of them," must come out unconsciously. If you lack this type of heart, then there will not be any progress. That regional leader will continually suffer.

We must view the thirty million people of Korea with this principle. You must not forget that there are those among this people who are in great misery.

Even while you eat one spoonful of rice or soup, you should pray earnestly, "Heavenly Father, among our people there are those who cannot even eat this, so please give this to them. Since all in the universe is yours, please give to them." This type of desperate heart of giving must reach the end of the hair of this people. This is how you should be, so you certainly should not do things in attempt to receive something.

10) You Should Take the Role of Father and Mother

For that couple (the Dursts), what is important is that they are united. You should know that because they help each other, they have become examples. Moreover, the whole group tries to fulfill the responsibility of father and mother, and new members also try to do the same . . .

You must create an environment in which you become attentive to a new member who has just heard the Principle, asking as soon as you return whether or not he has become a member yet, and inquiring before you eat or put on clothes, despite your hungry stomach, whether or not he has become a member yet. Isn't this how it should be? This is the fundamental principle of progress. There is none other besides that.

In order for the church to develop, you must love the elderly. You should also love the youths, but you must first love the elderly. Regardless of their attire and appearance, you should not think of them as strangers. You should have the heart of a parent. With this type of heart you should pray, "Please let me become one who leads one's life centering on God's will."

11) You Must Win the Sympathy of Your Colleagues

When I look at all of the Unification Church members of today, I ask the question, why is it that although our present responsibility is making a step forward, we are experiencing stagnation? Regional leaders have been self-centered so that they were not in a position to be sympathized by the other regional leaders around them, or were not in position to win sympathy from the headquarters and me.

Furthermore, they did not build the basis for heaven, earth, and all of humanity of today to sympathize with them. For this reason you become exhausted, and wherever you stand there is loneliness, and the foundation that you stand upon heads towards destruction. You must understand this.

For this reason, those who are in a position of responsibility must stand on the foundation that will always leave behind God's sympathy, and only then will the descendants that follow after him become filial children and patriots before heaven. You should take this to heart, and when you go back to the regions, you should become adaptable to the present era, and I wish that after laying the foundation that is in line with God's standard, you should mobilize all of your abilities to carry on the work.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  

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