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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Our Spirit Body Resides in Spirit World

Spirit is the essence of life

Wherever a nucleus exists, there is a related being that revolves around it.

On the same token, humans are meant to revolve around God.

God naturally pursues restoring our minds, like an electron, because we relate to God’s which is like a nucleus.

When we seek the word of truth, we can feel God's life pulsating.

The harmony of God’s love is within in His Word.

Once we seek God’s love and life through the path of truth, we then become people of value.  The truth is eternal and unchanging.

We find the truth once we begin to distinguish the difference between good and evil in the fallen world.
We must be selfless and self evaluation.

The Bible also teaches us that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and that those who humble themselves will be exalted (Matthew 23:12; Luke 14:11; 18:14).

In essence, we are spiritual beings.

We may not realize the depth of how much living for the sake others until we go to the

If God, a selfless being, created us in His image, why do we persist so much in living selfishly?

It is because all of humanity inherited the sinful blood of the angel who fell away from God.  Satan contravened the heavenly law.

We have a spiritual body which needs to be nourished by spiritual food.

To be able to stand and survive on God’s side, you need to train yourself to like the taste of spiritual food more than physical food.  God’s words tastes as sweet as honey.

A life based on spiritual power, far exceeds that of a life centered on physical might.

The meaning of lord of all creation

Who is the lord of all creation, and what does the term mean?

People may say that human beings are lord of all creations, but fundamentally, God is.

Since we know that the spirit exist within each of us and we are the leaders among the spirits, finally, we are lords over all creation that is directly connected to God.

Human beings cannot become the lords of all creation on their own. 

How can a created being become a lord over the creation?

As created beings, we are a reciprocal and resultant beings.

“The lords of all creation I am referring to are those occupying the central position in the spirit world. I am talking about the originally intended relationship of oneness between God and humankind.”

Those lords of all creation are in the position to communicate with God.
Even though we are called the lords of creation, not all of fallen humanity is qualified to be one.

Those who live selfish individual lives are not eligible to join the club of the lords of creation.

Those who live their lives seeking the greater good are eligible to go to heaven.

God seeks to fulfill what He wishes through such people.  Heaven will become theirs.

Therefore, people should live eternally.  Yet, in this evil world, people do not see the difference between the death of an ant and that of a human being.

How can such people be true lords over the creation?

Our mind does not age; it is immutable and carries the highest authority.

Everything else undergoes change.

Even pure gold weathers away.

So, how can be we determined to be the lords of creation?

It would not be through money, knowledge, or power, but rather, God’s sublime love.

Inner person and outer person

What is our original destiny as humans?

We are meant to enjoy perfected love and take these values of praise and respect within the realm of God’s absolute love.

Humanity emerged amidst the complete union and harmony of the destinies of heaven and earth. 

Hence, we have an invisible mind and a visible body which corresponds to spirit world.

If we were aligned to this original destiny, would our minds and body be in conflict or would they be in unity?

They would be in total unity.

Your inner self and your outer person are also in conflict with each other. Do you feel a constant struggle when you want to do good things?

This is why God has been working hard to restore us to our original selves.

When will this conflict end?

It will not happen automatically, but will take much effort and faith.

Many believe that God created human beings with this conflict within ourselves.  If we were ordered in this way, then God would not be a god with a single purpose but a god with two separate purposes.

He would not be a God of peace, but a chaotic god.

Every law in the universe pursues a certain purpose, but they do not counter cross or conflict with other laws.

Therefore, we can see that we were not created in a conflicted way either.

Let us seek our original good mind and push aside our fallen bodies that want to go in the wrong direction.

Which do you think is more important: our physical self or our spiritual self?

The flesh has a shelf life of about a hundred years, but our spirit is eternal.

Our spirit is more important.  The body disintegrates into nothingness sooner or later while the spirit has the power to transcend both time and space.

We should understand this original purpose God has for us and fulfill this responsibility.

No matter how well you live in this physical reality, our bodies will perish in the final analysis.  This is how we are made.

Then which are more important: spiritual standards or physical standards?

We are not equipped to live based on physical standards.  We have become like this because after the Fall we have becomes self centered.

The flesh exists for the spirit and vice versa. 

Do not get stuck in the rut of a secular lifestyle.

We should become people who combine our spirit and flesh in a position to save the flesh from its low position of sinful activity.

The purpose of life on earth is mind-body perfection

Why does God have a Will?

It is so humanity can become perfected spiritually and physically.

Individually, our spirit represents the past and our body the present. 

Both of these worlds were invaded.

We are in the position to conquer the present satanic world and the past satanic world spiritually.  When you are able to uphold the standard of the mind subjugating the matter, your future will be blessed.

We should know that the physical world is the subject, not the spirit world.  This is the place where we achieve perfection.

Life on earth is very precious.

After humanity followed the wrong path, the spirit world has wrongly dominated this world.

When there is perfection in the physical world, this encompasses the perfection in both the spiritual and physical worlds.  This is what the Bible means when it states that whatever is bound on earth is bound in heaven.

Restoration from our fallen self is only through the physical body.

Return for Tomorrow’s Post: The Path We Must Take

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book Five, Chapter One, Section 2.

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