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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tradition of Love

Which tradition of value do you think will last for eternity?  That tradition would need to be based on love.  Do you think God needs law?

The primary purpose of law is to protect humanity.

Would the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth require the citizens to abide by a Constitution?  It will be based on the life power of love.

The most fundamental center of value is the power of love.  So, all heavenly law is designed to protect that tradition forever.  This fundamental unchanging characteristic comes from God.  He values the life power of love.

This is the foundation of the creation.  The whole universe is designed to promote these qualities.

Love is never self-centered. but is always for others.

In a sense, the purpose behind creation can be deemed as selfish because God was seeking joy through an object partner.

But essentially God's sweat and labor went into making His object perfect and comfortable within the creation.

The law says that love is for others, therefore God needed an object.  God needed an 'other' which He could exercise the power of His love.

God needs an object to fulfill His love, and man was created in that position.

He did not create man to obey God's every order, on the contrary, God created man to mature into perfection and become co-creators to the object, creation.

The whole universe was built to give joy to man. 

Have you ever felt deeply that God created the whole universe as a gift for you?

He created it for you because He wants you to be a subject of love, with the creation as your object.

Suppose you created something that you enjoy, but someone else is intrigued by what you have made and wants it?

When you see how someone feels about something you made, you have the impulse to give it to him so that he can keep loving it.

If someone loves your creation more than you do, you want to give it to him.  This means God takes after you!

This analogy of an object of love applies perfectly to this universe.  If you see a cute white mouse God created, or a furry kitten, God would tell you to take it home and enjoy it.

All creation exists to give you stimulation of love as your object.  

Everything is a masterpiece of God's.

When He sees that you love what He made more than He loves it, He will love you for that as well.  God can't help, but love you in that case.

When you love the things God custom made, He will be following behind you.  Wouldn't He want to hug you then?

You will feel a presence behind you and when you turn around, God is there to embrace you tighter and tighter.

Once He squeezes you where you plunge into His heart of love, you will feel deeper and deeper joy.

If you were to get a heavy shot of God's love, you will be completely intoxicated.  God would also be intoxicated and feel perfectly satisfied to see His child enjoying His love.

The more there is intoxication in the love of God, the more perfection will increase.

This universe should be the world of people drunk in God's love. 

This is the ultimate state where God, man and all things of creation have been looking forward to.

Now we are getting down to the very origin of good and evil.  The definition of Satan is ANY power or person which destroys the life power of love.

The line between good and evil have been blurred by today's 'do as thy will' world.

People generally know that the family and nation are good.  This is because that is the stage where love can blossom.

The virtue in the family is filial piety.  In the nation, the virtue is patriotism.  On the world level, the life of a holy man, saint is a good thing to achieve.

Even though people these days do not specifically know what is good or bad, they still have a general idea.

You came into existence through your parents' love, but your life does know on its own whether it has love.

So while you grow, you must listen to your parents with filial piety.  It is through them that you will learn what love is.

When you love your father and mother, ultimately, your love goes up higher and higher, returning to God, the origin.

The question of which came first the chicken or the egg can be answered that they are the same thing.
For everything returns.

The seed goes back to the fruit, which goes back to flowers and ultimately returns to the origin.

Why should we love our parents?

Because they are a rung on your ladder leading to God.

You are the center of the circle of love which begins with God and continues through your parents.

You can think that together you are a team.  As the center, you will learn the pattern of love through the family.  Then you create your own circle by finding your mate and having children of your own.

Love brings unity. 

Why do you love your siblings?

Through loving them, you are bringing God into your circle.

Through your experience in your family, perfect love, the family unit is your workshop of love.  Once you combine your family unite with others, you create a society, which is an even greater workshop of love.

This same principle works in the nation.  Thus, love in the family expands eventually becoming love in a nation, world, cosmos, and finally becoming one with God.

On the individual level, a heavenly man lives this virtue of the life power of love leading from the family to the world.

There will be no boundaries or resistance to hinder on who is running this way to the love of God.

Once you acquire this heavenly quality within you, you are able to make yourself at home wherever you go on earth for your God is the God of every nation.

The very life power of love will thrust you all the way to the top.

You already have life power within you, but love must strike a spark within you to spur you on further.

Love power is like the electricity which turns the motor.  

When it starts to turn in the power of love, all kinds of love and beauty are created in our universe through the harmony of many things turning in many directions.

You have not seen this hypothesis in action, but hearing it makes you feel good, doesn't it?  You will still try it because you have never heard anything better than this.

If you knew it was a proven truth, would you bet your life on it?

Many national church leaders attended this speech.  They would naturally tell members that everything should be done through the national leader, but the real question is, are those leaders becoming powerful in love?

If you are powerful without love, you are only a tyrant. 

But if a person of love is on top, he can dig all the way down to the bottom.

That person has total freedom.  Nothing will stop him.  So, he can go all the way up and down with absolute liberty.

Even if he goes all the way to the bottom of hell, everyone there will love him.

He will be able to get out of hell and go all the way up to the throne of God.  He will be perfectly acceptable there.

Maybe a leader thinks that he can do whatever he wants and believes the members should obey him.

Energy and power are fine, but if they are exercised without love, you create nothing but hell. 

Maybe those national leaders believe that they are infallible and their power is sacred.  But this is not good behavior.

They should be totally obedient to higher authority.  Only then do they have the authority to guide their members.

The Divine Principle and God are trying to lead the Unification Church to a certain goal, but even within the Church there are influences trying to lead people in the other direction. A national leader should be like a sacrificial parent who works harder and suffers more than the children.

When you become the personification of the love of God, then even though you go down, people will lift you up high and the universe will also lift you up.

Always shed tears of love. 

There are two kinds of tears: tears of sadness shed in tragedy, and tears of love and joy.

If you are really crying out in the joy of love, so loud that you wake up the world, then this is good tears.

If you are centered on love, then even if you hit or bite a person this is love.  You become controversial, it will be a dramatic heroic thing, not an evil thing.

We have been talking about tradition.  In many ways, people today follow only external traditions that have lost their internal meanings and have been almost forgotten.  Young people aren't very attracted to them.

If young people heard about tradition of love and conscience this morning, however, they would want to follow it.

In religious history, there has been emphasis on service and sacrifice.  These are the methods of living a tradition of love.

The church also has additional external traditions, such as fundraising and witnessing.

Do you like the internal traditions, but not the external ones?

How do you show that you have the internal tradition if you do not have a diploma to prove it?  To get a doctorate, you have to begin from elementary school level and get good grades all along the way.

Would anyone need to see your elementary school certificate once you get your Ph.D?

In the same way, you must be certified.  You need a fundraising certificate which testifies that you have loved all things of creation.

Your witnessing certificate will testify that you have loved people.  You should become a Ph.D in loving men and all things of creation.

With such a certificate, you are eligible to have your mate.  No one would want to marry you until then!

Would there be any woman who would want to marry a man without any qualifications?

In your own home is where you actually practice love of all things and of people.  If you don't already have experience in that area, then you will not know how to build a real family.

When you fund raise, you work with unselfish dedication for others.

While you fundraise, you will have many experiences with people, and receive persecution from some while you also learn how to love all types of people.

When it is your turn to create your family, you will do things for the family, clan and nation.  Fundraising is basic training for this kind of foundation.  For that same spirit is extended in loving your society, nation and world.  Then this tradition will be built in society.

Fundraising teams are the best place to practice this, so all members must go fundraising.

You do not love things for your own sake, but for others.

This is the beautiful tradition you must learn.

Fundraising has this deeper context than just collecting money. You bring money from the secular world and offer it to God.

Then that money is spent to save people in the fallen, sinful world, thus that money is actually going back to those who gave it creating a circle that will get bigger and bigger.

The money you earn during fundraising will return to the nation, the world and God.  Each time, the material will serve a greater purpose.  In witnessing, you are loving people instead of material.

Many of you will fear being persecuted or rejected when you fundraise, but the countryman who opposes you is still better for you than the foreigner who welcomes you.

Even if your own people were to oppose you, at least here you have complete freedom where other countries have many obstacles.

You are able to speak and talk to them in the same language.

You have the same customs and background, so you can be grateful to be working with your own countrymen.

In the witnessing process, you are becoming a seasoned expert in love difficulties.

Then, when you become a family man, you automatically know how to overcome family difficulties and you won't give up.

Compared to what you experienced, your family will look like heaven!

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Man Became Less Valuable Than Materials

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Two Worlds of Good and Evil

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