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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Leave a Tomb of Love Behind

What to leave behind before going to the spirit world

Leave a tomb of love behind

When we think of eternity, we don’t think of just a few decades or centuries, but we think in terms of millennia, tens of millennia or eons.

When people die, they are no different from animals. 

Even atheists think that they should make a name for themselves before they die.

Yet, what is the use in leaving a name?

Even if you did so, historically speaking, something that was considered good during a period of prosperity can later be viewed as bad during a period of decline

Even a great American patriot can be honored with a monument, but when America perishes it will disappear.

God’s purpose is to leave His prosperity to populate the earth.

When we leave children of the Living God behind on the earth and stand before God in the spirit world, we stand in His position.

This is the meaning behind the Genesis verse, "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”

What is it you need to do with your life?

You need to leave a tomb of love behind.

You may feel bitter sorrow if you live in a place like a tomb, but you will feel no sadness if you leave a tomb of love behind in your lifetime.

Our life becomes successful for eternity if we live in this way and die.  Then God will bring His sons and daughters to welcome you in the spirit world.

If you do not have a ring on your finger, then God will put a diamond ring of the Kingdom of Heaven on your hand.

If you do not have fine clothes, God will dress you with the finest royal apparel fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Witnessing determines property rights in Heaven

What you own in spirit world is determined by how many citizens you bring to the Kingdom of Heaven.

They will be your assets, your eternal assets.

It is the time where millions of people can be witnessed to in a day through the Internet.  We have such potential.

How many people are wandering around like lunatics wondering whether they will live or die.

The bigger your heart of love is when you enter the spirit world, the more people will line up to be with you. 

A person who lived with such love while on the earth will be respected in the spirit world.

Myriads of people will flock around this person and want to live with him.  He will become exceedingly wealthy in this world.

What kind of person becomes wealthy in the next world?

The person that lives for the sake of love while on earth will be wealthy in the next world.

Witnessing is the way to collect blessings of love. 

We become owners that recover the property of heaven that has been stolen by thieves from the satanic world.

We approach these people with the heart of loving their mother and father more than they do and bring them back to God and blessings related to love.

If you live in this way, even if you are poorly treated, you will not perish.

Thousands if not millions of saints and all of the things of creation will follow you and you will therefore become wealthy naturally.

You enter the spirit world without money. 

As people of faith, we should take care of Satan’s children with the heart of the Father.

If each member was to witness 120 people and bring them to the Kingdom of Heaven through engrafting them to the Messiah’s pure lineage, a condition to save them will be established.

In order to go through the twelve pearly gates in the spirit world, you must, while on earth, recover the citizens of heaven from Satan.

To recover God’s lost, you must do so through shedding tears of blood and sweat with the heart of true love for the creation.  Invest your heart more than your forefathers and mothers, wives, sons and daughters of the satanic world have done.

If you are unable to do this before crossing over to the next world, you cannot claim any heavenly citizens as your own.

In proportion to the number of citizens you add to heaven, you leave a condition to place you in a position of glory and a close proximity to God

You do not take money, glory or position to the next world, but the name lof the Unification Church.

What you should do from now on is make many sons and daughters as possible for God to love.

During this time of recovering God’s children from the satanic world whom God can directly love, your deeds will be linked to your ancestor and help liberate them from the bonds of hell.

This is the greatest gift you can obtain through this path of restoration.

Even if you obtain the high position of a regional director, if you do not have any spiritual sons and daughters, you will go to the spirit world with an empty can in your hand, because you won't have even one person attached to you.

Heaven is an infinite world requiring bridges linking up with the heart of love. 

Thus, the more the people you witnessed to spread over the world, the more extensively you will be able to get around in the spirit world.

Everyone will want to link up with you.

The relationships that you are able to resolve in heaven because of having resolved them on earth will create a vast base of activity when you go to the spirit world.

It will all be yours.

Therefore, your activity can spread out to the entire spirit world based upon this standard of living.

If you do not have this base, you will be pushed into a corner and your activities will be restricted.  There is no time to be idle and rest in this process of bringing God’s children back to His bosom.

We must therefore recover heaven's citizens. They become your assets there.

We must quickly digest all of evil humanity and the world. If we do this, all the spirits in the next world will undergo returning resurrection.

If the satanic lineage reverses to God’s foundation, then the archangel who brought destruction and dominated Adam will listen and follow him.

The original ideal was for Lucifer to follow and have absolute obedience to God’s children and enter the realm of Adam’s love together with God’s love and naturally enter heaven with Adam.

This is the principle.

Since humanity was unable to fulfill this while on earth, a mess was caused which needs to be cleaned up.

We are to open the way for restoration through indemnity, reversing bad history. 

Therefore, you must realize the tremendous value of witnessing.

The important question is how many people you can register into the realm of eternal life.

We must bear fruit.

On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus went up to a fig tree to see if it had any fruit. When he found it to be without fruit, he cursed it, and it withered and died.

This is how it is for those who do not bear fruit for God.

What is the use in keeping up appearances for others, you should create familes that will become your harvest.

You need to bring 120 people, even hundreds.

Without being able to do that, it does not make sense for you to love your own sons and daughters.

Why 120?

The number 120 represents the nations of the world at the time of Jesus. The 430 families are equivalent to all the surnames in one nation. The 430 families represent 4,300 years of Korean history.

“Through them, I opened the gate for the citizens represented by these surnames to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Although I have opened it, it does not mean they have actually entered.”

This is not empty talk; it is logical. Do not kill time.

Only when you give birth to sons and daughters and raise them up during your younger years can you leave to your descendants a foundation to be proud of.

Only when your children become great people can you stand proud before history. Without such actual results, you might be accepted at the family or village level, but not at the national level.

To have such a foundation, you need actual results that can be passed on as a tradition to your children.

For this reason, everyone desires to leave something behind for the nation, world, and heaven and earth.

This applies to you, too.

Have a clear understanding that your main purpose in life is to have ownership.

Therefore your thinking on the way toward God’s will is never to give up, even if you do not like walking this path.

“Why would I take on that responsibility even if it means I have to go to prison and suffer there alone to save people from suffering in such circumstances.

“People in suffering circumstances will follow if it can benefit them. By following, they are harvested.

“When I go to the spirit world, because all I have done will be welcomed as something public, I will go to the highest position of the heavenly kingdom.”

If citizens are well educated, the nation prospers. 

The same principle applies to you.
How well can your reason with people, straighten out their wrong attitudes and leave behind your ideals that are centered on the realm of life of the heavenly kingdom.

If we accomplish this, then the world will be restored quickly.

This is why you should devote your life to raise such people.

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