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Friday, September 6, 2013

Search for God in the Conscience

All five senses should function in the intoxication of love. 

This means that whatever, you taste see or smell should be done through the eyes of love.

No matter what adjectives you use to describe someone, as long as you speak from love there will be no disharmony between  you.  At any time of the day, you will welcome that kind of love.  

What quality would create such a permanent interest and intoxication?  Only true love.

This is not a daydream, but something real. I searched in all directions and in all philosophies, but I couldn't find the answer there, so I had to find it on my own. I knew very well what path I had started on, so it didn't matter how America or the government criticized me. I know myself better than our critics do, and I just go where I am destined to go. For that reason, I can be bold and strong. 

We speak about the ideal world or Heaven on Earth, but unless we have true love or live by our conscience, then we have no way to reach that true ideal.  If true love didn't exist, we would have to make something up to take its place.

The Principle explains about the duality of God, how the subject and object create a circuit, and how the energy that pours from that give and take can bring about the perfection of creation.

Everything in creation has dual aspects of a mind and body.  In order to be such person of conscience and true love, we must first unite our good mind and our fallen body.

There are only two directions to go: the heavenly way or the secular way.  This means that each person is between heaven and earth.

The mind is the center with the physical world on one side and the heavenly world on the other side.

The  mind is a buffer between the visible and invisible worlds.

The conscience and spirit are two different things, but sometimes the spirits looks like conscience and vice versa.

The foremost part of the conscience is spirit, but they are a continuation of each other.

When you follow your conscience deeper and deeper, you inevitably make a deeper spiritual connection.

When God visits, He will land in the foremost position of your conscience.

Therefore, the only place to search for God is deep in your conscience.

Today we see many psychics and people who possess spiritual power, but they lack knowledge of this simple basic truth.

In experiencing these phenomena, most people overlook the reasons behind them.  They do not understand why psychic phenomena even happens.  

When you go all the way in pursuit of the true standard of conscience, you will connect with spirit world.

God is always in the position of axis whenever you makes some turn in spirit world.

Love is the factor around which the whole thing will turn.  Not just the spiritual world, but the physical world is meant to turn centered on love.

The body should be centered on love and harmonized with all things of creation. 

Love is the central factor which can harmonize all of creation.

Thus, when man is able to become a beacon of love, he is the supreme creation of God.  Without that love, man is no different from an animal or plant that lives based only on instinct without a spirit.

The center of the two worlds is the same love and same God, making a gigantic turn together.

They are centered upon true love and you.

Man can ask for nothing more.  There is nothing greater or higher than this love.

At that point, man is totally fulfilled, then your conscience is totally filled and you feel complete satisfaction and happiness.

Then you move as an unique, everlasting and unchanging entity in the universe, on your eternal journey.  When you have this as a standard, you have an universal goal to reach and you will shout out 'Amen!'.

I am introducing you to the taste of true love, so even if the entire world comes against us, nothing can stop you once you taste that love. If people are even willing to die for their secular love affairs, how much more would people be willing to give everything for heavenly love? 

If someone pinches you, you say 'Ouch,' and you might get mad, but when you are pinched with heavenly love, it hooks you and you say "Ouch, love!"

When you are traveling with the love of God, you can be accepted anywhere, even in Hell.

We are front-line soldiers in the war to restore true love to the rest of the world.

There are all kinds of commotion when the world sees these flag bearers marching forward, and people accuse me of taking their children or their husbands or wives. People around the world have accused me of being a love thief. "Our standard" is true love and conscience. "My standard" is also true love and conscience. 

To make it the "world standard", we have to give to to the world by serving all mankind through fundraising, eating, marrying, witnessing, having children and all else for the sake of the world restoration back to the ideal of Heaven on Earth.

We quickly want to reach the nation and world level in order to achieve the standard of God.  

When we center upon this standard, everything is consummated by following the goal from the family level to the universal level.

This is the beauty of it.  It is truly a supreme ideology.  What other preacher teaches this level of love?

I am not just speaking about it, but living it, and you too can become deeper and deeper.  When your spiritual state nears mine, then I will appear in your dreams and give revelations. 

It is the law of love that when you pursue this goal of serving the world, God will definitely intervene in your life.  This is our permanent, supreme standard.

Have you lived that way?

This standard has been victorious in the past, it will conquer the present and it will be victorious in the future.  It will bring permanent, eternal happiness.  That is the goal.  Have you lived that way?

Totally empty yourself like a low pressure in a vacuum and be filled with this new command.  When you listen to the voice of your mind, then tears of joy and liberation will overflow.  Then, at that moment you will feel that universal love has touched you.

When you become loveable, the universal love will want to touch you the same way you like to touch flowers and butterflies.  Once you are united with that love, you can give it to all things.

When I teach you here at Belvedere, I am always thinking that I speak to you so that you can reach the same goal. My fervent desire in teaching you is for you to become intoxicated in that deep love also. When I am away you feel that Belvedere is empty, but when I walk in, the room feels full. Why is that? It is because I am a messenger of this love. 

Your privilege is to come and be ignited. It is completely possible.

You want to be the sons and daughters of the True Parents, become children of true filial piety, true patriots and then true saints.

I view the family as the formation stage, the nation as growth stage, and the world as perfection stage. In order to be accepted by the heavenly world, it is not good enough to be only a child of filial piety or a patriot. You must be a saint, a child of God. 

Religious leaders throughout the ages have taught various moral codes, but they have not dwelt on true love.

But Father teaches about sainthood based on love, and teaching a way to achieve it.  This is the first such group in the world.

We are therefore known as the love race.

In that race is all the five colors of skin assembled.  We live together and feel as close to other races as we do our own race.

Your brothers and sisters are like your clothes, when you are with black people, you can feel as if you are wearing a tux; when you are with white people, it is like wearing white clothes; when you are with yellow people it is as if you are wearing spring flowers.

If a white object is to stand out it needs to be placed against a dark background, so we can say that its brilliance and value comes from the background.  If whites don't like black people, then they shouldn't wear black clothes.

In our world of living for the sake of others, we transcend these race problems and we want to marry internationally and between the races to create a greater beauty.  

We want to live with that standard forever.  

Whoever wants to live to that higher standard that will lead toward a world of peace, raise your hand.

God Bless.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: You Need God to Create Unity

This post was rewritten and taken from the speech, Our Standard

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