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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Kind of Hope, Goes Beyond Death

The meaning of the Korean word toraganda

We know that the spirit world exists.

Since we were born from the spirit world, then we must return there.

The word toraganda, which means to die, is interesting.

We do not return to a cemetery, but to the place of our origin.  We do not depart from the cemetery

We return across the vast expanses of history and beyond its origin.

When we return as a human being does not mean we are born and return as a Korean or an American.

If one dies as a Korean, they do not return on that path as one.  We return to the original world that brought our ancestors forth.

What does that mean?

We all return to the place of our Creator.

We originate from the Creator, that is where we return.

The universe works in a circular motion: the snow that covers the mountain melts and flows down  into the valley and into the oceans and rivers.  Then it evaporates and returns to the mountains as rain to complete the cycle.

Everything circulates. 

Where do we return?

We all have a desire to return to a higher and better place.  No one wants to get smaller.

The laws of nature dictate that the everything diminishes through action.

If something rolls, it does not roll for eternity.  It begins to roll rapidly and then it decelerates and finally stops.

The place to which we must go

Even though we live in this world, it is not the only world that exists.

The spirit world indeed exists.

God did not intend for this world and the spirit world be separate but to be integrated.
Where do we are we to go and live?

Of course, while we live physically on the earth we are all destined to go to the eternal world.

Ordinarily, people are born, pass their youth, reach their prime, enter old age and enter their second life like the setting sun.

Those you know about the eternity of spirit world, know that this lifetime is just a fleeting moment compared to where we go after we pass.

Our life here is only meant to prepare us to welcome the world of eternity.

The day we pass on is a precious day

If the world Adam and Eve had followed God’s direction, a unified world would have been formed.

Adam’s birth, his wedding day and the day he returned to the earth would have been commemorated dates where the world would celebrate.

The world would have been a unified brotherhood of one people if man followed God.

We would now be a people that lived in one world.

All of the customs throughout the history of humankind and  the cultures would have been inherited eternally from the Garden of Eden.

On the other hand, we inherited the wrongful seed the first man and womn planted.

The spiritual connection of life and death

No matter how much we try to avoid it, we will all enter death when our time comes.

Everyone enters spirit world in different states.  Some die at a ripe old age while others die at a young age.

Those who die untimely deaths, may die due to punishments to indemnify their ancestors, their own sins or the sins of their society, people and the world.

“If three prominent young people in a village die, good fortune will come to that village. If three promising youths of a clan die, good fortune will come to that clan. In other words, indemnity must be paid. It applies everywhere. The principle or causality operates everywhere.”

If God placed a person in a central position that had the same value of that of a total of a thousand people, if those thousand people followed him as he walked the path of death, they, too will enter the same blessed realm as he.

The reason people try to discover the thoughts of patriots and sages and follow them is to enter the same realm of their blessing.

Last year several members went to spirit world.

This year, several more will go there. Why do we speak about this?

Once we reach a certain stage and go up toward other stages, we cannot avoid to pay indemnity along this path of restoration.

There are people on earth that live with hope and some who live without hope.

There are two kinds of hope: humanistic and God-centered hope.

From the day we are born, we grow up thinking that our mother’s bosom is the best thing there is.  Once we leave our mother’s bosom, we come to have friends and believe they are the best thing around.

No matter how much we come to love our friends, we depart from them.

As we grow older, we find that neither our loving parents, spouse, or children can completely satisfy our hopes.

People have hope, but eventually when they are unfulfilled those hopes vanish.  We have hope four our family, country or even for our world.

But these hopes may fade as we age.

There are not many who live on earth that have a firm conviction that have hope to be proud of.  The hope that they were unable to live apart from at one time, they now do not believe that it is worth losing their lives over.

After living here on earth, we are all destined to fight and go beyond death like Jesus did.

People may have certain types of hope, but in the end, when they pass away, they will abandon these hopes.

They will wander about to seek a new hope

When people look from their own situation, they think they are hopeful, but they are unable to have hope that goes beyond death.

If people do not have such hope, they cannot pass the summit of death.

They disappear from earth without having hope.

Are we going to be people who understand this pattern of life, or will we seek hope that can last and laugh at the face of death?

All things of this world will pass away. 

Our nation, world, families will pass away.

Ideologies and philosophies will pass away as well.  What will then remain.

It is the hope where we can fight and win over death.  If we do not have such a determination, then we are failures in our life.

On the other hand, there is a group that from birth knew to reject the secular world’s desires and their humanistic thinking.  They live embracing a heavenly hope, an eternal hope.

Heaven has made limitless efforts in order for the fallen humanity on earth to live with a kind of hope that goes over the peak of death with a new hope and live regarding the eternal world.

People who live a life of faith should not embrace fallen, humanistic hope.  They should live dreaming of the eternal world of hope that conquers death.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: 

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Five, Chapter Two, Section 2.

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