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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Be Like God and His Heart

We are modeled after God’s heart and heavenly character

Even the healthiest and richest person has to one day discard their physical body and move on to the spirit world.

Therefore, since death is inevitable, we must all prepare and be ready for it.  We should endure the hardships on earth in order to form a good character that will live in the eternal world.

While in the womb, we need good prenatal care in order to be born healthy.  In the same way, our life on earth is like the womb.

As we grow, we risk our lives to overcome obstacles that hinder us from becoming like God’s form, heart and character.

Do not sin

An electrical pole stands upright just as the mind is straight.  This is why people walk upright - to make your mind completely vertical.

The body forms a horizontal line. The perpendicular force and the force of rotation must be balanced. Accordingly, you must find yourself.

When you say that you are yourself, God should agree with you.  Then your relatives, your clan, and the nation must also agree that what you say is right.

The one who is accused by them is the problem.

In the future, continents will not be as segregated by borders as it is now, but divided between frigid zones and temperate zones.

The time will come when Heaven on Earth will become a reality. Those who want to continue to sin will be sent to the North Pole just like patients with contagious diseases are quarantined.

Live and die for the world

“I did not work hard for the sake of the Asian situation or the Korean people. Think about how to fulfill your responsibilities in the global field and be willing to die for this cause.”

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

We must live and die for the sake of the world and go beyond the individual and family level and stand on the global level.

What position should we leave the earth?  We should die while embracing our loving spouse, family, tribe and nation.

How will the founder of the Unification Church die?

“I will die for the sake of the world, while embracing its people and the Republic of Korea also. If the Korean people unite and die for the sake of the world, there will be a path for them to be able to live with the world. That is why I go forward seeking that path.”

Work hard

“If you need money, make it. If you need people, work hard without eating and sleeping to raise them on this path.

“Never ask anyone for help. Do not rely on the church headquarters for help; you should help them instead. Work more than three times harder than ordinary people.

“That is why, if I were to live for 70 years, my life content would actually be equivalent to 210 years. Likewise, don't think of living for I00 years; instead, think of working three times harder than others.

“If you were to live that way for 70 years, it would be worth 210 years. Think this way: if you worked ten times harder, you would live 700 years; if you worked twenty times harder, you would live 1400 years.

“You should work twenty-four hours a day throughout your entire life. Only when you live that way can you bear fruit and increase your ownership of love in the spirit world.

“Your fortune of love will grow. Your ownership will grow and your sphere of activities will expand.”
Work for the public good

All the laws of heaven promote public righteousness.

Private matters belong to Satan, and public matters belong to God. 

Go the way of public righteousness.
If everyone opposes you while you stand this course and you are not disturbed by the opposition and go the way of hardship with vitality, you will become a person whom heaven will welcome.
You can observe this principle yourself.  If you see a shopkeeper who is greedy, you will notice that the customers will not buy things from him.

No one likes a greedy person.

Everyone naturally knows how to manage one’s life when it comes to public and private matters.

If you do not make it to heaven, you cannot make the excuse that you did not know how to properly manage your life.


We already know the distinction between matter that are public and private without being taught.

Let’s say you had a delicious snack that was equally split between you and your sister.  You already ate your share, but your sister keeps her share.

You wake up late at night hungry and you secretly eat your sister’s cake which she had her heart set on to eat maybe with breakfast.

Just before you eat it, or while you are thinking about eating it, your own conscience will cry out, “You devil!”

You should be able to feel your conscience protest before you do an evil act.

Why? Because your conscience pursues public matters. If you follow private desires you will perish.

A mind that follows the laws of heaven is a mind that defends and protects a person from falling into destruction.

God originally had such a mind, human beings came to have the same mind from the start.

This law is not made by man.

Can you reason with your mind that you want to do an unlawful deed because that is the way you think or the way you are?  Would the mind surrender and follow your way?

We may not know directly where the conscience receives its instructions from, but we know it is not from us.

Our mind chooses public over private matters.

When people struggle at they come to the crossroads between good and evil, and public and private matters, they finally fall into a self-centered private life.

Those who fall into a selfish lifestyle will eventually perish no matter how successful they become.

Therefore, they should repent for their past, private lives and push themselves back into a public way of life.

People waver between going the way of a private life to a more other-centered lifestyle.

But after the Fall, people are more inclined to live a private life where they only concern with themselves and distance themselves from the public good.

This is how you have lived your life of faith until today, so therefore, you should repent for living a private life-style.

We all want good fortune and to live forever.

But in order to do so you must become public people.

Become people who don’t just love your children only as your own, but become people who love their children as an offering for the sake of the people in the world who are suffering.

When holding your babies to your breasts and nursing them, think of yourselves and your babies as representatives of the entire human race on earth.

Nurse your babies with such a heart.

Instead of just caring for your own children’s wellbeing, cherish other people’s children as if they were your children with a loving heart.

Babies who are raised by such mothers will certainly become great people.

Such a result may not come to the surface right away, but after the first and second generation of
descendants, great figures who can rule the world will be born in that family.

This is the formula.

Which lifestyle do you prefer to  live to indemnify the past: private or public?

Both have a purpose.

But those who stand up at the risk of their lives to devote themselves for the public good will become great people.

A new history will be created by a group of people like this.

Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Living Just for Self is Evil

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook Cheong Seong Gyeong written by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

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